18. Knock, knock - wait, we don't do that here
Knock, knock - wait, we don't do that here
In which you meet the second worst thing
to ever happen to those orphans.
You hated dreaming. You absolutely despised it. You always dreamt the same and it was getting tiring. You always dreamt about your old memories with your old friend and it would always end with him leaving you. And it hurt to relive it again and again.
You liked the other memories though. The ones where you had fun and stuff. They would always bring warmth to your heart, and hereby an unbearable coldness whenever you woke up to be in the lonely present.
This time, was like any other. You woke up with a gasp, sweat dripping from your face. Your eyes were shut open, flickering all around the forest. The fire in front of you was dying out, and you realized how cold it was.
It was late at night - either that or very early in the morning, you couldn't tell. For a moment you looked confusedly around, wondering why the heck you had fallen asleep in the middle of the forest. And then you remembered yesterday's events, when your friends had thrown you out of L'manburg.
You looked at the compass in front of you, safely placed on the ground. Its glass surface reflected the dying flames in front of you, matching your own dying hope.
You didn't have anyone left. No friends, not even foes. No one. It was just you and that stupid compass Dream had given you. You prayed that it led somewhere good. If it led you to your old friend, you would love Dream for eternity, despite all the shitty things he had done.
Okay, you wouldn't. You doubted that the green bastard was even loved by his own mother, but you'd still really appreciate it.
Either way, even if the compass led you to your old friend, you didn't know anything. Not how far the compass would take you, or how dangerous the journey would be. You were walking in blindness, following the stupid hope of finding your old friend. You were pitiful. It was kind of sad that this was what your life had come to.
And the worst part was, you didn't even know what to do if you did find him. What would you say?
"Howdy old friend, remember me? The chick you left behind over riches and fame? Yeah, screw you for that by the way. But, anyways do you wanna spend the rest of your life with me, I'm lonely and I miss you."
Yeah, no.
Your whole body was cold, stiff, and hard to move. All you really wanted to do was to dive straight into the flames in front of you and get warmed up. But you had to settle with hugging yourself.
When you had stared into the darkness for a bit, you got up and continued walking. You were still tired, pretty hungry and it felt as if all of your muscles were frozen - you couldn't feel your toes. But you kept going.
You took out a few monsters along the way. There were surprisingly many skeletons, but you had a shield, so you weren't that bothered.
The whole time, your mind was racing. Your mind was still pretty shaken up by the dream you had just had, but you were starting to think a lot about what you were currently leaving behind.
These past weeks had honestly been a pleasure - even if you had thought in a war. You had been a part of something. It was as if a lone wolf had finally met its pack, as stupid and cringy as that sound. You had really liked all of the boys. Wilbur, Fundy - and Tommy and Tubbo who had been like brothers to you. Heck, even Eret even though he had turned out to be a traitor.
You missed them. A lot. That's why you didn't hold a grudge against them and hoped that they would find a way to win the war, even after they've so ruthlessly thrown you out. Maybe they would realize one day that you were truly on their side? And when that day comes, would they want you to return?
You stopped up, looking at the endless darkness behind you. Should you go back? What if they already regretted their decision? What if they were looking for you right this moment? And if not, maybe you could go back and do a better job convince them that you aren't a traitor?
"You were never really a part of L'manburg anyways!" You heard Tommy's words echo through your mind. Your blood turned ice-cold. Maybe all they had seen you as was a soldier, not a friend.
You let out a shaky breath and continued your way through the forest. You were done looking back. They had made their choice, and it was their loss.
The mussy grass you were walking on was very uneven, and holes and branches were very common. You had left the path in order to follow the compass, and you had already regretted it. It was completely impossible for you to walk at a quick pace - you had to be slow and careful in order not to twist your ankle by accident or something.
You just kept walking, losing complete track of time. Your tried turning off your inner thoughts, that was constantly thinking of the things you left behind with every step. You tried turning it into something positive - with every step you took, you were one step closer to reach your destination, your goal - whatever that was. But it didn't really work.
Suddenly the sun rose, and you were able to see properly again. You had walked for at least half the night, and your legs weren't too happy about it. The monsters slowly died out as well, making your journey way easier.
Or so you thought. Suddenly you heard a weird noise in front of you, which caused you to look up from the ground. You froze.
A creeper. One of the only monsters that were immune to daylight. And the type of monster that scared you the most.
It was at least 10 feet away from you - you were way out of it explosion-range. But its scaly feet came towards you slowly, the black holes it had for eyes looking emptily at you, slowly closing the distance.
You stepped a few steps back, not knowing if you should flee or fight. It would be perfectly easy for you to just run around it, but the thing was that whenever you saw a creeper, your thought-process completely stopped. And your childhood trauma started playing in your head.
"(Y/n), stay here! Okay? I'll get you when we've gotten rid of it! Okay, honey? I need you to stay here." It was your mother's voice. You had a hard time remembering her face, but you saw her mouth form the command very vividly.
Your nine-year-old self nodded, crawling into the closet. You stayed silent, as if your life depended on it - probably because it did.
You didn't remember exactly what happened next. You remembered hearing your parents panicking voices, before the big explosion. It blew the cupboard door off its hinges, making it fall down on you. You didn't get to cover your ears, and the loud ringing started to appear. The ringing that wouldn't ever go away again.
[Warning: A bloody description of your dead parents. You can go ahead and skip.]
You remembered crawling out, to see the giant hole in your house that the creeper had created. And you remembered seeing the bodies of your lifeless parents lying in it. Your dad had lost his legs, your mother her left arm. They were covered in their own blood, their skin missing on several parts of their body, making everything underneath completely visible to the eye. Veins, bones, muscles, blood, blood, and more blood. It wouldn't stop flowing.
[There, you can go ahead and read again <3]
But the worst part was, that your parents weren't respawning. Their bodies were just laying there. And that's when you had realized they had been on their last life.
The heart-wrenching scream of your younger self broke the flashback, sending you straight back into reality, only to see the creeper had gotten much closer. A few seconds and it would light up, starting to explode.
With a shaking hand, you took an arrow from your quiver and placed it on your bow. You rose your hands slowly pointing the arrow at the creeper. And for the first time in a long time, you had a hard time aiming. Even though the creeper was right there in front of you.
You stood there for a few moments. And now the creeper had gotten in range. The green creature started to light up and get bigger, letting out a funny sound.
You had to let go. Now.
For a hot second, you thought you were unable to move when the arrow got send flying right into the creeper. It fell to the ground and dissolved itself.
You took a faltering step back, closing your eyes. Once the shock was over, you mentally slapped yourself. You almost got blown up by a creeper. A creeper. God, you were pathetic.
You were glad no one ever saw you like this. Your old friend had told you way back that no one should ever know any of your weaknesses, as they could easily be used against you. - Well, everyone except him, of course. He would never do anything like that, he'd always tell you. And when you would ask him what his weaknesses were, he'd always say he didn't have any. You smiled at the memory.
You hoped the compass would take you to him. You continued following it, and you now found yourself in a snowy biome, with a lot of mountains and hills.
"Of for frick's sake, as if I wasn't freezing enough." You mumbled, looking if you had anything coat-like in your inventory. But you hadn't, so you decided to just keep going, hoping that it wasn't a large biome. Cause if so, you'd definitely freeze to death.
It was so cold that you could see your own breath. You constantly looked at the compass, making sure you were going in the right direction.
And after your hands getting as cold as your feet and after your lips had turned all-blue, you saw a house directly in front of you. It was made out of dark wood, and looked quite professionally build - but what caught your attention was the chimney on the roof, letting out smoke.
You let out a sigh of relief. Your cold self didn't even think twice before running to the house, going inside without knocking. You leaned against the door once you closed it, and let the warm temperature inside warm your body up. You closed your eyes in delight.
"Ever heard of knocking?" A deep, monotone voice spoke in front of you.
You gasped, opening your eyes to see a tall man with long, pink braided hair. He was wearing a crown and a long, red cape. His skin was light with almost a pink undertone. Everything about his face looked completely normal - except for his ears. Holy heck, what was wrong with his ears!?
"I'm- wow." You interrupted yourself, not believing how beautiful, yet scary this man looked. He just crossed his arms at you, reminding you that you had manners. "I'm so sorry! I've been walking for quite a long time and it's absolutely freezing out there!" You pointed out one of his windows.
You really wanted to ask if he had a coat you could borrow - or if you could just stay here until you were warmed up. But you had just invaded this guy's privacy without knocking, and you felt a little bad. He had no reason to be hospitable.
Out of reflex, you looked at your compass. Which weirdly enough pointed right at the godly-looking man in front of you. You rose your brows. Could it be...
You started walking around the pink-haired male, not caring about how dumb you must've looked. And your eyes winded as your suspicion got confirmed.
"Wha- It points to you." You gasped, looking at him. He had rose a brow at your weird behavior. "But - who are you?"
He let out a deep chuckle as if he wasn't used to getting asked that question - or maybe just because it was a stupid question to ask, since you were the stranger in his house right now. "The name's Technoblade,"
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