27. Mentally unstable? Check

Mentally unstable? Check
In which you're a stupid ass hoe, and can't figure out that
the one you're crying about IS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE-

-Jazetallo on twitter

   It was like time had stopped. For about 10 seconds no one said anything, and keeping your arrow pointed at Dream for such a long time was not only tiring for your arm but also quite awkward. You felt pearls of sweat forming on your forehead and your heartbeat pick up its pace, but you kept standing your ground. 

   You didn't know what the hell you were doing - you rarely did, but this was something else. You didn't know what any of their reactions would be upon seeing you, and it didn't exactly help that they were all keeping the suspense going gy just standing at looking at you like they had seen a ghost.

   You didn't know how you expected them to react. You had done the one thing Dream had forbidden you - follow him back to Manburg - or well, Pogtopia. And the last time you had seen Tommy and Wilbur, they had literally accused you of being on the enemy's side.

   And besides that, you didn't even know if you were doing the right thing right now. After all, you had already picked a side after only hearing 10 minutes of a conversation. But it had to be. From what you heard, Tommy was on the right here, and he was practically helpless against Dream and Wilbur. So that's why you backed him up. Yeah, there was nothing wrong with that. You knew for sure that you didn't want Manburg to be blown up along with all of its innocent people.

   Tommy rubbed his eyes, as to check you weren't an illusion - an image his mind had created in this sick situation of his role-model losing his mind. But when he confirmed that you were the real deal, he jumped forward and wrapped his arms around. "(Y/n)!"

   You lowered your bow from the sudden force and took a faltering step forward to maintain your balance. You tried keeping a serious expression on your face, but the smile that was creeping onto your face from Tommy's reaction was too hard to hold back. "Tommy, we're in the middle of a do or die situation!"

   But Tommy just tightened his grip. "You're here! You're actually here!"

   You chuckled, patting his back, completely forgetting the seriousness of the situation. His reaction was just as priceless as Tubbo's and it warmed your heart. He squeezed you tightly, and the two of you spun around a little. He was laughing loudly and you just smiled. You were relieved that he had seemed to have missed you just as much as you had missed him.

   You stood like that until Tommy remembered that this was totally unlike him. He let you go. "Uh, not that I care or anything. It's not like we weren't doing perfectly fine without you." He crossed his arms, and you could tell he tried really hard not to smile - but he couldn't help it.

   "(Y/n)..." Wilbur mumbled, snapping you back into reality. He walked beside Dream and looked at you with confused eyes. For a moment he looked like the Wilbur you once knew - not the sadistic maniac he apparently had turned into. "But... why-"

   You tried your best to give him a smile as well, despite the fact that you were currently trying to threaten him and Dream into giving you the TNT. But that smile quickly disappeared when your eyes fell on Dream. You could only see the lower part of his face, but his mouth alone, which was formed into a furious, downward smile, made you regret ever being born.

   He dropped his sword and stormed towards you. You let out a scared, high-pitched squeak as he grabbed you by the collar and backed you up against a wall. Your whole life flashed for your eyes and you were scared this was the end.

   "Dream!" Tommy yelled from behind. "Get off of her, you bastard!" He ran towards the two of you, but Dream sent an elbow right into the blonde's stomach, making him bend over in pain.

   "Wilbur, Tommy, go get Techno." Dream ordered, his voice an angry whisper. You could feel his death-stare burning through the dots on the mask and onto you. It made your stomach turn.

   That's it. You were going to die here. You were going to die without avenging your fried and on an empty stomach. Could it be any worse?

    When the said males didn't move at all, Dream turned around furiously, still his hand on your collar. "NOW!"

   Tommy raised an angry finger in protest but eventually did as told when he saw the face on Dream's face. He ran out of the room with Wilbur by his side. Dream returned his attention to you, and his face came extremely close to yours. "What are you doing here?" he hissed.

   His voice felt like a slap. It was poisonous. Dangerous. It made a part of you want to curl up into a ball and cry.

   But then you remembered you were a bad bitch.

   And it made the other part of you absolutely furious.

   Your eyes shot daggers at him, tone matching his own. "What am I doing here? What are you doing?!"

   He was a little taken back by your sudden mood-change. You took advantage of that and shoved him off of you. "I thought you had changed! I thought you said, you were on our side! And you had promised me, to protect Tommy and Tubbo - giving Wilbur that TNT is exactly the opposite of all of the above!"

   Dream kicked the air and did some aggressive, sweeping arm gestures. "That's not what I meant! What are you doing here?!"

   You let out an angry sigh, looking at the masked male in front of you with a burning fire in your eyes. Tommy and Wilbur were gone now - and that meant you didn't have to keep up that happy facade of yours. You didn't have to lie.

   "Oh what, you actually thought I was gonna stay there after you told me what Schlatt did to my friend!? If so, you're dumber than I thought! I'm here to-"

   "To what!?" Dream yelled. You've never seen him this angry. "You're here to what, (Y/n)!? Get revenge? I know you don't have that in you! I told you to stay away! I told you that it was dangerous and-"

   "I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WHETHER IT'S DANGEROUS OR NOT!" You snapped, yelling on top of your lungs. You pointed your finger at the ground aggressively, as you saw Dream flinch. It was hard to control your emotions, and you couldn't help but take them all out on him. The result of you holding back your tears in the forest was showing now - you couldn't hold it back anymore. "HE KILLED HIM, DREAM! HE KILLED HIM!"

   That last sentence, you screamed with such emotion that Dream took a step backward. You were letting out shaky breaths, and the world around you turned blurry. Blood was rushing for your ears, turning the world around you silent and loud at the same time. You teared up, chin trembling uncontrollably.

    "SCHLATT TOOK AWAY THE ONLY PERSON I HAD LEFT! THE ONLY ONE. SO I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR WARNINGS! I COULDN'T CARE LESS! I'LL TRY AND GET REVENGE UNTIL THE DAY I DIE!" You had completely lost all of your self-control. You punched and kicked the air wildly, pulling your own hair out, tears running down your face like a river. 

   For a moment Dream just stood and watched you, speechlessly. He hadn't ever seen you like this, and it made his heart bleed. He looked at your crying figure, feeling his own eyes water up as well - he was glad they were covered by a mask.

   This was his fault. His doing. He had fed you a lie that was meant to protect you, and it had completely backfired. He had broken you instead.

   "(Y/n)-" He spoke with a voice as shaky as his fingers. He reached out his hand, but you shoved it away. He then wrapped his strong arms around your torso and refused to let go. 

   You cried, pushed, punched, and kicked. But the male didn't budge, and finally, you didn't have any energy left. You sank down to the floor in his embrace, the two of you crying in each other's arms.

   "It's okay. I'm here. I'm here." Dream kept whispering comforting things in your ear, while you just cried, letting all of your emotions out.

   He didn't know what to do. He had waited so long to hold you like this again, but now that he did so, it completely destroyed him. He didn't mean for you to react like this. He didn't know you would care so much.

   'The only person I had left' you had said. Was that true? Had you been alone ever since he had left you?

   He gulped as he felt guilt consume him. But he couldn't take back what he said, he couldn't tell you he was lying. And he definitely couldn't reveal his true identity. He had worked so hard for all the power he was currently possessing, the title he held. He just... He just couldn't throw all of that away. If people found out he had a past with you, they'd use you against him to bring him down. It was for your safety as well.

   So he just had to wait for your pain to go away. He had to wait until you had gotten used to the lie. Yes, you had told him you wanted to get revenge - but despise the unstable state you were in, he knew you wouldn't actually do anything. He knew you.

   And maybe one day in the future, he could start building a relationship with you as 'Dream', the person he was now, and not the little, soft and weak boy you remembered. After all, he almost considered his past self a whole different person in contrast to his current self. 

   "It's okay." He whispered again, brushing some hair away from your face. You had wrapped your arms around him and buried your chest into his hoodie, seeking all the comfort you could get. And Dream held you as tight as he possibly could, rocking you slowly back and forth. He closed his eyes, taking in your scent. Unknowingly, a feeling of finally being 'home again' filled you both.

   Dream prayed that Tommy, Techno, and Wilbur wouldn't come back any time soon - it wouldn't be good if they saw him like this. Vulnerable.

   He made a grimace. Even the word tasted bad in his mouth.

   As for you, you had completely forgotten how much you disliked Dream. At that moment your common sense was on some kind of vacation. You couldn't think, just cry.

   He held you until your breathing grew steady. You enjoyed the last seconds of warmth and familiarity that Dream's embrace brought you, until you came to your senses and pulled away.

   Your hair was messy and your eyes redder than ever. You wiped the tears away from your wet chin and sniffed. Embarrassment slowly filled your body from the position you and Dream were currently in.

  Dream helped you stand up, and you clapped his shoulder awkwardly as a thanks.

   "Just promise me you won't return to Manburg. You'll stay here until I tell you otherwise, okay?" He was speaking as softly as he possibly could, afraid that you'd break if he spoke any louder.

   You didn't understand his constant need to keep you out of conflict. Or the need to tell you what to do. You wiped your nose and cleared your throat. "Dream, I can't promise you that. The others need me." Your voice sounded unrecognizable. 

   He sighed. You were afraid he was gonna get angry again but he just nodded. "Then... If you do go to Manburg... Just be careful, okay? Make sure to stay close to Techno at all times. I'll..." He paused. "I'll be away for a little while."

   "Where are you going?" You questioned feeling tired. You wanted to fall back into his arms and sleep. Wait, no you didn't, tf-

   Dream refused to answer. And after being as exhausted as you were, you just let it go. 

   It was like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders after you had cried. It was like you could finally breathe again.

   You owed Dream one, for putting up with you. You wanted to do something for him so you'd be even, and you could go back to hate him again with a good conscience.

   You were about to thank him properly when you heard voices outside of the stone walls. You recognized it immediately, and your face lit up. Techno.

   "I don't get what the rush is. Tommy, stop pushing me, I can walk perfectly fine by myself... No seriously, stop touching me-"

   You saw your pink-haired friend enter the room, followed by a concerned Wilbur and Tommy - who didn't stop pushing.

   "This better be good, I left my potato farm for this-" Techno stopped when he saw you. He took off his pig mask with his left hand, revealing his shining red eyes. He looked at you for quite a while, blinking several times. Then he growled.

   "Oh, you've got to be kidding me."

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