42. Dawn of 16'th (2)
Dawn of 16'th (2)
In which you and your enemy make peace
in order to save your homosexual relationships.
-JLemongrass on twt
Of course, it wouldn't be the death of you. You were a baddie, a shawty, you couldn't be killed.
Just moments away from when Sapnap would fire the arrow, Quackity nudged your arm. It was very discrete, and if it hadn't been for your secret-bestie-bond, you wouldn't have caught on at all.
"Here for a rematch?" You managed a laugh at Sapnap, trying to distract him. You were really playing with fire here. "Get that arrow out of my face and I'll consider it."
"You fucking bitc-"
"Now!" Quackity yelled as you both threw yourself to the side. Punz and Sapnap fired their arrows and you just barely managed to dodge. Everyone was caught off guard, and in the heat of the moment, you all decided it would be way too time-craving to take another arrow and aim it. Therefore, you all drew out your swords at the exact same time, ready for battle. That was the best weapon for close-combat, after all.
You and Quackity nodded at each other, before storming toward each of the enemies. He fought Punz and you fought Sapnap. You and he quickly flew at each other's heads, him lunging out first. You ducked and raised your arm to land the next hit. Your sword came up to meet his, sparks flying at the clash. You fought to make the other lose balance, and even though you used every bit of your strength, Sapnap was stronger than you. His sword was forcing you backward and you decided to jump away before he would knock you to the ground. You raised your sword again, determined to land the next hit. You twirled in order to give the hit as much force as you possibly could, before aiming it at Sapnap's side. He blocked it, but the hit was enough to knock him off balance. He landed right on his butt, and you towered over him, sword pointed at his neck. You stood like that for a hot second, examining each other's panting bodies.
"Guess I won again." You smiled, raising your sword to knock him out. You, humiliating Sapnap had become quite a habit at this point.
"Guess again." He spat, before he kicked your feet harshly, making you fall backward. He was quick to get up and point his sword at you, reversing the roles. You cursed loudly, not daring to move.
Your gaze fell on Quackity and Punz, who had both knocked the weapon out of the other's hand and were now in the middle of a fist-fight. Quackity's gear was superior, but Punz had much more experience in fighting. He kept throwing punches at your friend, who just barely managed to block them.
"How many lives do you have left?" Sapnap demanded to know, his blade pressed up against your neck. You were scared to breathe.
You didn't know why he wanted to know, but if someone who could kill you instantly wanted an answer from you, you sure as hell were giving it. "Two."
He smiled, looking down at you. "Great. That means I don't have to hold back. I've always wanted to pay you back for what you did in that stupid forest fire. I've barely been able to think about anything else."
You faked a gasp. "I've lived rent free in your head ever since our first fight?"
Sapnap was nearly taken back let alone by your audacity. Then he narrowed his eyes. "You think you're so cool. But that was a poor choice of last words."
And then, as you regretted all of your life decisions, Sapnap swung his sword. But just as the metal made contact with your skin, Sapnap got tackled to the ground by none other than your bestie. The sword got knocked out of his hands, and Quackity rescue had been successful. But saving you had meant leaving Punz, and the blonde guy didn't waste a second taking an arrow out from his quiver and stabbing it right into Quackity's shoulder.
"Quackity!" You yelled, suddenly boosted with energy. You got on your feet in a flash and caught your friend as he stumbled backward, wincing in pain. You placed him on the ground carefully, examining his wound.
"Shit. Quackity, hurry and drink a healing potion, I'll hold them-"
"(Y/n), watch out!"
It was only because of Quackity's warning that you managed to turn around just in time. You blocked both Sapnap's and Punz's swords with your own, as they had aimed straight for your head. You used all of your new-found anger and energy to push them back. They redrew their swords, growling angrily.
It wasn't much distance between you and them, but it was enough. You summoned your bow and placed two arrows on it. Sapnap pulled out his shield and stood his ground, while Punz tried making his way around you to finish Quackity off.
"Don't you dare touch him, you bastard!" You hissed and let go of the arrows. The two men covered their upper bodies behind their shields, but that didn't help them much since you had aimed at their feet.
And that gave you as much time as you needed. While Sapnap and Punz were groaning in pain and pulling the arrow out, Quackity drank his healing potion.
"She can shoot two arrows at once!?" Punz questioned as he took a bite of a golden apple, slowly healing up. He humped back to Sapnap again, the two standing side by side.
"Five, actually." You heard Quackity state proudly beside you. His shoulder looked as good as new and the color had returned to his face. "If you really wanna know."
"Bullshit." The two men said in unison.
You weren't really the type to brag, but now that they had given you the opportunity... "Oh, you want me to demonstrate?"
And you were back to where you started. You and Quackity facing Sapnap and Punz. Despite Techno's sword-training lessons, you weren't able to beat Sapnap in a sword-fight. You had to use your bow if you wanted to beat him. And now you even had five arrows placed on it to prove a point.
As if he had read your mind, Sapnap pulled out his bow as well. You've heard he was a pretty decent archer, but you were convinced you were better. Quackity and Punz were also getting ready. They had drawn out their swords again, and ready to jump at each other. They waited for someone to make the first move, and you were just about to when you heard something that made you freeze.
The distant sound of yelling, cheers, and the screech of metal on metal. Someone was fighting just around the nearest corner. Many people were. They had moved away from the tower, and judging by the sound, they were near the van, just right out of sight.
And that's when you started thinking. If everyone was just over there fighting, it meant Pogtopia was still in the majority. Sapnap and Punz had just proved that Manburg put up a fair fight, meaning that if you would secure the victory, you had to keep being in the majority. Being separated didn't do you anything good anymore. You had to find the others and help them take your enemies out.
But you would really like to have a little chat with Sapnap first. You were certain that Schlatt was nearby, hiding as the true coward he was, and you were sure that you'd be able to get an answer out of Sapnap if you tried long enough. And the best place to do that was right here, away from everyone else. Which meant you and Quackity had to separate.
"Quackity," You spoke calmly, assuming your friend had noticed the nearby battle too. "Go over there. Help our friends out. I'll be right behind you."
If there was something Quackity didn't want to do, it was leaving you. But he was smart... Well, arguably smart, and he had understood where you were going with this. Pogtopia had to win this, no matter what the cost.
"You better stay safe, you hear me?" He mumbled, taking out an enderpearl. He hurled it toward the noise, making it fly over several buildings. When it landed, Quackity shattered into millions of particles of dust, disappearing right in front of your eyes.
"Oh no, you don't," Punz spoke through gritted teeth and copied his actions, leaving you and Sapnap alone just like you had wanted it. You were glad he had caught on, and didn't decide to pearl away or fight you as his friend left.
"You wanna know where Schlatt is," Sapnap stated and crossed his arms. "That, or you want me to give you information about Dream. Either way, I'm not saying anything."
"Come on Sapnap, we're going to find him no matter what. You, refusing to tell me won't stop us, it'll only slow down a process that can't be prevented."
"I said, I'm not saying a word." He repeated himself sternly, and you let out a sigh of frustration. After a while of staring contests and talking back and forth, you finally realized he in fact couldn't be convinced to reveal the president's location by a proper conversation. He was a loyal guy, you'd give him that. But you needed to find Schlatt. And so, you had to pick up a different method.
"Okay, listen pal." You tabbed your finger impatiently against your bow, as a shadow crawled upon your face. "You know how many we've recruited since the festival. We've won this battle before long, it's not rocket science. Don't get me wrong, it's cute that you want to defend yourself, but you're only making matters worse. At the end of the day, Schlatt won't be president anymore. So if I were you, I'd start behaving. Otherwise, I'm sure the cell we've assigned for Schlatt has room for two."
You were bluffing. Obviously. And for no reason apparently, cause Sapnap just began laughing.
"Oh, threatening me now, are we? Damn (Y/n), I thought you viewed you and your friends like the good guys." He tightened his headband. "I wouldn't be so confident if I were you. You're not the only one who's recruited anyone since the festival."
You didn't say anything, and Sapnap turned serious. "You've always been a pain in the ass, but as I said at the festival, I can tell you're losing your grip. Something is off about you. Dream can see it as well, but he can't figure out why."
"You two don't know anything about me." You and pointed an arrow of harming at him. You were getting desperate. He could tell. "This is your last chance, Sapnap. Tell me where Schlatt is, or you'll regret it."
But he didn't listen. Just kept talking. "You know, I've thought about killing you many times. You've always pissed me off, and I'm sure Dream would be way better off without you. You're corrupting his head. But I've always held myself back because I know it would hurt him. But, you know..." He drew out his axe this time. "I'm sure he'll get over it."
You managed a smile. "You sure talk much for someone who hasn't really achieved anything yet."
"Go to hell, (Y/n)." He said as he ran toward you. You closed your one eye, aiming at the middle of his stomach with the harmful arrow.
But then something unexpected happened. Two familiar, heart-wrenching screams filled the air, and you and Sapnap froze, inches apart from hitting one another.
"Niki..." You whispered in horror, lowering your bow.
"Karl..." It sounded from Sapnap who nearly dropped his axe.
Then the two of you exchanged a look that for the first time wasn't filled with hatred. You nodded at each other, before running down the wooden path and towards your friends in need, side by side.
You and Sapnap ran around the corner, only to find each and every one of your friends fighting one another. It was absolute chaos.
Most of them were on an open grass field, just beside the wooden path. You were able to pick out Techno's pink hair clearly from the constant moving crowd, but everyone else looked the same. He didn't have a single scratch on him, but his helmet was slightly out of place. he was battling someone invisible, who seemingly managed to put up a fair fight against your insanely skilled friend, leading you to believe it was Dream.
You shook your head, then searching for your two boys, Tommy and Tubbo. And when you found them, you let out a sigh of relief that they weren't hurt. In fact, they were doing a really good job fighting against someone you couldn't make out from here.
But the ones you were most concerned about, laid right in front of you on the wooden path. Niki and another guy were badly injured and basically fought for their life. They were each bleeding badly from their stomachs.
"Niki!" You exclaimed worriedly, rushing to the girl's side. Her eyes were only half-open, and she stared distantly up into the sky. Sapnap rushed to the other boy's side, equally as worried.
"H-Hey, hang on, stay with me." Your voice shook slightly as you tried comforting the girl. With one hand you took hers and squeezed it. With the other, you fiddled with your inventory, trying to locate your healing potions. You had two left. "How did this happen? Who did this?"
First then Niki seemed to realize it was you who held her. Her brows knitted in what you couldn't tell was concentration or pain. "P-Ponk" Was all she was able to say before she started coughing up blood. You took your chance while her mouth was open, and made her drink the healing potion. Its effects weren't exactly instant, but you saw the blood around the wound slowly disappeared. The spark returned to her eyes, and you let out a shaky breath. Ponk had somehow cut straight through her netherite armor. If you hadn't found her when you did, she would've lost one of her lives by now.
Niki's lungs slowly got refilled with air, and the girl struggled to pull herself up. But the relief didn't last long. Your attention turned towards Sapnap, who was embracing the limp male, tears in his eyes. He was staring at the boy's dying figure in shock.
And that's when you looked at the person he was holding. You recognized the purple hoodie, and the brown, curly hair. It was the strange, yet kind boy you had encountered in the forest not so long ago. Karl. Was he on Manburg's side? Did he know Sapnap?
"Don't give up on me Karl, don't give up on me." Sapnap repeatedly said as he looked through his inventory with a shaking finger. He had lots of golden apples, but nothing that could heal Karl in time before he lost too much blood.
"(Y/n), help. (Y/n), please help." Sapnap then turned to you and pleaded, his voice brittle.
Sure, Karl might be your enemy, but he had seemed nice in the forest. You didn't want him to die. You immediately crawled over to the two, taking out your last healing potion from your inventory. But when you were just about to hand it to him, you stopped mid-act.
"Tell me where Schlatt is hiding first." You demanded, eyes as wide as Sapnap's. Your lower lip was trembling, but your eyes were cold and determinant.
"Wha- (Y/n) he's dying!" Sapnap hissed angrily. He would've snapped the potion out of your hands, but he was too busy pressing his fingers against Karl's open wound, trying to stop the blood from leaving his body. His hands were shaking and covered in his friend's blood, who was drifting in and out of consciousness.
"(Y/n), what are you-" Niki began weakly, reaching a hand out to you, but you cut her off.
"Tell me!" You yelled, making the two frown. Your grip tightening around the bottle. So much, it began to crack.
"I-In the van!" Sapnap hurried desperately. His eyes were watering, much in contrast to his manliness. "He's hiding in the van! Now please give me that potion!"
But just as he had granted you the information you had wished for, you couldn't hear him anymore. You let go of the pink potion without meaning to, and if Niki hadn't hurried and caught it, it would have shattered into a million pieces, leaving Karl to die. Niki crawled toward Karl and poured the liquid into his open mouth, despise her wounds hadn't fully healed yet, and every movement made her wince in pain. You, however, were too distant to notice. Too far away to care.
Schlatt was in the van. With one life left. The battle behind you was still ongoing, but suddenly you couldn't hear it anymore. Everything around you lost its importance. Now, it was only finding Schlatt that mattered.
Eyes as cold as a killer's, you walked toward the van with slow steps. You wanted to run, but it was like you weren't in control of your body anymore. You couldn't tell it to hurry up. It was like you were in a trance. A trance you knew you were in, but couldn't wake up from. You didn't want to, either.
Your mind got foggy, the only thing clear was the way to the van. You didn't think, didn't feel, didn't care. You just kept walking straight toward the van, where your destiny was awaiting you.
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