21. The return of daddy-Dream

The return of daddy-Dream
In which you realize men makes absolutely no sense
and you start considering to become a lesbian

"What?" You asked dumbfounded, looking at Techno. You've come to learn that his humor was something else, but it didn't look like he was joking this time.

You reached out for the letter, mumbling a 'let me see' but Techno just put it in his pocket. And now you were even more confused - Techno wasn't the secretive type.

"I need to help someone." He just said, as if it explained everything. It didn't sound like he was in the mood for a lot of questions, but you didn't care.

"Help who?" You demanded to know. "Is it Dream?"

He shook his head, picking up his pig-looking mask on the desk. It only covered the upper half of his face, just like Dream's mask. He tied it around his head and put on his high boots. Was he already leaving?

"But then who, Techno? Do I know them? Where are you going? Will you be away for long? Why can't I come with you? I could help!"

He held his hand up as to tell you to stop talking, but you took a hold of his arm, lowering it again. "I could help!" You repeated. "Please Techno, I don't want to be alone again."

It hadn't been your intention to sound so pleading on that last sentence but you did. Techno, however, was still as emotionless as always. At least that's what you thought, judging from his mouth - the mask covered his eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I'd rather have you stay here. I don't know how long I'll be gone for."

"But- but I'll have to leave in a week, to look for my friend, remember? What if you're not back by then?"

Techno fell silent for a moment. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest. This couldn't be goodbye, could it? Not already...

"Then so be it" you heard your old friend's voice in your head. Were you about to lose Techno like you had lost him?

Techno placed a hand on your shoulder. "Then I'm sure we'll meet again someday."

   You let out a sigh of relief but you were still stubborn.

You backed away, slightly angry. "No! I don't get it, why can't I just come with you?"

His head rolled back, irritated by your stubbornness. "Because, (Y/n). I like to do things solo. I work best alone. Now, the more you hold me back, the longer you'll have to wait for my return. Now would you please help me braid my hair, so I can get going?"

You hesitated. For a looong time. You really wanted to tag along - but then again, he had the right to go out alone if he wanted to, you couldn' You sighed and took hold of his hair.

When you were done braiding it, you crossed your arms. He turned around, a hand on the doorknob. "So are we on the same page now?"

You tsk'd. "We're not even in the same library."

"What was that?


"Good. I want you to practice your sword-skills while I'm gone. You're free to eat anything from the chests, and... Try not to set the house on fire. "

You held your hands up. "I won't make any promises. But if I do, I'll make sure to make marshmallows, okay?"

Techno chuckled.

"And in return... Try and hurry. Okay?" You asked him and fixed his mask.

He nodded and went out of the door. You watched as his tall figure disappeared into the darkness.

"I love you!" You yelled after him.

"No, you don't." He yelled back.

"You're absolutely right, but it seemed like the part where I would say it if I did!" You laughed and hoped he did too, as you closed the door after him.

Great. So now you were all by yourself. Again. Yay.

You turned around to look at the house, which seemed weirdly empty now that Techno wasn't here. You hoped he would be okay - but he was Technoblade, so of course he would.

You looked down at your bow and tightened your grip around it. You and Techno had worked hard for it so you treasured it very highly. You wanted to try it very badly, but it was getting late and you decided to wait till tomorrow. Sleeping was also a good time-killer. You really hoped that Techno would be back soon.

You laid down on the sofa and closed your eyes. You wondered who Techno was going to help. He had said himself that he didn't really have any friends (other than you of course), so who would he drop everything in his hands for, just to help? Was it someone you knew?

Nah, it couldn't be. You didn't know that many people and Techno shook his head when you had asked if it was Dream.

You let out another sigh and closed your eyes. Not too long after, you fell alseep.


The next couple of days, went by with doing exactly what Techno had told you to; Practicing your sword-skills. And of course, training with your new bow as well.

You went out on long walks, killing every monster you found with either of the two weapons. You had gotten really good at using a sword, and you had a lot of fun with it.

But it wasn't nearly as fun, as when you had Techno around. You missed him. Not only him, but your friends in L'manburg as well. Tommy, Tubbo, everyone. You wondered how the situation was with Dream currently. Had Tommy given him his disc? Or had he found a way to scam him? That'd sound like Tommy.

You had decided that when you got reunited with your old friend, which hopefully would happen two days from now, you'd ask him to return to L'manburg with you.

Sure, you have thought of the possibility that he has made new friends by now. But maybe they could tag along as well? Wilbur needed as many people on his side as he could get in his war against Dream. And you were sure that your old friend had missed you just as much as you had missed him. So he'd want to go with you, right?

And even if he didn't turn out to be at the competition like you hoped for, the trip wouldn't be a waste. You planned on asking anyone in the village if they knew him. You were going to find him. Even if it took you the rest of your life. He was the only family you had left after all. Well, kinda.

You were young teenagers when you last saw each other - but even so, you were pretty sure you'd rather describe your relationship as romantic, rather than a brother-sister relationship. yeah, most definitely. You didn't see him as a brother at all.

And then, after you had found him, you'd return to L'manburg. You had made up your mind on that point. You were sure that especially Tommy would absolutely love him.

You were making your way back to Techno's house. It was five days since he left, and that meant the competition would take place in two days - which also meant you'd be leaving tomorrow to get to the village early. You really hoped that Techno would be back until then.

When you walked up the stairs to the house, you noticed that the door was left open. You immediately grabbed one of your arrows and placed it on your bow - you were sure you had closed it when you had left early in the morning.

Slowly, you made your way inside. You were ready to fire an arrow if there was an unwelcome guest inside.

You didn't even get to think of the possibility that it would be Techno, when you saw a man sit on the sofa. And it indeed wasn't your pink-haired friend.

It was Dream.

He faced you and stood up when you had noticed him. You gasped, aiming your arrow at him - but the man didn't flinch.

"Hi (Y/n)." Dream greeted smiling. He almost sounded friendly.

Did he forget that you were enemies or something? That he had killed your friends? Or that you hadn't seen each other in almost a month?

"I knew I could find you here. Well, I was the one sending you here after all. You're welcome for that, by the way. I knew you'd like it." He was looking around, walking closer to you.

"What the hell are you doing here, Dream?" You asked calmly, not lowering your bow. Sure, the two of you have had a normal conversation on the day of his and Tommy's duel, and he had gained some of your respect by agreeing to your deal, but he was still unpredictable. And you were still on opposite sides.

Dream spread his arms, and for one scary moment, you thought he was going in for a hug. "I'm checking up on you! Now that Technoblade is away, I thought you might want some company."

Your eyes winded. How did he know that Techno was away? The only way he'd possibly know that was if...

You gasped. "So it was you who he was helping!"

Dream shook his head, smiling as wide as the face on his mask. "Not quite. But I do know who he's helping. I know everything."

"So I'm guessing you're fully aware, that you're an asshole?" You lowered your bow, and crossed your arms. Yes, you let your guard down but If Dream wanted to fight you, he would have done so already.

Dream laughed. "Oh, come on now, I thought we had become friends."

"Oh, so you're delusional as well?" You asked. You knew exactly what he was doing. His open posture, kind words, and calming voice. He was trying to manipulate you or something. He was trying to make you an ally - or at least someone who trusted him. You just couldn't figure out why.

Before Dream had the chance of saying anything else, you began asking questions. "Why did you even give me that compass in the first place? How did you know that I'd be kicked out of L'manburg?"

Dream shrugged. "Lucky guess. And I sent you here because I didn't want you around anymore. At least not right now."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He chuckled and took his hood off. His dirty blonde hair was now fully visible from behind the mask. "Take it as you want it."

You huffed. "If you're not going to answer my questions, why did you come in the first place?"

"I wanted to make sure you were still here."

"Oh? So you don't want me to leave?"

"That's completely your choice. I just don't want you to follow Techno. That was what I was making sure of."

You opened your mouth without a word escaping it. Your mind was processing not only what the green-clothed man had just said, but also many other weirds things he had said ever since you met him. You tilted your head, narrowing your eyes. "You're doing that... that thing again. Acting like you care about me. You did so too when you so kindly avoided killing me in the final control room. And when you accepted my deal, even if you didn't really gain much from it, other than me owing you a stupid favor. One of your conditions for not attacking L'manburg, was if I came with you. You even gave me a compass for free."

"What are you asking?" He asked, tilting his head as well. But you could tell he had caught on. He knew exactly what you were going to ask.

"Well, I guess I'm asking why. Why did you do all of those things? We don't really know each other."

He took one step closer, and since you refused to back away, he was closer to you than ever. "You..." He began with his little seductive voice. "Intrest me."

That was literally the lamest reason ever. There was way more to it, and you knew it. You just couldn't figure it out.

You shook your head, not wanting to play his mind games anymore. "Do you know when Techno will be back? Who is he helping if he's not helping you?"

Dream hesitated. His arms were crossed as well, and he was tabbing his fingers on his arms. You could tell he was debating whether to tell you or not.

"Listen, if you're not going to tell me, I will walk straight back to L'manburg to find out myself. Right here, right now." You took a step toward the door, but Dream stopped you.

He sighed. "He's helping Tommy and Wilbur. They've been thrown out of Manburg on the President's command, and are hiding in the forest somewhere. They are wanted throughout pretty much the whole land."



I spent quite a while on them. I just thought it was a good scene. Hope u like it

Also, be ready for the next chapter. You're in for a wild ride.

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