20. Quality time with Techno, the potato-man
Quality time with Techno, the potato-man
In which you find yourself in a win-win situation.
Free-bed-and-free-food. Who could ask for more?
-eaalime on twitter
You've never really thought of how many potatoes a man could possibly farm in one day. But if you have had to take a guess, it wouldn't have come near as many as your new friend, Techno, had just farmed in less than an hour. An hour. You were honestly surprised that he was known for his amazing combat skills, and not his ability to farm potatoes.
"I don't know. I just like potatoes." Techno shrugged, when you had asked him why he would need that much food - he already had plenty at home.
You nodded, not really questioning it. You had just met him, it was way too early to judge him and his weird fetish for potatoes.
Techno then began making his way back to his home, with four sacks of potatoes over his shoulder. He didn't tell you to help or follow him, but that was the least you could do. You bowed down and took four potato sacks yourself - but you quickly realized that you weren't nearly as strong as Techno, so you dropped two of them.
They were still heavy, and you practically dragged your feet through the snow. It was still cold outside, but Techno had borrowed you an aviator's jacket he had around somewhere, so you weren't freezing to death anymore. Besides that, you had also changed from your L'manburg uniform to your original purple and black clothing - it was a little bit warmer.
"Damn." You let out a sigh of exhaustion when you reached Techno's house and threw the potato sacks just outside. You were out of breath and had to rest your hands on each of your knees for support. "That was tough."
"(Y/n), there's still about 50 sacks left."
You squinted your eyes in pain, looking at him. "Oh. Oh, right."
"You don't have to help me"
"But I want to help!"
"Let me rephrase: Don't help me."
And with that, he began his way back. You looked after him with a bothered expression. He had just agreed to let you stay at his house, the least you could do was help him in his daily routines. But then again, if he didn't want your help, you didn't want to push yourself.
And like... It wasn't like the one thing you wanted to do right now was to carry multiple sacks of potatoes. So with that, you went up the stairs into his home.
You took your shoes off, throwing yourself onto the sofa.
You tried to sleep, but despite you being exhausted for life, you just couldn't. It was because of your curiosity. You wanted to know more about this house. You could see there was a ladder upstairs and a staircase downstairs. You'd like to know the house you were staying at.
You stood up, walking over to the ladder, but stopped right before crawling up. What if Techno had something private up there? What if it was top-secret, and he would have to kill you if you saw it? He had never allowed you to explore his house.
But then again... He hadn't said you couldn't, either.
Having the mindset, that now that you've already invaded a little of a man's privacy, you might as well invade all of it. So you decided to go full-on YOLO and began climbing up the ladder. Up, was a room with a sloping roof. And to your surprise, there were a lot of pictures of Techno himself - in many of which he had a pig-mask on, and posing with his axe. Which was in many occasions covered in blood. You gulped.
You walked around the small room. At the end of the room was an enchanting table, with a whole lot of book-shelves surrounding it. Overpowered gear and pieces of armor were scattered all over the room, each of them enchanted. And all made of netherite.
Your eyes winded. Techno- Techno was absolutely stacked. It was like nothing you've ever seen before. You looked like a noob compared to him. No wonder he had the reputation he had.
You could have taken your time to explore the room closer, but you were way too paranoid. You climbed down the ladder again - now it was the basements turn.
You walked down the stairs, hoping you wouldn't find dead bodies or a hundred children. But to your surprise, it was just a regular chest room.
You looked in some of them to find lots of wood, stone, potatoes, netherite-tools, minerals (every kind), potatoes, enderpearls, potatoes, lots of enchantment-books, potatoes, golden apples, and then more potatoes - okay what was with this guy and potatoes?
Techno was rich. He basically had it all. Everything. You were even convinced he was way better off than Dream would ever be. This was literally insane.
You walked away from the chest and looked at a wall with lot's of posters. They immediately caught your attention, since they were all about competitions. Most of them had already been held, but a big one caught your eye; One advertising about a huge competition in sword-skills, taking place in a village not too far from where you believed to be right now. The award was...
You gasped. An extra life. Was that- was that even possible?
You took the poster down and looked at the date. It would take place a month from now.
The award was a life. You've never heard of such an award before. And you knew that if there was one competition you would ever hope to find your old friend at, it would be this one.
You folded the poster and put it in your pocket. That would mean, that you'd have to ask Techno if you could stay here for a whole month. A whole month. You gulped. That was a long time, for someone to let a stranger stay in their house...
When Techno was done with his potato-stuff, he walked into his house, and you met him right at the doorway. You immediately explained everything to him. That basically, the only goal you had in life was to find your old friend - and that he'd have a high possibility of showing up at the competition. You showed him the poster from your pocket, and he nodded.
"That's alright. You can stay."
You were caught completely off guard, and you nearly lost balance. Just like that? "Wait- really?"
"Yeah. I don't usually have much company. And the house has room for two. Besides, if Dream sent you, me helping you would possibly make him owe me a favor."
Not thinking twice, you wrapped your arms around him. "Thank you!" You said, as he awkwardly clapped your back.
And so, time began flying by. You had feared, that the following days would be extremely awkward since you didn't know what to do - it wasn't like there was another war you could help him prepare for. And you couldn't help but feel like you prevented Techno from living his normal every-day life.
Some days, he would go into the nether and look for netherite, while you stayed behind in his house, or at least exploring the area around it. You weren't much for the nether, really. But sometimes you would do things together too.
For example, he would often take you out to hunt animals and monsters. Not because he needed more food from the animals, but because he, weirdly enough, wanted to train you. You had told him that the only weapon you were any good at, was a bow and he wasn't very impressed. And so, he took it upon himself to improve your skills.
So he had borrowed you a very good netherite-sword which was, unbelievably enough, sharpness-fricking-five. You've never held such an over-powered sword in your hands before.
He taught you techniques you've never known of before when fighting with a sword. For starters, he made you realize that you've been holding it wrong this whole time. It was a little embarrassing, but it made you realize just how experienced Techno was. You've not known him for that long, but you already really looked up to him.
You also showed him your bow-skills. That was practically the only thing where it was your turn to impress him. He acknowledged your accuracy and all of your different types of arrows - including the one you had invented yourself. He did say, that you needed a better bow though. And so, he took that upon himself too. He wanted to create the best possible bow for you.
After that, the two of you began going on trips to gather the materials. You didn't know why he was so kind to you, it was absolutely crazy. And not only was he hospitable, but also a really calm and collected person. At first, the two of you didn't really talk whenever you were out hunting. He was quite socially awkward, and just the quiet type of guy who works best alone. But eventually, he opened up to you.
You learned that he didn't really have a family either. Not because they were dead, he just wasn't on speaking terms with them. But it didn't really bother him - he said that he preferred to be by himself, which made you feel a little awkward since you were invading his personal space for a month straight. He said, that he's always liked to fight, and that's why he was so invested in having good stuff and such.
In return, you also told him about the whole situation you had just left behind in L'manburg. How you had agreed to be a part of L'manburg and fight alongside them in order to get a loadstone compass. You told him about your encounters with Dream and his friends and told him about the final battle, and how Eret had betrayed you. And then how they had thrown you out of L'manburg not too long after.
Techno had crossed his arms once you were done telling the story. "Do you want me to kill them?" He had asked.
"What!? No, no!" You had laughed awkwardly, convincing yourself he was just kidding.
He was an unusual guy, Techno. He was saying things that, if he wasn't joking, led you to believe he was a maniac. One day for example he had come home from a trip to a village, while you had made dinner. He had red liquid all over his shirt.
You had run over to him, examining if he was hurt. "Is that blood?!"
"That's not a question you're supposed to answer with another question!"
The man had chuckled. "It might be. I just ended a four-year relationship."
You had gasped, confused for life. "What? I-I'm so sorry-"
"It's okay, it wasn't my relationship."
You really hoped that it was just his odd type of humor that made him say such things. Because truth be told, he was a really cool guy and you really didn't want him to be a psychopath just like Dream.
One day, when the two of you were walking around in the snowy forest, you had stumbled upon a creeper; And that's when Techno knew of your fear of those green, slimy creatures. So the next day he would take you creeper-hunting much against your will.
He said that it was important to make your weaknesses into strengths. He forced you to kill several of them, while he just stood from the sideline, watching you in silence.
As always, your hands were shaking, your mind refusing to focus. You saw your parents die for your eyes on repeat but Techno didn't let you back down. And so, you managed to kill several creepers despise the trouble. You didn't stop being scared whenever you saw one, and the scene of your parents' death didn't stop playing in your head every time... But killing them did prove to you, that you really didn't have anything to be scared of. They weren't that dangerous.
"It'll come eventually" Techno had assured you, as you had been walking home from your creeper-hunting. The next couple of days would be used on gathering the best possible materials for your new bow, only. Apparently making a 'godly' bow was much harder than first assumed. It didn't consist of regular spider-string as your current one did. No, Techno would only settle for the absolute best type of string out there - and it only drops from a rare species of spiders.
You didn't even know that there were different types of string before you met Techno, so you were really surprised. But that wasn't even the only thing; The bow would need the absolute best type of wood as well, and the best possible enchantments. Besides that, you were in need of some more arrows, so you had to search for feathers and flint as well.
Why Techno wanted to help you make a new bow so badly, was a mystery to you. But you were really, really grateful. Back in L'manburg, you have had just the same type of bow like everyone else. But now it would be much better, and you really liked the idea of that.
Gathering all of the stuff took about eight days in total. That was a really long time, considering just how pro Techno was, but you have had a really hard time finding a cave that was home to the rare spiders. When you had found it though, miles away from the house, Techno had insisted that you would enter the cave alone. He said, that if you were going to have a sick-ass bow, you'd have to earn it yourself. You had complained but entered anyway.
The spiders had been much bigger than the ones you'd usually fight against - but that only made the battle easier. They were easier to hit with your arrows that way, and they were quite slow. However, the cave was absolutely filled with them, so when you had gotten what you came for, you stormed out of the cave, pulling a confused Technoblade with you as hundreds of spiders were following you.
So yeah, that had been the last material you needed - and now you were all set for making the bow of your dreams.
You had already spent about three weeks with Techno. It was crazy how time flew by with your new friend - now it was only one week until you might be reunited with your old one.
You had really enjoyed your time with the pink-haired pig-wannabe. Maybe even more, than the time you had spent in L'manburg. (Even though you would be lying if you said, you didn't miss Wilbur, Fundy, Tommy, and Tubbo)
"I think you should do the honors," Techno said, handing you the materials. You had just gotten home from your little trip, and it felt great being inside his warm house again. "I'll check the mail, while you make it."
"You have mail?" You laughed, as you made your way over to the crafting table. You were really excited. The quiver on your back felt weirdly heavy as if all of your arrows were just waiting to be used by your soon-to-be-made weapon.
"Apparently so. But I don't have any friends who'd write to me." As always his voice was monotone, but his words made you turn around anyway.
"I'm your friend, Techno. You know that, right?"
"You literally live with me, why would you wanna write me a letter?"
You rolled your eyes and opened the crafting table. The screen, as well as your own inventory, appeared right in front of you and you placed the materials in the right spots. Not soon later, you had a brand new bow in your hand.
You gasped, examining it very closely. The dark wood was very light, shiny, and smooth and the silk was way thicker than a regular one. It had a shape of a whale-tail, and you absolutely loved and adored it.
"Techno, look!" You spoke excitedly, as you turned around. Techno's face was folded into a surprised expression, but it wasn't upon looking at your bow. He was holding the letter in his hands, reading it through for the second time now.
You rose your brows, matching his surprised look. You walked over to him, asking what it said.
"(Y/n)..." he just said, lowering his hands and hereby the letter. You got a glance of what was written but only managed to see the name 'Schlatt' on it. Techno looked at you with a serious expression. "I might have to leave you for a little while."
Yoo, guys, I've drawn a little sketch of how I imagine (Y/n) clothes to be! Don't mind the body type if it's not similar to yours, you're only meant to look at the clothing <3
Watch out, Debby Ryan is coming for your man
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