12. Eret's betrayal
Eret's betrayal
In which you realize you wouldn't be
any good as a crewmate in among us
You would have hit every single one of them twice, if it hadn't been for their stupid shields. You were circling around the tower, trying to find an opening, but each time they would run to the opposite side, getting out of your sight and reach - either that or they just hid behind their shields.
You stopped firing your arrows at them, as you slowly began running out of your normal ones. You needed to stop and think.
Tubbo was rooting for you on the sidelines, while Tommy was busy yelling at the people on the tower. Things like 'Fight like men!' and 'stop hiding, you pussies!'
You were pretty sure the rest of your friends were in Tommy's house, planning something. You didn't bother to look - Dream had your full attention.
You saw Punz hide behind his shield - but this time, his one leg stuck out, fully visible. You took a grip of one of your harming-arrows, but hesitated. Those hurt like hell. You then switched to a slowness arrow, firing it at the man's shin. You heard him groan in pain, as he immediately pulled the arrow out.
"Dammit. Slowness." You heard him curse.
He could've lied on the ground, gasping for air right now, if you had chosen the harming-arrow. He could've drifted in and out of consciousness while waiting for the effect to go away, but you just couldn't do that to him. You haven't even had a proper conversation with him, what if he was a sweetheart who was just being manipulated by Dream? Besides, you've tried getting hit by a harming-arrow once before - those weren't to play around with.
You were just about to fire an arrow over Sapnap's head when you heard your name being called. It was Wilbur from inside Tommy's house, wanting to speak to you. All of the others were there.
You ran inside, listening to what they had to say. It was something about tactics, but you didn't really listen. You were busy watching Dream in the corner of your eye, to see if he did something.
And knowing Dream, he most certainly did. He jumped off the tower, followed by his friends, to run down the hill and away from you. "They're running!" You exclaimed, chasing after them.
"Wait, (Y/n)!" Wilbur yelled behind you, but you were already at the fence, looking at the four netherite-wearing bastards running away. Your friends rushed to your side, watching them escape as well.
You and Tommy fired arrows at them, but they were too far away. They were running in zic-zacs too, so it was hard for you to aim.
You saw Sapnap turn around, firing an arrow at you, but even from that distance, you could easily tell he was going to miss.
You quickly realized you were wrong though because he hadn't been aiming at you. Everything happened in a second, as you predicted the arrow would be hitting the person beside you. You didn't have time to think twice, as your reflexes were triggered, pushing Eret harshly aside. The arrow had been aimed at his chest, but now hit your out-stretched arm instead. You let out a cry as the arrow cut in deep.
Eret stumbled backward, shocked. "(Y/n)!" He yelled along with the rest of them.
A worried circle was gathered around you. You bit your lip hard, eyes watering as you pulled the arrow out. "I'm fine." You reassured them, but your voice was shaky.
"You- why would you-" Eret stuttered, completely out of breath. He was reaching his hand out to you, but stopped mid-act. Instead, he searched for something in his bag. "H-here... Take this, drink it. I won't be needing it."
He handed you a bottle filled with shiny, pink liquid. A healing potion. You smiled as wide as your pain allowed you to, bringing the bottle to your lips. As you drank, the wound slowly disappeared, along with the pain.
You fixed the clothing on your arm, a funny grimace on your face. Getting shot wasn't very fun. You thanked Eret and smiled at him, but he didn't return the gesture. He was still very taken aback by your heroic action.
"I thought all of the potions got taken," Tubbo said, once he knew you were okay. Eret shook his head.
"I had one in my chest."
Tubbo nodded while patting your back.
"We really need to get going folks," Tommy spoke up. "They're headed to Punk's tower."
"In that case, we need to go to Punz's tower. It's the same height."
You all agreed, moving forward. Once you arrived, you were all checking for possible traps, but it didn't seem like there were any. You climbed up the tower, only to see the small figures at the bottom of Punk's. Since you were higher than they were, it allowed you to shoot arrows down at them, while they weren't able to hit you back. Dream and his team immediately retreated. They disappeared into the forest.
You smiled a victorious smile. Things were actually looking pretty well for L'manburg.
"Haha, yes! That's the second battle we've won today!" Wilbur said, making his way down the tower again. Everyone cheered - everyone except Eret.
To think about it, the guy constantly looked at the ground, not really saying much. Was he still shocked by the fact that you had taken an arrow for him?
Once getting down on the solid ground, you walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. You didn't say anything, just smiled. He hesitantly returned it, but it didn't reach his eyes.
"Guys, I think we should head back to our home now" Eret suggested, looking at the others. Tommy agreed, and just like that, you were already on your way back.
You had walked in silence, focused on looking for any enemies when Eret started talking about the secret weapon of his.
That's right. He had often mentioned it, yet refused to reveal what it was. All of you were excited. It might be the final thing you needed to win this war, and put Dream in his place.
You, Tubbo, and Tommy played a guessing game, while going to L'manburg. "I bet he got the potions back." Tubbo beamed happily. "That's why he had one on him!"
"That's not much of a secret weapon." Tommy shook his head. Then gasped. "What if it's an entire army of angry women, willing to die for us! That'd be sick!"
You snorted, laughing. "You wish, Tommy. But imagine how cool it would be if he had gotten enchanted golden apples for all of us! See that would be cool!"
Tommy and Tubbo agreed excitedly, as they kept on guessing. The three of you were even betting gold on who would turn out to be right in the end.
You followed Eret into L'manburg, and to a Tree behind the lake. Eret pulled a lever that opened a hidden door in the steep hill, showing a long tunnel.
Everyone gasped in awe. Since when did he have the time to make this? And how did he do it inside of L'manburg without any of you noticing?
Eret smiled, as he gestured for everyone to go inside. The tunnel was wide enough for you to walk in pairs, so Wilbur and Fundy were walking in front, Tommy and Tubbo in the middle, and lastly walked you and Eret.
Everyone, especially the boys, were cheering in excitement. They kept singing about how this war was as good as won, and kept asking what the secret weapon was - but Eret wanted to keep it a surprise until the last moment.
You were walking happily down the tunnel, to the sounds of Tommy and Tubbo's loud voices. You could actually win this. You and your friends could actually win this war now. You would help your friends get their independence and get a loadstone compass. Not only did Dream not know where you were right now, but you were also about to have a secret weapon! The odds were definitely in your favor.
"Hey, (Y/n)." Eret spoke beside you, snapping you out of your thoughts. You hummed in response. "Thanks for, uh... Saving my life earlier. It could've killed me."
His voice sounded sad - guilty almost. "I doubt that. You had armor on, after all." Then you smiled and clapped his shoulder. "But hey, no worries man. We're friends after all, I'm sure you'd do the same for me."
Eret gulped, his eyes looking far ahead, distant. "Yeah."
The tunnel suddenly went upwards, the stone around you turning into dark bricks. Then you found yourself in a room - it was empty besides six chests, which each had a name on them. It also had a button in the middle, but that was it.
"This is the final room. The final control-room" Eret's deep voice echoed.
"What is this..." Fundy mumbled in awe, walking around.
Tommy laughed in excitement, walking over to the chest that was assigned to him. Everyone else copied his actions, all looking forward to see what Eret had prepared.
You hoped it would be enchanted golden apples - not only because it would be overpowered as fuck, but because you loved to be right.
You were just about to open your chests, when Tommy spoke up. "What does this button do?" He wondered and pressed the button on the floor.
You all waited for something to happen when suddenly the worst possible scenario unfolded. A door opened in the very corner of the room, revealing Dream, George, Sapnap and Punz. They attacked immediately and caught everyone off guard.
Everything afterward happened super fast - you couldn't really keep up.
"A TRAITOR! A TRAITOR!" Tommy screamed as he was trying to prevent Dream from hitting him with his axe. His eyes searched for a way out, but the room was small and the exit blocked. You couldn't run anywhere.
None of you had your weapons on you, and you simply didn't have time to get them from your inventory. You were doomed.
You couldn't comprehend what was happening. The button - Eret - it had all been a trap. He had been on their side all along.
The whole room was filled with panic. Everyone was screaming and fighting for their life, but Dream and his friends had the clear upper hand. It really was over.
Dream was holding his axe to Tommy's neck, and the 16-year-old struggled like crazy. His wild and panicking eyes found Eret's, and his face went red. "You bastard, Eret! We trusted you!"
It was only when you saw George run towards you with his sword, that you fully realized what happened. You just barely avoided George's blade, making him run into the wall - he quickly recovered though.
Your eyes were flickering around the room, trying to come up with an idea. But you had nothing. Absolutely nothing. "ERET!" You screamed, looking at the imposter. "WHY WOULD YOU-"
To your surprise, he was smiling. "Down with the revolution, guys. It was never meant to be."
"BASTARD!" Wilbur yelled while fighting Punz.
You heard Tubbo scream beside you, as Sapnap sent his whole sword through the boy's stomach. He let out one last scream filled with agony, before his body fell to the ground. It was slowly turning into particles, as his body was respawning in the place he had last slept - he had lost one of his lives.
"NOOO!" You let out a heart-wrenching scream, as you stormed towards Sapnap, kicking him right in the balls before he could get away.
Then it was Tommy's turn. He was backed up against the wall, punching wildly in every direction, when Dream stabbed him in his stomach. He coughed up blood while looking weakly at Eret, who just stared at him. "L-Listen, Eret... And I meant this in t-the nicest way p-possible. You fucked up."
And when the last words escaped his mouth, the light in his eyes faded away, his body falling limply to the floor.
"TOMMY!" You cried. Dream headed to Wilbur who was already fighting Punz, and Sapnap and George were fighting Fundy. Eret was just observing.
You crawled over to Tommy and Tubbo's bodies. They were lying right next to each other, their eyes staring emptily into the ceiling. Tubbo's body was almost fully gone, but your eyes were too watery to see if anything was happening to Tommy's yet - and if there didn't, it meant that he wouldn't come back. You've never asked how many lives he had left. So what if... What if...
You took a hold of his head, crying like a baby.
You heard Wilbur and Fundy's last screams behind you, father and son dying by each other's side. All of your agony and sadness turned into rage, as you stood up, turning around. They all looked at you. It was five against one. You couldn't do a single thing. You couldn't fight them.
The only thing you could do, was once again to stare at Dream. You stared at him dead in the eye, taking all of your feelings out on him with just one look. If looks could kill, yours definitely would have.
The rest of the boys just let the two of you stand like that for about half a minute. Then George and Punz walked towards you, resulting in you kicking them both in the balls. They hovered over in pain, and you pointed an angry finger at Eret and Dream.
"You'll regret this." You simply said.
This time Sapnap came closer, one of your own arrows in his hand - how did he get that?
It was a harmful arrow, and he raised it high, stabbing it into your shoulder before you could react. You felt the poison run through every single vein, leaving your blood to burn. You cursed in pain, as your legs gave up underneath you. You fell to the ground, coughing up blood. Your vision was read, you couldn't think clearly.
Your whole body was shaking as a natural reaction to the pain. Dream kneeled beside you, stroking your hair. You drifted in and out of consciousness, your vision turning light and dark, light and dark. You couldn't move. Couldn't see. Couldn't think. The only thing you could was feel the pain.
"Oh (Y/n)." Dream said, but you couldn't hear. "What a mess we've gotten ourselves into."
"Are you sure she's the same (Y/n) as back then?" George spoke up, once recovering. "I mean - what if she just looks like her?"
"It's her." Dream simply said, looking at you. With Tommy's blood on his hands, he was still stroking your hair.
"Well, should we take her with us?" Punz asked, crossing his arms.
Dream shook his head, standing up. "Not yet. Now that Eret have betrayed them, they need her." Dream grinned from behind the mask. "Good job, Eret."
"Thanks, Dream."
"Well, if we're not gonna take her with us." Sapnap started, coming towards you with his axe in his hand. "Can I kill her?"
Dream stepped in front of you, as he faced Sapnap. He was taller and much more intimidating. Even tho it was his best friend, Sapnap gulped.
"Absolutely not. We don't know how many lives she has left." Dream spoke protectively.
"Y-yeah, I was just joking, man." Sapnap laughed dryly, his hands up in the air.
When they were done, they all left the room. Dream gave you one last glance before he disappeared along with the others, to celebrate their victory - leaving your limp body behind.
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