10. Dream rejects Tommy's love-letter

Dream rejects Tommy's love-letter
In which you RUN, BITCH!

-YukinaAiyu2 on twitter

You had to be honest: You weren't a huge fan of waking up early. You were more of a B-person, you know? But this specific morning, you had to take one for the team: You were going on a mission with your pals, Tommy and Tubbo, to prevent a huge war from breaking loose. And in such case, you'd be glad to break your habits and wake up a little early.

Wilbur had ordered you to tag along, when Tommy was going to offer Dream one of his discs, hoping Dream wouldn't attack in return. You were going to Dream's house, to leave him a note or letter of some sort.

As said, it was extremely early in the morning. You had to be back in L'manburg before dawn, after all. You, Tommy, and Tubbo were completely out of breath from running so fast. The three of you were supposed to have headed straight to Dream's house and then run back, but things hadn't gone that way.

Tubbo had insisted on stopping by his old house, claiming you had plenty of time. His house had been rumored to be burnt down by Sapnap himself, and it sure was. The once big tree-house was burnt to ashes, and you and Tommy were standing on each side of the shaken-up Tubbo, as the boy watched everything he once had worked so hard on, completely gone. The morning air was as fresh as always, but you could still smell the burnt wood. Nothing was left.

In front of the house, a small sign was placed. The Dream SMP have been here, it said. They were apparently really fond of burning things down.

You couldn't believe them. To burn down a child's home, making him practically homeless. God, they've sunken low.

"Don't worry, Tubbo." You tried to comfort him. "We can get your things back. We'll build you a new house."

But Tubbo just shook his head, slowly. "It's not that. When they burned it down, they took the memories down with it. I can't get those back."

You didn't know what to say to that, so you just gave his shoulder a squeeze. Tommy hugged his friend, which seemed to cheer Tubbo up a bit. Not long after, you said your goodbyes to Tubbo's old home.

And then you made your way to Dream's house.

Running down the wooden path was always a pleasure. Even though it was on the enemy's territory, it was very pretty and weirdly satisfying. The sun was beginning to rise, and you could see everything clearly - which you hadn't been able to the first time you were here. the area around was stunning.

But it was dawn now. You needed to hurry.

You crawled through the entrance to Dream's home, wondering why he hadn't put up more security after you stole from him the first time. Not that you complained.

You stood in the small room filled with chests once again, as Tommy took out a piece of paper and a pen. "Dream, today," He mumbled out loud as he wrote. "If today you do not attack, I will give you Mellohi. That's right. The DISC. PROVIDED you step down from the war, and you don't attack us. Tommy."

He let out a shaky breath, examining the written letter in front of him. A little part of him wanted to crumble or burn it, but he contained himself. This was for L'manburg's sake after all.

"Alright," You spoke as Tommy placed the letter in the middle of the room. You were getting anxious by being in Dream's house. You felt watched. "We need to go now."

Tubbo nodded, standing up. When he did so, you noticed the sound of glass clashing together in his bag. You rose your left brow, asking what he had in it.

"The potions." He replied. "I figured there's a slight chance that one of them wouldn't be in the nether, so I carried them on me in case we needed them."

You clicked your tongue. It was both dumb and smart at the same time. They would be good for a battle, but extremely bad to lose.

"Wha- Tubbo, why would you bring all of them with you? Are you stupid?!" Tommy fumed, taking hold of Tubbo's shoulder.


Tubbo never got to finish his sentence, when you heard voices from outside Dream's house. You all tensed up, looking at each other wide-eyed.

They had returned. You had been wasted too much time, and now they'd returned.

You held your breath. It sounded like they were all four of them, currently crawling through the entrance. They were talking normally - it didn't sound like they knew you were in here. You were just about to whisper-yell at the boys, telling them to hide, when Tommy screamed.

"RUUUUUUUN!" He ran through a small entrance, that lead to a tunnel you've never noticed before. It was small, but at least you could run through this one instead of crawling. You shoved Tubbo in front of you, the two of you running after Tommy at full speed.

You heard the intense voices behind you, not daring to look back. They were following you, all four of them. You all three ran as your life depended on it because it basically did.

You've got to be kidding. What were the chances? If they had been just a minute late, you had already been safely onto your way to L'manburg by now. Karma really wasn't on your side today.

You were praying that the tunnel didn't result in a dead-end when exactly the opposite happened. The tunnel split into two different directions, and so did Tommy and Tubbo - Tommy running right and Tubbo running left.

You stopped up, panting, looking in each direction with panic in your eyes. Did they mean to split up, or was it due to lack of communication? Either way, it absolutely sucked! For the love of god, they had one job. Just who were you supposed to follow!?

You cursed loudly, looking back. You could see Dream running towards you at the end of the tunnel.

Not really taking your time to think, you took one of your home-made explosion-arrows and fired it at the top of the tunnel Tommy had disappeared in, leaving large pieces of stone to crash down, completely blocking the way. It would give him a huge headstart.

You were about to do the same in the direction of Dream when you noticed they had gotten too close. You ran off into Tubbo's direction, hoping that they would all follow you, so Tommy would be safe. You and Tubbo would have each other after all - if you managed to catch up to him.

You felt your pulse clear in your throat, when you looked back to see only Dream and George following you. Dammit. They had left Punz and Sapnap to either run back or try and remove the rocks to Tommy's tunnel.

You looked forward again, deciding to focus on running. You were a fast runner, considering you had done it practically your whole life. You were catching up to Tubbo's running figure in front of you, quite quickly. To be fair, he was being slowed down by his full bag of potions. You didn't dare to look, to see if Dream and George were catching up to you as well.

The tunnel lit up, as the exit became visible. You and Tubbo left the tunnel, ending up on the wooden path, extremely close to Tommy's old house.

You ran up beside Tubbo who was gasping for air. "I-I can't run an-anymore." He said in between breaths.

You didn't even get to decide what would be the smartest to do now, before Dream and George came out from the tunnel as well. They stopped up, not even out of breath. Dream was pointing his crossbow at Tubbo, and George pointed his sword at you.

It was over. You couldn't run anymore, and you doubted that you and Tubbo would win a fight against the two males in front of you.

"We saw Tommy's message." George smiled behind his white goggles.

"And we're not going to back down." Dream finished. "It was a nice offer though. You can go ahead and tell Wilbur that."

Your eyes lit up. Were they going to let you go? Had they chased you through the tunnels just to politely decline your offer?

"But first give us the potions. We know you have them, Tubbo."

Of course not. You looked to see Tubbo hugging his bag in a protective manner. "No! Forget it! They're mine, I made them, and we just got them back!"

You walked over to Tubbo, taking the bag from his hands. Not because you were going to hand them over, but because if they decided to try and take them by force, they would have to attack you and not Tubbo. Dream's crossbow was now pointed at you.

"You're not getting the potions. As Tubbo said, we just got them back." You tried your best to sound confident, but it was difficult when Dream's arrow threatened to fly through your skull. "Just let us go. We didn't even do anything, we just came here to offer you something."

Dream smiled. "Well if that's how you want to play..." He switched the crossbow out with his axe, before jumping over to Tubbo, holding the boy in a tight grip, before the boy got to react. The axe pressed against his neck, threatening to cut his skin.

"Now give me the potions, (Y/n)."

But two could play that game. You stormed behind George, pressing his own sword against his chest. George gasped, not daring to move. You locked his body in a position he couldn't move in. You stood right behind him, smiling at Dream.

George's hair lowkey smelled like cinnamon. You loved cinnamon, but it wasn't the time to get distracted.

Dream's smile disappeared, but you could still detect the smug tone in his voice. "Sinking to the enemy's level, I see. Do I really have to repeat myself? If you don't give me those potions, I will kill him."

You snorted. "I'd like to see you try. You hurt my guy, and I'll kill yours, let's go!"

The black dots on Dream's mask stared intensely at you, and you stared just as defiant back. Dream chuckled. "I know you're bluffing. You wouldn't kill someone, even if your life depended on it."

You almost loosened your grip on George. How did he know? From all you've shown him, you were nothing but an impulsive maniac, who didn't hesitate to blow up a whole pile of TNT with your godly archery skills. So just how did he know that?

Surely it wasn't some cheesy shit like 'he could see it in your eyes' or something. But either way, he was right. You were bluffing. And you knew that he wasn't.

You let out an irritated sigh, giving up. You let go of George, offering Dream Tubbo's bag. You looked at Tubbo mumbling an 'I'm sorry.' Your friend just nodded, eyes still wide with fear from Dream's blade.

A few seconds passed before Dream let go of Tubbo and took the bag. Tubbo fell forward from exhaustion, and you grabbed him. You looked at Dream walking over to George with spite in your eyes.

As if the moment couldn't have gotten any worse, you suddenly saw Sapnap and Punz walking towards you, each a hand on an angry Tommy's shoulders. They had captured him as well, despite your lame attempt at helping him. You cursed at yourself. If you had blocked Dream's way instead of Tommy's, the situation might have turned out differently. This was your fault.

Tommy was shoved next to you and Tubbo. He looked at you with sad eyes. "The potions?" he mumbled, and you shook your head, feeling guilty.

He cursed. Sapnap and George were both looking at you with crossed arms and victorious smiles on their faces. They had both been in a near-death-experience because of you now, so seeing you defeated, must cause them much joy. You wanted to kick them both right where the sun doesn't shine.

Dream stepped forward, looking at the three of you. "It was a fine offer, very selfless of you, Tommy. But us backing down from the war, is not going to happen. You started it, and we're going to finish it. We will destroy everything you own, if you don't put up white flags."

Tommy looked straight into Dream's dotted eyes, stepping forward. He was losing his temper. "You son of a bitch Dream, I will make your life a living hell, just you wait-"

"-The embassy has fallen, and next is L'man-child-burg." Dream interrupted him. "You have until tomorrow, and if you haven't surrendered to us, L'manberg will fall. Understand?"

Tommy let out a shaky breath. You looked at him with worried eyes, mouthing that he should think very carefully of what to say next. Dream wasn't in a good mood right now - besides, his three friends were ready to fight at any given moment.

"Dream..." Tommy started, looking the man straight in the eyes. "I understand... NOTHING, YOU STUPID GREEN BASTARD!" You and Tubbo's eyes winded, as you held the boy back from punching the shit out of Dream. "WHY WOULD YOU DESTROY OUR HOME JUST BECAUSE OF A-"

His voice faded out, as Tubbo calmed him down. Dream was just enjoying himself, the men behind him laughing too. You sent Dream a death glare. You didn't know if he saw, due to that stupid mask of his, but you sure hoped so.

At one point, you were afraid the situation would escalate. If Tommy suddenly jumped forward fighting Dream, you wouldn't hesitate to join him. The anger bubbling inside of you was getting harder to maintain each second.

But then you heard Eret's voice, and it was like you completely forgot to stay pissed. "There you are!" He breathed, running up to the three of you. "I was looking all over for you! Wilbur sent me to check up on you since you hadn't returned yet." 

He looked at Dream, Sapnap and George, gulping. He hadn't expected to find them too. Remembering what he had told you about once being friends with them, you felt really bad.

But Dream wasn't planning on staying. Which was good, because you doubted that Tubbo would've been able to hold back Tommy for much longer. The masked guy told you one last time, to tell Wilbur to prepare himself. That you've made your choice, and the war would begin in 24 hours. He then walked away, with George, Punz and Sapnap following close behind him.

George was aiming his crossbow at the four of you, until they were completely out of sight, preventing any sneak attack from happening. You stared at him, until his figure became too small to trace.

"W-what happened?" Eret asked once they were gone, his tone matching his terrified face.

"They declined." You simply said, not wanting to go into any more detail. "The only solution left is war."

"It doesn't look good," Tubbo said. He was still shaken up from his near-death experience with Dream. "And we don't have any potions now... I-It's my fault for bringing them with me."

"No, it's not." You assured him. "If it hadn't been for me, we wouldn't have got caught in the first place."

You each stared at the ground, feeling defeated. And the war hadn't even begun yet.

"No. No, no, no, no, no." Tommy said as if something wasn't right, gaining everyone's attention. He straightened his back, lifting up his chin. He had a determined look on his face. "Gentlemen-plus-(Y/n), I want you to listen to me. In situations like these, you give up. You just do. Everything is gone. Dream is much stronger and smarter than we are."

It wasn't really the motivating speech you were looking for, but okay. Tommy continued.

"But listen to me very, very carefully. We will not stand for this. We won't give up. Sure, he can destroy our land, our home, but it doesn't matter in the end. For we will rise. Alright? L'manburg will not fall! L'manburg continues to stand strong!"

Now that was a motivational speech. Tommy's hope and confidence were contagious, and you, Eret, and Tubbo smiled. "L'manburg stands strong!" You roared in unison.

"L'manburg forever!" Eret yelled, a hand in the air.

"L'manburg forever!" You repeated, hoping that the bad guys could hear you.

Tommy smiled. "We have exactly 24 hours to prepare. Now, let's head back home."

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