36. Don't pressure pig man ):

Don't pressure pig man ):
In which you come back to life, only to have
the power of teleportation. According to Tubbo, at least

-Ynastier on twitter

Dying was fun. You should do it more often.

You've never died before - and therefore you hadn't known what to expect when you had thrown yourself off that stage, but it definitely wasn't nothing. And nothing was exactly what it was.

It hadn't hurt at all. In fact, you don't even remember hitting the ground. The only thing you remembered, was the priceless face of Schlatt as you had jumped to your death. The look of defeat had been plastered all over his face once realizing you had outsmarted him. Sure, it had cost you a life but it had still been worth it. What had they been thinking anyway? That you'd let yourself get captured? You would rather die... Quite literally. You did die.

And it wasn't like you hadn't gained something from it either. Now, Schlatt wouldn't be able to locate Pogtopia, and you and your friends would be safe until the war would finally break out.

Well, unless your little friend, Dream, would change his mind and show them the way. You still couldn't believe he had thrown you under the bus like that, but that was a battle for another time.

You woke up in your bed with a gasp. Fresh air filled your lungs and you inhaled it desperately as if you had just run a marathon. You felt completely new, like your body had been reset. You had been very tired these past few days, but now you were filled with energy. The wounds on your palms had disappeared as well. Your skin was incredibly clean and soft. Even your hair was too.

You kept examining your body for a few minutes. The scar from when you had stabbed yourself with an arrow was still there, so you guessed scars were permanent even after dying. You were still in awe, though. There were absolutely no wounds or marks from when you had hit the ground. No broken ribs, no hole in the head, no fresh blood. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

You were glad you had died the way you did, and not by Schlatt's sword. You had been lucky you had been killed instantly and not slowly - that way you didn't feel any pain.

You used your non-existent abs to pull yourself out of the bed and stand up. You looked down to see your clothes were just as dirty as always. Guess death hadn't bothered fixing that. You should change soon, but right now, you needed to check up on your friends.

The walk from your bed to the door was quite enjoyable. You felt as light as a feather, almost like you were floating. It must be the after-effects of dying because normally, leaving your bed would take an eternal war.

You didn't have to walk very far to find your friends, after exiting the room. They were all standing at the entrance to the tunnel, looking into it waitingly. You could sense their worry even from this distance. Their concentration made them unaware of their surroundings, and so they didn't notice your presence as you walked up behind them. Good thing you weren't an assassin.

"She has to be here soon." You heard Tommy mumble, voice thin, threatening to break. "She has to. There's no way she hasn't escaped yet."

Tubbo nodded from beside him, just as paranoid. Weight was lifted from your shoulders upon seeing he was okay. "She's probably running through the tunnels right this minute. She'll be here in no time."

Even though they kept trying to convince each other, it was obvious that no one really believed it. Still, it was a fair attempt to ease their worry. Techno was tabbing his food against the stone floor impatiently, Niki was biting her nails, and Wilbur - Wilbur was actually the only one who didn't seem too affected. He was looking as insane as always.

Your lips curled into a playful smile. You walked in between Tommy and Tubbo and crossed your arms in fake curiosity. "Who are we waiting for?" You asked, knowing perfectly well it was you.

The two boys jumped and let out a high-pitched squeak. Then they turned around, and both their mouths fell to the floor, along with everyone's eyes going wide. Niki gasped loudly, and Techno couldn't help but smile. Once the shock got replaced with joy, Tubbo was quick to fly right into your open arms. Tommy, however, was still confused. He kept pointing between you and the tunnel he had failed to see you go through, trying to make sense why you had suddenly appeared behind him.

You smiled and patted Tubbo's back. "Hey, little guy! It's good to see you are back from the dead." You shot Techno a blaming look, who responded with a peace-sign.

"B-But how?" Tommy was confused for dear life. He pointed in the direction you had come in. "How did you come from there?"

Tubbo pulled away, mouth open in realization. "You can teleport...I knew it!"

"What? no!" laughter escaped your lips, as Niki stepped forward with a warm smile.

"Thank goodness you're back, (Y/n). I was starting to think they might have done something to you." She embraced you, and you thought of how nice it was to see her in Pogtopia. She had finally escaped Schlatt's claws.

"How come you didn't come through the tunnels?" Tommy repeated his question. He had easied himself a bit, and he tried to fight the smile that was constantly making its way onto his face upon your return.

You didn't get to answer the question. Techno, who had just stood with crossed arms this whole time, took a step forward. "You died, didn't you? And guessing from the lack of shock on your face, I guess it was a suicide."

Your friends gasped. Silence filled the room.

"You sacrificed yourself." Wilbur agreed. "So they couldn't track you."

There wasn't much about telling your friends about your reckless, stupid, yet heroic actions, when Wilbur and Techno figured it out all on their own within 20 seconds. You crossed your arms, huffed, and then nodded in a so-what-if-I-did? manner.

Niki, Tommy, and Tubbo's faces went pale. Tommy even raised his hand and slapped you, much to your surprise. "Why in the world would you do that!?"

You held a hand to your sore cheek. It wasn't like you had expected to be praised upon throwing yourself to your death. But since you had done it in order to save them, you had expected at least a high-five and a 'nice job!'. Certainly not a slap from a sixteen-year-old boy with anger issues.

You cleared your throat."Well, I was holding them back until I knew you had returned safely to Pogtopia. Then, since I couldn't escape, throwing myself off that stage was the only option left. That way, I couldn't be tracked or taken hostage."

"How can throwing yourself off a stage be the only option?!" Niki said skeptically, wavering her arms like crazy. She looked at you like you had lost your mind. You smiled awkwardly.

"Wait, but that explains why Dream suddenly arrived and rushed into our bedroom," Tubbo mumbled, causing you to choke on air.

"Dream was what!?"

Tommy nodded. "Yeah, when we were all waiting for you here, he suddenly stormed down the staircase, almost throwing himself into the room. We were planning on going after him to ask where the heck he had been and what he was doing in there, but he left as quickly as he had arrived. I guess your body had just started to respawn by then. He didn't say a word the entire time, and we just went back to the tunnels, not wanting to chase after him in case you came back. We didn't know you were respawning in the room next to us, after all"

Your eyes widened, as Dream's question right before you died replayed in your head. "How many lives do you have left?"

He had been checking whether you respawned or not. Wait no, that didn't make sense. He would've been able to tell that if he had just looked at you dissolving body in Manburg. He had killed many people before, there was no way he'd forget that a body would only dissolve if it was respwaning somewhere. So had he just come here to check if you were okay? Just when you thought he couldn't be more confusing. Why did he even give a shit whether you were okay or not? Sure, he had saved you from Schlatt's blade, but only for you to be taken hostage so they could force you into backstabbing your friends... And probably live without any good food too... A fate worse than death.

You were still angry at him for that. And you were also angry at yourself for being angry. You should have seen his betrayal coming, you should have known better.

"Why do you look as if you've seen a ghost?" Tubbo asked, observing your funny facial expressions.

"Because it doesn't make sense." You explained. "Dream was the one who suggested I should be taken, hostage. He showed up a little after I split up with you guys. He's not on our side anymore."

They all looked at the ground. Not because they hadn't seen it coming, but simply because they didn't know what to say. They had shared many pieces of information with Dream - him being on Schlatt's side now, couldn't be good no matter how you looked at it.

"You can't gamble when it comes to lives, (Y/n)," Techno then said firmly, bringing the topic away from Dream. "Don't do that again."

You nearly laughed, as the forgotten anger you held against your pink-haired friend fumed up inside of you. "Oh, you're telling me not to gamble with lives, Mr. Let-me-just-shoot-a-sixteen-year-old-boy-twice-in-the-stomach-because-the-president-tells-me-to. What the hell was that about!?"

"Oh, here we go again." Tubbo and Niki sighed in unison.

You took a warning step toward the male, and Tommy didn't waste a second backing you up. "She's right Techno. If you hadn't killed Tubbo, (Y/n) wouldn't have had to sacrifice herself in the first place! You just caused us two lives!"

   Techno actually looked uncomfortable upon the blonde boy's words. "Listen, I... I was under a lot of pressure." He tried to defend himself. He didn't do a very good job.

"And I assume it was the pressure that made it rain fireworks as well!? That was dangerous Techno, people could have been killed! You could've been hurt as well!"

"Jack got hit," Niki mumbled quietly, looking at her shoes. "That's why he had to stay behind."

You looked around as to check. You hadn't even noticed Jack's absence, and now you felt really bad. Was he left all alone in Manburg while all of you were safe in Pogtopia?

"You did some severe damage today Technoblade, and you aren't even sorry. I bet you'd do it all again if Schlatt asked you to." Tommy continued. He was standing one foot away from Techno, and pointed an aggressive finger at him. "You killed Tubbo. He only has one life left now, dammit! One life!"

You wondered if the deal between you and Dream was still ongoing. Much had happened since you made the deal, but he had promised you to make sure Tommy or Tubbo wouldn't lose their last life. But even if Dream was a man of his word, you didn't like the idea of the boys' last lives being in his hands. So you just had to protect them yourself from now on.

"Hey, Tommy, it's okay, really. I'm fine. One life is enough for me." Tubbo assured his friend, as he could see Tommy was only one second away from punching the shit out of Techno. He tried walking in between the two.

If Techno hadn't been your friend, and if you hadn't cared so much for him as you did, you would have been just as angry as Tommy. But you remembered all of the conversations you've had with Techno when it had just been the two of you in his house. He had mentioned he didn't do well under pressure. He had said he might snap.

You remembered the wild and murderous look on his face, as he had turned around on the stage, with the fireworks in his hands. When he had just killed Tubbo. Him, snapping was definitely what had happened, and even though what he had done was wrong in so many ways, you couldn't help but feel sorry for him. You were just sad that Tubbo had been the one it had affected.

"See Tommy, even Tubbo doesn't seem that bothered!" Wilbur laughed uncontrollably. Niki sent him a worried look. "I don't know about you all, but I forgive Technoblade!"

Tommy's face grew even redder. "I don't! How many times do I have to say it, he murdered Tubbo! He needs to get the hell out of here! He betrayed us!"

Techno's mask hid how he felt about the whole situation. You didn't see if there was regret, shame, anger, or emptiness in his eyes. But after what Tommy had just said, you figured you had to step in, whether Techno had learned his lesson or not.

You placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder. His whole body was burning hot under your touch. His body temperature was apparently rising along with his anger-level. "Tommy, I'm on your side. What Techno did was wrong and unfair - but he was under a lot of pressure, and it did help provoke the war that had been just beneath the surface for such a long time. We finally have a chance to get Manburg back now, to take Schlatt down. I promise you, Tubbo won't die again, okay? You won't either. You're about to make the same mistake with Techno as you did with me - banish him because you think he betrayed you. But think about just how much we need him to win this war. We need him here."

Techno seemed to relax a little at your words. He gave you a smile. "Thank you, (Y/n)"

You narrowed your eyes. "But that doesn't mean I've forgiven you completely. You and I will have a little chat later."

Tommy slapped your hand away. He was looking at the ground, eyes as red as his face, and hands shaking slightly. "He. killed. Tubbo... I don't know why all of you suddenly forgive him for that, but I won't. I can't."

With that, Wilbur suddenly stormed off with a pickaxe in his hands. He left you confused, but there was no time to follow him.

"Tommy..." Tubbo breathed, and walked over to said boy, and you rose a brow. It wasn't like you wanted Tubbo to be angry at Techno for what he did, but you did find his forgiving nature a little bit concerning. He was the one who had gotten murdered after all.

You were about to say something when you felt someone tug your sleeve. You turned around to see Niki.

"(Y/n), can I speak with you privately for a bit?" She asked. Her eyes were filled with unease, and even though it wasn't the best time, you couldn't help but nod.

She left, gesturing for you to follow her. You looked back at Tommy and Techno and gave them a stern look. "You guys better behave while I'm gone."


This book has gotten way more reads than I would've ever hoped for. I started writing it as a joke, and to see you guys enjoy it really warms my heart. Thank you all so much for taking your time to read it!

Also, sad picture of pig man ):

- by Jin-GinGin on twitter

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