45. I don't have friends, they disappoint me
I don't have friends, they disappoint me
(Dawn of 16'th pt 5)
In which Schlatt's heart takes the credit
for your hard work. Bruh moment.
-EtceteraArt on twitter
If there was something you hated more than anything, it was when something 'sudden' happened. Something unexpected. Such situations always caused you to blurt out something really stupid such as "I'm Nina the nether lady!" or "Yo Dream, you look like you need some D-vitamins!". That, or your body would just completely freeze, refusing to move a muscle. What was happening right now, was the latter.
You hadn't expected Dream to suddenly come flying into the room, knocking the sword out of your hands. And therefore you didn't give a reaction before his arms got wrapped around your torso, stopping you from moving any further.
"I made it. Thank god, I made it." He whispered into your back, his eyes squeezed shut. His voice was hoarse, his breathing unsteady. It almost sounded like he had been crying.
Then Dream pulled away, his arms still around you. He looked at your poor state, and how your body slowly began to shake very badly upon realizing what Dream had just interrupted. What he had just taken from you. "Oh, no... What have I done-" he started but he never got to finish his sentence, before you finally managed to get a hold of yourself. You pushed him harshly aside, taking the first and best weapon on the floor - the black arrow. Dream gasped when he saw it.
Being desperate to finish the job, you turned to Schlatt again, only to be met by Techno, who was now standing in front of him. "I'm sorry, (Y/n). I can't let you."
You had just gotten in the mindset of victory. Of satisfaction. You had thought it would all be over, that you could finally get some rest. And now this was happening.
You threw yourself toward him, but Dream's grasp stopped you from going anywhere. It was then all of your buttons got pressed. You were crying, screaming, punching the air, punching Dream, punching Techno, pulling your hair. "LET GO! TECHNO, YOU- YOU BASTARD! HELP ME! YOU SAID YOU-... I-"
But Techno didn't budge. He had changed his mind. He cared too much about you to let you kill someone like that. He didn't want you to go down the same path he had. Dream didn't either.
Panic was rising inside of you. You had gotten caught, and now they'd lock you up in a cell for the rest of your life. You have had your chance to kill Schlatt, and you had blown it. If only you had been quicker. You wouldn't mind getting locked up in a cell if you knew Schlatt was dead. But now, all of your hard work had been wasted. You continued screaming until your throat simply couldn't anymore. Then you just cried. Your vision was blurrier than ever due to all of the tears that wouldn't stop running down your face like a river.
"L-let go." you cried. begged. You felt all of your energy leave your body and black dots started dancing for your eyes. You tried everything you could to not let the darkness take over, but in the end, your eyes gave up and rolled back into your head. You collapsed. You didn't know if it was Dream, Techno, or the floor that caught you.
"What's- what's wrong with (Y/n)?" Tubbo spoke, almost on the verge of tears himself. He was hiding behind Tommy, who looked at your crying figure with absolute horror.
Everyone had gathered around you. Even Schlatt, who was coughing a whole lot of blood up from the sideline. He had both of his hands pressed to his chest, trying to stop the bleeding. Once Quackity had gotten into the van and saw your unconscious self, Karl had to stop him from rushing to your side. "(Y/n)! Dream! What did you do to her!?" He screamed over and over again, struggling to get free of Karl's grasp.
Karl was looking at you with a sad expression, but not a surprised one. Sapnap was just looking between you and Dream with wide eyes. He hadn't thought that... that it would be this bad. He knew there had been something off with you, but this..?
Niki was crying, and Fundy was just about to. Eret and Badboyhalo looked confusedly at each other. Techno looked at the ground, gulping. He couldn't get himself to look at you.
And Dream was probably the one who took it the worst. Even though he wasn't crying, his shock was far bigger than any of the others. Guilt consumed him by looking at your limp figure. Because he knew that this was all because of him. He had done this to you.
Dream let his hand rest on your cheek, wiping some fresh tears away. "I'm so sorry." His voice was barely a whisper.
"Don't touch her!" Quackity screamed, giving Karl a really hard time. "Don't fucking touch her!"
It was almost admirable how much energy that little, beanie-wearing guy had when it comes to the safety of his friend. But his wild movements soon came to an end when a loud cough made everyone freeze.
-Bloody scenes are coming up-
Schlatt was holding onto Techno's shoulder for support, coughing up his very soul. At first, his coughs were dry, but then blood made its entrance, running down his chin like water. He fell to his knees as he started choking on his own blood. He gasped for air and his eyes threatened to pop out of his head. Dream and Techno's eyes widened upon seeing the open wound in his chest, that had been a lot deeper than you had anticipated.
They thought they had gotten to you just in time, but as it turns out, they had been too late. The damage had already been done. Schlatt had taken his final breath. The blood wasn't allowing any air to enter his body, and soon the president hovered over and collapsed onto the floor before anyone could help him.
He was dead.
You had killed him.
Dream had made you kill him.
"Schlatt!" Sapnap and Punz yelled in unison as they kneeled to the fallen man's side. They checked for a pulse before looking up at the crowd, shaking their heads.
And just like that, he was gone. Like the trash had taken itself out.
The people surrounding you and Schlatt's limp bodies were quick to put two and two together. The wound in Schlatt's chest. The sword with his blood on it, which handle was pointed toward your open hand.
"He's dead... She killed him. (Y/n) killed Schlatt," Quackity whispered to himself, not believing it. You were the last person he'd ever expect to kill someone, let alone the very president of Manburg. He let his arms fall to his side, his struggles to get himself free from Karl, coming to an end.
"She fucking did it. We fucking did it," Tommy spoke, trying to convince himself he had just won the war. They had taken Schlatt down, taken Manburg back. He wanted to throw his arms up into the air, but he couldn't do so while you were still laying there, right in front of him. He remembered all of your deep conversations, about how it was wrong to kill people. He remembered how you would take it upon yourself to lecture him. And now... This? What had happened to you?
"But at what cost?" Niki then whispered, looking at your tear-stained face. "Why would she..." her voice faded out, leaving room for another cry.
Dream had thought he had this day under control. He had thought he knew exactly what would happen, and now that he turned out to be severely wrong, he didn't know what to do. He just knew he had to protect you from any further harm that he had caused.
Dream stood up with you in his arms. His jaw and fists were clenched as he was about to give everyone an order they better follow. "(Y/n) can never find out about this. If she asks, if anyone asks, Schlatt died from a heart attack. Am I making myself clear?"
Techno and Wilbur nodded, agreeing that it would be for the better. But Niki and Quackity weren't so easy to convince.
"This isn't something we can lie about. She doesn't deserve to get lied to, more than she already has," Niki said.
"Besides, stabbing someone in the chest isn't something you just forget. I bet she already knows. All we can do is help her through it." Quackity agreed.
"Look at her. She won't remember anything clearly. We'll convince her the cut wasn't that deep. That Schlatt died of a heart attack." Dream repeated sternly. He had made up his mind.
"Oh, you don't get to decide what's best for her." Quackity was getting angry. He was terrified of Dream, always has been, but his protectiveness over you was way stronger than that fear. "I know (Y/n) way better than you do! So if I were you, I'd get my filthy hands off of her and-"
Dream interrupted the boy by pressing an axe to his neck. It had happened too fast, Quackity hadn't even seen where the axe had come from. He nearly fainted. "This isn't something I'm willing to discuss. If any of you dare to object me, I'll kill every single one of you. Understood?"
And that seemed to shut everyone up. Quackity too, whose life was flashing for his eyes. After Dream knew the message had sunk in, he withdrew his axe and turned around. He had to get you out of here, to get you somewhere safe. He was just about to leave with you and walk out of the van when Techno stopped him.
"What are you doing with her?" Techno narrowed his eyes at him, and so did the rest of Pogtopia. Each of them cared about you, and they didn't want Dream to hurt you any further. They were still confused at what the hell had happened to you, and frightened by Dream's threat, but that didn't stop them from coming to your defense.
"I'm taking her to a place she can rest. Don't follow me." he simply answered and kept going.
He passed Wilbur on the way out. "Don't let this distract you, Wilbur. We still have a deal." Dream told him, before disappearing out the door.
Your friends wanted to follow him. They really did. Especially Quackity who was now being held back by both Karl and Sapnap. But with everything that had just happened, they couldn't afford to take Dream on. They had just won a war for crying out loud, and the president was currently lying dead in front of them. They had just been given a huge chance, and they simply had to take it.
They needed to take Manburg back once and for all. Then they could check up on you later. Make sure you were safe, and then ask you what the hell had happened and why you had gone nuts on Schlatt. If Dream wanted to hurt you, he would have done so already. They had to finish this.
But that didn't mean they couldn't finish it as quickly as possible. Everyone forced themselves out of their shocked state and ignored what had just happened between you, Schlatt, and Dream. Instead, they talked about what they were going to with Schlatt's body, now that it wasn't disappearing. They needed to bury him, and after some people volunteering, the rest headed to the podium.
There was still tension in the air. Especially Sapnap and Punz didn't exactly enjoy the defeat, but they sat down on their seats when Wilbur headed up the stage, nonetheless. After all, they had lost fair and square. And besides, they hadn't followed Schlatt's orders because they liked him, they had done it because he was their president. Because they were loyal citizens, and loyalty was something they each valued very highly.
And deep down, they didn't mind Wilbur becoming Manburg's new president. He was a smart man, and if they had to be honest, Manburg had been a little boring without him and Tommy around.
But unfortunately, Wilbur wasn't going to be anyone's president. Everything that had happened within the last hour, hadn't changed Wilbur's objective on anything. Sure, Schlatt was gone now, but that didn't mean Wilbur's urge to press that button, had disappeared along with him. Yes, he had gotten Manburg back. But it wasn't the Manburg he used to know. It still needed to get reborn. And so, he told the crowd that he couldn't be their president, but that Tommy should join him on the stage instead.
And nobody wanted that. Therefore, it was a huge relief for the majority when Tommy did exactly the same as Wilbur - said that he couldn't be their president.
And that was when Tubbo came into the picture. And as the little, bee-loving boy took Tommy's place on the stage, and made a quick speech about what he would like to do as the new president of Manburg, everyone seemed satisfied. In fact, everyone seemed to put all of their past disagreements behind them, once again standing united as a country, now led by Tubbo.
Well, everyone except Technoblade.
Because at that point, he had realized he had been used. He had been led to believe that the plan had been to end Schlatt and take the whole concept of a president down with him. He couldn't believe that he had given up everything to help them take Manburg back and free it from Schlatt's claws, just to replace him with another president.
Technoblade despised governments. He was an anarchist, for god's sake, and he had thought that the former people of Pogtopia, who had experienced the injustices of a corrupt government first hand, would agree that such power as being the president, shouldn't be allowed to exist. Even if that president was Tubbo.
He almost admired their audacity. See, this is why he didn't have friends. They'd always end up taking advantage of the power that being in his presence, gave. He only had you. His one and only friend, who he had failed today.
These past few weeks, Techno had watched you lose your mind. He knew why, and he knew it was all because of a lie Dream had told you. But he didn't say anything to you. And he should have, he had realized that today. That was a mistake he would take with him to his grave, even though Technoblade never dies.
He was mad, to say the least. At Dream, at Pogtopia, at himself. And that was exactly when he decided that his plan B, the plan he had warned you about, should take place. You weren't around after all, and you were the only person he didn't want to hurt. There was nothing left to stop him.
And so, he stood up from his chair, in contrast to everyone else who was sitting patiently in their chairs, listening to their new leader.
They're all stupid, Techno thought. Naive. They had just been at each other's throats in a battle between two nations, and now they were all sitting here like a big, happy family.
And Techno would rather die than be a part of it. He took off his crown and cape, getting ready for yet another battle. This day was far from over. He opened his inventory, his cold hands resting on the materials he needed to summon the withers.
And then hell broke loose.
And in the now panicking crowd, in which everyone screamed Techno's name over and over again in despair, trying to stop the withers, Wilbur disappeared into the woods with a mad smile.
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