14. A deal with the devil
A deal with the devil
In which Dream earns some of your respect
- but not all, because he's still a huge dick
-OliverSonder on twitter
"You what!?" You practically screamed upon hearing what kind of deal Tommy had made with Dream.
You were up in L'manburg again, along with everyone else. You stood next to the van, which magically remained untouched from the explosion - everything else was just a giant hole of mud, dirt, and water. Wilbur and Tommy had just gotten back - and with some news, you weren't very fond of.
"But Tommy, that's- you can't do that!" Tubbo exclaimed, his eyes filled with worry. Tommy had just told you about how he would be fighting Dream in a 1v1. If he won, he would get L'manburg the independence it so rightfully deserves, but if he lost he would lose yet another life and give Dream one of his discs.
"Look, I know the independence is important to you - but it's not more important than your life!" You tried to convince the boy, but he had already made up his mind.
"I told him that too." Wilbur sighed. You rose your brow at him. If you weren't mistaken, he was the one who allowed Tommy to battle Dream in the first place.
"But you don't understand!" Tommy spoke up. "L'manburg is our lives - if we don't get our independence, all of this, everything would've been for nothing... I have to at least try."
"Tommy look around!" You raised your voice, gesturing to the giant hole that once was the beautiful land of L'manburg. "Dream has destroyed almost everything! He was always one step ahead of us. We never stood a chance against him, we weren't even close. So even if you somehow manage to get us independence, it would only be a matter of time before we piss Dream off again, and he'll blow L'manburg up once and for all!"
You tried knocking some sense into him. Were you the only one who could see the problem in this? Were you the only one who realized that you had all been played by Dream, and that he wouldn't hesitate to do it again? The smartest move right now would be to back out.
"That's easy for you to say!" Tommy snapped. "You don't care about L'manburg like we do."
"You're absolutely right!" You hissed back. The two of you were looking intensely at each other, while Tubbo was hiding behind Wilbur. "I don't. But I care about you guys. And I'm not gonna let you risk your life like that in a battle you can't win! I'm not allowing you to."
"Well, you don't get to decide for me!" Tommy's eyes were angry, and so was yours.
Didn't he realize that if he died, he would only have one life left? That was nothing for a 16-year old boy. You wouldn't let him die. You weren't gonna lose any more friends.
Tubbo carefully cleared his throat, making Tommy and you look at him. he jumped at your angry looks. "C-Can't we just ask Dream if it could be a fight until one of you surrenders? Or at least, until one of you is unable to fight anymore? You told me how good of a fighter Dream is, Tommy. Especially with his axe, you wouldn't be able to-"
"It's a bow fight," Tommy cut him off, eyeing you rather nervously while he said it. Probably because he knew how you would react.
In fact, everyone was suddenly looking at you. You felt fire rise inside of you as your jaw dropped. "A bow fight!? Well, why didn't you ask me, then!? I still have three lives left, and I would gladly duel Dream for the sake of L'manburg!"
Tommy's angry expression faded. "Yeah (Y/n), thanks but... Dream was really clear when he said it would be a battle to the death, and you've made it pretty clear that you think killing is wrong. Besides, it had to be me."
Your mouth turned into a straight line. You couldn't really say anything about that. Still, you would much rather have you fighting instead of Tommy - even if it meant losing his disc and L'manburg's independence. You would definitely lose - not because you thought Dream was better than you at aiming a bow, but because it was against everything you stood for to kill him.
"When does it take place?" Fundy asked slowly. He was quite torn. On the one hand, he wanted another chance for L'manburg to get independence, and on the other hand, he didn't want Tommy to get hurt.
"Tonight," Wilbur said. Everyone looked at the ground. Sure, if Tommy won, then you'll have independence - the only thing you wanted from this war. But if he lost...
And he was going to lose. Apparently you were the only one who knew that. Tommy's best weapon definitely wasn't a bow, and you've seen enough of Dream to know that he was a very experienced fighter. Tommy wouldn't stand a chance. He was basically just giving his life and disc away.
You couldn't believe them. They were getting played by Dream yet again, and they were totally oblivious. They were blinded by the hopes of L'manburg's future.
Tommy had just lost one of his lives. Again, he was only 16. It should be Wilbur, you, Fundy, literally anyone but him, and Tubbo. As if his life hadn't been traumatic enough already.
And why didn't Wilbur say anything? You refused to believe that such a smart man would think that a battle to the death would be the only option left. It was straight-up bullshit.
"It's final, (Y/n)," Tommy said, seeing your rebellious grimace. "The deal has been made."
You huffed. This was nothing but a suicide mission.
You regretted not going after them, when they had left the obsidian room to talk to Dream. You hated not having a saying in this.
They wouldn't listen to you. You knew that. And that's why you decided to leave. "I'm gonna head for a walk." You didn't wait for them to answer, as you walked through the gates, not looking back.
It was time to take matters into your own hands. You were beyond sick and tired of everyone being a pawn in Dream's game. If no one was going to protect Tommy, then you'd gladly take the job yourself.
When you were out of their sight, you took a sharp turn to the left, heading to the wooden path. With heavy steps, you walked towards Tommy's old house, whose front yard was still blown up. You almost got relieved upon seeing who was standing right there, examining the remainings.
You walked with determined steps, right over to Dream, George, and Sapnap. When they noticed you, none of them put their guards up, much to your surprise. Maybe it was because you didn't have your bow on you.
George jumped up into the air, being just as tall as Dream for a hot moment. "Ha! I knew it! Did you time it, Dream? I told Sapnap she would come within 10 minutes! I win!"
Sapnap groaned annoyingly, rolling his head back. Then he took some emeralds out of his pocket and handed them to George.
"Well, if it isn't (Y/n)." Dream smiled. As always, you were only able to see his mouth, which seemed to always be curled up into a mysterious smile. "I knew you'd come."
You snorted. He didn't know anything about you. Not a single thing. You squinted your eyes and tilted your head. "Well, then I assume you know why I came as well?"
"Yeah, it's because Dream ordered some blaze rods! Perfect timing, Nina-the-nether-lady-" Sapnap jokingly began, until Dream smacked his shoulder.
The blonde shook his head, taking the word. "Of course, (Y/n). You're here to make a deal with me. You want me to promise that I won't kill Tommy." Dream chuckled a bit, walking forward. Even though you've heard Dream's voice quite a couple of times now, you always got surprised at how...How smooth it was.
You tried your hardest not to give him a reaction. How did he know? How did he know? Were you that easy to read? Should you start wearing a mask as well?
Dream was circling slowly around you, while you stood your ground. "But (Y/n), I'm afraid to tell you that that's not going to happen. It's a battle to the death whether you like it or not."
There was no point in arguing with him. You could ramble days on end about how killing was wrong, and how you'd give him almost anything in the entire world for him to spare Tommy - but Dream had made up his mind.
"Fine." You said, looking straight forward, even though Dream was currently behind you, causing you to look at his two bodyguards instead. "Then let's make another deal."
You turned around, staring right into the eyes of his mask. "I'm not dumb, Dream. As much as I would like to say Tommy has a chance against you, he doesn't. You know it and I know it. Tommy is being too prideful and hopeful to realize it himself, so when you kill him, Dream." You were weirdly calm on the outside, but trembling on the inside. As much as you didn't like to admit it, Dream was hella intimidating walking around you like that, eyeing your every move. "When you take another one of Tommy's lives, I want you to promise me, that no matter what, you'll protect his last one with your life. That you won't kill him again, and that you'll prevent anyone else from doing so too. The same goes for Tubbo, if he's someday down to one life as well. They're children. And I want you to promise me, that you'll make sure they stay alive."
George pulled his glasses up - it was your first time seeing his face properly. It surprised you to see how... Not-dangerous he looked. Sapnap was looking at you, seeming interested in what you had to say too. You couldn't read Dream's face, however, because of that stupid mask.
"You really care much about them for someone who's only known them for a couple of weeks."
You shrugged. "It's only natural for someone who doesn't really have anyone else to care about."
With that, all of their eyes winded slightly - what, was it sympathy you detected in them? Damn, did these guys have feelings?
Dream was silent for a bit. Then he tilted his head. "And what would be in it for me?"
"Well." You said. "First of all, you'll earn my respect. Or well, at least 5% of it. Second, you'll get a chance to prove that you actually have some decent morals underneath that mask. And third-"
"-You'll owe me a favor." Dream finished in a determined tone.
Your eyes winded slightly. That wasn't exactly what you had had in mind. It was quite a dangerous thing to agree on. Dream was the most manipulative person you knew - you owing him a favor could result in something really bad. But you didn't have anything else to offer him, did you? And considering that he would protect Tommy and Tubbo, you were willing to take the risk.
"Fine. I'll owe you a favor."
"A big one."
"A big one."
"One you can't decline."
"One I can't- Hey wait, that depends!"
Dream grinned. "Don't worry, I won't ask you to kill anyone or something."
You thought about it. For a veeeery long time. Then you sighed. "Fine. A favor I can't decline."
"And what if you decline?" Sapnap cut in, wanting to know. You snorted.
"Oh please Sapnap, unlike the three of you, I'm an honest person who keeps my promises. You have my word, and I assure you, you don't need anything else."
Dream looked back at George and Sapnap. They looked at each other on repeat, as if they had learned to communicate with their eyes.
Dream then turned to you, reaching his hand out. "Fine. I'll make sure that Tommy and Tubbo won't lose their last lives. Nothing more, nothing less. And I won't tell them about it."
"You'll be like their secret guardian angel!" George excitedly exclaimed. How could this man be a bad guy?
"And you-" Dream pointed his finger at you. "You will owe me a favor, which I can claim at any given time. And I'll have your respect."
"5% of my respect." You corrected him, slowly reaching your hand out.
"50%." Dream tried.
"14%. And that's it."
You were just about to shake Dream's hand when he stopped mid-air. "Or. We'll forget everything about protecting the kids, if I give you a loadstone compass instead. You'll be able to find that friend of yours."
Your heart stopped. How did he-
Oh, that's right. Eret.
You didn't even think about it. "Oh nice one, Dream. Really nice one. Trying to make me turn on my friends for my own selfish needs, like the manipulative bastard you are? That might work on Eret, but it won't work on me. I don't care about the compass anymore."
That last part was a lie, and when Dream heard it, his face fell into a hurt grimace.
He was silent for a moment, before reaching his hand out for real. You shook it, your hands meeting for the first time. For a quick second, a feeling of homesickness blossomed up inside of you. Then he let go, the feeling disappearing, but you still looked at his hands. He was wearing the same kind of fingerless gloves as you. They kind of looked like the ones you had made for your friend back in the day.
You sighed. You had just given up a chance to see him again. But then again - you'd much rather save your current friends than look for an old one.
"It was nice talking to you." You tried your best smiling at the men in front of you. "Uh, see you later then."
You were returning down the wooden path and then stopped up. You turned around. "Also Dream - tonight. You better not make it a painful death. If you do, I'll pin your friend up against a tree again."
Sapnap's eyes widned upon remembering. "That's right! I forgot to kill you for that- HEY, DON'T YOU DARE RUN AWAY FROM ME-"
I hooope you're enjoying the story so far <33
I have a blast writing it!
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