15. Tommy and Dream's duel

Tommy and Dream's duel
In which you're not pessimistic,
you're just realistic. Yes, there's a difference.

- aytrixii on twitter

   Ever wondered what it's like to lose a friend? Well, if so, you could gladly share some knowledge of such situations, because you were about to lose one for the second time.

   You were sitting beside Tubbo and Fundy in the grass, as you eyed Tommy and Dream carefully. The two were standing on the wooden bridge, back faced to one another.

   It was evening, and time for Tommy and Dream's duel. The whole way here, Tommy hadn't really spoken to anyone - and you've been too busy calming Tubbo's nerves to start a conversation with him as well. You hadn't even wished him good luck.

   Everyone was very nervous on Tommy's behalf, but the most nervous one was of course the boy himself. You could see Tommy's shaking hand around his bow even from here. He looked like a mess, honestly. He has had little to no sleep lately, and his wounds from Dream's explosion hadn't fully healed.

   You hadn't tried to convince him not to go, once you had gotten back from your chat with Dream. He wouldn't have listened anyway, and besides - now you had made a deal with Dream, making sure that Tommy wouldn't ever fully die. You didn't know if he was a man of his word, but you sure hoped so.

   You weren't biting your nails or being busy ripping your own hair out like Tubbo was. After all, you were the only one smart enough to know what was going to happen. In about two minutes, Tommy would have Dream's arrow in his chest, dying for the second time. Well, you were the only one besides George, Sapnap, Punz and Eret, who all sat in the grass not so far away from you. They were sitting close to Dream, while you and your friends sat close to Tommy.

   "Come on Tommy, come on Tommy, come on Tommy..." You heard Tubbo whisper on repeat beside you, his hands folded in a praying manner. You felt really sorry for him. After all, he was about to watch his best friend die.

   Okay, you really didn't have any faith in Tommy. But you were just being realistic. Of course, if he somehow managed to win, then great! L'manburg would get independence, Tommy would have two lives, and he'd still have both of his discs. You doubted it, though.

   Wilbur was making the rules clear, before slowly counting down - Tommy and Dream took a step with each count.

   First now, your heartbeat sped up. You've watched your friends die once, and now you were about to witness it again. You just hoped that Dream would make it quick and painless. If he didn't, you would take it all out on Sapnap, playing pil with him against a tree. Maybe you'd even have George tag along this time.

Wilbur had gotten to three. Both Dream and Tommy took an arrow out.

"2" - They placed them on their bow, pulling it back, ready to aim.

"1" - They stopped walking. Their arrows were ready to get fired.

   "Go!" - They both turned around, firing. They each jumped quickly aside, avoiding each other's arrows - Dream with ease, and Tommy just barely.

   Tommy sprang headfirst into the water, which was deep on his end. Dream only ran out to his knees, preparing to fire an arrow when Tommy appeared on the surface.

   But Tommy was smart. He was loading his bow underwater, swimming under the wooden bridge for protection. Dream didn't know where he was anymore.

Your eyes widened, your heartbeat increasing even more. Could Tommy actually win this?

   Everyone held their breath, as they waited for Tommy to re-surface. Dream didn't move at all. Tubbo took your hand.

   Suddenly Tommy sprang up from the water on the right side of the bridge, firing his arrow at Dream. While the arrow flew through the air, Dream aimed. Tommy had aimed for Dream's head, but the green guy managed to dodge right in time. Then he let go of his arrow, hitting Tommy right in his chest before the boy even got a chance to move.

   As Tubbo yelled Tommy's name in agony, the lifeless boy fell into the water with a splash, turning the water around him a dark shade of red.

   A mixture from the crowd's screams and cheers filled the air, and as all of your friends rushed to Tommy's side, Dream looked at you. The dots on his masked burned into your soul, a smile forming on his lips. It was like everything around you happened in slow-motion, every sound drowning itself out. All you could see was him, and all he could see was you.

   You didn't even send him a nasty look - and you most definitely didn't smile. You just looked at him.

He had won. Once again. Just like you knew he would.


   Wilbur, Fundy and Tubbo were heading back to L'manburg where Tommy would soon respawn. None of them had said anything as they left. They had all had that empty look in their eyes, upon realizing that the war was lost for good. You doubted if they even knew you had stayed behind.

   You just kept sitting on the grass, while witnessing Sapnap, George, Punz, and Eret congratulate Dream in the corner of your eye.

   You just stared at the water, looking at Tommy's disappearing body. You had a really bad taste in your mouth, and you felt a little sick. You had prepared yourself to watch him die, but that hadn't made the experience any easier.

   The look in his eyes, as he saw Dream's arrow flying towards him. He knew that he had lost, that he couldn't dodge. His eyes had been wide, filled with sadness, regret, and defeat. You wondered if his last thought had been 'If only I had listened to (Y/n).'

    Even though you were zoned out, you still noticed the masked guy coming towards you. He was about to say something when you met him halfway.

   "Is it easy?" You asked, your voice only a soft whisper. You turned your head to look at the tall male. "Killing people. Is it easy?"

   Dream wondered if he should sit down in the grass next to you. You were glad he decided not to since that would have been very weird and awkward. "I guess so."

"That wasn't the answer I was looking for."

   Dream leaned against a tree, looking up into the sky. "Well... It became easy over the years. At first, it wasn't. I was reminded by a special someone every time I tried to."

You huffed. "You don't seem like the type of person who has a special someone."

Dream smiled. "I think you'd be surprised."

You didn't smile. "Well then, did you stop getting reminded of them?"

He slowly shook his head. "No. Never. But when you do something many times, it eventually becomes easy. A habit, almost."

"It's a very bad habit."

"I know."

"A psychotic, unfair, and unforgivable one."

"I know."

"You're the worst type of person."

"I know."

Damn, well at least he was self-aware.

   A silence fell upon the two of you. You wondered why he didn't turn to leave, when he said something that surprised you. "I know it might not mean anything, but I haven't killed killed anyone yet."

You rose a brow. As in he hadn't taken anyone's last life yet? "You haven't?"

"Nope. Never."

   "Well... Great. But why?" You also wondered why he felt the need to tell you of all people. Was this some kind of plan to make you switch sides? If that was the case, Dream could keep on 'dreaming', cause it wasn't going to happen.

Lol, you were so funny.

   "Because I feel like I'd let that person down. I feel like if I did kill kill someone, then I'd lose them for good."

"It's your mother, isn't it?"

"What? No!"

   You laughed, shaking your head. "I didn't take you for someone who actually cared about anyone but yourself."

   "Well, you're wrong. I know that Wilbur has said many things about me and my friends, but remember you only know their side of the story."

   You rose your brow, turning back to look at the water. Sure, there were a lot of things you didn't know, a lot of parts of the same story you had no idea about. But whatever your friends could've done, it couldn't possibly match what Dream had done. Stealing Tommy's discs, burned down a forest, blown up their houses, taking their lives, the list could go on.

   You wondered who the person was who Dream was talking about - and if there had happened something to them. But you felt like you didn't have a right to ask.

   George, Sapnap, Punz, and your best friend Eret were looking at the two of you from far away. They called Dream's name, telling him to get his ass over there.

   But before Dream walked away, he threw something in your lap. For a quick moment, you thought it was a bomb, and you flew up into the air. Dream chuckled at your reaction.

   You looked down in the grass, seeing a loadstone compass for your feet. You gasped, picking it up. The magnetic needle was red and pointed at north. You looked surprised at Dream's mask. "Is it- is it real? What does it point towards-"

"It will take you to a friend."

   Your rose your brows. Did he mean- did he mean him? But how on earth could he possibly make such a compass? Dream didn't even know him!

   As much as you were happy, you narrowed your eyes suspiciously. Everything Dream did, was to benefit himself. There was something fishy about this.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

   "It's a mixture between I'm trying to figure you out, while I hope you'll spontaneously combust." You explained. "But really, why would you do that? I told you, I don't care about the compass anymore."

   But Dream just shrugged, smiling. He was backing away, towards his friends. "I feel weirdly generous today. And I feel like you might be needing it soon."

   He turned around and walked away, leaving you staring dumbfounded after him. What did he mean by that? That you'd need it soon?

You groaned. Dream's constant mysteriousness got on your nerves.

   He was definitely trying to manipulate you or something. Why else would he give you what you wanted the most for free? Was this some slick attempt to make you like him, so he could stab you in the back later on? If so, it wouldn't work. You weren't stupid. You weren't that naive.

   You sighed, standing up. Tommy's body was completely gone. He had respawned by now, so you should probably get going.

You walked towards L'manburg, with the compass in a tight grip.

Dream watched you disappear into the forest, a big smile plastered on his face.


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