53. First kiss - well, according to (Y/n)
First kiss - well, according to (Y/n)
In which you finally touch some grass
-qarameiio on twitter
You had changed your mind.
The trip through the nether was an absolute nightmare, and you wanted nothing more than to get back in the house that you had been so desperate to escape from.
You've always hated the nether. You hated the warmth and the constant danger the fiery dimension constantly exposed you to. Not to mention, it was way too bright for your liking. Even though the nether didn't have any daylight, the natural sources such as fire, lava, and glowstone, was enough to make your eyes hurt. It sure took them some time to adjust to it.
The whole way, you just followed Dream. You convinced him to avoid as many mobs and Basalt-Delta-Biomes as possible.
It went pretty well on the mobs-part, until you and Dream had to enter a nether fortress since Dream claimed it was a shortcut. And the number of wither skeletons inside of that fortress was too high to count. There seemed to be one every time you turned around a corner. Dream would always take them out with one blow of his axe, not letting them come near you, but those dark skeletons made you uneasy either way. You missed the ones that would simply fire an innocent arrow at you, not try and chop your head off with a sword.
When you had gotten safely through the nether fortress, you made your way into a warped forest. That went pretty well until a Hoglin decided that you smelled a little too good to not have you for lunch. It chased you all the way through the forest along with its family members that were just as hungry.
It was a relief when you and Dream escaped the forest in one piece. You had gotten to a place where there was no more land to walk on anymore. Only a huge sea of lava far beneath you, that seemed to be horizontally infinite.
There was a bridge not so far away, leading to what had to be the other side, even though it was too far away to see.
You usually didn't have anything against bridges, but it was another story when you were walking across literal lava. Areas distant for you were already shrouded in red fog, and now everything your vision allowed you to see, was the bridge and the lava beneath it. There weren't any railings - one unfortunate step, and you'd fall to your death. Even from up here, the heat of the lava was making the air almost unbreathable and made sweat run down your face and back, razing against your pandering heartbeat.
The bridge was barely wide enough for you and Dream to walk next to each other, but you managed anyway. Dream insisted on holding your hand, so he could hold onto you if you were to fall. It was also because he wasn't very fond of heights, but he didn't tell you that.
The bridge itself was long enough to take half an hour. About half-way, you suddenly heard whining from above.
"Oh no." You groaned, looking at the floating, white figure in the distance. "A ghast."
Dream's eyes lit up as he grabbed a hold of his axe. "Look (Y/n)! If you hit the fire-ball, it's about to send, at a certain angle, you can return it right back to-"
The ghast itself interrupted him by letting out a howl. An arrow was planted deeply in its forehead and the ghast was now falling, sinking down into the lava. You lowered your bow, suppressing a grin. "I'm sorry, what were you saying? My awesomeness seemed to drown you out for a second."
And just like that, a competition began. A competition to kill the most ghasts before you reached the end of the bridge. Dream has always been way more competitive than you, whether that was a good or bad thing, but that didn't mean you were going to let him win
In the end, when the bridge finally ended in a Soul Sand Alley, you had indeed won. And Dream wasn't too happy with that.
"That's not fair! You shot all of them before It even got the chance to shoot at us! I couldn't return any of its fireballs!"
You rolled your eyes. "You're just mad you didn't take your bow with you. Then again, even if you had, I still would've beaten your ass."
Dream hit your shoulder playfully as you entered the new biome. He had to walk in front of you because of the narrow path you followed. It was made out of netherrack and prevented you from stepping out into the soul sand, which worked almost like quicksand. One foot in it, and you were practically stuck.
"But seriously though, how did you manage to hit the ghasts, right between their eyes, every single time? It's not like they stood still."
"I don't know, it's almost like I'm good at what I do."
You smiled as he groaned. Then stood and watched surprised when the path suddenly split in two and he took a turn to the left. You followed him into a fairly hidden cave, with a nether portal located in it.
"Is this it?" You asked excitedly, walking around the portal. You stuck your hand through the purple, glittery surface.
"Yep." He reached his hand out for you to take. "Shall we?"
You cringed but took his hand anyway. You'd follow this man anywhere.
It was beyond relieving when you finally switched dimensions again. You had craved sunlight for so long.
But just as you were about to step out in the lovely, the perfect, the flawless overworld, Dream covered your eyes with his hands. He said he wanted to lead you to the surprise himself. It was only a two-minute walk, so you didn't mind.
Let alone the fresh air entering your body and brushing against your skin, felt like heaven. You had missed the chilly wind and warm sun, and you inhaled everything in. Even the sounds, you had missed. The birds chirping, the breeze in the treetops - well, you guessed it was treetops. You couldn't see a thing.
You felt yourself get lost in the warmth of Dreams hands and the beautiful sounds of nature, as Dream led you away from the gravel path and onto what you guessed was grass. He was right behind you, and even though you couldn't see a thing, you felt safer than ever.
Finally, the two of you stopped walking. You had reached the destination, and you were so excited to see where he had taken you.
"This is it." Dream hummed from behind you. He let his hands for your eyes fall, and a breathtaking scenery was revealed in front of you.
You found yourself on a beautiful sunflower field, surrounded by a pine forest. The sun was slowly setting in the horizon, and the usually dark-green pine needles were now glowing a beautiful amber - as to not speak for the sunflowers. The sunlight made their yellow petals appear golden. The wind was blowing softly, making the flowers bow and sway as if dancing.
Orange and pink were painted across the sky, like a masterpiece just waiting to be viewed. The sun was continuously sinking down behind the trees, making stars, planets, and sparking galaxies appear in the sky. It was a full moon, and you heard a wolf howl from somewhere in the distance.
A feeling of familiarity overwhelmed you when looking around. And that was when it hit you. You had been here before. This sunflower field was the same one portrayed in the painting that hung on the wall in Dream's living room. This was the place you and him would always go on nights like these when you were kids.
"Dream, this is..." you began, but had to stop mid-sentence. You were absolutely speechless. How had he found it? It was such a long time ago since you had last been here, and both of you had traveled so far since then.
"I know, I know, it's not that special. But I thought it would bring back a lot of good memories." Dream looked around the place with a warm smile on his face.
And it sure did bring back memories. Memories of endless nights, talks, and games flooded your mind. It was all coming back to you, and it only made your feelings for him that much stronger.
"How did you even find it again?" You asked breathlessly, walking onto the flower field. Some of the sunflowers were so tall that they reached your shoulders. You walked in between them, fingers stroking the petals.
Dream followed you. He kneeled down and plucked a tiny sunflower from the ground. "Well, I never stopped coming here, so I never forgot the location."
"You never stopped coming back here?"
Dream's cheeks were dusted with pink. He was glad he wore his mask. "No, I, uh... I would always come back when I... You know, missed you and stuff. I even showed the place to Gogy and Sippycup when I first met them."
You stood with your back faced to him, wondering who the hell would name their children Gogy and Sippycup. Therefore, you were shocked when something got tucked into your hair right behind your right ear. You reached a hand up to it to find a sunflower.
You turned around, grinning playfully. "You missed me?"
It wasn't even a question. "Of course. Every single day."
The sun was almost fully gone now. The moon was still making its entrance. "Why didn't you come back to me, then?"
The question hit Dream like a punch in the stomach, but he quickly recovered from it. "It's my biggest regret." he simply said, and the words melted you like butter.
He meant it. He did. Yet there was a voice in the back of his head, convincing him that 'no it wasn't'.
"I forgive you." You then said, eyes looking right where his eyes were supposed to be on the mask. You hoped he could see the honesty in them. "For everything."
Dream's heart stopped. You forgave him. For everything. And even though you didn't exactly remember 'everything', it still made a ton of weight lift from his shoulder. He felt like he could finally breathe properly again.
Just like that, something in the air changed between the two of you. It was far less tensional, and way more magical. Your hands found each other and your palms met in an outstretched hand.
You stepped closer to him, reaching your other hand to his mask. You slowly lifted it up, making it rest on the top of his head. He let you.
His beautiful eyes were revealed to you, and you felt yourself get lost in them. He was beautiful. His imperfections, his scars, everything. Beautiful.
"Why do you wear that mask?" You heard yourself ask. It was a question you had wondered for a long time, yet never had the courage to ask. It might be personal. Who knows, maybe under all of Dream's thick layers of pride and confidence, he was actually really insecure.
"I don't know."
He did know.
"Identity crisis?" he tried.
But he couldn't tell you.
You laughed. Your hands intertwined. "Well, you don't have to wear it. You're the most handsome guy I've ever seen."
Dream stepped even closer, his heart beating rapidly in his chest. Your faces were inches apart. "You too, (Y/n)."
"Aww. I'm the most handsome guy you've ever met?"
He rolled his head back, letting out a small groan. When he looked at you again, his look was genuine. "I meant, you're beautiful. Breathtaking, in fact. Perfect."
Now it was your cheek's turn to heat up. You wanted to look away, but Dream's intense stare had your eyes locked to his. His free hand tugged a lock of hair behind your ear. He traced your jawline and lifted your chin up slightly.
And then he said something you've only heard him say in you're wildest dreams. "I love you, (Y/n). I always have."
Your heart did a backflip. Your right hand pulled away from his, and you wrapped your arms around his neck. You just stared at him for a moment, letting the words sink in. He loved you. Dream loved you.
"I love you too, Dream." Your voice was a whisper, but he heard the words so clearly.
Dream leaned in, his lips millimeters away from yours. The moonlight was shining brightly upon the two of you, making the world around you a faint shade of blue. He wanted you to make the final move.
And with no hesitation, you did. You reached up and pulled him down to you, hungrily closing the distance between your lips. When your lips met, everything went oddly quiet, like the moments of silence between lightning and thunder. It was like nature held its breath along with you, leaving room for Dream, and Dream only. It was only him that mattered now. It always had.
He kissed you carefully, gently, brows furrowed in delight and concentration. The touch sent waves of electricity through each of your bodies, warmth spreading like wildfire. You suddenly understood why people described kissing as melting, because every square of your body dissolved into exactly that. He sent wild tremors along your nerves, evoking sensations you had never known you were capable of feeling. Your knees went weak, and Dream grabbed a hold of your waist to support you.
Foreheads pressed against one another, you broke apart. Your eyes met his once again, and you knew you couldn't resist. You ran a hand through his hair before diving right in again. Your eyelids shut as quickly as they had opened and you kissed each other more passionately this time. Dream's hands were everywhere up your back and over your arms, and yours were all over his hair and neck. You pulled each other as close as you could possibly get, not wanting to ever let go. This was the moment you've both unknowingly craved for, for so long, and you didn't want it to end.
You felt as safe as you ever had been. You didn't know it was possible to love a person this much.
As for Dream, he wanted to hold you in his arms like this forever. He wanted to kiss you like this for eternity, and let go of everything else. Manburg, power, money. Nothing else mattered but you.
But he knew he couldn't. Not with the mistake he had made. It was just like Sapnap had said: He had lost control. He had lost it a long time ago. He was only himself when he was with you, but even then, he could still feel it in the back of his mind.
Dream's eyes suddenly widened in his clearest moment. As if he had looked at himself for the very first time, and was only able to do so because the kiss cleared up his mind. The threats, the lies, the potion.
Oh god, what had he let himself do to you?
He suddenly pulled away from you, but just as he did so, his thoughts, his realizations disappeared as snow to the sun. He forgot everything, just like he had made you forget, and returned back to his normal self.
"Everything alright?" You asked, voice as sweet as sugar. Dream had always loved it.
He reached a hand up to the flower in your hair, that had fallen a bit out of place. Then he gave you a quick peck and smiled lovingly at you.
"Never been better."
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