37. (Y/n) going full emo

(Y/n) going full emo
In which you slapped that pig in self defense

-vantaasy on twitter

   "What is it, Niki?" You asked her, after following her into a private and empty room. It was only you, her, and the stone-walls surrounding you.

You had noticed Niki had acted a little off when you had talked with the others, but you hadn't realized it was this bad. Her hands were folded and raised for her nose to rest on them. Her two blonde locks clung to her cheek with the help of either sweat or tears on her chin. Her breathing was unsteady and her brows knitted together. Overall, she looked like someone who really needed a hug. So of course, you gave her one.

The girl completely broke down under your touch. She wrapped her arms around you and cried into your shoulder. Her eyes were closed, while yours widened in worry.

"Hey, Niki. Hey, It's okay. What's the matter?" You asked in a whisper, worried that if you spoke any louder she'd get scared. You stroked her hair and kept doing so until she was ready to speak up.

Was it because of Jack? Because he had been left behind in Manburg? Or maybe, she had just been so scared of today's events and the upcoming war, and this was her way to let off some steam? Either way, you really wanted to help her in any way you could. Niki crying was heartbreaking.

She slowly pulled away after a good minute of the embrace. She wiped her tears away and sniffed. Managed to smile. You returned it.

"What's the matter?" You softly repeated your question.

She let out a shaky breath. "I-It's Wilbur. He's been... acting really strange lately, and I feel like I'm losing him." She looked up at your confused expression and decided to elaborate. "We've known each other for years, him and I. It was Wilbur who wrote me a letter, telling me to come to Manburg in the first place. We're... best friends."

Your jaw forgot how to keep your mouth closed. Sure, you had expected Wilbur and Niki to know each other, considering how they were on the same side, but you would have never guessed their relationship went deeper than that. You felt really bad. Even for you, it was hard seeing Wilbur losing his mind - you couldn't imagine what it was like for Niki.

"You've been living here with him for the past week." Niki continued. "Do you... I mean, have you noticed anything? Anything weird about him, his behavior?"

At first, her question was met with silence. You felt your response die in your throat at the sound of Niki's soft voice. There was a hint of hope in her eyes, and you didn't want it to fade. You knew it would, if you answered her question truthfully. 

But you simply had to. You've been lied to multiple times within the past days, and you didn't want to do the same to Niki.

"It's not looking good," You admitted. "He's not been the same after I came back. The expressions on his face, the way he talks about doing things without thinking of the consequences. It's like he's lost his logic - and his logic used to be his strongest trait. And he's only one press of a button away from blowing up Manburg. The temptation is killing him, it's the only thing he thinks about, and-" You stopped. Stiffened. "Wait, you know about the whole blowing-up-Manburg thing, right?"

She nodded, much to your relief. Otherwise, this would have been a long night. "He keeps telling me about it. He keeps trying to convince me that it's a good idea. I've tried to knock some sense into him, or at least get him to tell me where the button is, but he just won't listen." She began tearing up again as she took your hand desperately. "I don't know what to do, (Y/n)! I'm trying so hard to hold onto the last bit of sanity he has left, the person he once was, but it's like sand slipping right through my fingers. I-I don't know how to stop it!"

Memories of your old friend flooded your mind at her words. How you, yourself, had felt exactly like she's feeling now. How your friend's lust for proving he's the best, had turned him into someone you didn't recognize. It had happened right in front of you, and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it.

You wanted to tell her about it, but you didn't say a word. You didn't want your own problems to overshine hers. Instead, you just smiled reassuringly. "Hey, we'll do everything we can to save Wilbur, okay? I'm sure that once this war is over and we've gotten Manburg back, he'll come back to his senses. And you'll be right at his side when that happens. For now, all we gotta do is make sure he doesn't press that stupid button."

Niki let herself sink into the comfort of the possibility that everything would return to how it once was. The unproblematic days she used to spend with Wilbur. The walks they would always have on sunny days, the talks that went on from hours on end... She missed it. She missed him.

She dusted some dirt off her blue jumpsuit and smiled at you. "Thanks (Y/n). That's exactly what I needed to hear."

You squeezed her shoulder. "Anytime, Niki."

Then the two of you walked out of the room, on your way back to the boys. "Everything is going to be okay." You once again assured her.

You ignored the fact, that it tasted like a lie.


Lesson learned: Do not ever leave these four boys alone.

When you and Niki returned, the first thing you saw were the two figures of Wilbur and Tubbo looking down at two, dark outlines in a pit?

You didn't know what worried you the most; The fact that a pit had appeared in Pogtopia out of nowhere, or the fact that the two figures in it seemed to be fighting. And may the lord forbid that those two people were who you thought they were.

And of course, it was. You and set off when realizing it was indeed Tommy and Techno. They weren't wearing any armor, and the only weapons they had were their fists. You saw Techno spit out blood, and Tommy's nose seemed to be bleeding quite badly. Both looked exhausted, but the burning fire in their eyes told you they weren't stopping any time soon.

Wilbur was smiling madly at the scene, a laugh escaping his lips every time Tommy or Techno landed a hit on one another. He was leaning over the edge of the pit so much that you were afraid he'd fall in.

Tubbo was at his side, sobbing silently. He kept flinching and closing his eyes every time his best friend would get hit.

Niki ran right over to Wilbur, kneeling down beside him and asking him what was going on. You ran straight to Tubbo, doing the same.

"Wilbur said it was the only way to take their anger out on each other." The young boy said in a whisper, not looking away from the horrifying sight of the blood, sweat, and tears that was being shed in the pit.

"Wilbur..." Niki started in shock, pulling the hand away she had just placed on his shoulder.

"-you absolute bastard." You finished, anger blossoming dangerously quickly within your body. You leaned over the edge, trying to catch the fighting boys' attention. "Techno! Tommy! Stop this, right now!"

But they didn't listen. Heck, you doubted they were even able to hear you over the adrenaline and the blood rushing for their ears. 

And so, being your reckless, dumb self, there was nothing else to do than jump straight into the pit. You stormed toward Techno who had just dealt the last punch. It had been aimed at Tommy's jaw, and the boy stumbled backward. You managed to catch him in his fall, but it only caused you to fall down with him. Tommy drifted in and out of consciousness. He looked really bad. Blood was flowing like rivers out of his mouth and nose. Black and blue bruises were all over his pale face. You placed him safely on the ground and kneeled beside him. He was still breathing steadily, but the sound coming from his mouth was desperate and hoarse.

The battle was over.

"Techno!" You yelled, getting on your feet. But once you saw the look on his face, you wanted to fall right back down. His eyes were wide and glowing red. He was wearing the exact same look he had been at the festival. He had taken his crown and cape off, and his mask was lying on the ground, knocked off by one of Tommy's punches

You cursed under your breath and held your arms up in a calming manner. He had snapped again, hadn't he? Lost control. Drowned in his own strength.

His figure was a panting mess, and his fists were still clenched. They had Tommy's blood all over them. "Techno?" You asked and his gaze fell on you. He raised his fists and walked toward you, unable to resist the urge to deal more damage.

But you were quicker. Faster than the fuckboi himself. You raised your own hand and slapped him back into his senses.

The hit caused his eyes to blink repeatedly, the scary look leaving his face. He looked confusedly at you before his eyes fell on the lying boy in front of him. "Oh shit." He mumbled.

You let out a sigh of relief, as you massaged your sore hand. Then you looked at between Techno and Wilbur, furious. "What the hell was that about!?"

Techno picked up his mask and pointed his thumb at Tommy. "He started it."

Tubbo and Niki jumped down and rushed to Tommy's side, once making sure Techno was back to normal. Niki was already wrapping bandages around his wounds, while Tubbo just stared at the blonde boy in shock.

Wilbur came down into the pit as well. He was clapping his hands and walked over to Techno. "That was absolutely perfect! Thank you."

You stood up, staring at Wilbur in disbelief. "Wilbur, what the fuck? Niki and I leave you guys for five minutes, and this is what we come back to!? What in your right mind made you think this was a good idea!?"

"Oh, please, that fight was the only way they could take their anger out on each other." Wilbur's eyes sparkled with passion and his pitch of voice increased. "Oh, I'm so satisfied with today!"

"You're satisfied? Look at Tommy, Wilbur! He nearly died!"

He ignored you and went on a rant about the many reasons why this day had been perfect. "Schlatt lost one of his lives, the TNT is still there... I just need to make a new button."

Niki was trying to pour a healing potion into the unconscious Tommy's mouth. Her grip around the bottle was so tight it nearly cracked the glass.

"I thought we talked about that. I thought we agreed you would only use the TNT as a last resort!" You began but you might as well have talked to a door. He didn't hear a word of what you were saying.

"Come with me, (Y/n). You too, Technoblade." Wilbur suddenly requested, already leaving. He walked over to a dark corner, far enough away to make it impossible for Niki and Tubbo to hear the conversation.

Techno immediately followed. And once you had sent Niki a worried grimace, you did too.

"Listen, (Yn)," Wilbur said once you had gotten over there. "Today, the possibility of a war between Manburg and Pogtopia became unavoidable. We need to win it, no matter what the cost. Technoblade and I have the perfect plan, and if you would just follow it too, we'd be-"

"I've told you already." You held up your hand, forcing Wilbur to stop speaking nonsense. You were still very angry at him. "I'm not gonna help you blow up Manburg. I don't know how many times I need to tell you that. Of course, I'm going to help you in the war in every way that I can, but-"

"There's something in it for you too," Wilbur assured eagerly. His words were an intense whisper, doing everything in its power to cut through to you. "(Y/n), I'm not blind. I noticed your weird behavior towards Schlatt at the festival. How you tensed up every time he was around. How you clenched your fists in his presence. You have something against him, just like I do. I recognize the burning fire in your eyes just by the look of him. It's just like mine, hell, maybe even more intense. Techno said you were planning on killing somebody - I thought he was just talking out of his ass, but it's Schlatt, isn't it? Your burning desire to end him is consuming you, (Y/n), it's so obvious. I just haven't figured out why yet. We have a common goal, and we can help each other out."

You were so taken back by Wilbur's correct assumptions that your denying response died in your throat. Wilbur saw this as a sign of cooperativeness. He continued.

"I know you're not much for the whole TNT-thing. But understand, that it won't hurt you or anyone you care about in any way. It's not about killing people, it's about creating a new nation. A new Manburg. What's so wrong with that?"

You were tired of having the same discussion with Wilbur over and over again. "Wilbur, we're talking about blowing up a whole-ass nation. What's not wrong with that?!"

"Because we'll create a much better nation by doing so! Of which Schlatt isn't the president. You're interested in that too, aren't you? You have to sacrifice in order to obtain, (Y/n). You, of all people, should know that."

Your defensive hands sunk to your sides. You looked at Techno for help, but your friend was just standing beside the beanie-wearing maniac like a loyal soldier. He was in this too. Wilbur was talking about destroying a government, of course, he was.

"And if you help us..." Wilbur sang. The tone in his voice sent shivers down your spine. "Then we'll help you kill Schlatt. We'll help save his last life just for you to take. On the sixteenth, (Y/n), where everything goes down. What do you say?"

He reached out his hand. You looked at it with a mixture of horror and awe.

"Why are you angry at Schlatt, (Y/n)? You can tell me. I know you want to."

You shook your head, eyes watering. You didn't want to, yet you felt the words form in your mouth against your will. Your constant urge to let everything out was taking the better of you.

You looked at Techno, who hesitantly nodded. But something wasn't right in his eyes.

"He... Schlatt killed my friend." You breathed out as if you had held your breath for a long time.

Wilbur's eyes widened. "The one you wanted to find? The one from your childhood?"

You nodded, immediately regretting saying anything. And you should. Because a few seconds later, Wilbur's face broke into a huge smile.

"Hah! That's perfect! (Y/n), Schlatt took everything away from you, didn't he? As far as I understood, that friend of yours was more important to you than your own life. Don't you want to make him pay for that? Isn't it everything you long for?"

"Dude, why do you think she wants to kill him?" Techno asked which only caused Wilbur to laugh. He took your shoulders, eyes looking deeply into yours.

"But why stop there? Why just kill him? (Y/n), he took away everything you loved. Why don't you do the same to him? Manburg is everything Schlatt loves. Let him watch it burn to the ground. And then you can kill him. That's the only way you can avenge your friend's death."

He let the words sink in. You felt your head empty itself out. Your body became emotionless. A frown was tugging in the corner of Techno's mouth, but he didn't do anything.

Wilbur once again reached his hand out. "What do you say, (Y/n)? You, Techno, and I - the dawn of the 16'th. Are you in?"

It was the first time Wilbur had ever mentioned a date, and you felt as if a ton of weight had been lifted from your shoulders. Now you knew when this pain would come to an end.

And Wilbur was right. You had been way too nice. Schlatt didn't deserve to just leave this world peacefully. He deserved to watch everything he loved burn down to the ground first. Only that would be justice.

You looked back at Niki and Tubbo. They were still taking care of Tommy. They were some of your best friends. You had promised Niki earlier that Wilbur would soon be back to normal. But he would only come back to normal if this plan was brought to life, right? You doubted that he would rest until Manburg was completely blown up. So... You were kind of doing Niki a favor too, right? And if Tommy and Tubbo wouldn't get hurt...

You knew what you were about to do was wrong. You knew that. But you just didn't care anymore. You had lost your patience. You wanted to give Schlatt what he truly deserved. And you didn't care if you sunk down to his level in order to do so.

You took Wilbur's hand, sighing. "I'm in."

Wilbur chuckled victoriously, opening his arms. "Then welcome to the dark side."


Bitch boutta go crazy

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