29. There's no 'we' in 'pie'

There's no 'we' in 'pie'
In which Eret would look much better with
your fist in his face... Actually, most men would

-Clambuoyance on twitter

   When you woke up the next morning, you felt a little weird, to say the least. You couldn't describe it, you've never felt anything like it before, but it was like you knew something strange was going to happen today. The hair on your arms rose and shivers were constantly being sent down your spine - it was like your body was telling you to prepare yourself.

   It creeped you out at first, but you quickly learned to ignore it. You got up from your bed to see you were alone in the room. Tommy, Wilbur and Techno's beds were empty, leaving you alone with your morning hair that almost deserved a personality by itself. How it always managed to defy gravity in the early morning hours, was a mystery to you.

   You tried fixing it in the mirror, along with brushing your teeth. The weird feeling was still there. You scrunched your nose. Maybe you were just hungry.

   Despite the fact that you were 50 feet underground and there weren't any cold morning-breezes, it was still pretty cold - so you put on the aviator jacket Techno had given you, and walked out the room. This place was huge, and even though your friends had shown you around Pogtobia yesterday, it was easy to get lost. You still couldn't believe how they had made all of this in just a few days.

   You stood in the middle of the ravine, looking around and trying to locate where Tommy's loud, screaming and constant complaints about how he didn't want to eat potatoes for breakfast came from. The ceiling was incredibly high, making your footsteps echo through it all.

   When you finally found them, the first thing Techno did was to give you a slice of apple pie. You dug right into it, even though it was morning and not necessarily healthy.

   "Hey! Why does she get to eat apple pie?!" Tommy asked the pink-haired male, who hadn't put his crown, mask, or cape on yet. It was that early.

   "Because, Tommy." Techno began in his deep, husky morning-voice. "Small boys like you need their daily potatoes so you can grow big and strong."

   "I am big and strong!" his voice cracked.

    "No. And besides,(Y/n) made that very pie. Isn't that right, (Y/n)?"

   You nodded, mouth filled with pie. You also nodded a good-morning to Wilbur who leaned against the table, drinking his coffee.

   "And why can't I have some then?" Tommy continued his usual morning-argument with Techno. 

   "There is no 'we' in 'pie', Tommy."

   Techno and Tommy kept going, and you, still being tired, decided to ask Wilbur how he had slept, and what the plan was for today.

   "Tommy and I will go to the nether and get netherite. We need better tools and you can go ahead and join us if you'd like. Techno will head to Manburg to do some errands." Wilbur answered, taking on his long coat. Oh, they were going now?

   "I'm going with Techno to Manburg then." You said. "I hate the nether."

   "I don't think Dream will be too happy about that. He told you to be careful, (Y/n)." Techno reminded you, taking a sip of his own coffee.

   You nearly choked on pie. How did he know about that? He hadn't been around when Dream had told you that. Your eyes winded - had he seen the two of you hug as well?

   "Well, I am going to be careful." You said, looking at him suspiciously. "And you'll be there. He said that'd be fine. Besides, if I wanna go, I'm going, I'm not gonna wait for anyone to give me a green light. I don't know how many times I need to say that."

   "But weren't Schlatt and his men on the look-out for you?" Tommy asked, throwing all of his potatoes into the trashcan.

   You pouted. You had completely forgotten about that... Schlatt and Sapnap had mentioned they should find you so they could - what, have something on Dream? You still didn't get it.

   Techno chuckled. "Well, if you do decide to go, you don't have to worry about that. You're with me after all."

   Tommy rolled his eyes at his arrogance and asked him to get down from his high-horse. But Wilbur agreed. "That's right. If you're with Techno, Schlatt wouldn't dare to try anything. You won't have to be invisible either."

   "Well," You smiled, standing up. You always seemed to underestimate the reputation Techno had around here "Then it's settled. When are we going?"


"Oh... Uh, okay," You yawned your exhaustion out and put on your boots. "I'm ready!"

   You said your goodbyes to Tommy and Wilbur, and turned around to see Techno had already left. "Hey, Techno? Techno! You're walking the wrong way!" You yelled after him, watching him disappear around the right corner.

   "Tunnels." He reminded you.

   Your mouth formed an 'o'. "Right, right. Of course." You waved to Tommy behind you, and sent him a watch-out-for-Wilbur-while-I'm-gone look. Tommy gave you a thumbs up, and you followed Techno.


   The tunnel was much nicer than what you had expected. They were much lighter due to the placed torches every other meter, and much wider. You didn't have to bend down or walk sideways at any point - you and Techno could even walk next to each other without it being a problem. It was also straight forward - it didn't make any weird twists and turns.

   You were walking beside your friend in silence, but there was something you wanted to ask him. How he had known what you and Dream talked about. And why he looked at you yesterday like he knew you had been lying about the reason you had returned.

   You were just about to speak up, when Techno met you halfway. "What is it? You can just spit it out already, we have an hour's walk ahead of us."

   You gulped. Why was it he could always read you without even looking at you?

   You decided to head straight to the point. "How did you know about me and Dream's conversation? You weren't there, were you?"

   Techno kept staring straight-forward, but you could tell he was smiling. "You caught on on that much, huh?" He chuckled. You didn't say anything, so he kept talking. "Dream has wanted to speak with me privately quite a lot frequently. I guess the message just slipped."

   You didn't buy it. That didn't explain the weird look he had sent you yesterday. And just the way he's been acting in general ever since you came here. The answer was obvious. "Dream told you what happened... Didn't he?"

   For a couple of seconds, you could only hear the footsteps. Then Techno slowly nodded. "Well to be fair, I would've figured it out either way. After all, you're here right now and not at that contest, looking for your friend. But yeah, Dream told me right before you came, actually. I'm sorry what happened to him."

   It sounded like there wasn't any more to the story - and you doubted Techno would lie about such a topic. But so why did you feel like he wasn't telling the truth?

   It actually surprised you, how you didn't get emotional talking about this - it was odd, considering how you had broken down in Dream's arms not so long ago just by the mentioning of your friend. But now, you didn't feel anything. Just cold.

   The air between the two of you had quickly grown tense. None of you really wanted to talk about the following, but it couldn't be avoided:  

   "So you know the real reason I'm here, I assume?" Your eyes looked firmly ahead. You clenched your fists.

   He nodded again, but more hesitant. "I think so. But Dream doesn't seem to get it - he keeps asking me if I know something. I just say no, because it's funny seeing him struggle."

   "And what do you think I'm gonna do then?"


   "You're gonna kill him, right?" He finally spoke.

   Your eyes were an empty, determined gaze. "...Yeah,"

    It felt as if, it wasn't your own words that came out of your mouth.




   "You're not gonna talk me out of it?"

   "Oh, I think I would be the last person to talk you out of it. I kill people on a daily basis." 

   Emotionless laughter escaped your dry lips. A week ago you would have acted dramatically upon hearing that, forcing him to say he was joking. But now you didn't care. "Please don't tell Tommy and Wilbur. Or anyone else, for that matter."

   "I won't."

   Techno didn't like this one bit. Normally he was perfectly fine with lying to people, but he didn't like lying to you. He also didn't get why Dream would lie to you about your friend's death in the first place. It was a sick and manipulative thing to do, but he had decided not to question it. Sure, he was better at Dream at fighting, but Dream had connections that he didn't have - and Dream had made it very clear, that if he told you the truth, he would regret it.

   So the two of you just kept walking. You walked for about 20 minutes, until you asked him what his errands were. He just shrugged and said he wanted to see how far they've come with the preparations for the festival - to which you nodded.

   You were excited for seeing Niki and Jack - the two had been very nice to you. And it wouldn't hurt to get a better look at everyone else who had come to Manburg over the past weeks too. So far you've met BadBoyHalo, Antfrost, and Quackity. They hadn't met you, but it still counts.

   You knew you had arrived when the tunnel turned into a large staircase, going upwards. It was very long and your legs had begun to hurt, by the time you had reached the end. There was a ladder which you followed Techno up at. It took you into a hollow tree, right beside a lake. Techno told you when it was safe to crawl out so no one saw you.

   You followed his lead and found yourself right next to the iconic van. You gasped in surprise, feeling nostalgia. You looked around again and continued to be shocked at how much Manburg had changed since back then. You still remembered most of the new buildings though, due to Jack and Niki's tour.

   Techno led you onto the wooden path, and you walked right by the big podium - the place Schlatt had become president - and the place Wilbur and Tommy had gotten banished from the country. You gulped.

   Now that you were here, you felt a little anxious. Countless of wanted posters of Wilbur and Tommy hung on every lamppost, every wall. You weren't the one who was banished, but it still felt as if you weren't welcome. You were just really glad that Techno was by your side.

   You were confused at how no one was around when you heard some familiar voices behind you. You stiffened.

   "Well, you two are an unusual pair. Who would've guessed she was with you, Technoblade?"

   You and Techno turned around to see two familiar faces. Eret and Fundy. Your jaw fell to the ground.

   Eret was standing tall with his sunglasses and crown reflecting the sunlight. That's right, you had completely forgotten he had become king. He was wearing a cape as well, making him look like a Technoblade-fanboy. Fundy stood beside him in a black suit with an orange tie that matched his fur. He had crossed arms, and looked at you with a suspicious expression - but his eyes were just as soft as always... Just as soft as himself. You had completely forgotten the constant urge to run a hand through his fur when you were with him.

   At first, a huge smile appeared on your face, your eyes focused on the furry. "Fundy!" You exclaimed happily and took a step toward him with open arms. Then you froze mid-act, upon remembering what Niki and Jack had told you - at the election, Fundy had shown his true colors: He wasn't on your side anymore.

   Your happy face hereby got replaced by a confused one. You still found it hard to believe, that Fundy had betrayed Tommy and Wilbur - Wilbur was his dad, for crying out loud. And Eret? You've never really gotten a chance to confront him about his little stunt in the final control room. You were still very angry about that.

   "She was an orphan sent from hell, and one day she walked into my home. I decided to keep her." Techno shrugged, but you almost didn't hear him. You were busy having a staring contest with the two traitors in front of you.

   "Well, well, well. If it isn't the crewmate who so wrongfully got voted out." Eret smiled, narrowing his eyes.

   "And If it isn't the two imposters in this lobby." You replied just as cooly. "And don't act so cocky. The game isn't over yet, and we're gonna win."

   "Shut your mouth, (Y/n)" Eret laughed. "You're not even in the game anymore."

   "Stop! This isn't an among-us fanfic, Avery!" The readers yelled from afar, rolling their eyes at how the author kept breaking the fourth wall.

    "Shit, sorry." Avery spoke from the heavens, and rewind time a little.

   "Well, well, well. If it isn't (Y/n)" Eret tried again, crossing his arms. You wanted to punch him, kick him in the balls, wish misery upon him and his family, but you contained yourself. You didn't want to provoke Schlatt's little pets.

   "It's good to see you again." You admitted, looking at your favorite furry, hoping he would feel a tiny bit of guilt.

   "Why thank you, it's good to see you again too," Eret replied with an honest smile.

   "I was speaking to Fundy." You replied harshly. "Your majesty."

   "Oh come on, you're not still mad about my little show back in the final control room, are you?"

   "I'm gonna give you a show," You gritted your teeth and began walking forward. Techno grabbed your arm and held your back, leaving you to walk in place.

   "I apologize, she's not fully tamed yet. Tell me, gentlemen, what are you doing this lovely morning?"

   It was the first time Fundy said something: "We're giving out invitations to the festival." He found two envelopes in his bag and offered them to you and Techno. "You're both invited."

   You were about to grab bort envelopes and rip them into a million pieces, since they were given by two traitors and you didn't give a single fuck about Schlatt's stupid festival. But Techno was quicker than you - he took both pieces of paper and putted them in his bag, before smiling at Eret and Fundy. 

   "Thank you. We'll be there,"

   Even though you still wanted to fight Eret, Techno managed to pull you away and began walking in the opposite direction. Fundy and Eret stood and watched your fading figures. You looked back at Fundy, who smiled sadly at you.

   "What do you mean 'we'll be there'? We couldn't care less about the festival!" You whisper-yelled Techno and shoved his hand off of you.

   Techno sighed. "Don't you get it? It's tactically smart for Pogtopia to have someone on the inside. That would be us."

   You kept being grumpy, but you understood his point. You and Techno could ruin the festival from the inside, possibly along with Niki, Jack, and Tubbo, while Tommy and Wilbur could sabotage it from the outside. That is if the plan was to sabotage the festival in the first place. Actually, you weren't really sure what the plan even was - you'd have to ask Wilbur that when you got back.

   Your fingers turned cold when thinking about the possibility of you, standing face-to face with the president, if you went to the festival. You would have a hard time avoiding him then,  and you didn't know if you trusted yourself enough to be within a 10-foot radius from him. You still needed to find out if it would be smart to take him out then, at the festival. Maybe it was the perfect day. The sooner, the better.

   Was he even still looking for you? Fundy and Eret hadn't acted suspiciously when it came to that - but maybe it was just because you were with Techno. Either way, you should still be careful.

   You asked Techno what he thought about it, and he agreed with you. He was sure it was because no one would ever dare to touch someone who was with him. Not many people dared to challenge Techno regarding anything. And those people who had, had lost within seconds.

   Everyone except Dream. But he wasn't here. 

   You were eyeing Manburg carefully. You were on the look-out if anyone was watching you from the shadows, or possibly if Niki and Jack were around. If so, you would like to say hi. But you couldn't see anyone.

   The weather was quite nice, actually. Pretty warm. The sun was shining, and you wrapped your jacket around your waist. You couldn't believe how Techno was fine walking with a whole-ass cape around his shoulders. Maybe it had something to do with him growing up in a snowy biome. 

   The two of you kept walking around Manburg, and to be fair, you started to get a little suspicious of Techno. He was walking like he didn't have any purpose. He was just... Looking. You thought he had errands to do? And why did he even refuse to tell you what those errands were in the first place?

   Maybe it was a secret and he was waiting for an opportunity to be alone. If that was the case, there was one coming right up.

   You and Techno noticed them immediately; two small figures coming towards you at the end of the wooden path. They hadn't noticed you, but it was only a matter of time.

   You recognized one of them - a blue-clothed guy with a matching beanie. Quackity. And you could easily see the horns of the other person walking beside him. The guy from the posters. The big, bad president.


   Your eyes winded. Fire lit up inside of you while your body froze. You held your breath, not taking your eyes off of him. Your eyes refused to focus on anything but his figure, making the world around him blurry. Almost grey. It was your first time seeing him in person. The person who took everything away from you.

   Techno noticed how you tensed up, and he immediately walked in front of you. "(Y/n), walk into the forest. I'll deal with him, we'll meet by the hollow tree in 15 minutes."

   You didn't know if he said it because he wanted to speak with Schlatt alone, or if he said it to protect you. Because he knew how you would react if he came too close.

   When you didn't answer, but just kept staring wide into the air, Techno slapped you. It hurt, but it snapped you back into reality. "(Y/n)! Now!"

   You ran into the forest that was located right beside you. The only thing you could hear was your own heartbeat. You kept running for three minutes until you were sure you were far enough away - you couldn't even see Manburg anymore. And even then, you still hid behind a tree.

   You worked on getting your breathing and mind under control. Your body was working against you, but you had to pull yourself together. You'd get your revenge soon enough. Now was not the time.

   You wondered what Techno was discussing with them when you heard a crack behind you. You stiffened easily, as every part of your body was already ready for a battle. You didn't even get to turn around when a soft hand got placed on your shoulder.

   "Hey, I'm sorry to bother you, but is this possibly the way to Manburg?" It was a calm voice from behind you.

   You turned around in shock, as the boy behind you closed his eyes in a big, yet shy smile. He was hearing a purple hoodie with a green square-spiral on it. He had light-brown hair and looked your age. He scratched the back of his neck, and when he opened his eyes again to get a better look at you, it was his turn to gasp.

   He sounded so shocked, looked so terrified that you wondered if you had turned into Shrek. Confused, you looked down at yourself, and he pointed a shaky finger at you.

   "Oh, god... It's you-"

Longest chapter yet, yeet

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