11. Shake that ass, mother-nature

Shake that ass, mother-nature
In which you realize, you've
started a trend by blowing shit up.

-VSasha90 on Twitter

The funny look Wilbur had on his face whenever he was worried, never failed to amuse you. It looked really funny, even though he usually only wore it in serious situations. And this situation wasn't an exception - the man greeted you at the gates, a sick (and funny) look on his face, because you and your friends had been gone for a far longer time than assumed. He asked what had happened, and when you told him about Dream declining the offer and stealing your potions, the hope in his eyes faded away.

He inhaled the fresh air and sighed deeply. You could tell he was trying to prevent himself from not raging at the news. He slowly lifted his eyes to look at all of you. You were standing in a circle, looking at each other, most of you thinking the same thing; Now that it was official you were in a war, at least you were in it together.

And by 'most of you' you meant everyone except Tubbo. He was, for some weird reason, busy thinking of bees.

The silence said everything that needed to be said for a few moments until Wilbur thought it was the right time for his motivational speech. "You know... You can describe what makes a man strong, but you can't describe what makes a man wise. Dream seems to believe that all of his big words, and knowledge of things we don't quite understand, makes him very strong and powerful, but it doesn't. Do you know what we have, that they don't?"


"-We have comradery. We have a righteous cause, an area to defend. Do you know what he's driven by? Greed. And do you know what we're driven by? The defense of our land. No matter what happens, even if he destroys the van that we live out of... Until the day that we stop breathing, that is when L'manburg has fallen. He can destroy the walls. He can slaughter our friends, our family. But until the day that we stop breathing, and the moment the dream we have of a self-emancipated nation away from Dream's land, falls, is the minute we let go of that dream, and that's when he has won. Now tell me, are you going to let go of that dream?"

Everyone was silent for a moment, forgetting how well-worded Wilbur could be. He knew exactly what to say to make everyone feel the strong feeling of unity. Then you all rose your weapons up into the sky. "NEVER!"

"Then L'manburg will not fall," Wilbur reassured. He took Fundy's hand, who took yours, who took Tommy's, and so on until you were all holding hands. Once again, you felt the strong feeling of unity, and you couldn't help but smile.

"Now I want you to prepare the walls, straighten everything up, get yourself set up in the base, and then tomorrow, we're gonna fight for what we believe is right."


You had spent the whole day making sure, that everyone had what they needed for the war. You made sure they each had at least five golden apples, along with a shield. You had even made Eret a bow, and lend him some of your arrows. Everything needed to be perfect and thought-through. None of you were going to die tomorrow.

Tommy and Tubbo were making tools and armor for everyone, and Fundy was the one in charge of enchanting it. Tubbo and Eret were the only ones with full netherite armor - the rest of you just had a chest plate, the rest of the armor consisting of diamonds. All of your weapons were made out of netherite, though. It was all very good, but not as good as Dream's full-on netherite-everything.

There was nothing to do about that though. You didn't have the time or luxury for taking a trip into the nether, searching for more netherite. And in the end, a battle would depend on skill, and not equipment. Even though the equipment was a very, very important factor. And well, it wasn't like Dream and the others didn't have just as much skill as the rest of you, if not more-

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, you reminded yourself. No need to be realistic.

Wilbur was giving everyone ender pearls and food. They were all working their absolute hardest to prepare for tomorrow's events. Eret was the only one you hadn't seen for the last couple of hours.

He said, that he was going to prepare some secret weapon of some sort. It sounded cool and you were busy with your own stuff, so you didn't really question it. He came back late at night though, saying everything was ready.

None of you were able to get some proper sleep. You each lied on your bed, staring up into the ceiling. Sometimes you would talk to one another, but most of the time you would just lay silent, mentally preparing yourselves for battle.

The next morning, the boys were about to skip breakfast, saying that they were too nervous to eat, but you convinced them otherwise. You told them, that it was impossible to fight on an empty stomach, and you practically ended up forcing the bread down their throats.

There were two hours before hell would break loose, and for some odd reason, Fundy and Wilbur decided to go out, to gather the last supplies. They promised that they'd hurry.

The problem was, that Eret was gone too, leaving you, Tommy, and Tubbo all alone once again to protect L'manburg.

For the first hour, everything seemed fine. The three of you were walking impatiently around, Tommy and Tubbo out of their skin of anxiety. You tried to assure them that your friends would return before the enemies would, but the universe just loved to prove you wrong.

You were about to lose it, when suddenly you saw the four enemies, sitting on L'manburgs walls. They must have enderpearled up there when no one was looking. You took a tight grip of your bow, alarming the boys, who almost shit themselves.

It was about to go down. The war could start any moment now.

Dream, Sapnap, Geroge, and Punz just sat there, looking down at you. They didn't look like they were about to attack, but they sure didn't look like someone who came with peace either.

Tommy decided, it would be a good idea to distract them until Wilbur and Fundy came back, which should be any moment now.

"Greetings, gentlemen!" He yelled at them, with a voice that surprisingly wasn't shaking with fear. He had his shield up, in case one of them decided to shoot at him. "Let's, uh- Let's talk! How are you all on such a lovely morning? Women? Women am I right?"

Despite the seriousness of the situation, you and Tubbo couldn't help but laugh at Tommy's lame attempt to make the time fly.

"Let me tell you a joke!" Tommy continued "There once was a pig. He was really big. He was a bitch. And I am not afraid of him. His name-"

Seeing where the joke was about to go, you quickly placed your hand on Tommy's mouth. "Dude! Don't piss the off!" You reminded, looking to see if any of the four males were offended.

But the four males just kept sitting there. Sapnap was the only one standing, actually. George's legs were swinging back and forth, and you were pretty sure you could hear Dream whistling.

It wasn't that long after that Wilbur and Fundy came back - and eventually Eret too. Tommy and Tubbo both stormed over to Wilbur, completely panicking while saying Dream had arrived. Wilbur didn't look surprised, as he told the boys to calm down.

You and Fundy automatically found each other, discussing what you think would happen next, when Tubbo interrupted you by giving Wilbur his armor.

Wilbur however, refused to take it. "No. Do you know what makes us different than those four?" He pointed up at four figures sitting on the walls. "Tubbo, I appreciate the work you did. But I don't need armor, we don't need armor."

This man really had something against armor. You had a funny grimace on your face. There was absolutely no way you could win this without armor. "Uh, I might have to politely disagree on that point, Wilbur."

"Yeeeeah." Tommy nodded, looking at Dream and his friends' full netherite. "But, uh, we stand by you."

"Come into the van," Wilbur ordered, doing the gesture himself. You all met inside of the van, forming a circle around the table in the middle. "You're fully welcome to put armor on once we begin, but right now it's not needed."

Tubbo, Tommy and Fundy took their armor off as a sign of respect. You however, weren't that stupid. You were in a war, for god's sake, so you kept yours on.

"So what are we going to do now?" You asked them. You weren't sure if they had a plan, other than defending L'manburg. "They are right outside. It's only a matter of time before they decide to attack - for real, this time."

Wilbur nodded. "We'll handle this the L'manburg way. Do you know what the L'manburg way is?"

No one responded, as of saying that no - none of you, as a matter of fact, knew what the L'manburg way was. You just hoped that you would finally go into action, instead of doing hopeless attempts on trying to make peace with the enemies. You've tried that, and had come to understand that everything Dream wanted was a bloodbath.

"We talk at them."

Oh, for the love of-

"We lull them into a false sense of security, and that's when we stab them in the back." Wilbur's eyes were wide, shining with madness. He was mad. A mad genius.

You rose your brows, actually really liking that idea. Honestly, you couldn't come up with a better one yourself. On the one hand, you were sure that they wouldn't accept any deal you tried to make with them, and on the other hand, you were sure that if you decided to fight them head-on, you had a big possibility of losing. This plan of Wilbur's was perfectly in the middle.

You've never been a fan of doing things the violent way - unless there was no other way of course, which seemed to be the case here. You were ready to do almost anything Wilbur ordered of you.

"Now, before we make our move." Wilbur took out a book. "Let me read you the declaration of independance." He didn't wait for an answer, before he cleared his throat and read; "The union of the masters of men (and (Y/n)). Together, we are one. Although when in the course of human events it becomes necessary for-"

But Tommy had to interrupt him. You had noticed it as well. "They're surrounding us." He whispered as if he was afraid they could hear. Everyone fell silent - waiting and listening. You leaned towards a window, seeing Sapnap on the one upper left corner of the wall, and Punz on the upper right - you guessed Dream and George must be on the other ones.

"There's no time." You turned around. "You guys need to put your armor on right now."

And just as you said that, the arrows began raining down on L'manburg. They were shooting from every side, trapping you inside of the van. Wilbur cursed under his breath, unwillingly putting his armor on.

"It's happening." He said. "The day we've waited for, for so long. The day we've prepared ourselves for, all this time. We need to go into battle." Wilbur decided, upon realizing that Dream wasn't very talkative today. He looked at Tommy. "And Tommy... I will be doing reconnaissance. I will be watching from above, simply because I believe that throwing myself into battle, will just end up screwing us over more than it will actually help."

"Are you saying..." Tommy's eyes slowly lit up. "That you want me to lead them into battle?"

You, Eret and Fundy's eyes winded, hoping that that really wasn't what he was saying.

But Wilbur nodded. "Tommy, I'm putting you in charge of this army."

Tommy's chest shot foreward, a prideful look on his face.

"I want you to remember guys, that no matter what happens during this war, no matter who wins and who loses - just remember that we're on the right side of history. No matter what happens, no matter what's going on here - we're definitely not the villains. Now, the lead is yours, Tommy."

Tommy let out a shaky breath, gathering courage. His netherite chest plate was glowing alarming from far away, and so were his eyes. He stepped out of the van, his shield held high, stopping any of their arrows from hitting him. "Dream!" He yelled. "If we're going to fight, it won't be in L'manburg. Give us a location, and we'll fight there."

You saw Dream lowering his bow from a distance, standing tall. "Your old house." Even though he wasn't yelling, you were able to hear him clearly. Tommy looked at the rest of you, nodding. Then he began marching forward through the gates and towards his house. Dream and his friends pearled away, reaching the location way before you.

You had your bow aimed the entirety of the way. There was something fishy about Dream just agreeing like that. Maybe they were hiding in the shadows, waiting for the right time to strike. But as you came closer and closer to Tommy's old house, you realized that wasn't the case. Dream and his goons were standing on top of the tower, right in front of Tommy's house, which the rest of you gathered around.

"They've seized the tower. Draw your swords, and be ready for anything - I'll do the talking from here on out." Tommy spoke to you.

Everyone nodded. You were standing beside Tubbo, aiming at them with your bow, while Tubbo protected you and him with his shield. Fundy and Eret both had their swords out, standing on the other side of Tommy as you and Tubbo - Wilbur was observing from a distance.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Tommy yelled, not understanding why of all places, Dream had brought them here.

You had your arrows ready. Slowness, healing, harming, all of them, preparing yourself for every situation this conflict could unfold to. You had golden apples and enderpearls on you as well. Everything was ready. It was only a matter of time before you needed to use it, and your heart hammered loudly in your chest at the bare thought.

They didn't respond - which pissed you off a little. They just looked at you, standing completely still.

You held a close eye on them, and realized that Sapnap was moving slightly. He was aiming his bow and arrow, but not at any of you. You followed his gaze, and saw that he was aiming at a little hole in the ground.

The arrow Sapnap held was surrounded by flames. Your eyes slowly winded, heart stopping.

Tommy, who stood many feet in front of you and the one closest to the tower, had seemed to notice something was off too.

"TOMMY!" You yelled, pushing Tubbo backward in safety. Sapnap fired the arrow. "TOMMY, GET AWAY FROM THERE!"

The first explosion didn't deal that much damage to the ground - but the chain-reaction it caused most certainly did. The whole ground blew up in front of you, causing what felt like an earthquake.

The whole ground was shaking uncontrollably, making it difficult for you to stand. For a hot moment, you actually thought that it had caused an actual earthquake and that mother-nature was popping off right now, when it stopped.

Tommy had flown at least 10 feet up in the air, now falling down, screaming like a little girl. He quickly threw an enderpearl to where you, Tubbo, Eret and Fundy had found safety. Wilbur was hiding in Tommy's house, which magically remained untouched.

You heard the laughter from the tower, when the explosions were done. There was a giant hole in front of Tommy's house. If you had been in the middle of it, when the explosions had gone off, you'd been as good as dead.

So that had been their plan, huh?

Tommy, who was currently sitting on the ground, was very light-headed and dizzy, but hadn't taken any severe damage. Thank goodness.

"Wasn't that great?!" Sapnap yelled, while the boys laughed beside him. "We got the idea from you, (Y/n)!"

He was talking about that little trick you had done, when you blew up their stack of TNT. Those stupid bastards.

"Yeah!" You yelled at him. "Too bad you weren't as good! The only thing you damaged by doing that was your own freaking land!"

You grinned once you realized that your team had the upper hand now. Because now it was your turn to make your move. Each of your comrades didn't have any arrows on them, as the only thing they relied on was a sword and an axe.

But you did. You had plenty of arrows, just waiting to be used.

Sure, Dream and his goons had some too. But unlike them, you weren't stuck on the top of a tower.


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