33. This festival sucks
This festival sucks
In which you have mood changes every five minutes,
and no, it's not because you're on your period.
-artmaline on twitter
The first second after punching Sapnap, you felt surprisingly good. It was like you had waited to give him a black eye ever since you met him, as repayment for all the shit he's done to you and your friends. The next second though, you were terrified and running for dear life.
"What the fuck was that for!?" He yelled, chasing after you, a hand to his sore cheek. "Come back here, I'll fucking kill you!"
It wasn't the first time he had said that, and therefore you couldn't help but laugh a little. You didn't know what you had been thinking, but it sure had worked. Everyone was looking at the two of you playing cat and mouse. George was laughing hysterically, Niki covered Tubbo's eyes while silently cheering you on, and Techno was face-palming. Everyone else just stared at you in shock.
While you ran, you would sometimes steal a glance at Tommy and Wilbur. They were in the middle of looking through all of the chests, and Tommy would send you a thumbs up and a huge grin on his face when he saw you. You kept navigating your way through the frozen crowd, trying to escape the headband-wearing man, until they were completely gone.
"Hey!" A loud voice yelled, followed by a loud silence. Sapnap had just caught up to you and was just about to punch you back when he too stopped dead in his tracks. He cursed under his breath, and the two of you slowly turned around.
Your eyes widened upon seeing Schlatt right behind you. He was looking at you in what looked like a mixture of amusement and anger.
To say that you stopped breathing would be an underestimation. It felt as if all of your insides swelled up, squeezing all of your tracheas and blocking all of your airways to the point where breathing seemed impossible.
One thing, was to see the man all of your hatred was directed towards from a long distance: seeing him stand right in front of you was something else.
You went through three quick stages of panic. First, your body completely refused to react. You couldn't breathe, couldn't move, couldn't talk. Then all of your alarms got activated and your body tensed up, ready to fight him right then and there. Then your common sense took over, forcing your body to relax and act normal. Not today. Not today, you kept reminding yourself.
All of this happened in a matter of seconds so your expressions must've looked very funny. Schlatt sure seemed to enjoy it. His face curled into a huge smile, the chest was shot forward. His chin was held so high that you could see his nostrils better than his eyes. He sure did a lot of effort to show he was the boss around here.
"People said you got fire in you, but I wanted to see it for myself." He reached his hand out for you to take it. "The name's Schlatt, but I'm sure you already know that. I don't think we've met properly. I'm sure we'll become great friends."
"She's got fire?" Sapnap hissed and made some wild arm-movements. "She's got nothing but madness, she's crazy!"
Schlatt rose his other hand as a warning. "Shush, Sapnap."
"She tried to refurnish my face!"
"I said quiet!"Schlatt spat, making Sapnap flinch. He returned his gaze to you, who was busy looking at his outstretched hand. The same hand that had held the sword that killed your friend. The wounds on your palms reopened as your nails cut into each and every one of them. You clenched your fists so harshly, your knuckles turned white.
You would lose it if you touched him. You knew that. You couldn't possibly shake his hand. So what the hell were you supposed to do?
"I'm so sorry, she's very socially awkward." A familiar voice came to your rescue. Techno wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "She becomes violent in big gatherings. I've told her multiple times she can't punch people unless they're orphans." Techno shook his head in an up-giving manner. "My apologies, Schlatt. It won't happen again."
"Oh, I don't mind. This festival was in need of a little spice." Schlatt smiled, returning his hand to his side. He kept looking at you but you just stared at your feet with wide eyes. Then he looked at the crowd surrounding you and yelled. "Let's begin with the festival activities! If you follow me, we can-"
His voice faded out as he began walking in the direction of what looked like a battle-ring. Many followed him but Sapnap stayed behind. He narrowed his eyes at you and Techno.
"What about me? Don't I deserve an apology too?"
You didn't say anything until Techno gave you an elbow in the side. You immediately snapped out of it. "Uh, yeah. Sorry. I don't know what the matter is with me today. I'm normally against animal abuse, but I guess I woke up and chose violence."
Techno snorted, but Sapnap didn't think it was funny. He walked up to you and took a tight hold of your upper arm, stopping your blood circulation. "Listen, I'm onto you. Something has been off with you ever since you returned. You're losing your grip. And I'm going to figure out why."
With that, he shoved you aside and followed Schlatt. You were left alone with Techno.
He turned to you with a serious expression as soon as everyone was gone. "Okay, what was that about? (Y/n), I can't keep defending you."
You told him about Tommy's little request, and Techno immediately understood - and he couldn't help but laugh a little. "No apple pie for you for a week, okay?.. But next time give him an uppercut - those hurts like hell"
Techno's attempt at cheering you up didn't work. Just by the sight of Schlatt, all of your positive feelings and thoughts had gotten replaced by negative ones. You were frustrated by your own anger, and that made you even angrier.
You and Techno walked over to the crowd. Apparently, Schlatt had started a wrestling match and a bunch of other stupid competitions. Techno walked over immediately, but you refused to participate. So did Niki, and she quickly found her way over to you.
"Are you okay, (Y/n)?" She asked carefully, taking a seat beside you on the bench. "That punch seemed a little out of character, didn't it?"
You liked Niki, but you couldn't help but grow annoyed. You were sick and tired of people asking you that. "I'm completely fine."
She understood you didn't really want to talk about it, so she just sat beside you in silence. It was kind of comforting, to be honest, but it didn't lighten up your mood.
You watched, as several people challenged Techno to a match - and each of them lost. He really was invincible. No one was even close to beating him, and at some point he got prohibition to participate anymore since there was no suspense in his fights at all.
At some point, Bad and Skeppy made their way over to you, Bad trying to continue the small-talk with you from earlier. You tried your best to answer their questions politely, but it was easy to see you weren't in the mood for talking, and after a couple of minutes the two left again.
Now it was Fundy's turn to try. He took Niki's place beside you when she was getting a drink. Still not in the mode for talking, especially not a traitor, you kept staring at the ground. You refused to give him the attention he wanted, even when he cleared his throat.
"What's going on with you, (Y/n)?" He then asked in a whisper. It was clear he didn't want Schlatt to see he was talking to you.
Your mind was thinking about so many things at the same time, and therefore it wasn't fully present. It was like your body replied on command. "I don't know what you mean."
A dry laugh escaped the furry's lips. "Come on, I know you. You're not ur usual happy self. And it's not like you to just punch people out of nowhere. Even if it's Sapnap"
You clicked your tongue. "Guess not."
"So what's wrong-"
"Dammit Fundy, who do you think you are to ask me that?!" You snapped. "It was because you snitched that I got thrown out of L'manburg, remember? Because you saw Dream and I have a conversation and decided to tell the others about it. You planted the idea of me being a traitor in their head, and then I come back a month later to find out that you are the real traitor? That you just stood and watched as your Tommy and Wilbur, your father, got banished from the nation they've helped build? If you think we're still friends after all of that, you're wrong!"
You didn't mean for it to sound so harsh, but it most certainly did. You saw Fundy jump slightly at your words, his ears dropping to his jaw in a frown.
Your breathing was heavy. You were so angry. At Schlatt, at Fundy, at yourself. You wanted so badly to just skedaddle from this stupid festival. You couldn't kill Schlatt anyway, so why should you even stay?
"I... I didn't mean to make you upset." He stated with a shaky voice.
You didn't respond. You just wanted for him to go away. You wanted to be alone. This festival sucked.
"I hope we can become friends again someday," Fundy muttered as he got up. He took one last look at your angry self before walking away. You shut your eyes, a slight headache appearing. What the hell were you doing?
You sat there in silence, your hands resting on your knees for another 20 minutes. You were zoning out to the sickening cheering from all of the people when a competition started. If it wasn't for Techno to tab your shoulder, you wouldn't have noticed everyone was beginning to go back to the podium and taking a seat.
"Tubbo's speech," Techno replied when you had asked him what was happening. You nodded and followed him, sitting down on your usual chair. Tubbo had talked about his speech many times, but you still didn't know what was going to happen afterward. You hoped the festival would be over.
Schlatt walked onto the stage. You looked at him with disgust, sinking down in your seat. "Before Tubbo's speech, I would like to say something." He announced. Then he went on a rant about how he liked to make fun of Tubbo when he did something wrong, and list up all of the things Tubbo wasn't any good at. But he also praised him for the preparations of the festival, saying none of this would be possible without him.
It was then Tubbo's turn. He found the mic and adjusted it to his height. He looked at you from up there and smiled. A little taken back, you returned the gesture.
"Uh, good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for coming." People clapped and Tubbo cleared his throat, nervous to begin the speech he had practiced for so long. "Uh, a wise man once told me that Manburg is like a lettuce."
Your brows knitted. Manburg was like what now?
"-There's so many layers of tasty and healthy goodness. And once you wash caterpillars and worms up the surface - it's a pretty damn good meal!" People broke into cheers, while you wondered how the hell he'd come up with that metaphor.
Tubbo smiled. "Schlatt has successfully washed all of the insects off our great nation. And with that, he's allowed the goodness and the tastiness to shine through. I would like for all of you to look around at what we've built... To look at each other. All of this is thanks to the democracy and leadership of J. Schlatt!" Tubbo started a round of applause for the president and everyone followed. Schlatt couldn't have looked any smugger at that moment. You felt sick.
"And isn't that what this festival is all about? Democracy! Our people have been beaten down for so long, and now we're finally free. Free to elect who we want, free to live how we want, and most importantly - free to go wherever we want without being limited by those huge, black walls. So once again, I'd like to thank all of you for coming here today and-"
Tubbo was interrupted by Schlatt's sudden laughter. You could Tell was just as surprised as everyone else. "Uh, what's wrong, Schlatt?"
Schlatt waved his hand, continuing to laugh. "Oh, it's nothing, it's just... Are you done with your speech?"
Tubbo nodded and looked at the crowd. "Uh yeah - let the festival begin!"
This time, there wasn't applause, and the change of mood made you lean forward in suspicion. You had just gotten to the conclusion that something was wrong when Quackity and Schlatt grabbed each of Tubbo's arms, making the boy unable to move.
The mic was still on, and even though neither of the three males on the stage was standing by it, you could hear what all of them said rather clearly. "Uh, Schlatt, what- what are you doing?" The young boy asked, laughing rather awkwardly.
You tugged Niki's sleeve who sat beside you, only to see that she was just as confused as you were. You gulped, your heart beating faster by the second. Something was definitely wrong.
You observed Quackity tie Tubbo's hands together and trap him between two pillars. He and Schlatt blocked the way out, making Tubbo unable to escape. He was perfectly visible to the crowd, and his confused face was just as red as the tie Schlatt had forced him to wear.
You looked desperately around the area and suddenly your eyes found Tommy's. He was laying on the roof of the building to your left. His face was painted with panic - he didn't know what was happening either.
"Listen Tubbo, let me just cut to the chase, okay?" Schlatt mused, his sudden change of voice sending thrills down your spine. "It's really awkward for me to say this in front of everybody, but... I know what you've been up to."
Your eyes widened and so did Tubbo's. He kept laughing awkwardly, not knowing how to react to the president's words. "S-Schlatt, I can't get out."
"I know what you've been doing with those tyrants we kicked out of this great country weeks ago!" Schlatt yelled with a wicked look in his eyes.
His voice woke you up from the trance-like state you had been in all day, and you realized the seriousness of the situation. This was bad. This was very bad. Schlatt knew. Of course, he did. And he was about to punish Tubbo.
You had to help him. It looked like no one else was planning on doing so, so you had to step in. But just as you stood up from your seat, a pair of hands pushed you down again. You felt a blade to your neck, and you smelled the familiar scent of cinnamon.
"I'm sorry (Y/n), I really am. But I can't let you leave this seat."
Schlatt was walking back and forth on the stage. "Tubbo, I don't know if you know this, but treason isn't exactly a respectable thing around here. I know what you've been doing, it all adds up! The tunnels, you absence..."
For the first time in several days, you completely forgot about getting revenge. All you could think about was saving Tubbo.
You wanted to take deep breaths to calm yourself down, but you were scared that the blade for your neck would cut your skin if you did so. "George, please. Please. Let me go." You pleaded carefully.
"I'm sorry. I can't." The response sounded from behind you.
"Do you know what happens to traitors, Tubbo?" Schlatt asked the crowd as much as the boy himself. He turned around with a wild grin that made Tubbo's skin go pale. "Nothing good."
He was going to kill him. Schlatt was going to kill Tubbo. Your eyes desperately flickered around without your head moving. You could see Niki frozen in her seat, sobbing silently. Jack sat in front of her, completely numb. You couldn't see Techno's face as he sat in front of you. Why weren't any of them doing anything? Why were you the only one being held back?
Since your pleading hadn't helped, you decided to try another method. "George, I swear to god, if you don't get your hands off of me right now, I swear I'm gonna-"
Your voice faded out, when you heard Schlatt's next request, which felt like a punch in the stomach.
"Technoblade, would you mind come joining me on the stage?"
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