35. Dream gotta catch em' all
Dream gotta catch em' all
In which everyone turns against you,
But it's okay, gravity's got your back. No, literally.
-Queentoriel on twitter
Your eyes shot open to see the back of a familiar green hoodie. As the devil sent from heaven, Dream was standing tall right in front of you, an axe and shield held high in his hands. You blinked a few times, as to check he wasn't an illusion, something your mind had made up because you were about to die. But when you realized it wasn't, you gasped.
So did Sapnap and George. "Dream!" They exclaimed happily, about to drop their weapons and hug him. They hadn't seen their green friend in a very long time and they had been worried sick. But then they remembered Schlatt was watching their every move, and they held themselves back, coughing awkwardly.
"Hey, guys." Dream gave them a small wave. Then he turned his gaze to you, lowering his voice into a whisper: "I told you not to return to Manburg. You don't know how much trouble you're causing me."
You didn't know how to answer that, but you didn't have to either. Dream returned his attention to Schlatt, his back faced to you. Schlatt looked as angry as ever.
You didn't know whether to feel relieved or scared, so you ended up feeling a mixture of both. It looked as if Dream had come to save you - after all, he was standing protectively in front of you with an axe. You felt a sting of happiness at the thought. You had looked forward to seeing the green bastard again, whether you liked to admit it or not.
"I thought we had a deal, Dream." The president uttered slowly. His voice was filled with spite, eyes burning right into Dream's soul - but your green friend didn't seem to be bothered by it.
"We did." He responded. "But that deal involved (Y/n). And it doesn't look like you're keeping that part of the deal."
Your throat grew dry. Two of the most powerful people had made a deal that involved you? What was it about? And just how long had Dream been watching from the shadows, just waiting to interfere? Why hadn't he shown up sooner to help Tubbo?
"I wasn't going to kill her," Schlatt assured. His face was as red as his tie from anger, and his horns were curved perfectly around his ears, presenting the devil he truly was.
"That's wasn't what it sounded like."
Ponk and Purpled moved closer. They had their weapons held high, and you tugged Dreams sleeve to let him know.
How were you gonna escape now? With Dream, it would be far more difficult - you weren't sure if he was willing to die in order to help your friends. But you couldn't leave him behind, now that he had come to your rescue. You knew Dream was very skilled. The two of you might be able to take everyone on the stage out if you worked together. Then you could run back to Pogtopia, without no one being able to follow you.
"I'm pretty sure there's a backdoor to the left." You whispered to him, making sure Schlatt couldn't see you. "If you don't wanna fight your old friends, we can try to distract them and-"
But Dream ignored you. He didn't even let you know if he had heard you or not, he just kept standing in front of you, looking at the armed men.
"Dream, c'mon man." Sapnap pleaded, taking a step toward his friend. "You said you were done with her. You said you weren't on their side anymore."
A loud silence filled the air. He had said what now?
On the stage, the two sides were represented by you and Schlatt, with Dream in the middle. You had been sure he was on yours, but Sapnap's words had forced you to look at the situation from another perspective. Dream was facing Schlatt, not you.
"I'm not." Dream nodded. "As long as Schlatt keeps his part of the deal."
You let go of his sleeve, heart dropping to your stomach. Your eyes went wide in disbelief.
"And I will," Schlatt promised. "But you gotta help me out here, man. If I'm not allowed to hurt her, how do I get her to tell us where Pogtopia is? After today's events, we're facing a war. And we need to win it."
"We'll capture her." Dream simply responded, leaving you to nearly blink your eyes out.
Then your mind comphrehended what was happening, and you choked on air. He wasn't kidding. He wasn't fucking kidding, and he had just turned his back on you. Was he being serious? Capture you? You were a human being, not a pokemon!
"We'll force her into saying their location that way - but most importantly, you could use her as leverage. I know Tommy, Tubbo, and Techno cares about her a lot. How does that sound?" Dream continued.
"Uh, yeah, that's a no." You cut in. You couldn't believe it. You couldn't believe him. "And that doesn't even make sense! If you're not on our side, why don't you just tell them where Pogtopia is yourself-"
Dream turned around in a flash, covering your mouth harshly. You hadn't spoken very loud - at least not loud enough for anyone else to hear what you had just said, but Dream. "I'd stop talking if I were you." He whispered warningly.
You aggressively shoved his hand off of you. Didn't Schlatt know that Dream knew where Pogtopia is? If what Dream said was true, and he truly had switched sides, then why did he keep it a secret? Why did they have to take you hostage? Nothing made sense.
You were disappointed - and you'd lie if you said you weren't sad. After Dream had comforted you that day, something about him had felt... Safe to you. He had helped you so much. By leading you to Techno, by giving you the information about Schlatt... You had let him have this power over you, without you had even realized. The very same power he had had over your friends during the war of L'manburg, and that you had sworn he would never have on you.
You felt like a fool. You were angry at yourself for trusting him. You knew the kind of person he was, and you had let your guard down anyway. But well, now you were back to hating him. Maybe that was for the best, anyway. One less weakness for you. One less person to worry about.
You looked around carefully. Everyone was standing in a half-circle around you, pointing their weapons at you. And now Dream had turned to face you as well. It was seven people against one.
And so, back to plan A, it was.
You laughed hurtfully, eying how far of a distance was between you and the edge of the stage. "You know, I thought you had changed, Dream. but I guess, once a villain, always a villain."
Dream shrugged. "I don't mind being the villain if it makes you feel like a hero."
Schlatt seemed pretty satisfied with Dream's offer and how the situation was turning out. The victorious smile had returned to his face. "That sounds like a plan, Dream. I'm glad you're cooperative."
He made a hand movement that gestured for all of his men to take a step closer to you. But as they did that, you took a step back and they all froze. You were almost at the edge of the stage. There was a 50-feet fall down to the ground. There's no way you'd survive that.
Dream and Schlatt immediately caught on. "(Y/n), don't you dare move any further."
"Oh, so you're worried about me dying, but you don't care about me being held hostage and blackmailed into backstabbing my friends? That makes a lot of sense, Dream." You spat. "You've always been confusing to me. I can't figure you out. And the worst part is, I actually began to think you might be alright. Deep, deep down, under your thick layers of cowardness. That's on me."
"(Y/n)-" Dream said, putting his hands up in a defensive and calming manner. He was sweating, and for the first time, you could easily tell his expression just by looking at his mouth. He was absolutely terrified.
You didn't care. You had decided not to give a shit about Dream's complicated feeling toward you. He had put you in this situation, and so you might as well get out of it with style.
You turned your head to look at Schlatt. You had to make an epic exit when you fell to your death. "You're right, Schlatt. Today was the start of another war. And I'll come back. And when I do, it'll be the end of you and your pathetic excuse of a country."
You took one more step backward. None of the boys dared to move.
"Don't." Dream warned. It was almost cute how he thought he could keep telling you what to do. "(Y/n), please. How many lives do you have left?"
"Why would you care?" You huffed, mentally preparing yourself for the fall. Sure, it sucked that you would lose everything in your inventory, but at least you didn't have your bow and arrows on you.
Much time had passed since you separated with Techno and Tommy. You guessed they were all on their way to Pogtopia by now. Your work here was done.
Schlatt's eyes widened as he realized what stunt you were about to pull. He gritted his teeth "You're going to sacrifice yourself. You'll respawn in Pogtopia so we can't follow you."
You smirked. "Bingo."
You caught sight of George and Quackity in the corner of your eye. They had completely given up on Schlatt's orders and were now staring at you with a mixture of horror and awe. Quackity smiled a little too, knowing you would get away.
You took the final step. You took a final glance at the panicking Dream. "Your move," you muttered.
Then you made a salute with your hand and leaned back into the air.
"GRAB HER!" You heard their panicking voices. They all stormed toward you, arms reaching out, but it was too late. You had already lost your foothold. "DON'T LET HER FALL!"
You closed your eyes and let the cold breeze embrace you. You got to hear Dream shout your name before his voice drowned out in the wind.
The last thing you thought of, was how you would definitely get your revenge the next time you saw Schlatt. He had just declared war, and it was going to be the death of him. He was going to lose.
You smiled. Inhaled.
Then you hit the ground with a loud thump. Blood surrounded your limp body as it started dissolving.
I made this for reference, I know it's shit, but I had fun making it
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