39. The secret-bestie-bond

The secret-bestie-bond
In which you touched the dick...

-chewwypepsicola on twitter

Your hands found their way to your mouth. If it was to suppress a laugh or because you were shocked, you had no idea. Either way, the satisfaction you felt was absolutely overwhelming.

Quackity had done it. He had fricking done it. He had killed Schlatt right in front of you, making everything a hundred times easier without even being aware of it. He had run straight into the woods afterward, but you were way too distracted to give that a second thought.

You couldn't help but run towards Schlatt's disappearing body. He was laying right where Quackity had left him, face locked in a shocked expression. The arrow was planted deeply in his chest, coloring his formal clothes a dark shade of red.

You wanted to smile, but you were too shocked to move a single muscle in your face. Schlatt only had one life left now. You didn't have to worry about him respawning anymore, because the next time he died, he simply wouldn't. He'd be gone forever, making the world a better place in the act.

Now he only needed to watch Manburg blow up before you could take the revenge you so desperately needed.

The temptation to find the place Schlatt would respawn, to end him then and there, was almost irresistible. Your body ached for it.

But your mind reminded you of Wilbur's words. Schlatt didn't just deserve to die; He needed to watch everything he loved be destroyed first. Only then you would be even.

And now you seriously needed to go after Quackity before he got lost in the woods.

You shot one last glance of Schlatt, promising yourself that the next time he would die, it would be by your hands. You forced yourself away from the beautiful sight of Schlatt's disappearing body and ran in the direction Quackity had disappeared in.

It was very easy to spot his blue clothing in the middle of the green forest. Quackity had been running away from Manburg at the speed of light, but now that he had gotten away, he was walking around in circles, not knowing what to do or where to go.

He had just killed the president. He didn't know the area at all, but he knew he couldn't return to Manburg. But he most definitely couldn't continue walking away either. So what was he supposed to do now?

When you had gotten close enough, you debated if you should take out your bow. It was a good idea to have a weapon to defend yourself with if Quackity wouldn't act so friendly towards you as you hoped. But you didn't want to appear as a threat either.

You let your hand fall back to your side, deciding to trust your guts. Quackity wouldn't hurt you - not after what had just happened. You were his only option left. And his bestie.

"Quackity?" You carefully spoke out his name, and the said boy flinched. He took out his axe and turned around in a heartbeat. You caught sight of his tear-stained face and the burning anger in his eyes immediately.

You gulped, taking a step backward in a mixture of shock and fear, but you really didn't need to. Quackity's angry expression softened once realizing it was you, and he lowered his axe right away.

"(Y/n)!" He breathed in relief, taking an excited step toward you. Then his eyes narrowed into two small lines and eyed you carefully. "What are you doing here?"

You held your hands up, showing you didn't mean any harm. You needed to think carefully before you said anything. You needed to take perfect advantage of his confused state.

"I, uh... I saw what happened between you and Schlatt. It wasn't my intention to interfere at all, but I figured you might need a hand."

Quackity took all of your words in, debating if they were trustworthy or not. His face was arduous to read. Locks of his dark hair were visible under the iconic beanie, and you took the great pleasure of staring at it to kill time. The air was still chilly, and his nose and ears were just as red as yours.

"Uh, because that's what friends are for, right?" You added, followed by an awkward laugh.

First then, Quackity's skeptical face got replaced by a jubilant one. He returned his axe to his inventory and let out a deep sigh. His shoulders fell as he stumbled forward and embraced you, much to your surprise.

All this because I said one word in Spanish, you reminded yourself in awe, and hugged him back.

"I swear, I knew there was something about you when I first saw you! It's like we already have a secret bestie-bond, you were just the person I wanted to see, and here you are!" Quackity laughed. "This is almost too good to be true!"

He wiped some sweat off his forehead and pulled away, still smiling wide. You laughed a bit yourself, just glad that you had gotten the chance to mani- uh, help him. Glad that you had gotten the chance to help him.

"The situation with Schlatt escalated very quickly, but it wasn't like I hadn't seen it coming." Quackity began talking. His head rolled backward, his eyes looking at the clouded sky. "He's a dick."

"Was it all because he wanted to take the white house down?" You asked, tilting your head.

He nodded. Then changed his mind and shook his head. "I mean, today's argument, yes. But he's always treated me like garbage. Never taken me seriously, never appreciating the things I've done... I guess I just couldn't take it anymore."

You bit your lip. How did you comfort people, again? Your mind was too distracted thinking of today's fantastic events that you nearly forgot... Wait, oh yeah.

You placed your hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. "Schlatt's a moron, Quackity. He was in the wrong for treating you like that... And, for what it's worth, I think the white house was absolutely awesome. Amazingly built, great structure and all."

Your friend let out a dry but genuine laugh. "Thanks, (Y/n)."

"My offer from the festival still stands strong, you know. If you want to join Pogtopia, you're more than welcome to! You can help us take Schlatt down once and for all. We need all the help we can get."

The boy scratched his neck, nose scrunching. "I don't know, (Y/n)... Me disliking Schlatt is one thing, but to help you guys in a war against my own home is something else... Besides, I don't think your friends like me very much."

You get that, you really did. But you were so close. You needed to win him over. "It's completely your choice, Quackity. But after assassinating the President, the options you have are limited. You're probably wanted in Manburg from here on out. And don't worry about my friends, if there's one thing that unites us, it's our shared hatred toward Schlatt. Everyone knows he's the big bad guy here, I don't think they have that much against you."

"But I'm the-... I was the vice president."

"Exactly. Was. They'll understand. And don't worry, in the worst-case scenario, I'd just have to protect you from my friends. You know, by running in front of you, take off my shirt, and say that if they want to do anything to my bestie, they'll have to go through me first."

You both laughed upon remembering how Quackity had done that exact thing when running to your rescue at the festival.

You could see it in his eyes. You were convincing him. Good.

"It would be nice to give Schlatt some of his own medicine..." Quackity admitted after some hesitation.

Oh, you have no idea, you thought.

"And he did call me a pussy." Determination was plastered all over Quackity's face as he made up his mind. A beautiful sight. "You know what? I'm in. Let's take down that son of a bitch."

You grinned. "That's what I like to hear."

Now the former vice president had officially turned against Schlatt too. If that wasn't Karma, you didn't know what was. And if Niki managed to knock some sense into Fundy, this war would be as good as won.

You were leading Quackity back to Pogtopia, thinking of how happy Wilbur would be when he saw the new member. He would definitely welcome your friend with open arms. The only one you were a bit unsure about was Tommy, but you were sure even he would grow to like Quackity.

You sure already did. Quackity was a very talkative and nice guy. He talked the whole way back to Pogtopia, and all you really had to do was nod and smile occasionally. He mostly talked shit about Schlatt, and how he couldn't wait to give him what he deserves. You didn't tell him about how you would very much like to be the one doing the job; and you definitely didn't dare to tell him about you, Techno, and Wilbur's little plan either. You trusted Quackity, but not that much.

You were about halfway when Quackity said something that broke your thought-pattern. You stopped nodding on command and looked at him.

"I was worried about you, you know." He blurted, jumping over a trunk. "When you threw yourself off the stage, I mean. I know I had basically just met you, but sometimes people just click, you know? Like they were destined to become friends."

You couldn't help but laugh. He sure was a unique guy.

"I was the second person to get down to your dissolving body. It was a horrifying sight, really. You were lying in a gigantic puddle of blood, clothes soaked. If it hadn't been for Dream, I would have rushed to your side as well, but-"

"-Wait," You interrupted, stopping up. "Dream? Dream got to me first?"

Quackity nodded eagerly. "Oh, you should have seen it! That dude is so dramatic, and for what? While everyone was shocked at the stunt you had just pulled off, Dream practically threw himself off the stage as well to get to you. I'm pretty sure he landed with an enderpearl or something. He rushed to your side, placing your head in his lap."

Blood rushed to your face as your mind did its best to process what Quackity had just said. "He what?! Are you shitting me?"

"Oh, I'm totally serious." He leaned forward, with a serious expression. "You practically touched the dick."

"Dude!" you yelled, shoving his laughing self away. You were confused for dear life - you had just convinced yourself that Dream hated your guts, and now Quackity told you this!?

"No, but, really. If I'm not mistaken, he took your hands in his as well."

You freaked out. "He took my what in his what?!"

Quackity kept laughing at your reaction. "It's funny, I didn't think Dream cared about anyone. Well, maybe beside Sapap and George. And it was a really weird and out-of-character thing of him to do, considering how he had just threatened to take you hostage. Schlatt seemed to catch this as well, and he had a looooong discussion with Dream that night. Like, we're talking about 3 hours, here. 3 hours I had to wait outside and guard the entrance, and it was raining, (Y/n)! Raining!" 

"Wha- What did they talk about?" You eagerly demanded to know, but Quackity shrugged.

"Don't know, they were very secretive. I'm pretty sure it was about you though. Are you and Dream friends with benefits or something?"

He received a hard punch as an answer, and he groaned in pain basically the rest of the way.

You've had quite the change in mood. Before, you were so beyond happy that today had been an absolute success, and now you were a flustered mess. Dream had held your dying self in his arms after he had told Schlatt to take you hostage. That didn't make any sense. At all. Not even for a person as corrupted as Dream.

He had held you in his arms before, but that was when he had been on your side, and you had been alone. Now he had gone from a foe to a friend in front of half the population of Manburg. And he hadn't just made a fool out of himself by doing so, he had made a fool out of you too. It wasn't cool touching your dead body like that, without your consent. You made a mental note that you should scold him for that the next time you saw him. Which would probably be on the battlefield on the sixteenth.

You kept pondering about it until you had reached the destination. You showed Quackity the secret entrance to Pogtopia, and his reaction was identical to yours when you had first seen it.

"This... This is Pogtopia? Wow, it's uh... Way smaller than I imagined it to be." He tried to be polite while looking around the tiny room with one bed, one chest, and a crafting table.

"Don't worry, there's a staircase just around here." You laughed and showed him the way down the spiral staircase. Soon, the two of you entered the underground ravine and Quackity gasped in awe.

You had to give him a few minutes to comprehend the view around him. While he walked around the ravine, taking in everything, you looked for your friends. Usually, their voices (especially Tommy's) could be heard from miles away, but this time you couldn't hear a single thing.

You looked in every room, every possible corner of Pogtopia, but they were nowhere to be seen. That's when you realized they probably were fixing the tunnels, and so you took Quackity and began walking.

"And you're sure they won't try to kill me?" Quackity asked you as you walked, getting more nervous by the minute.

"They won't." You assured. "I don't think it'll be that hard to convince them you're on our side now, after what happened today. Just remember to keep your shirt on."

You were right: Just as you and Quackity turned around a corner, you saw all of your friends. You were just about to introduce them to Quackity when you noticed the person they were all gathered by.

You could recognize that orange fur from anywhere.


Hey, loves. Just wanted to apologize for the lack of moments between Dream and (Y/n) in this book. We're literally almost at chapter 40.

But it'll come eventually, I promise. In the meantime, who doesn't love a good slow-burn? Ladies? Ladies, am I right?

Anyways, I love you, say it back

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