44. Haha, sanity go brr (4)
Haha, sanity go brr (Dawn of 16'th pt 4)
In which you know Schlatt looks good in red,
so you decide to give him a little 'makeover'
-Y'all know who dis is made by <3
It was like more colors got sucked out of the world with each step you took toward the van. Toward Schlatt.
In the very back of your head, a little voice helplessly tried to calm you down. Saying you needed to take a deep breath before approaching him. Doing so in your current state could only result in something bad. But you didn't listen. It was like your body chose to ignore the last bit of common sense you had left.
It was almost funny, how you had been so sure you had gotten your emotions under control. How you were so convinced you had the self-control to not lose your cool. But your body was currently proving you wrong. You felt your dark emotions slowly blossoming from the darker corners of your heart, filling every inch of your body. Emotions you didn't even know you were capable of feeling. And the thing that happened when so many emotions took over at once, was that you didn't know how to register all of them. How to tackle them. And so, that left you emotionless for the time being.
And not emotionless in a good way. Emotionless, in a very, very bad way. And Schlatt was about to find that out, first hand.
You kept walking and walking, not even looking around anymore. It was like your unconsciousness knew exactly where to go and how to get there. All you had to do was lean back, and let your legs take you to him.
A few minutes later, you reached the destination. With a hand, shaking with either fright or anger, you opened the door to the van and stepped inside. The van seemed much darker than you had remembered it to be. It was dark, gloomy, and the air was so heavy it made it hard to breathe.
Your hands returned to your sides, holding your bow in a tight grip. Your knuckles grew white, and your hands were cold. You turned around the corner, holding your breath.
And there he was. The president. Sitting up against a wall, with countless empty bottles by his side. His eyes were having a hard time keeping themselves open, and the man swayed slightly from side to side.
He noticed you the same time you noticed him. He broke into a tired smile, trying to get on his feet but his drunk state didn't allow him to do so. He landed right on his butt again.
You watched his figure for a while with disgust. Stay calm, you said to yourself.
"Of course you'd be here." You spoke with a voice you didn't recognize as your own. It was mocking. Evil. "The very president himself, hiding from the war that he provoked. Drinking all of his guilt and cowardness away."
Schlatt's head rolled backward, resting against the metal wall. Laughter escaped his lips. "And if it isn't the great, great (Y/n)." He chuckled again, causing a hiccup. "To what do I deserve this honor?"
He looked up at you, the smile never leaving his face. His red eyes seemed to melt into yours, turning your vision a very dark shade of red.
You had stood face to face with Schlatt a couple of times before. But this time, it was different. This time, you were alone with him. And he wasn't dead like last time you had been so.
And then, of course, the most important factor: He was on his very last life.
You could end him right here and now. No one was here to stop you. Not even the common sense your madness had seemed to drown out a little while ago. It was just you and him... You, him, and your bow.
In fact, the only thing that stopped you from killing him right now, was Wilbur's words. Manburg needed to get blown up. Schlatt needed to suffer first. You had to wait. The plan was to knock Schlatt out and bring him somewhere with a good view of Manburg so he could watch everything getting destroyed when he woke up, and that was exactly what you were going to do.
But still, the urge was getting stronger by the second.
"You've lost, Schlatt. You know that, right? As we speak, your little, loyal soldiers are breaking on the battlefield one by one. It all ends for you today. This empire won't be yours to control any longer. Your days as president are counted." You stepped a step forward, eyes turning dark. "So are your days on this earth in general."
He hiccuped again. "Threatening me now, are we? You did so too at the festival. You're very good at talking... Not so good at doing." Schlatt laughed and waved his hand. Then he pointed at two unopened bottles with the other. "Whatever, (Y/n). The true question is, should I go for vodka or rum next? Personally, I'm leaning more toward rum. It tastes better. But then again, vodka just does wonders, you know? Or maybe-"
You harshly kicked the nearest object in front of you. A wooden chair got sent straight into the wall right next to Schlatt, breaking into at least five pieces. Schlatt drunkenly rose his brows at the violent act.
"Are you even hearing what I'm saying!?" You raised your voice, cheeks heated in anger. You had waited to get your revenge for what felt like forever, and now that it was about to happen, he had the audacity to ignore you? "I'm going to kill you!"
This seemed to catch his attention. He tried getting on his feet again, and after a lot of struggle, he finally succeeded. He was still leaning against the wall for support, but at least now he was able to look at you properly. To see the result of the monster he had created by killing your old friend. "You know if I die... This country goes down with me."
He didn't know just how right he was with that statement.
Your jaw clenched and your heart picked up its pace. You didn't feel so numb anymore, now that your anger was starting to take over. "You don't even know who I am, do you? Or more specifically, how I know you. How much you've hurt me."
The bags under your red eyes grew more visible as you made a movement with your hand, making your inventory pop up in front of you. You slowly pressed the slot of a specific arrow you've saved for a special occasion. An arrow that wasn't in your quiver.
The arrow with the black tip. The arrow seemed to lighten up the darkness around it, even though it itself was the darkest shade of black you've ever seen. The one you had found in Dream's base long ago. The one you had stolen.
It appeared in your hand and you could almost feel the power it held. The damage it was able to do. You placed it on your bow.
Don't kill him, a voice kept reminding you. He needs to see the downfall of Manburg first. Wait for Wilbur. Settle with knocking Schlatt out. Be smart, (Y/n).
But being smart was difficult when you couldn't even think. Couldn't even focus.
"As a matter of fact." Schlatt laughed and took a sip of his bottle - which was probably the dumbest thing he could've done in this situation. "I do. You're (Y/n). Dream's little pet. We made a deal about you, you know. A deal where if I gave him that stupid book he so desperately wants and promised not to hurt you, he'd fight alongside me and betray Pogtopia."
Schlatt wasn't supposed to tell you that, but he was too drunk to realize. And you were too mad to listen. Your anger had completely drowned out his voice.
"You took everything away from me, Schlatt." You spoke through gritted teeth. Your heart was beating faster and faster. "You killed my friend. Do you remember that? A while ago, after a village had scammed you. You killed every villager, along with him. Blonde hair, green eyes. Innocent. Do you remember?"
Your voice shook as much as the hand that was holding the arrow. All you had to do was lift three fingers. Three. And it would all be over. Schlatt would be dead, and you could finally avenge your friend's death. Finally, get peace.
Patience, You kept repeating. Self-control. Pull yourself together, dammit.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Schlatt shook his head and threw his bottle onto the ground, which broke into a million pieces. He had apparently gotten tired of its containing liquid. "Hey, mind handing me that beer-"
"I ASKED." You yelled on the top of your lungs, taking the last step toward him. The tip of the arrow was almost touching his forehead. "-IF YOU REMEMBERED. THE COMPETITION, MONTHS AGO. THE VILLAGE THAT SCAMMED YOU. THE BOY YOU KILLED WITH THAT SWORD!"
You pointed at the netherite sword on the ground with your arrow. The president looked at it too, tiredness and confusion in his eyes. "As I said." He looked at you, daring to narrow his eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about."
The world around you was a blur. A red blur. The only thing that stood out to you, the only thing you could see clearer than anything, was Schlatt. Schlatt, and his smug, pitiful drunk figure. Everything soon turned silent too. It was like every one of your senses, every muscle, every cell in your body was focused on him. It left no room for anything else. No room for the little bit of sanity you had left - the sanity that had slowly begun to crack.
C L I C K...
"Well then." You suddenly spoke calmly as you changed your mind. You let go of your bow, letting it drop to the ground. You picked up Schlatt's very own sword from the dirty floor. The reflection you saw in the blade was unrecognizable. Your eyes were as wide as they possibly could be, your (e/c) orbs hidden behind a thick layer of insanity. "Maybe I'll have to refresh your memory a little."
You kicked Schlatt as hard as you could in the stomach. The drunk man fell backward, sitting in an awkward position backed against the wall. The smile on his face disappeared as you kneeled down, placed a cold hand on his shoulder, and raised the sword with the other.
"Dream said you planted the sword deep in his chest, taking away his last life." You recalled and placed the tip of the sword on Schlatt's chest, right where his heart was located. "Is this it? Is this the right spot, Schlatt?"
A laugh escaped your lips. Your bottom lip was trembling, but it was still folded into a huge grin. Schlatt tried to struggle, but you harshly pushed his shoulder back, making his head slam into the metal wall. You planted your one foot on his hand, putting so much weight on it that you heard his fingers crack under your shoe. Schlatt growled in pain. Even if he hadn't been drunk and tried to fight back, you had locked him in a position where he simply wouldn't be able to do so. And now that he was both drunk and tired, there was no way he'd get away.
And as Schlatt realized, his eyes went round in fear. He looked at you like you were insane. You were. He slowly shook his head.
"Haven't triggered the memory yet? What if I do this?" You pressed the sword very slowly into his shirt. Not enough for it to slice through his skin, but surely enough for it to hurt like hell and make the man fear for his life. He didn't dare to breathe.
"I still... don't know... what the hell... you're talking... about." He spat carefully. "I haven't killed... anyone!.. I have people doing that... for me..."
"A murderer and a liar." You laughed evilly. "And so I guess you just made an exception for my friend, huh? What a shame, Schlatt. That'll be the death of you."
"You're a fucking crazy bitch."He mumbled in horror, truly confused by how you, an enemy he didn't even know that well, was suddenly standing in front of him, screaming about how he had done something he hadn't done.
"Because of you! You made me this way!" You snapped, accidentally putting pressure on the sword, making a small puddle of blood appear on Schlatt's shirt. You couldn't see how deep it was due to your blurry vision. "You ruined my life! You took away the only person I had left, the last purpose of my life! He hadn't even done anything and you killed him! And now you dare- you dare to deny it?! I hate you!"
You had completely lost control of your actions. Your body was moving without your mind being able to keep up. Your body was covered in cold sweat and you panted heavily, as if you had just run a marathon. The voice reminding you that you shouldn't kill him had completely disappeared.
And then suddenly, once again, you became completely numb.
Because this was it. You couldn't wait anymore. Schlatt's time was up.
You slowly pulled the sword back, only to raise it high. You wanted to plunge it into him with full force, as he had done to your friend. With the very same blade. You wanted to watch in amusement as the light disappeared from his eyes, just like he had done to your friend.
You smiled widely at the thought. "This is your last chance, Schlatt. Your last chance to die as a man with the slightest bit of honor. I'll ask again:" You leaned forward as much as your position would allow you to. "Do. You. Remember?"
Schlatt's foggy mind began to clear up in his last moments. He was angry and in a lot of pain, but he tried his hardest to convince you. "You've got... the wrong person... No village has ever scammed me... I haven't killed... anyone... The person who told you that... Is full of shit!"
He started coughing blood up. You had cut him rather deeply, and if you didn't kill him now, it was only a matter of time before he bled out.
When he didn't tell you what you wanted to hear, your mind completely blacked out. You weren't in the right state of mind to even consider that what he was saying might actually be the truth.
And then, just as you were about to finish it, just as you were about to get your revenge, you heard the door being burst open, followed by footsteps that stormed toward you.
"(Y/N)! STOP!"
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