43. GeorgeNotFound. No, literally (3)
GeorgeNotFound. No, literally(Dawn of 16'th pt 3)
In which Dream regrets all of his life decisions,
and realizes he's gotta go the fuck fast
-AlekDePana on twitter
It was only when Karl had healed up completely, that Sapnap finally allowed himself to relax. As he helped Karl get on his feet, he slowly re-entered the mindset of fighting and hereby forgot everything about the fact that he had just given you the location of the president. He and Karl ran straight into the battlefield again, determined to help their friends who were severely out-numbered.
They ran into the fog of blood, sweat, and tears, where no one dared to stand still. Tommy and Tubbo were still fighting Ponk. Ponk was skilled, but the two-on-one was giving him a hard time. Sapnap ran to help him, as Karl ran over to help Punz, who was fighting Quackity and Fundy. A couple of feet away, Niki and Eret (Who had apparently turned on Schlatt and was now fighting alongside Pogtopia) were shooting arrows at Purpled, who returned the gesture with ease. Wilbur was hiding behind his shield from no one in particular, hoping he wouldn't get hit in the crossfire.
And then there was Techno and Dream. They were practically dancing across the battlefield, sparks flying at every clash between their swords. They were moving at the speed of light, too quick for a normal pair of eyes to comprehend. Dream was the only one who could compete with Pogtopia, gear-wise. He was equally set with Techno.
But despite that, the odds weren't exactly in Manburgs favor. They were out-numbered. They had known that from the start, but that didn't stop them from doing everything in their power to defend their country. Well, everyone except Dream, who had just decided that the battle had gone on for long enough.
"We surrender! We surrender!" He held his hands up high, even though he hadn't even been close to losing the battle against Techno. He kneeled down and let go of his axe that immediately fell to the ground, landing right in front of Technoblade. The pink-haired fella was towering over him, ready to decapitate Dream if he decided to change his mind.
Dream wasn't hurt or tired in any way, nor was his inventory even close to be empty. His invisibility potion had worn off, and so had the effects of his enchanted golden apple, but that just created the perfect illusion that he was close to breaking. He wanted his enemies to think they had defeated him.
It was all a part of his plan. To lose this war, for Schlatt to be locked in prison and for Manburg to get blown up. He had made a deal with Wilbur, who had been his useful source of information for quite some time now. This little war, this whole revolution had been planned out since the very beginning. Ever since the day Schlatt became president. Dream had always been aware that he would have to surrender during the fight. Oh well, it had been fun while it lasted.
And so, why would he even do all of this if he wasn't with Pogtopia? Well, that's because he wasn't with Manburg either. He wasn't on anyone's side. He's never has been. He was on the side of chaos.
Of course, his good pal, Sapnap, hadn't known any of this... And so, when he heard Dream admit defeat, he pulled away from the fight with Tommy, causing the boy to fall over. He fixed his headband as he looked at his best friend with a confused and angry look. "What the heck Dream? Speak for yourself, we're not done fighting yet! We haven't even lost any lives!"
Everyone, friends and foes, were slowly lowering their guards and gathered around the two masked men to hear what Dream had to say. Most of them were tired, and the possibility of the revolution being over soon made them sigh in relief. Well, members of Pogopia, that is.
"Oh, come on now. We're outnumbered and out-geared. It's only a matter of time before our armor starts breaking and we run out of potions and golden apples. It's better to stop while we're still ahead." Dream got on his feet and smiled his smug smile. He didn't have a scratch on him. "What do you say, Techno? Surrender accepted?"
"Oh, so you suddenly want to surrender, just because you ran out of enchanted golden apples?" Techno rose a brow. He rolled his head back and groaned. "How boring. All of these preparations for only an hour's battle. This sucks, I had looked forward to this."
"There's no way." Tommy, who had got on his feet again, walked up to Techno and narrowed his eyes at Dream. "There's no way you're giving up that easily. You're planning something, aren't you?"
"Oh, please, what can I possibly earn from surrendering? You guys are better than us. We can't beat you. You've won."
Niki and Karl, who were supposed to be enemies, but had bonded over their shared near-death experience, walked closer as well. "But... Just like that?"
"No!" Sapnap refused to give in. "Hell no! I haven't spent so much time training just to give up that easily! If we're going down, we'll do it like men! We're not surrendering, Dream! What's gotten into you?"
Dream walked over to his friend and placed a hand on his shoulder. There was no communicating between the two, but the look Dream sent his friend made Sapnap's fire die out, and the brunette nodded hesitantly. His jaw and fists were clenched, but his eyes remained soft. Dream was more important to him than this stupid war anyway.
"Well, that was a piece of cake." Wilbur, who hadn't helped Pogtopia at all, laughed, as he stopped hiding behind his shield. Even though he hadn't participated in the fight, he was the one who was the most out of breath. "You guys sure suck at being in a war. I mean, look at your gear! And everyone isn't even present. Where's the rest of you?"
Tommy completely forgot to be suspicious as he shot his chest forward. "I bet they were too scared to face me!"
Ponk and Purpled rolled their eyes at the boy. Purpled were helping Ponk with some bandages, while he explained that people such as Skeppy, Bad, Anfrost, and Sam didn't fight alongside them because they were neutral.
"What about your boyfriend, Dream?" Fundy almost hissed, crossing his arms at Dream. He seemed strangely angry.
"George is... Uh..." Dream started, ignoring Fundy's attitude. His voice faded out and he looked at Sapnap for assistance.
"George is building a house." Sapnap finished after exchanging an up-giving look with his friend.
"He's what?!" Tubbo nearly spat out the healing potion he had been drinking. "But we're in the middle of a war! Shouldn't he be helping you guys out?!"
"Hey, don't blame him!" Sapnap defended. "He wasn't really in the mood for fighting. He's been very stressed out this week."
"And he's colorblind." Dream added.
A silence fell upon the members of Pogtopia. They couldn't Manburg were out here defending their country with their lives, while George was busy being Bob-The-Builder.
"Well, uh, anyway," Techno said, waving his hand. "Let's just finish this. If you guys really want to surrender then it's fine, I guess. So let's just do what we came here to do. Where do you guys keep Schlatt? His days as president are done, and we would like to take this country back."
While everyone was thinking of what to say, Sapnap felt as if he had just been punched in the stomach. His eyes widened and he nearly bent over by hearing Schlatt's name.
Everyone's attention turned to him. "Dude, what's up?" Dream asked rather concerned, walking up to his best bud.
"Fuck." Was all Sapnap could respond with. He remembered what he had told you, and the realization hit him hard. He had basically handed the president to you, and forgotten all about it afterward. How could he have been so stupid!?
"Schlatt. The van. (Y/n). Shit." Sapnap elaborated as he continuously scolded himself mentally. Niki and Karl's bodies froze.
Upon hearing your name, Dream stiffened and looked around for you. When he noticed you weren't in fact anywhere to be seen, and Schlatt wasn't either, he slowly put two and two together.
Dream shot a quick glance at Techno, whose expression told him everything he needed to know. And for the first time in a very long time, Dream was terrified. He's been telling himself for weeks that he knew you, and that he knew you wouldn't give in to the urge of getting revenge. That you wouldn't do anything to Schlatt, despite the crimes you were led to believe he had done. But now that you had gone out of your way to see him alone, doubt flooded his mind.
What if he had been wrong? What if he only knew the person you used to be? The person you had been before he had run his mouth, telling you a lie that had gotten way out of hand.
He had done it to protect you, but what if he had ended up doing exactly the opposite? What if he had broken you instead?
The whole reason behind the lie, had been to prevent you from going to Manburg. But you had already done that now, several times in fact. That still didn't mean he could tell you the truth, though. Then you would doubt why he would lie about your friend's death in the first place and would start to have him under suspicion. He couldn't have you figuring out who he really was. If people found out the two of you had a history, you'd be more of a weakness to him than you already were...
Dream had tried to keep Schlatt's knowledge of you and his background at an absolute minimum. But after you had thrown yourself off of that stage, and Dream had rushed to your side, that ship had sailed. After realizing that, he knew that he would have to get rid of Schlatt. But that didn't necessarily mean to kill him.
You weren't going to kill Schlatt, right? he might have changed you, but not that much. He couldn't have... Had he really meant that much to you, that you were willing to kill someone to avenge his supposed death? To do something that went against all of your morals?
If so, there was no time to waste. He had to find you. He had to tell you truth. Not about him being your old friend, but about Schlatt killing him. Dream was a good liar, he could play it off. He could find a new way to manipulate you, no problem. You needed to be under his control, everything needed to be under his control. And right now, he was losing that control. He had to fix it.
And most importantly, he had to fix you.
"The van?" Dream asked Sapnap for confirmation. His friend nodded, and just like that, Dream hurled an enderpearl in direction of it and disappeared into thin air.
Everyone slowly began to follow him, confused at why Dream had just reacted that way. The battle was over, a winner was declared, and therefore people didn't go at each other's necks anymore. Now they all shared the same curiosity about what was gonna happen to Schlatt.
And so, everyone began heading to the van to see for themselves.
Hey guys, I have a random question while you mentally prepare yourselves for the next chapter.
When you think about this story, is there a certain song that pops into your mind? Like, a song that reminds you of it? It could be the story in general, (Y/n) as a character, her and Dream's relationship, or her and someone else's relationship?
I thought it would be kinda funny to know.
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