55. Let me have my moment!
Let me have my moment!
In which you take 'trust-fall'
to the next level.
You were quick to react. As Dream fell to his death, screaming your name in confusion, you took a fire-resistance arrow from your quiver and placed it on your bow. You aimed it at his ankle, and took a second to predict his falling body's pattern. Then you let go, and Dream let out another scream before hitting the lava, to let you know that you had hit him. Thank goodness.
You took another fire resistance arrow and stabbed it right into the back of your hand, already feeling the effects kicking in. You were just about to follow Dream when you felt several pairs of hands grabbing your arms, shoulders, and legs. The piglins had been faster than you had given them credit for. You cursed loudly, using all of your energy to get yourself free from their grasp. You tried throwing yourself forward. You managed to wriggle your shoulders and arms free, but not your legs. That wasn't very lucky, considering how you were now falling forward, not being able to regain balance. You fell head-first over the edge.
The piglins had to let go in order not to fall down with you, but it was already too late. You fell, and you saw the lava rush closer to you, soon consuming you completely with a loud splash.
The lava was very thick, and even though the warmth didn't kill you (in fact it almost felt cold), the landing still hurt like hell. It was as landing on cement, and you heard your spine scream for help. Your skull magically didn't break, but it sure felt like it. You didn't have the capacity to move.
You forced your eyes open either way, but all you saw was orange. A cold, orange liquid that was way harder to move in, than water. It felt like minutes before your body allowed you to move again. You tried to swim up, but the lava grabbed you like a fist and pulled you down. The pain in your head was overwhelming, and you knew it was no use to struggle.
Somewhere, very far away, you heard Dream call out your name repeatedly. You wanted to get to him, but it was so hard to move. You felt paralyzed.
You squeezed your mouth shut and tried not to panic, but it was almost impossible not to. You could see nothing but orange on all sides. The only thing you could hear was yourself gesticulating with arms and legs, and Dream's distant voice.
For a moment, that was all your ears picked up. But then you registered another voice, as you body continuously sank down.
"(Y/n), can you hear me? Are you there?"
It wasn't like Dream's voice that was calling you from above the surface. This voice was calling you from inside your own head. But how was that even possible? Were you dying? Was the fire resistance already wearing off? Now that you thought about it, the lava was getting a bit warmer.
You recognized the voice from somewhere. You had heard it before, but you didn't know where. You tried to answer it, answer Dream, but the lava was in your mouth, your ears, your eyes, your nose. It was making your body heavier, and it was draining all of the energy out of your body. You didn't know what to do - your mind was razing like crazy, but your body refused to react upon it. It had already given up.
just as you thought it was over, you felt a hand grab you and pull you up - or was it down? Sideways? You had completely lost track.
Then finally, you broke through the surface, held up by a strong pair of arms. Dream threw your limp body over his shoulders and tried his best to swim to land.
You let your body relax, knowing that Dream had you. Despite the situation, you almost wanted to close your eyes and fall asleep. His embrace felt that safe.
Dream could finally felt ground below him, and he lunged for the shore while still having you placed safely on his shoulders. He was very out of breath, but he needed to get you to safety.
He carried you onto red land and placed you carefully on the ground, before collapsing next to you. He gasped for air, watched as all the lava peeled off his clothes. It was still dry, thanks to the fire-resistance.
Both of you began coughing aggressively, bodies shaking. Dream pulled the arrow out from his ankle, and threw it far away.
"I'm never," he began, but had to stop to catch his breath. "-trusting you again"
Black dots were dancing for your eyes. You couldn't believe you were alive. You hadn't broken anything, had you? You sure didn't hope so.
You let out a chuckle, but even that small gesture hurt. "I saved you, didn't I?" You managed a smile, as you concentrated every muscle in your body to sit up. Your back hurt like hell, and you felt your ribs ache in pain with every inhale, but despite that, you were completely fine. Just a little shocked. And traumatized. You were never going to the nether again. You preferred a 16-hour walk.
"You shot me with an arrow." Dream objected, putting much weight on the word 'shot'. You snorted. It wasn't as if you hadn't shot him before.
"A fire resistance arrow."
"You pushed me off a cliff."
"It's better than getting stabbed in the chest repeatedly by a bunch of pigs, don't you think?" You threw your head back in exhaustion and closed your eyes. "You're welcome."
Dream laughed wholeheartedly, convincing himself that you were absolutely crazy. "If anything, I was the one who saved you. Without me, you'd still be chilling in the lava."
"You were only able to save me because I saved you first."
"But you could have just chosen to pearl away."
"Let me have my moment, Dream." You raised a flat hand, rolling your eyes.
Dream stood up and reached a hand out for you to take. You were hesitant. Your back still hurt like hell, and you weren't in the mood for walking. Besides, Dream needed to make it up to you, for saving his life. You reached both of your arms up into the air.
"Actually, I've changed my mind. You can carry me now."
An hour later, the two of you appeared in your bedroom, having just gone through the nether portal. The first thing you did was getting some food. Dream cut a loaf of bread in half for the two of you to share. You didn't bother putting some butter or jam on it, your stomachs were just craving to get something. And when you were full, the tiredness started to kick in. You fell asleep in each other's arms not so long after.
Then everything went back to how it used to be. The two of you didn't go back into the nether for quite some time afterward, due to your near-death experience. Dream continued going on his little trips, but at least this time he didn't try and hide it. He would tell you whenever he left, and he wasn't away for as long as he used to. He'd be away for four hours max, now.
Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks with things going by like this. The same old routine every single day. It was always interesting to see what mood Dream was in when he returned. Most of the time he would be exhausted and would fall asleep in your lap already a couple of minutes later. Sometimes, he would be angry and start rambling to you about how much he hated kids. You never really understood this, but just shrugged it off.
There would also be days where he was straight-up happy. Or, more accurately, satisfied. And then there would be days where he returned stone-cold. Like the time when he came back with at least fifteen letters under his arm, only to throw them all into the fire-place. You had asked what the hell that was about as you watched them burn into ash, but he would tell you not to worry about it, just like he always did when you asked him things about his trips. You couldn't help but lean in and try to see what was written on the envelopes anyway.
"Beach party invitation," all of them said with thick, clumsy-written letters. You didn't get to see what was written inside before all of them were consumed by the fire. When all of them were gone, Dream exhaled deeply and warmed up to you again.
As said before, things had changed between the two of you. Whenever he left to do god-knows-what, he'd always give you a quick peck on the lips. You had fallen for him, and you had fallen hard. That's probably why you were okay with him being gone so much, and him still refusing to let you out of the metal door. He still said you were 'recovering', but that excuse was getting a bit old now.
And you were getting bored. The occasional trips to the nether and the long talks with Dream weren't enough for you anymore. You had read every book there was to read on his bookshelf, painted every picture your creative mind desired, and you were tired of making and trying out new dishes in the kitchen. In general, you were just sick of trying to entertain yourself while Dream was away.
You wanted to do something. You wanted to break the metal door down, you wanted to go outside. You wanted to travel around the world with Dream, not being trapped inside a goddamn house.
You had tried to unlock the locks on the metal door several times. You had tried every four-digit-code-combo you could possibly think of for the first one, you had tried using several small objects as a key for the second one, and you had used all of your strength to try and open the third one, but it wouldn't even budge. Nothing worked.
You didn't think Dream would mind you breaking out. He was keeping you down here for your welfare, so if you could just show him that you were completely fine, then he wouldn't mind. Besides, it wasn't like you couldn't leave this place at all. If you really wanted to, you could go through the nether. But you hated the nether. And Dream knew that.
Therefor, you gave up and decided you would just have a chat with Dream when he came home from his trip today. Tell him, that you had grown sick and tired of doing absolutely nothing one month in a row.
So now you just had to wait. He had been away for three hours now, so there was a high possibility that he would return within the next hour.
But you didn't like waiting. You were impatient.
And so, you decided to waste your time by looking through the house for any possible secrets. If Dream had managed to hide a whole-ass nether portal from you, who knew what else he could be hiding?
You knew you shouldn't. You knew it was wrong to go through Dream's stuff and search through the house when he wasn't there - and without his consent. You knew it was wrong. But knowing that, didn't stop you. Why should it?
Dream had said he had several houses. It would be stupid of him to hide something from you in the very house he chose to put you in. It couldn't hurt, could it?
No, you decided with yourself with a determined nod. No, it couldn't.
You started with the large painting at the end of the hallway. It would be cliché to have a secret door behind it. You took it off the wall and found absolutely nothing. Of course, Dream wouldn't be that stupid.
Next, you looked under the carpets for a secret trapdoor. But your curious gaze was met by nothing but the cold floor.
You then tried pulling out every book from the bookshelf, even though you had read every single one of them. Who knows, maybe it could trigger an entrance to a secret hallway the second time you tried.
Sadly, it didn't.
You sighed in frustration. There must be something. You remembered the time you had fallen asleep right by the metal door, wrapped in blankets, waiting for Dream to come back from his trip. You had woken up, only to find him in the living room. And that meant, he had come from somewhere else, cause he wouldn't have been able to sneak past you without waking you up. That was what he claimed every time you asked him about it, but there was simply no way he could've done that. His return would definitely have woken you up.
And thinking back, you didn't remember him leaving out of the metal door that morning. And that meant, there was a chance, that Dream didn't even go outside that day. There was a chance he could've been inside the house the entire time - in a secret room.
"Come on, (Y/n)." You whispered to yourself, still looking around. You were currently searching the bathroom. "Where would you hide if you were a secret room?"
"The bedroom!" Someone answered, but it sure wasn't you.
Your eyes widened as you froze. There was that voice again. You hadn't heard from it for quite a while, but now it was back again.
"Hello?" You tried, but the house was deadly quiet as always. The voice was gone just as quickly as it had appeared.
You were going insane. The voice was coming from inside your head. Maybe it had developed upon being inside for so long. The consequences of not going outside were finally starting to kick in. The true curse of not touching some grass.
And apparently, the voice wasn't very talkative, cause it would shut the hell up whenever you tried to ask it something.
But even though you didn't trust the voice, you decided to check the bedroom anyway, even though you seriously doubted you'd find anything. After all, there almost wasn't anything inside the room. You knew there was a nether portal behind the closet, and you knew there wasn't anything under the bed. (You had found that out the hard way, when you had woken up on the floor one time. Apparently, Dream kicks in his sleep.)
And those were the only two pieces of furniture inside the bedroom, there was so way Dream could hide something in here. Not unless there was something hidden behind that one, small painting, or the candles on the walls, that seemed to never die out.
Then it hit you.
The candles.
You took a hold of the twisted piece of metal that was wrapped around the candle and started to pull, twist, and turn it. And just as you thought it was hopeless, the wall made a clicking sound like something had fallen into place.
And just like that, the wall started to separate, to open up and reveal a long hallway behind it.
"There's no freaking way." You muttered, not wasting another second to enter the unknown ground. It had been here all this time, and you hadn't known anything about it. What the fuck, Dream?
It was very similar to the other hallway in the house - but instead of a metal door at the end of it, this hallway had a wooden one. It didn't seem to have any locks, from what you could see from here. Great.
The hallway was just as gloomy as the rest of the house. Maybe even more so. The air felt thicker and way harder to inhale. Your eyes had to adjust to the darkness because as further you walked down the unbelievably long hallway, the darker it got. It seemed to drain all your happiness along with it. There was something odd about this place. And you knew that door wasn't meant to be opened by any other person than Dream.
You hesitated a bit. This was private. There was literally a sign on the door, saying "DO NOT ENTER!"
But Dream had said this was your house as well. You had a right to see what it was, right? Besides, just as you had said earlier, it would be stupid of Dream to have something in this house he didn't want you to find. You lived here.
So maybe... He wanted you to find it?
He probably didn't, but that was what you had to convince yourself in order not to feel guilty.
You let out a shaky breath as you placed your hand on the cold doorknob. It turned your hand just as cold, as if whatever was inside that room, sucked all of the warmth out of your body. All the warmth out of the whole world.
You opened the door with a body shaking just as much as the hinges. You entered the room.
And you completely froze at the sight.
Hello reader, you are so incredibly sexy and hot. how has your day been?
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