3. Wilbur the fox-fucker

Wilbur the fox-fucker
In which... Yeah, no,
the title says it all.

L'manburg wasn't what you had thought it'd be, but it was very pretty. There were far fewer houses than you had expected - in fact, the only things within the walls were a medical room, the place where they slept, and then the van located in the center. There was some beautiful nature, which got reflected in a lake right next to the van. Some chests were placed randomly around the area, as well as some torches. It was quite a lovely place.

And then there were the walls. They were black with a tiny bit of yellow and very tall. It looked like they were wide enough for someone to walk around up there, keeping watch. They were quite intimidating and could be seen from miles away - maybe even to the place the enemies were.

"This is L'manburg. It's not very big, but we're planning on expanding when we get our independence." Wilbur explained, looking proudly around.

"I like it." You stated truthfully. This indeed was a place you'd be willing to protect.

They gave you a quick tour, even though you had seen most of it just from standing in front of the van. They showed you all of their secret chests filled with weapons and armor. When you noticed they didn't have many golden apples, you took out a stack of gold blocks and a stack of apples from your inventory and put it in the chest. They each gasped and thanked you. You were just glad you could help.

"Can we show her my discs?" Tommy asked Wilbur, as you made your way back to the van.

Wilbur nodded, as you rose your brows. "Discs? As in music discs?"

"Yeah," Tommy said, opening his chest, showing you the shiny, round objects. "They're named Cat and Mellohi. They're our most valuable possessions. They've been in Dreams hands plenty of times, but we've always managed to get them back."

"Damn," you said, examining them. They were very pretty. You loved touching the smooth surface. You wondered if their melodies were just as pretty. "So Dream wants your discs? Why?"

"Because they are valuable to us. Nothing more." Fundy said. "One time, when they were in his possession, he wanted to trade them for Tommy's netherite chest plate."

You would've spat out water if you have had any. "They're just as valuable as a netherite chest plate?!"

"Back then, yes. They've increased a lot in value since then. A whole set of netherite armor wouldn't even be enough to cover one of them now." Tommy said, proud that he was the current owner of them.

You almost felt honored that they even showed them to you, if they were as valuable as they claimed. Your twisted mind pictures how easy it would be to just take the discs and run, but of course, you wouldn't do that. It was mindblowing that they were that valuable, though.

When the tour had reached an end, Wilbur stopped to look at you. "So (Y/n). I've assumed you're pretty good at fighting."

Oh, you didn't like where this was going. "Uh, well I wouldn't say good. I mean, I suck at close combat. You should see me with an axe, I wouldn't be able to swing one properly even if my life depended on it." You laughed. "But I'm pretty decent with a bow."

They didn't look very impressed. You realized that you sucked at making yourself seem like a good ally, and you quickly continued. "Uh, pretty good with a bow actually. Call me Katniss Everdeen, cause this girl is on fire, you know what I'm saying?"

They rose their brows. You gulped. You quickly took out different types of arrows from the quiver on your back. "I've spent so many years gathering all kinds of arrows. Healing arrows. Strength arrows. Poison, fire resistance, slowness arrows. Oh, and harming arrows, they're one of my favorites! Not to sound like a sadist of anything. I've also got water-breathing arrows, just in case. I've never used any of them, tho."

Their eyes were wide - even Fundy and Tubbo's mouth fell open when staring at your huge collection. You smiled widely at their reactions. You've spent lots of time on this, so you were glad they were impressed.

"The coolest arrow, though." You said, placing all of the arrows back, only to take out a new one. It had a red tip. "Is the one I've invented myself. An explosional arrow. I got inspired by when a flaming arrow lights up TNT."

"Holy shit," Tommy mumbled, reaching out for the arrow. You quickly placed the arrow back in your quiver. "I wouldn't touch it if I were you."

"That's- that's, um... Really impressive, (Y/n)" Wilbur said slowly.

"I'm just glad you're on our side." Fundy agreed, and you laughed.

"Hey (Y/n)!" Tubbo yelled, and you got surprised to see he was 20 feet away from you. "Hit this!"

He threw an apple up in the sky, using all of his force. You smirked, not even waiting for gravity to take over, slowing the apple down. You took out one of your normal arrows, placed it on your bow, took aim, and fired.

The arrow hit the apple right in the middle, hitting it up against the wall.

"YEAH!" Tommy yelled. "CAN WE GET A POGCHAMP!?"

Tubbo clapped and ran over to the rest of you. "Did you see that Wilbur? With (Y/n) on our side, we actually stand a chance now! She's like our secret weapon!"

"Yeah." Wilbur smiled, staring at the apple. "She is."


You spend the rest of the day teaching Tommy and Tubbo some survival skills. Fundy and Wilbur were on an errand as they called it, leaving you to keep an eye out for the boys. You taught them how to make a fire, even without flint and steel. The most effective ways of beating all different types of monsters, without getting in their hit-range. You even taught them how to catch a fish the fastest. There were plenty of them in the lake after all.

You basically taught them all of the things that your best friend had taught you all of those years ago. You lowered your fishing rod, smiling sadly into the water by the memory of him.

You had just met the boys, and yet it was already like you had made a sisterly relationship with them. You were glad you had gotten to know them.

They were a strange pair, really. While Tommy was tall, blonde, and had a fiery personality, Tubbo was short, brunette, and had a bubbly personality. But despite that, they worked incredibly well together. They were like yin and yang.

You were in the lake, barefoot. The boys weren't, so they couldn't feel how cold yet refreshing the water was. That's when you remembered how dirty Tommy and Tubbo were.

"Hey, Tubbo!" You called, getting a grip of your fishing rod. You swung it right by his feet, the hook getting a grip on his left shoe. You pulled with all of your strength, swiping the poor boy off his feet, landing butt-first into the water. Tommy began laughing hysterically before you did the same trick to him.

When they both broke the surface again, they were both soaking wet. You laughed, feeling victorious. "You should've seen your faces-"

They didn't say anything. That was weird. Tommy never shut up. They just stared at you, a smirk playing on their lips.



Before you could convince your body to move, they each jumped towards you, pushing you into the water. When you got up again, you started splashing water onto them.

And suddenly it was one, big water-fight, each of you out of breath from laughing so hard. It went on about for another five minutes before you got interrupted by the sound of Wilburs voice.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

You immediately pointed at Tommy, who pointed at Tubbo, who pointed at you. Then you all began laughing again.

"Sorry. They needed a bath." You explained, getting out of the lake. Water dripped down from your soaking clothes, but it didn't bother you - the sun was at its highest, so it would dry out eventually.

"We have this for you," Fundy said when you walked over to him. He held out a piece of clothing that matched the others perfectly. Or well, everyone, except Fundy. It was like he had the Walmart version.

"The uniform of L'manburg." You said, taking it. you couldn't wait to put it on. "Thank you so much!"

"Now you're officially part of the team." Wilbur smiled, clapping your shoulder. You nodded, smiling brightly.

"Was that what your little father-son trip was about then?" Tubbo asked once he had gotten out of the water as well.

You choked on the air. "Father-son?" You pointed at Fundy. "W-Wilbur's your father?"

The furry nodded innocently.

Your eyes winded. W-Wilbur- Wilbur had done it with a fox?

All mighty Zeus, what had you signed up for?


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