19. Chit-Chat with your new bestie
Chit-chat with your new bestie
In which, YES. YES (Y/n),
you DID say that out loud.
-tcxkyo on twitter
"Wait, wait, wait." Technoblade furrowed his brows, trying to understand what you had just said. He was standing up, while you were sitting down on his sofa, exhausted for dear life. "So you're telling me that Dream sent you here? With a compass?.. But I don't owe him any favors." he mumbled the last bit to himself, but you still heard it.
You had just told him about how you had gotten here, and who sent you here in the first place. It surprised you when Techno told you that he actually knew Dream - after all, he lived quite far away from L'manburg. And so - If Technoblade knew Dream, wouldn't that make him an enemy? Had Dream sent you straight into the hands of this guy, so he didn't have to kill you himself?
You gulped, as your body tensed up. You eyed Technoblade carefully, checking that he was a good distance away from you - if he suddenly drew his axe, you could easily jump out of his reach.
"I'm not an ally of Dream." Technoblade clarified, sounding bored of this whole situation. "He and I are just acquaintances with mutual respect for one another."
Oh, did you say that out loud?
'Oh', you mouthed. You could understand why he was irritated. He had never asked for a hungry hottie to invade his home, and yet here you were.
Technoblade finally let out a sigh and collapsed down into an arm-chair. He put his legs on the table and placed his hands behind his head in a resting manner. You eyed him again, taking in his features. His long, pink hair was beautiful... You really, really wanted to touch it. And the guy was very stylish as well. He was wearing a white vector shirt, and black chinos - as to not speak of his crown and cape. Why was he wearing one anyway? he almost looked royal... Almost like a Disney princess...
"What to do, what to do," He sang for himself. "I could kill her... But if Dream sent her here, that might not be the smartest idea..."
Your eyes winded as the pink-haired male debated whether to kill you or not. He was kidding. He was kidding, right? Should you make a run for it, and jump out of the window? Should you try and steal one of his many red spare-capes that hung on the door first, so you wouldn't freeze to death. You couldn't just sit here and wait for him to decide your fate.
You flinched when he clapped his hands, pointing a finger at you. "Fine. You're staying. I don't know why Dream would want you to come here, but he probably has something in mind."
You gulped. You didn't know why the heck Dream had given you a compass that pointed in the direction of this random man's house, but it was probably a part of some weird plan of his. So the question was, would you want to become a part of Dream's plans, or should you just run away?
You looked around the house. It was very nice. And warm. And maybe you could stay here until your friends needed you to come back - what could Dream possibly win from that? Besides, you didn't want to go outside in the snow again - and where would you even go?
"That's very nice of you, Technoblade." You said, trying to smile, but it looked more like a face-spasm.
"Call me Techno."
"Techno." You corrected yourself, sending him another spasm-look. There was something very intimidating about this man - so if he wanted to be called Techno, you called him exactly that.
An awkward silence fell upon the room. You looked a little more around the house, trying to find a topic you could discuss with him. But then he asked; "Where do you come from?"
Aww, he wanted to start a small-talk. "From L'manburg. Or, well, from Dream's land. At least that's where I've been the last couple of weeks. Until I got thrown out."
You assumed he knew what L'manburg was since he just nodded. You got a little surprised when Techno didn't ask you why you had gotten thrown out. What if you had committed a crime? What if he had let a mass-murderer into his house?
But he didn't really seem to care about that. "Where are you're parents, then? Your family?"
You cleared your throat, suddenly finding the floor incredibly interesting. "Oh, they're- they're dead. Died in a creeper-explosion when I was young."
"So... You're telling me... You're an orphan?"
The question caught you off guard. No 'I'm sorry' or 'that's horrible!' like any other would've said. Not that you minded, but you were kinda starting to suspect that this guy was either a sociopath or just really socially awkward. "Uh, well, yeah. Why?"
"No reason." He shrugged.
Silence filled the room again. This time it was you who broke it. "So, you know Dream, huh? Do you know the others as well?"
Techno took out a netherite axe, and started to sharpen it. You gulped. "I know Dream. We fought against each other once. The two of us have quite the reputation that we're the best fighters out there. So it was a battle, to see who's best. I won, of course."
You choked on air, still looking at his axe. "You won against Dream?"
He nodded. "And assuming 'the others' you're talking about are his friends, then no, I don't really know them that well. It's more them who know me."
"So... You're famous?" You asked, feeling more and more anxious. Had Dream sent you here to get killed? Because it sounded like you had walked straight into the home of a blood-god.
"I guess you could say that."
You clicked your tongue. You hated not being from around here. If you had been, you would probably have known about this Technoblade, who you just so happened to be roommates with now. What if being good at handling a sword wasn't the only thing he was known for? What if he was known for trapping a hundred kids in his basement, too? or was that just Skeppy?
"That's just Skeppy." Techno answered, and your eyes winded. Did you say that out loud? You really needed to work on that.
"Are you hungry?" Techno asked the question you had hoped he would ask since you arrived.
"Oh, I'm always hungry." You answered, suddenly filled with energy. There wasn't really a kitchen in his house, but there was a small dinner table, and some chests you guessed were filled with food. He gestured for you to open the chest and take what you wanted, and your hungry self did so, not really caring if he had poisoned some of it.
"It's not poisoned." Techno just informed boredly beside you.
Oh dear lord, what was WRONG with you today?
You looked at the plenty of food in front of you. Practically, there was every type of food. Apples, pies, meat, cake, vegetables, you name it. Everything besides...
"Oh, you don't eat pork?" You asked while taking a slice of apple pie. You loved apple pie.
"No, that would be cannibalism."
"I'm sorry, what?"
"Never mind."
You stared at him, before awkwardly taking a bite of the pie. "Uh, okay. Thanks for the-the food. And uh, for letting me stay, that's really kind of you." You smiled and mumbled the following under your breath. "Even-though-you-don't-know-me-and-I-could-be-a-serial-killer."
Techno was done sharpening his axe and he placed it by his side. "I could be a serial killer."
"That's a very good point." You laughed awkwardly with a terrified expression, praying that he was joking.
Once again, you were surprised at how quickly your life could take a turn. At first, it was becoming a part of L'manburg and participating in a war from one day to the other, and now it was this - staying at a stranger's house, that could possibly be a serial killer. It was honestly crazy.
You continued eating, when suddenly you furrowed your brows upon remembering something Techno said earlier. "Hey," you spoke up, gaining his attention. "You said you were known as being one of the best fighters out there and stuff, right?"
He nodded.
"So... Have you ever... Participated in any competitions of some kind? Like, in the past?"
He nodded again, and your eyes lit up. You leaned forward, eager for where the conversation was heading. "Do you- I mean, have you ever seen a guy with dirty blonde hair, beautiful smile and green eyes!? Uhm, he's tall and very good with an axe - and great agility! He's very smart, and uh, his voice! His voice is very calming! I guess it's changed a lot since I saw him last, but it's not that deep - but definitely not light either, just kind of in the middle. Maybe a little bit more to the deeper side, now that he's older. He has a lot of freckles! He's around the same as you and I, and-"
"Woah, take it easy." Techno interrupted you, leaving you to just stare impatiently at him.
He was about to answer a simple no, when he saw your expression. Hope was plastered all over it, so he took his time to re-think.
After a while though, he still shook his head. "I don't think so. In fact, the only one who is even close to matching that description is Dream. But I don't recall him having any freckles. And he's probably not the guy you're looking for anyway."
[A/N: YoOOoo, because Dream has said that his freckles faded as he got older - big-brain-Avery.]
Being unable to put two and two together, your heart dropped in disappointment, the hope dying out. But you couldn't help getting interested in what he said. "You've seen Dream's face?"
"Yeah. When we fought against each other, I broke his mask."
"Wow! What does he look-" You began but decided to rephrase. "Why does he even wear a mask in the first place?"
This time, Techno didn't think about his answer. He just shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Again, we're not friends."
You nodded. Techno rose his brow at you. "What's your relationship with Dream?"
You hummed, thinking. You've never really thought about it before. "Well, we're on opposite sides. He started a war with L'manburg, and killed my friends." You thought out loud. "He's a manipulative bastard, and I don't like him very much. But... He also has his decent moments. Like when he agreed to make a deal with me... And he's shown some kind of interest in me. And don't worry, I'm not about to pull off some weird shit, like it's because I'm 'not-like-he-other-girls' or something, but-"
Techno laughed for the first time in your presence. You smiled genuinely and continued. "He's also avoided killing me several times now. And he talks to me, like... Like, he knows me. And he gave me that compass when he really didn't have to. He led me to you when I had nowhere else to go." You crossed your arms. "I'm sure he's just trying to manipulate me, though. That's what he does best, and I'm not falling for it."
Techno placed a hand on your shoulder, simply replying with; "You're alright, (Y/n)."
You chuckled.
"Hey," He spoke, walking to the door. "I was just about to go look at my farm when you came. You can come with me, and I can give you a tour?"
You smiled, walking over. "That sounds great!"
Ohh, the start of (Y/n)'s and Techno's friendship... How beautiful :')
It would be a shame if someone were to ruin it later on-
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