24. Back in the game
Back in the game
In which you finally get to know what it feels like
being under Harry Potter's invisibility-cloak
-Catmochi_ on twitter
It wasn't just inside of Manburg's walls, that things had changed - the area surrounding it was almost unrecognizable. In fact, the only thing you recognized was the iconic wooden path, but even that had been expended. Shops, huge buildings, houses, and farms created land that defied the usual boundaries of geography.
The view was absolutely stunning - and peaceful, despite the fact that the land was being ruled by Schlatt - the biggest prick in history.
You had drunk the invisibility potion and were currently following close behind Niki and Jack. They would sometimes whisper random facts about the buildings as you walked by - such as who build it, what it was used for, and who lived there. They didn't have to, but it was nice to know. Without them, you wouldn't have a clue of what was what.
Being invisible absolutely sucked. Sure, it was very cool that people weren't able to see you. It was the fact that you couldn't see yourself that bothered you. Do you know how strange it is to look down at where your body was supposed to be and see absolutely nothing? It's terrifying.
The only pro about it was that you didn't have to keep up a facade. You didn't have to look like you were completely fine when you weren't. You could just walk around, looking like the absolute mess you truly were. That, and you could make funny faces at people without them knowing.
You made a huge deal out of not making a sound. You were invisible, sure, but people were still able to hear you if you made loud footsteps or something.
Niki and Jack had decided to give you a quick tour before going to the white house, so you could see the area properly. You only spoke and answered them whenever you were sure no one else was around but even so, you were still able to have a proper conversation with them.
They were actually really, really nice and you were sure the three of you could become good friends. You tried your best to match their positive energy, but then again, it was hard when the feeling of joy had become a stranger to you.
The three of you had just passed a Walmart when you saw two figures walking towards you. You immediately shut your mouth, as Niki told you to be quiet and stay behind her.
The first thing you noticed was how incredibly tall one of them was. Like, we're speaking at least 9 feet tall. That couldn't possibly be healthy. The giant was wearing black and red, baggy clothing, and had a hood covering most of his face. You couldn't tell from this distance if his skin was grey, or if his face was just being covered by a shadow due to the hood. His eyes were seemingly glowing from underneath, though - and they were white. Just white. He had a devil-tail as well... Dear lord, was he a demon?
The one beside him looked equally as strange. He didn't look human. For a hot moment you thought it was Fundy, but as he came closer, you realized that it was... A cat? A walking cat? You snorted. As if there wasn't furry's enough around here-
"Niki! Jack! Hi!" The demon greeted happily, his voice surprising you. It sounded so innocent and happy - it didn't match his scary looks at all.
"Hey, Bad. Hi, Ant." Jack smiled, trying to keep going, but the so-called Bad and Ant (what even were those names) stopped up for a conversation. You placed a hand for your mouth.
"Where are you going?" Ant, the furry asked, scratching his ear.
"Oh, we're uh... Just walking around. Taking a walk." Niki explained, laughing awkwardly.
"Oh, in that case," Bad happily spoke up "Would you like to help us? Ant and I are heading over to Skeppy's, to help him build his mansion. He could use all the help he can get."
Jack thought about what to say. A pearl of sweat appeared on his forehead. "We might stop by later"
Bad and Ant nodded. "All right! See you later then."
They walked past Niki and Jack, and you were just about to keep going, when Bad turned around. He was looking directly at you without knowing. You held your breath.
"That's right! You wouldn't have to have any quarts on you, do you?"
Being skeptical that Bad was so close to you, Jack and Niki quickly shook their heads. And with that, Bad and Ant finally left.
When they were out of sight, you let out a sigh. "Who were they?"
"BadBoyHalo and Antfrost," Jack explained. "They're very friendly. They're also quite neutral in all of this - they don't love Schlatt, but they most definitely don't hate him either. I think they're just loyal to the president because - you know, he's the president."
You mouthed an 'oh'. You hadn't even been in Manburg for more than an hour, and you had already met four people you hadn't seen before. And then there was this Skeppy guy who was building a mansion as well. It was crazy.
You thought about how crazy kind BadBoyHalo had seemed when the white house became visible at the end of the wooden path. Your hands became sweaty. Tubbo and Schlatt might be in there.
You noticed someone standing in the open doorway. At first, you thought it was George because of the blue color but you quickly realized you were wrong. This person was wearing a long, dark-blue shirt and a matching beanie. Some of his raven-hair was sticking out of it, and he had a goofy smile on his face. He had a sword in his hand as well - he was guarding the entrance.
"Niki! Jack Manifold, my guy! What a delightful surprise!" The boy came towards you, grinning.
"If he's here, it means Schlatt is inside. Probably Tubbo as well." Jack turned his head to whisper to you. It was a good thing you were exactly where he thought you were, otherwise he'd make a fool out of himself. "This is as far as Niki and I can follow you. Sneak into the house, while we distract him. We hope you find Tubbo and eventually the others."
"And good luck, (Y/n)," Niki whispered as well, the guy with the beanie coming closer and closer. "Help them end this madness."
With that, you snuck around them and made your way up to the white house.
"Hey, Quackity," Jack said, not sounding too happy to see him.
You eyed Quackity as you passed him. So he was the one who was second in command? He didn't seem all that... Uh, politically smart but who were you to judge, you didn't know him.
"I was just in need of some company! Schlatt is having some kind of secret meeting that I'm not allowed in, so I'm getting all lonely out here. I'm a little tired as well, actually. Being so powerful all day long is just exhausting, I can tell you that. Of course, you wouldn't know that, Niki. Since you lost the election, I mean - you and Fundy almost didn't get any votes! Tell me, what does my entire fucking ass taste like-" Quackity's mocking voice faded out behind you, but you heard what you needed to hear.
A secret meeting, huh? Between Schlatt and who? Was it somebody you knew? And would it be a good idea for you to eavesdrop?
The latter was an obvious yes. Of course, you were going to eavesdrop - you were invisible, so you might as well let the potion come to use. You could look for Tubbo afterward.
The door wasn't open, but Quackity had his back faced to you so you could still manage to get in without being noticed. You just hoped that there wasn't anyone right on the other side.
The door was silent - thank goodness. You made your way inside and closed it quietly behind you. You found yourself in a modern-looking room with little to no furniture. There was a staircase to the right and a room to the left. The door to the room was closed, but you could still hear the voices coming from inside of it.
You silently walked over and pressed your ear against the door. You immediately recognized one of the voices.
"Look Schlatt, I agree with your ways and I'm 100% on your side... But Dream is my best friend, and I can't tell you what she means to him."
It was Sapnap. It was a long time since you had heard his voice, but you were completely sure.
A dark chuckle responded from behind the door. All of your alarms started ringing, and your body tensed up. It was him. You just knew it. Schlatt. "Well, the fact alone that she means something to him is enough for me. It's good to know that I can use her against him if necessary. So that's fair, Sapnap, I'll let it slide."
Even the sound of his voice made your blood boil. You wanted so badly to burst the door open and end Schlatt right then and there. Your body ached for it. But it would be stupid. Sapnap was with him, and Quackity was right outside.
It was a good thing you couldn't see Schlatt's face though. Then you doubted your common sense would be able to hold you back.
Sapnap laughed. "Then we have a deal. I'll help you find her. As long as you don't directly hurt Dream. He's not in his right mind right now - no one really knows where he is in these times."
Your brows knitted together. The last time you were here, it was Dream who was in charge, but that didn't seem to be the case anymore. And you didn't really know if that was a good or bad thing.
Were you the girl they were talking about? But why would they use you of all people against Dream?
"You've got yourself a deal. And what about the girl? Are you sure you saw her not too long ago?" Schlatt asked again, making your eyes widen.
"You can do whatever you want to (Y/n), I don't care. And no, as I've said, I only saw a flash of purple somewhere in the area, surrounding Manburg. It could've been anyone, but purple is kind of her signature color."
You gasped. It was you they were talking about. Had Sapnap seen you, when you walked into Manburg? But you had been so sure no one was around...
"Okay. We'll need to search the area. Go upstairs and get Tubbo in about 5 minutes - he should be done with the new poster by then. I'll tell Quackity." Schlatt spoke, and you heard him stand up, clapping his hands.
They would gather a search-party? For you? What the goose, you had just gotten back-
You would have run a frustrated hand through your hair when you noticed that you could actually see your hand. It was see-through, sure, but it was there. And if Schlatt and Sapnap came out of the room, they would definitely notice you.
You needed to go. Right now. This was your cue. Tubbo was upstairs, and you needed to ask him if he knew where Tommy, Wilbur, and Techno were hiding before it was too late.
You had exactly 5 minutes.
"I'll come back for you, Schlatt." You mumbled, voice fuming. "And when I do, I'll send you straight back to hell."
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