59. Time flies with Karl... So does organs
Time flies with Karl... So does organs.
In which you see Dreams true colors...
For like, the third time in this story <3
-bnchtwt on twitter
You were getting sicker and sicker each time you jumped through time with Karl. The first time you had experienced it, you would've described it as a fun rollercoaster ride. Now you'd describe it as torture. You felt as if your insides were being tossed around in your stomach, not being able to revert back to their original spot for another hour. And it wasn't like they were just waiting patiently in their new places to go back, no, in that whole hour they were practically begging you to throw them up. It was like they were making their way into your throat, knocking inside the back of your mouth. It was tempting, but you didn't want to freak Karl out by suddenly vomiting up one of your kidneys. So you guessed they had to stay in your stomach. That probably was for the best anyway.
Your face was practically all green, making you look like the Walmart version of Shrek, when Karl had taken you to the next scene. You felt extremely light-headed but tried to keep your shit together. Karl didn't show you this for nothing, and as the boy kept reminding you, you didn't have much time left.
"The second of December?" You guessed, hands resting on your knees to keep your balance. You wiped some cold sweat off your forehead, and lightly Karl nodded, trying to help you as much as he could.
You were inside an unfamiliar, small room. There weren't much furniture except for tables and a couple of bookshelves, but that didn't matter either - what mattered was the people inside of it.
You were standing in the corner of the room, looking at the six males around a large table. Tubbo, Dream, Tommy, Quackity, Fundy, and Ranboo.
The scene started playing as soon as you felt a bit better, as if Karl had waited to press the play button. Tubbo went straight to the point, saying that Tommy's probation was providing good results and that the exile, that Dream had so heavily requested, wasn't necessary. After some negotiation, they all came to the conclusion that Tommy's probation would continue for three weeks - and if he did something questionable, Dream was allowed to double the size of the walls.
Everyone in the room was relieved - especially Tubbo, who now didn't have to take drastic measures. Even the tension between Tubbo and Dream began to lighten.
For a short moment, you were left confused. If the conflict was gonna be solved just like that, why would Karl bother showing it to you? He could've just told you in a matter of seconds, saving you a whole lot of time. When you had first seen Karl in the black void, he had said that your friends needed you now more than ever - but if it wasn't about this conflict, then what was it about?
Tommy quickly answered you, by suddenly slamming his hands on the table. Everyone flinched.
Despite all of the things all of his friends had done, in order for him to stay in L'manburg, Tommy wasn't satisfied. He wasn't satisfied one bit that Dream was getting away with all of this, when he was so clearly being the one who was unfair. He deserved to get put in his place once and for all - and Tommy believed that he was the man for the job.
"Dream!" He exclaimed rather than a question. A crooked finger was pointing at Dream's smiley face. "How many of my discs do you have?"
Even though the question was completely unexpected for everyone in the room, it shocked you the most. The discs. You had completely forgotten about the discs.
Dream smiled a little. Leaned back in his chair. "I have zero. As you know, it's Skeppy and Tubbo who have your discs."
A wide grin appeared on Tommy's face as he jumped onto the table, looking down at Dream. Tubbo and the rest were looking at him with wide eyes, not wanting him to ruin the peace offer they had just worked so hard on making.
"Exactly. Now tell me Dream, are you familiar with your old pet horse?" Tommy sang. You rose a brow.
Tubbo cleared his throat, standing up as well. "Tommy, don't make matters worse," he warned, but his friend didn't listen.
Tommy walked over an enderchest and took out a piece of leather. He held it victoriously in his hands and swayed it mockingly from side to side. "This. This is the remainings of your old horse, Spirit. I've had it in my possession for so long, waiting to use for the right moment, and this is it! Do you know why?" Tommy didn't wait for an answer. "Because you don't have anything on me anymore, Dream. You don't have the discs, you're not in charge of L'manburg. But I have something on you. You don't have any power left. You're just a stupid green bitch in netherite armor."
No one was able to read Dream's facial expression, but you sure as hell was able to read Tubbo's. Unlike Quackity, Fundy, and Ranboo, the boy was absolutely fuming. He grabbed Tommy's wrist, forcing the boy off the table and down to his level. "Tommy, stop it right now! You're speaking out of proportion! You're being selfish!"
Tommy nearly laughed. "I'm being selfish!? Tubbo, have you forgotten everything Dream has done to us!? He wanted to exile me because, what, I stole from his boyfriend? We finally have the chance to get back at him! Why are you trying to stop me? We're partners in crime!"
And so a staring contest began between the two boys. No one dared to budge or blink. Heated tension was building up in the air along with dead silence. You were thankful when Quackity decided to break it. "Maybe he's right, Tubbo. Dream doesn't have anything on us anymore. We should use this for our advantage."
Just like that, Fundy and Quackity joined in on the fun as well. Ranboo was neutral, not wanting to pick sides. They were continuing to mock Dream despite Tubbo's warnings, and when Dream asked Tommy what he wanted him to do, Tommy ordered him to take down the obsidian walls.
As they made their way back to L'manburg, that was exactly what Dream began doing. But there was something fishy about it. You knew Dream well enough to know that he had a plan with this. He had never told you about a horse called Spirit, and that meant the leather of his old horse couldn't be that important to him. Even though you had just discovered that Dream wasn't at all who you thought he was, you were pretty sure you at least knew him well enough to know that. Dream was acting.
You and Karl stood down beside Quackity and Fundy, and looked up at Dream who slowly destroyed the wall. You would often catch yourself try to get Quackity's attention, in hope of him suddenly being able to see you, but nothing ever happened.
You were listening to Tommy shouting at Dream to work faster, when said man did exactly the opposite. He completely stopped. This caused Tommy to shout even more, saying that he will burn Spirit and grief George's house again if Dream didn't continue, and then, within the blink of an eye, Dream pearled down from the wall, standing dangerously close to Tommy. He held the six-teen-year-old by the collar, looking as if he was just about to punch him. The sudden mood change of Dream made everyone frown.
"Dream!" You gasped, wanting to jump in between the two, but Karl stopped you. When you looked at him, he just slowly shook his head, implying for you to listen. With a body aching to protect Tommy, you forced yourself to do so.
"Listen Tommy, you fucked up this time." Dream snapped. His angry voice always made you flinch. "I don't give a fuck about Spirit. I care about your discs. I care more about your discs than you do! That's the only thing I care about in this world, actually!"
Your chest tightened, as your eyes began to sting. Dream sounded as genuine as ever, and that's probably why his words hurt so much. "The only thing he cares about, huh?"
"I'm sorry, (Y/n)." Karl hummed, squeezing your shoulder. You just shook your head and kept watching the one you loved go off on a child.
"I care about the discs because that's the only thing that gives me power over you, your friends, and everybody that you care about! You care about the discs more than anyone else here, so if you are not only exiled from L'manburg, I will build these walls till they've reached the sky. I will keep everyone else inside, I will hire guards, Punz and Sapnap to patrol all around the entire walls, keeping you inside. No one trades, no one leaves or they get slaughtered. Don't try and threaten me!"
Tommy was left speechless in Dream's grasps. He tried holding up his lighter, mumbling something about if Dream didn't let go, he would burn Spirit it here and now, but Dream just leaned in closer.
"I don't care, Tommy! Burn it, and see if I flinch! I've lost all care for everything in this world, and I won't rest until you've got what you deserve. I will get the discs, I will lock them up for the rest of your life. You've lost them before, Tommy. You've lost Wilbur, you've lost (Y/n) - soon, you won't have anything left. Unless Tubbo does as I've requested."
Everyone was scared out of their mind. Everyone except Ranboo, who was asking Quackity who the hell (Y/n) was. You watched in sorrow as Quackity shut his eyes closed and just painfully shook his head.
"You have three days, Tubbo." Dream simply said. And as if that had been the key sentence, the scene began to break into a million pieces, bringing you right back to the darkness. You thought Karl was done, but then you suddenly found yourself on top of the obsidian walls. You saw Tubbo again, who stood right in front of Dream, looking up at him with an intense stare. Dream's mask stared right back. You and Karl were standing right next to Tommy, Fundy, and Quackity who were standing a few feet away, looking at the two men.
"So what's it's gonna be, Tubbo?" Dream asked, a little too confident. Karl explained that this was three days later. That Tommy had tried to convince Tubbo to go against Dream - to team up with Technoblade again, and end the green bastard once and for all. And Karl told you that Tubbo had actually agreed to this. But as you now watched the president's expression, you feared that Tommy might not have done his job well enough.
You felt bad for Tubbo. The amount of pressure he had on his shoulders was unbearable for such a young boy like him. The decision he was about to take, was going to make history no matter what. As president, it was his duty to do what was best for the country. But as Tommy's best friend, what Dream was asking of him, was simply impossible. You were surprised at how everyone even had let him become president in the first place. Not that Tubbo didn't qualify for the job, but because a kid never should have to bear such a title. It was wrong on so many levels. And once again, you were so angry with yourself for not being there to tell everyone that.
Honestly, you didn't even know what you wanted Tubbo to chose. You knew, that you didn't want Tommy to be exiled. Tommy was a kid, just like Tubbo, and he didn't deserve to be taken away from his home and stripped from all of his friends. For even Dream to suggest that, made your blood boil with anger. But then, the only option was left, was for Dream to get 'taken down' as they said. And even though he fully deserved it, you didn't want that either. Especially because they would use Technoblade to do it. Techno didn't deserve to be used like that ever again, just for the sake of violent purposes.
"You know, Tommy," Tubbo started speaking, turning to his friend. Tommy was looking just as confident as Dream, but that expression quickly faltered when he heard what Tubbo was about to say. "You had one job, you couldn't do one thing for me! You couldn't do one! Not one thing, and it was for your own good!"
Tommy's pupils began dancing around nervously. He grabbed Fundy's elbow, who looked just as surprised as Quackity next to him. The four of them had just agreed that they would go against Dream. But this certainly didn't go as planned.
"If the roles were reversed, as you suggested earlier... Yeah, you probably wouldn't exile me - because I would've actually listened!" Tubbo pointed at himself, to his very heart that was currently breaking. He had tears in his eyes, but his stare was cold and firm. You knew he had changed his mind, withdrawn from the deal he had made with Tommy, Quackity and Fundy, and your heart dropped.
"Karl, please don't tell me he's actually gonna-" you cut yourself off by narrowing your eyes, leaning forward to get a closer look at Tubbo's forehead.
There were two large bumps - bumps you had noticed when you had first seen him in Karl's memories but hadn't given much thought. You had guessed that it was caused by the battle of Manburg, but now two small horns were beginning to sprout out of them. It happened very slowly, and they weren't very big. But it was enough for you to finally notice, and for everyone else to do so too. But no one dared to interrupt Tubbo, to let the boy know himself.
"I would've listened to you and done what you said! And maybe have a couple ounces of respect while I was at it!"
Tommy's eyes were wide. He took a step forward, gulping. "Tubbo-"
Said boy aggressively shook his head and held his hand up. "You've messed this up for no one but yourself. I tried to warn you! I fought so hard for you, I told you it was a bad idea - and yet here we are!" He threw his arms up in the, revealing his bloody palms from clenching his fists too hard.
Your hands found their way to your stomach again. You felt sick, and this time it wasn't because of time-traveling. This whole thing made your everything hurt. You felt so bad - for Tommy and for Tubbo. If you had only known your two boys had needed you this much, then you would've... Maybe you would've-
"-And therefore, Tommy, I am so, so sorry." Tubbo interrupted you with his final words. He sighed and turned to Dream, his blood running cold while he was at it. He straightened his back and cleared his throat. "Dream, I've come to the conclusion that it would be best for this nation... To have Tommy exiled from L'manburg."
You let out a cry as Karl just looked down. Quackity and Fundy both gasped, and Tommy's face went numb. He couldn't believe it. No one could.
No one, except Dream.
At first, Tommy thought he had misheard him. Surely his best friend hadn't just sided with their common enemy and thrown him out of his home. He rubbed his ears, looked at his friends, looked at Dream, and then back at Tubbo. Tubbo had always been afraid of conflict, but at this moment, the boy looked Tommy dead in the eye. And that's how Tommy knew he meant it.
And so, Tommy tried everything he could to convince him otherwise. "No, nonono, Tubbo you can't do this. This started way before L'manburg, me and you versus Dream, we can't - we can't split now. Tubbo, I won't let you turn into the one thing you hate the most, I'm not letting you turn into Schlatt." Tommy eyed the baby horns on Tubbo's forehead. Quackity and Fundy were quick to back him up.
"Tubbo, we just had this conversation! What are you doing!? We had an agreement!"
Tubbo quickly decided to answer them rather than Tommy. "Siding with Techno is an awful idea! Nothing involving any kind of conflict is the best for this nation! You've undermined my authority from the get-go! None of you, no one here, has respected me! You all jump on these merry little bandwagons of destruction - it's not okay! When I was sworn, I made a promise to do what was best for this nation, and right now Tommy," Tubbo's chin was trembling and he wiped his nose. "You're presence is not the best for this nation."
Tommy was standing right in front of Tubbo now, looking down at his friend. His eyes were hurt, red, and puffy, and you could tell he fought so hard to hold back tears. "...But before all of this-... The discs, Tubbo. What about the discs?"
And just as he said that, something in Tubbo changed. All of his sadness disappeared as snow to the sun, and his sad expression got replaced by an angry one. "They are just music discs. They shouldn't be able to dictate the future of an entire nation," he spoke slowly through gritted teeth.
Tommy kept going, not seeing his point. "No, don't you see! The discs are-"
"THE DISCS DON'T MATTER, TOMMY!" Tubbo yelled with such force that it nearly made you fall down the wall. In fact, if you hadn't grabbed Karl's sleeve, your see-through self would be as flat as a pancake by now. "They never have!"
Tommy was blown away. He took a step backward and looked at the brunette in disbelief. Tommy always had something to say, a sassy comeback up his sleeve - but right now, he was speechless. "B-but... Tubbo-"
It was a rarity that Tubbo and Tommy fought. They'd often have friendly fights, ones that didn't really mean anything, but not arguments as serious as this one. They've always been inseparable, the yin to the other's yan. To see them like this, to see Dream manipulate Tubbo into doing this to the person who meant the most to him, just showed how powerful Dream was.
And that was probably the turning point for you. Your fists slowly began to clench, your heart slowly beginning to speed up. You were finally beginning to see things clearer - clearer than they had ever been before.
You had said this before, but this was the first time after regaining your memories.
Dream was an absolute asshole.
Tubbo continuously ignored Tommy. He now looked back at Dream, tears drying out in his eyes due to the cold win. There weren't produced any new ones, cause the president's mind was made. "Dream, please escort Tommy out of my country."
And with a smile beneath his mask, Dream gladly obliged.
Bonus art for this chapter, cause this community is just too awesome and creative for its own good:
-Vantaasy on twitter
-Widrawls on twitter
-CR4Sh_K1D on twitter
-Ayydieu on twitter
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