48. I'm dead. I'm alive, but I'm dead

Some of y'all really thought the last chapter was the end. Lol, not even close baby, this story never dieess

I'm dead. I'm alive, but I'm dead
In which all of your friends are led 
to believe that you died a virgin

-bunnkity on twitter

-10 minutes earlier-

   Technoblade was backed up against a wall, with the whole population of the new Manburg in front of him. Even the ones who hadn't even participated in the battle, but had just gotten out of their hiding spots to celebrate the new president.

   They all had their weapons drawn and pointed at him. They knew Technoblade was about to pull something off.

   And well, they weren't wrong.

   "I didn't spend weeks - planning this revolution, giving you guys gear - just for you to replace one tyrant with another!" Technoblade yelled angrily, pointing at Tubbo. The boy himself was too scared to move, so Tommy stepped in front of him in a protective manner, narrowing his eyes at Techno. He wasn't going to have his best friend die at the hands of the Blade once again.

   "Don't you see what's happening here!? Don't you see history repeated itself? Do you think Schlatt was the cause of your problems, no! It was government! Power corrupts!" Technoblade tried to share his point of view with everyone. He tried his absolute best to make them see the madness in this, but they just wouldn't listen. They kept trying to talk some sense into him without realizing that they were in the wrong. And it only deteriorated the situation significantly.

   In the end, Technoblade had enough. He's told Tommy this before: The only universal language in this world was violence. And he was about to let each and everyone know that, first hand. He wanted to let them know just what happens when you use him.

   "You know, if you guys don't want to take this government down, that's fine." Techno chuckled, placing some rockets on his crossbow. "I'll just do it myself."

   And so, history really did repeat itself. Techno was launching rockets at the crowd in front of him, who were either running for their lives or hiding behind their shield. They had all just gotten into the mindset of peace, but now everything was escalating again.

   "I'm so sick of crazy people!" Quackity yelled as he tried to find his bow in his inventory. The podium turned into a battlefield, and everyone became a blur of fighting figures. Even though Technoblade was only one person against everyone else, he was a one-man's army and managed to pull up a fair fight. In fact, he was almost winning. The armor of all of his enemies was threatening to break due to all of the small explosions. Whenever he fought one group of people, he made sure to launch rockets at the other groups so they couldn't attack him all at once.

   And he hadn't even used his withers yet. That was something that had to wait until Wilbur had made his move. Until then, Techno had to continue his diversionary maneuver.

   Techno had seen Wilbur run into the forest not so long ago. It was only a matter of time before everything blew up.

   And he didn't have to wait much longer. Because at that moment, a place far away, Wilbur pressed the button.

   The big explosion happened in a matter of seconds. It started at the podium, then moved up to the very ground everyone was standing on. Those who didn't have blasting protection on their armor either threw themselves in the nearest waterhole, ran for their lives, or got thrown 20 feet up into the air.

   "NOOOO!" Tommy's heart-wrenching scream drowned out the explosion for a second, as the boy watched everything he and his friends had fought so hard for, getting destroyed for his eyes. He couldn't do anything to stop it.

   "WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" Everyone, who had been unaware of the TNT, yelled all at once as the ground got wrecked underneath them. The last time they had checked, they hadn't signed up for their land to get blown up.

   The explosion continued until Manburg was nothing but a gigantic hole, filled ruins of the houses that had stood tall just a few seconds ago. No one had died, but then again, that hadn't been the intention.

   Or, well... No one, but one person. The perpetrator himself.

   The TNT hadn't just destroyed Manburg, it had destroyed the very hill, the room with the button had been in. It had basically been cut in half, creating an opening for everyone in Manburg to see the two people standing inside. Two men. A father and a son. Wilbur and Philza.

   Niki and Fundy were the closest to the scene, and therefore the first ones to see the tragedy. How the two men were hugging each other, one of them crying, the other one with a sword going all the way through his stomach.

   It all happened so fast, and the two couldn't comprehend it. They kept staring at how Wilbur's body slowly turned limp, falling further to the ground.

   "Wilbur..." Niki whispered in horror, falling to her knees along with him.

   "Dad?" Fundy's voice cracked, his ears and tail lowering themselves at the sight. He took off his hat and fell down beside Niki. They embraced each other and cried.

   It didn't take long before everyone noticed as well. Tubbo had rushed to Tommy's side, shaking his shoulders wildly. "Tommy, this wasn't his last life, was it? Tell me this wasn't his last life!"

   But Tommy just stared at the ground in disbelief. He couldn't believe it. Wilbur couldn't possibly be dead, right? Not after all they've been through together.

   And then, there were the people who were more interested in the other person. People like Sam, Ponk, Punz, and Sapnap had all lowered their axes and stared at the man with a green-and-white striped bucket hat and sandals. "Is that Philza?"

   Technoblade took this as his cue. He had no intention of letting any of them grieve for their lost friend. They needed to learn their lesson. Revenge didn't wait.

   He summoned the materials to make his withers. Since everyone was facing Philza and Wilbur, no one noticed it before Techno was only one wither-skeleton-skull placement away to summon them. Since Tommy hadn't been able to look at Wilbur, he noticed Techno in the corner of his eye. He gasped and ran toward him, forced to forget what had happened to his big-brother-figure for the time being.

   "Techno, stop! Stop now, Techno!" Tommy yelled, gaining everyone else's attention. He was 10 feet away from Technoblade, not daring to get any closer. He couldn't let him spawn those withers at any cost.

   "You stay right over there, Tommy!" Technoblade spat, his rocket launcher still safely planted in his hand.

   Now everyone was running toward the two, surrounding Technoblade in a circle. Everyone was still shocked at Wilbur's death and Philza's sudden appearance, but they needed to get Technoblade under control before being able to grief. They needed to prevent any further damage. They all took out their crossbows and pointed them at him.

   "Techno, don't you dare!" Tommy spoke again, hands held up in a calming manner. He was the only one who didn't have a weapon on him.

   "Do you think you're a hero?" The pink-haired man chuckled, ripping off his mask so he could look Tommy in the eyes. "Is that what this is?"

   Tommy gulped. He didn't know what to say or do, in order to talk Techno out of this. If only you had been here. He had just lost Wilbur, and he wouldn't risk losing anyone else to those withers. "I just wanted Manburg back-"

   "-You just wanted power." Techno corrected. "Let me tell you a story, Tommy. A story of a man called Theseus."

   Everyone held their breath. When a villain started a storytime in the moment of truth, it couldn't be a good sign.

   "His country was in danger and he sent himself forward into enemy lines. He slew the minotaur and saved his city. Do you know what they did to him, Tommy?"

   Pearls of sweat began dancing down Tommy's forehead. He didn't want to answer Techno, but the man's silence almost forced him. "W-What did they do?"

   "They exiled him."

   Karl looked away. Tommy didn't say anything.

   Technoblade continued. "He died in disgrace. That's what happens to heroes, Tommy. The Greeks knew the score. But if you want to be a hero Tommy, that's fine."

   "Don't do this Techno!" The others now tried desperately but said man had already made up his mind. A dark smile crawled upon his face, ad he raised his hand to place the skulls. Screams and chaos were about to erupt once again.

   "Do you want to be a hero Tommy? Then die like one!"


   To see your country in utter ruins, was something that would be beyond devastating for most people. But for Dream, it was absolutely pleasing. It was nice to see that Wilbur had held his part of the deal. It only made Dream's schemes that much easier.

   He needed to do this quickly. He had to get back to your sleeping body before you woke up. But telling someone that a person they cared about was dead, wasn't exactly something you could just do in a heartbeat.

   He had thought of many ways to say it. It needed to be convincing. And he would try to say it as nicely as possible. He did like to think he was a decent person, after all.

   Originally, he had thought about doing a compliment-sandwich. A method George had taught him, whenever Dream was forced to tell Sapnap he had eaten the last taco or something. Maybe something like "Hey, members of Pogtopia! You fought really well today. (Y/n) is unfortunately dead. And congratulations on winning back Manburg! Or well, what's left of it!"

   But after thinking that through, he realized that probably wouldn't be the best idea. He would just have to say it like a normal person would do.

   He did feel bad that he had to lie to them. Just a tiny bit. But most of all, he felt the sweet satisfaction of accomplishment. He hadn't been prepared for you to know, but now that you did, it might not be such a bad thing. With this plan he had come up with, everything could work out. He could have you and keep all of his power. He didn't have to choose anymore.

   Life really was great.


   Dream hadn't expected withers when he came back onto the battlefield, but it wasn't like he complained. The more damage, the better. Techno had really outdone himself this time. He was almost impressed.

   It was funny for Dream to see how the former members of Pogtopia had untied with Manburg, in order to take down the common enemy. Karl and Quackity were distracting one of the withers while Skeppy, Bad, and Eret were shooting arrows at it from afar. The other wither was being attacked by Sam, Ponk, Ant, Jack, and Niki. Everyone else was just trying to keep Technoblade from killing anyone. This included Tommy and Tubbo whose eyes were still red and puffy from crying over Wilbur. Tommy would occasionally scream curse-words at the pink-haired fella, who really seemed to be enjoying himself.

   But that joy would soon come to an end. Dream would make sure of that.

   He waited until the withers were defeated. After all, he didn't want an explosive wither-skull to be aimed right at him, as he was explaining the death of you to your friends.

   And luckily, he didn't have to wait that long. Dream made his entrance right after they had defeated the last wither, and moments before everyone would go after Techno, head-first. He made sure to have his head hanging low in fake grief. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks when they saw him.

   Techno was just about to make his exit when he noticed you weren't with Dream. He lowered his guard along with everyone else, as he watched Dream get closer and closer until he was a part of the circle surrounding him.

   "Dream you bastard! You knew about all of this, didn't you!?" Tommy furiously began, all of his anger getting directed at Dream instead of Techno. Sam and Tubbo had to hold him back so he wouldn't do anything stupid.

   "Where's (Y/n)?" Quackity asked and looked around for your figure before Techno got the chance to, himself. The beanie-wearing male was badly injured from the withers. The creatures had sent a wither-skull flying at his leg, and it was now bleeding badly behind the thick layers of bandages. He had to lean on Bad for support. Skeppy wasn't a fan of that.

   Everyone fell silent, waiting for Dream to speak up. They were all panting heavily from the battle. They sure didn't need anything more traumatic to happen today. But Dream was here to disappoint them.

   Dream tried to form the right words in his mouth. Convincing, he reminded himself. You need to be convincing.

   "I need to tell you guys something." He started slowly. He tried his best to sound sad, while he was grinning behind his mask.

   And just by that, your friends already caught on. Tubbo let go of Tommy, his arms falling slack to his sides. Niki covered her mouth with a shaking pair of hands, suppressing a scream. Techno was just staring at Dream, face dull.

   Dream continued. "(Y/n) was trying to get to Wilbur in time. I think she was going to stop him, but she didn't make it in time. She blew up along with all of the TNT. I'm sorry. I couldn't save her."

   The silence continued for a short moment. All of your friends had different reactions to the devastating news. Tommy and Quackity were quick to start at the five stages of grief, the first one being denial. "You're lying! You're fucking lying!"

   Tommy was still being held back by Sam, but no one was there to stop Quackity. He limped over to Dream and grabbed his collar. If Dream hadn't had his feet solidly planted on the ground, they both would've lost balance. Quackity shook him aggressively, tears welling up in his eyes. "You're full of shit, Dream! Where's her body then, huh? My best friend couldn't possibly-... I,- (Y/n) wouldn't..." his voice died out in sobs.

   Dream pushed Quackity off of him and he, bing injured, fell harshly to the ground.

   Fundy and Eret were unable to move. They were speechlessly watching Dream in front of them with wide eyes. Neither of them wanted to believe it. They couldn't bear to lose another one.

   Tubbo's legs refused to support him anymore. He fell to his knees, staring straight forward as tears streamed down his face like a river. "No." He slowly shook his head, chin trembling. "Not (Y/n) too."

   Tommy still tried his best to get free of Sam's grasp. He didn't know what for, he just tried to distract himself so he wouldn't break completely. He felt as if he had just lost his older brother and sister on the very same day. His heart simply couldn't take this much pain.

   Technoblade dropped his crossbow and took a faltering step backward. He had just succeeded in taking down the government, destroying it to the bone. He hadn't ever imagined for you to be taken down along with it. The only friend he's ever had.

   Technoblade was never sad. It was an unfamiliar feeling to his emotional register. But for the first time, he felt his eyes sting a little. He regretted not stopping Dream in the van, when he took you away. He should've done it himself, he should've stayed by your side. This was his fault.

   Quackity refused to get on his feet again. Even if he tried, he doubted he would be able to. He was sitting in an awkward position on the ground, staring down at his hands in shock. His body was shaking uncontrollably. The pain in his leg was nothing compared to the pain he felt inside. You had been the first person to be nice to him, where it hadn't felt superficial. Who hadn't made him feel like a complete idiot. You had made him feel understood, made him feel appreciated. And now he had lost you. His first-ever best friend.

   Quackity gasped for air as he took off his beanie and pressed it against his mouth. He screamed into it, trying to scream all of the anger and pain away. An unfamiliar feeling was filling every inch of his body. A feeling that he'd never be happy again.

   Niki started to scream. She collapsed to the ground before Fundy got the chance to catch her. She was shaking her head rapidly, covering her ears with her hands. Everything was overwhelming her. The destruction of Manburg, the death of Wilbur, the death of you. She had just lost two of her best friends.

   Everyone else was looking at their feet. They hadn't known you or Wilbur that well, but let alone the reactions of your friends affected them in such a way that it caused their noses to run and their hearts to pick up its pace.

   In fact, Sapnap was the only one who wasn't grieving. He was too busy having his eyes narrowed at Dream.

   Dream began to fill all the holes his story had. For example, how he had gotten rid of the remainings of your body, so your friends didn't have to. But nobody really listened. And just like that, Dream knew his job here was done. He suppressed another smile.

   "I'll be gone for a few days. I have some errands to do," He announced. He turned to look at Tubbo, who was now hugging a crying Niki. "Congratulations on becoming president, Tubbo. I'm sure you'll do great."

   If it had been under normal circumstances, they wouldn't have allowed Dream to escape that easily. But now that two of their friends had just died, it was a whole different story.

   "I'll follow you out." Sapnap insisted, walking forward. Dream rose a brow. He knew he had to get back to you soon, but he still ended up nodding.

   "We're not done here, Dream!" Tommy suddenly yelled, as Dream and Sapnap walked away. "She died on your watch! You're going to pay for that!"

   Dream ignored him, too focused on what Sapnap had to say. As soon as the two got to the edge of the forest, Dream turned to him. "What is it, buddy?"

   It surprised Dream to see the angry expression he was met with. An expression that screamed 'Don't-you-buddy-me-right-now'.

   "You can't have it all, Dream. You know that, right?"

   Dream was slightly taken aback. He narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"

   "You can't fake her death," Sapnap said sternly as if it wasn't up for discussion. When Dream froze, Sapnap decided to explain. "I know (Y/n) had two lives left. She told me. And the story you just told the others doesn't add up with that fact."

   Dream was about to say something, but Sapnap rose his hand, stopping him. "You can't do this to her, Dream. I know the reason you're doing this, I'm your best friend. But to hold (Y/n) prisoner somewhere, just for the sake of maintaining all of your power just isn't right. You have always known it was either her or power. You can't have them both. You're being greedy. You're being a moron. And as much as I dislike (Y/n), this isn't fair to her or her friends."

   Dream's jaw clenched along with his fists. He should've seen this coming. Sapnap was always able to tell whenever he lied. But he wasn't going to let you go. If he did, he would lose you for good. "She found out, Sapnap. She knows. It's the only way."

   Sapnap was shocked for a moment. Then he shook his head, his anger blossoming up again. "That's not an excuse. Dream, listen to me, all of this has gotten out of hand. And I think I know why. Back then, you said it was only temporary, that you had it all under control but-"

   "If you're talking about what I think you're talking about-"

   "Of course I am!" Sapnap snapped angrily, raising his voice. "You know as well as I do that it has gotten out of control! You're not even yourself anymore, and you don't even realize it!"

   Sapnap breathed heavily. Then sighed. "Listen, I could help you. George and I can help. All you have to do is let us! We can stop all of this! If you would just tell me the location of the-"

   Dream slapped away Sapnap's hand that had reached for his mask. He took a threatening step forward, a finger pointed at Sapnap's chest. "You don't know what you're talking about, Sapnap. I am in control, I always have been!"

   "Are you trying to convince me or yourself that?"

   Dream growled, ignoring him. "Listen, if you ever bring this up again, I'll-"

   "You'll what?" Sapnap narrowed his eyes. He tried to hide the pain in them. "You'll what, Dream?"

   Dream stood there for a moment, eying his friend up and down. Then he sighed. "Listen, I've made up my mind. You're either on my side or in my way. Choose wisely."

   Sapnap gulped. He didn't want to let this go. At all. But Dream was his best friend. He knew he couldn't fight him even if his life depended on it. He looked down, giving up. Dream took this as an answer and nodded. He needed to get back.

   "I'll be back soon."

   And with those words, Dream disappeared into the forest. Sapnap looked after him with a hurt expression.

   "I'm sorry, (Y/n)." He muttered.


In case some of you are confused, we're entering a part of the story that's not canon in the Dream SMP storyline. It's made up by me. I'm, uh... I'm a huge sucker for plot-twists.

And sad endings :D

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