1. Just caught a woman, feeling good.
Just caught a woman, feeling good.
In which a chicken,
becomes your personal needle pad
Everyone has experienced at least some kind of trauma during their childhood. At least you believed so. And you, being the main character of this story, weren't an exception.
A traumatic life is the only thing you could expect with certainty in this wicked world, filled with monsters and selfish human beings. Therefore, zombies and skeletons wanting to kill you in your sleep were nothing more but daily-struggles. And that's why dying was so incredibly easy. Coming back to life is where things get tricky.
See, the thing is that you have three lives in total. Losing all of those lives, and you're gone for good. You don't know who came up with that rule since it's practically the stupidest thing ever, but at least it's better than having only one life.
It may come as a shock, and as unbelievable as it sounds, you haven't died once yet. And no, this wasn't because of your immaculate survival skills, nor you being incredibly smart. See, you've actually been on the verge of death multiple times - but each time, you've managed to stay alive. Some may call that luck, but if there's one thing you aren't, it's lucky.
You've had your fair share of trauma, as said in the beginning. A good example being that when you were only 9 years old, your parents lost their last life in a creeper-explosion. You, yourself hadn't been close enough for the explosion to actually kill you, but it did leave its marks. You've had tinnitus and a huge fear for creepers ever since.
Creepers are those scaly, yet slimy, green creatures that blow up when a human comes within its three-meter radius. In your opinion, it's the scariest monster out there - of course, endermen weren't exactly your favorite ones either. Their unpredictable teleportation, and the scary noise they make whenever you kill them- chills. Literal chills.
Now, some may be wondering how the heck a 9-year old managed to survive in the wilderness for so long. And well, you wouldn't have, if it hadn't been for him.
After your parents died, you were in a state of grief and agony - a generally dark place in life, as any child would be upon losing their parents. You remembered walking hopelessly around the forests, without any purpose. And that's when you ran into him.
He had been around the same age as you. He was sitting alone in the forest, in front of a campfire, grilling pork. You must've looked like a zombie yourself, cause he drew his sword in shock when he noticed you.
You didn't really remember how you became best friends - at some point, after him awkwardly sharing his food with you, showing you the way to his home, and teaching you how to fight, you just were.
You guess it was because you both shared the trauma of being left alone. He had been an orphan as well, you see.
The two of you became inseparable. He would always look out for you, and you would always look out for him. You had each other's backs, and couldn't live without one another. And looking back, the weirdest thing about this, was that he never told you his name. Back then you didn't think much of it - you didn't call him by his name anyway. Besides, he had never known his parents, so maybe he didn't have one. You still regretted not asking him, though. Because now you didn't know what to remember him by.
You still saw him, whenever you closed your eyes. All of his features were imprinted deeply into your memory, and you could still see him very vividly for your eyes, even, even to this day. His eager green eyes, his dirty blonde hair...
Your mind never allowed you to forget. It refused to move on.
He didn't die, your relationship just didn't age very well. You had been around 15 years old, he 16, when it happened. When you had ran upon a poster in the forest. You had both been very curious since you had lived deep within the forest and practically never spoken to another human being for years.
The poster had given information about a fighting contest, of which the award was lots of money. Since he had practiced his combat and survival skills ever since he could walk, it was only natural that your friend was interested.
Below the picture of people fighting, there was a map to the city where it would be held. And you followed it right away.
For you, you had been very excited to meet new people. But for him, it was all about the contest - which he won, by the way. He had spent all the money on improving his gear - he even gave you a new bow, which was practically the only weapon you were any good at, at the time.
That's when his addiction for competitions began. You two traveled around the world searching for them - whether it was close-combat, speedrunning or archery, he would win every single one. Well, actually you would beat him in archery whenever you decided to compete against him, but that wasn't relevant.
It almost became like a drug to him, to see the faces of the ones he defeated.
That's when you began to notice he was becoming someone you didn't know. It came to a point where he couldn't care less about the awards - he only did it for the thrills upon defeating someone, showing them he was the best.
It was the arena that messed everything up. A contest between 10 of the best warriors of the whole land - it was a fight to the death. And he was invited.
You had begged him not to go. You were so terrified that he would get killed, but even more terrified that he would kill someone else and lose his humanity.
"Please, don't go!" You yelled, standing in the doorway, blocking his way out. "This has gotten way out of hand. Come on, there's plenty of other competitions that won't acquire you to kill someone! What if some of them are on their last life? They won't come back! You can't do this!"
The boy sat in front of you, sharpening his axe from the shadows. His green eyes glowed in the dark. "I'm sorry, I've made up my mind." He stood up, walking towards you. His voice was eager and confident. "Think about it, (Y/n). It's a famous contest. Hundreds of people will be watching. Everyone will praise me if I win."
"Is it all about fame to you?" You yelled, looking up at him with angry eyes. You needed to prevent him from going, at all costs. Cause if he did, you would lose him for good. "I don't even recognize you anymore!"
He just looked at you, not showing any emotions at all. His eyes were blank and shone with madness. He had lost himself in it. You had let him. "Get out of my way, (Y/n)."
"If you're going - I won't come along. You're on your own." You threatened him with the only thing you knew he wouldn't dare to resist.
You panted heavily as if being stubborn took a lot out of you. You looked at him directly in the eyes, without blinking. He returned the gesture.
And then he did something that was completely out of character for the boy you knew and loved.
He pushed you harshly aside, walking past you. He didn't look back, as he said the words that hurt the most even to this day. "Then so be it."
He chose power and riches over you. And he disappeared into the darkness.
You remembered looking after him, completely devastated. You stood there in shock, looking at the sky, in the direction he disappeared in. And on it, shined a bright star. The same one the two of you would always admire when stargazing. The only thing you had to remember him by.
And that's the story of how you lost the person you had loved the most.
Traumatic, right? Even though you had so much anger towards him for leaving you, you still missed him every day. He's the reason you hate silence. You always tell people that the reason you hate being in quiet places is because of your tinnitus, but really it's because you hear his voice.
Heh, that's about enough trauma for one character. Well, it only goes downhill from here, cause you were about to tell the story of how suddenly signed up for a huge war.
A little more backstory before we begin: Right now, you were on your way away. Ever since he left you, you've pointlessly traveled around the world, improving your archery skills. But you've had enough of that already. You were sick and tired of being alone, and you were sick and tired of having little to no purpose in life.
And so you decided to run away. Or, well, run away might not be the right word, since you didn't run away from anything, but just ran. You just wanted to get away.
You traveled at night and slept during the day. Why? because you were following that stupid star.
It's been a long time since you've last seen your best friend. And you were really angry at him. Furious maybe, for leaving you behind. But your good memories with him were still way stronger than the sad ones - and that's why you wanted nothing but to see him again.
You had realized, that even though it was him that had been a huge dickhead, it was you who had given up on him - and not the other way around. You should have followed him, that night. You shouldn't have let him go.
It was stupid, you knew that. Naive. Either way, you were following that star, and had been doing so for days.
It was a lovely night, and you were currently hiding from a skeleton-spawner behind a chicken.
A chicken. Now, if that doesn't tell you enough, you don't know what does.
The cons of traveling at night were definitely the amount of monsters lurking in the shadows. But lately, you've run into a lot of spawners in the forest, which weirded you out.
The chicken let out a whatever-sound-a-chicken-makes-when-hit-by-lots-of-arrows, and you dropped it to the ground. You stood up, quickly aiming four arrows on your bow, while the four skeletons in front of you slowly reloaded.
You let go of the arrows, each sent flying in opposites directions, killing a skeleton. You panted heavily, as you wiped away the glittering pearls of sweat that had appeared on your forehead from constantly killing monsters.
"That was close." You mumbled. You closed your eyes, visualizing your inventory, and right away a luminescent, see-through screen appeared right in front of you, giving you at least some light in this dark wilderness. You reached your hand out in a tired manner and pressed the slot of your pickaxe, which immediately appeared in your hand. You broke the spawner before another skeleton got a chance to appear.
You examined your pickaxe, as the screen in front of you disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. "I need to get some enchantments on you, little guy."
You took out a torch and looked mysteriously around, while the warmth warmed up your cold hands a little bit. It was weird with all these spawners around. They were definitely man-placed. Maybe you weren't alone.
But who the heck would place mob-spawners in a forest?
"Hello?" You called out. The wind whistled in the trees as an answer, sending a shiver down your spine. Jesus, it was cold. "Is anyone there?"
Not gonna lie, you kind of hoped that there was. You were tired of being alone. This world was infinite, and it was quite rare to encounter another human being. Then again, a person who casually places spawners out in the forest, might not be someone you'd want to be friends with.
After hesitating, you decided to keep walking - but you kept your guards up. You listened for any weird sounds, but all you heard was the wind, owls spout, and your own footsteps. And then the sound of several zombies to your left.
"There's no way." You murmured, looking up only to see another spawner. This time, a zombie spawner. You drew out an explosion-arrow, getting rid of every single one of them with one blow, before breaking the spawner. Something was definitely not right about this.
And that's how the whole night went. You would keep walking in the dark forest, finding more spawners, which you would break - except when you saw a creeper spawner, those you would avoid very carefully.
You were just about to go crazy when you found yet another one. The sun was beginning to rise, and the forest was slowly lighting up. You made your way over to the spider-spawner when you tripped over something.
The ground beneath you opened up, and before you realized it, you fell head-first into a hole. It wasn't that deep, but it still hurt like hell. "What the-"
Then a gas of some sort filled the hole. Panicking, you tried holding your breath, but it was already too late. Your lungs got filled with what you really hoped was just sleeping gas. It would really suck if you already lost one of your lives only one chapter into this story.
Lying on your back, slowly losing consciousness, you looked up only to see two faces looking down at you. You narrowed your eyes, trying to make them focus. You tried your hardest to stay awake, but the darkness was taking over. You began to blink very slowly until you completely stopped opening your eyes again.
And in the silence that swallows everything, you heard his voice again. His voice telling you to give in.
And so you did.
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