chapter twenty seven
"Britney?" Brian questioned. Marilyn glanced over at him and she could tell that he was confused. What's she doing here?
They got the two girls of course with a dazed Britney. But one problem she doesn't remember them...any of them. Roman would try to get her to talk but she would just look at him like he's crazy.
"I'm so glad that your okay." Roman says bringing the confused girl into a hug as she didn't even hug him back.
"Rome leave the girl alone." Tej says as Britney took a step backwards and nearly collided with Brian. He wrapped his arms around her glad to have her back.
"Someone missed you." She heard Dom say at least that's what his name was.
"Guys she doesn't remember any of you." Ramsey says as Britney looks down at the ground.
Everyone is all in shock that she doesn't remember them all. Brian feels a ping of guilt as he puckered his lips to keep himself from crying at the words that Ramsey said.
She doesn't remember her own father. The amount of memories that they have made over the years even when Britney trusted him again. Everyone feels their own guilt that they've been acting like they've not seen her. But in all reality she doesn't remember them.
"Or who she is." Ramsey says after a moment of silence as she is doing something on a computer. The glare Roman is giving Ramsey makes her look down to her lap. Clearly not helping in this situation.
Britney is sitting away from everyone else on the pier just minding her business as she is struggling to throw the rocks into the water to make that skidding pattern it does. She gets up and throws it angrily not realizing that she made it skid over the water. But her father saw it happen and he tried to smile but he didn't.
"Good job. You skidded it." He says as she just looks at him confused before sitting back down
"What happened?" Roman asked the question for Ramsey for Brian.
"What you talking about now?" Ramsey remarked back to Roman as Marilyn stepped up with tears already in her eyes.
"About Britney. What happened?" Marilyn asked as her voice cracked as she had tears that was threatening to fall. She looked at Ramsey through glossy eyes full of tears.
"I don't know actually. I was never told what happened about her. But from what I know was that after she got to where I was. She had a mission I don't remember where but she um failed the mission and they um...." Ramsey says as all of the guys looked at each other before looking at Ramsey.
If Dom and or Brian found out what they did to Britney. The people who did that would be dead. There has been an unspoken rule since she was thirteen to protect her at all costs, and make sure that nothing happens to her. If she gets a single scratch on her, they'd question it.
"What did they do?" Tej asked being the brave one to speak right now as the others are bracing themselves for what happened to Britney.
"They tortured me, and they abused me all because I failed one mission. One. One fucking mission." Was a voice that startled everyone there. They didn't expect that Britney world be the one talking.
They all looked at her like she was crazy before the men's face became serious at what she said. Dom's face hardened when he processed what Britney said.
Brian looked at his daughter still seeing the innocent daughter that he had once knew. But of course that was in the past, because she doesn't know who he is.
"Anything else, Ramsey?" Brian managed to ask as he was afraid of what the next answer would be next.
Ramsey looked at the ground before looking at Brian as she saw the red puffy eyes that looked like he was drunk out of his mind. She got up and walked, the guys head followed where she was going. She stopped just in front of Britney, and they heard whispering between the two. Well mostly Ramsey and she stepped back and watched as Britney lifted her tank top to show scars littering her chest. Like she was confessing to a crime.
The guys didn't know how or what to speak as they looked at her with sorrow-filled eyes knowing that she didn't deserve any of this. Marilyn saw that Britney's hands were behind her back as if she was hiding something. So without her looking she snuck behind her. Her father Roman saw what she was doing and knew what she was doing.
Mari looked closely at Britney's hands and arms as they were littered of scars, but....defensive scars. Mari's mouth gaped open as her eyes widened at the sight. She started looking sick just by looking at them.
A tiny gasp left her mouth as Britney turned around with a gun in hand as Mari held her hands up by her face. Knowing what happened. Mari startled Britney and something snapped in her.
Dom and Brian were the brave ones to move towards Britney also knowing that she wouldn't hurt Mari. Well at least the old Britney. They're not to sure about the new one, but they wouldn't let it happen.
"Put the gun down." Mari says in barely above a whisper but loud enough for Brit to hear it. The tone in her voice wasn't mean, or anger but fear.
It was that moment where Britney felt something that she hadn't before. Well not that she remembers. It was guilt.
Dom swiftly took the gun from Britney's grasp without her realizing it was taken. Roman knew that Britney wouldn't hurt Mari....right.
Then suddenly Britney fell to her knees sobbing as Mari stood there as she doesn't know what to do. She was in shock at what happened as she thought that Britney was actually going to shoot her.
"I'm sorry....I didn't mean it. I'm sorry..." Britney said sobbing as Mari just looked at her not knowing what to do. Her breathing started hitching and not in a good way either. She felt an emotion that she hasn't felt in a long time. Anger.
She marched straight to Ramsey as Roman watched his daughter's every move. Marilyn's blood was boiling as her face darkened much like Dom's sometimes. If not even darker. It scared the shit out of Ramsey.
"What the hell? Matter of fact who the hell did that to her?" Marilyn asked for everyone in the room. Ramsey saw that her eye twitched a little as she was scared to speak but had to from the pure fury in Marilyn's voice.
"Brett Shaw." Ramsey flatly said to Marilyn as all of the guys shot their heads at Ramsey. As the name was familiar....too familiar.
"W-what." Tyler says with a guilty look on her face.
"Isn't that Shaw's boy?" Roman asked as everyone ignored him as now isn't the time for this.
"Ramsey, what do you know about Brett?" Dom asks her as he crosses his arms without taking his gaze away from Britney. Who is currently clutching herself as she's hugging her body as Brian's heart stopped at seeing his little girl like this.
She doesn't deserve any of this, he just wants to hold her in his arms and tell her that everything will be okay. When if he knows that it's not definitely okay. He wants to tell her that everything is going to be okay, but even he know that it's not going to be okay.
"Um, he is the same age as Britney. Looks completely like his father Owen, but now that his father is in the hospital, he's been living with his Uncle Deckard. Deckard was the one who murdered Han. Then over the course of.... how long has she been missing?" Ramsey says before she stops as Letty is holding Dom's hand knowing he doesn't like talking about this.
"Three years, two months, five days, four hours and fifteen seconds." Brian says as Letty cracked a smile at him before looking back at Ramsey.
"The first two years after she failed missions, she was tortured, beaten and abused. How she lost her memory was one of the guys was practicing fighting with her and using her as a punching bag and he got her so hard that she was uncomfortable and lost her memory as he threw her into a wall and she landed head first." Ramsey says as Letty's mouth dropped at hearing that as her eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she's hearing. It sounded like those movies where the main character was tortured, beaten and abused she didn't ever ever think that one day that would come true to the girl she loved like a daughter.
"How did she get to you?" Dom asked being the next brave one to speak, no one's really wanting to speak up, so some of them have taken that initiative.
"I escaped." Britney says as some of them forgot that she was even there, as she hasn't said anything which is fine as that's sometimes Britney. She felt all the attention back on her as she looked at her Dad.
"How'd you escape?" Dom asked as Britney sat on a rock suddenly getting dizzy, from standing also because it's hot, and Britney and heat doesn't always mix, even though she's from Los Angeles. It still gets her sometimes.
"From a car." She says as she played with the chipped nail polish that's on her delicate fingers, as Brian is the next brave one to speak.
"What kind of car?" Brian asked her as maybe she'd remember something of her getaway car.
"Skyline." Britney says has she lowered her head as some of her hair had fell in her face. Brian couldn't help but smile at what she had said, him and Britney loved looking at Skylines together when she was growing up. It was one of the many things that they have bonded over.
"She don't look like a hacker to me." Roman whispered to Tej as said Tej shot Roman a loo taking slight offense from his words.
"Oh, yeah? ..and what is a hacker supposed to look like?" Tej asked in a sassy tone, Roman looked at his friend as Marilyn gave her father a glare with a shake of her head.
"Sometimes I question your sanity, and mentality." Mari says with a fake sarcastic smirk flashing in her father's direction as she walked closer to where Letty was.
"They ain't supposed to look like that! I'm just sayin', they normally wear them weird dorky lookin' glasses, with some pimples all over they face from drinkin' soda. I mean trust me, with a body like that, they ain't gon' park that behind a computer." Roman explained as Letty turns to Roman before looking at Mari confused at what he's talking about.
"He's yapping about how good looking Ramsey is." Mari whispered as she flipped her father off behind her back.
"How 'bout you tell us where that device is?" Dom says getting back on track outside of talking about Britney and what the hell happened.
"I mailed it to a Abu Dhabi." Ramsey told him, as Mari nearly let out a groan. Of course.
"See, that was pretty easy. That other team would have tortured you for that information." Brian finally said to Britney.
"I didn't trust them." Ramsey paused, then waited a brief moment before continuing. "I trust you."
"Now, why would you trust us? You barely know us." Letty asked almost laughing at Ramsey as she stood there, her arms crossed over her chest.
Ramsey looked at Brian. "Ex-Cop, military training or something like that. The way you took o ut those guys shows some training. Her." Ramsey paused nodding towards Britney. "Daughter, Ex-Cop and Agent, a good one." Britney looked at her Dad as he nods his head at her, which made her more confused. I'm no agent and or cop.
Ramsey looked at Tej and Tyler who was behind the two being Roman and her father respectively. "You two, tech, hackers. Offending by the hacker remark." She says as Tyler looked up as she was by far not paying attention to what's going on. She doesn't want to see her best friend like that.
"Alpha." Ramsey says as she nods towards Dom. When she looked at Letty, she smiled slightly. "Mrs. Alpha." A small chuckle escaped Letty's lips. At that, Dom smiled. Last but most certainly not least, Ramsey turned her gaze towards Roman. "Joker."
"Wrong." Roman replied then stood up. "Double Alpha. Man Candy, you know what I'm sayin'?" He asked, acting as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He smirked at Ramsey.
"Man, sit yo candy ass down." Tyler cut Roman off, earning a chuckle from nearly everyone. The smirk fell from Roman's face, he awkwardly sat down.
"The disrespect around her is real man." Roman muttered to himself, putting his hands in his coat pockets.
"Life is binary, zeroes and ones. Only two things keep a group like this together; fear or loyalty And I don't see a drop of fear among you guys." Ramsey said, a small smirk forming on her lips. She felt proud of her accusations. Every single of them had been accurate.
"You work for the U.S. government?" Ramsey asked the group. Dom chuckled at the girl's question.
"Let's just say that we have similar interests." Mari answered, with a hint of a smirk playing at her lips.
"Tej, call it in. We're going to the Middle East." Dom said to Tej, beginning to walk away from the group.
The following day the team was on the earliest flight to Dubai. A majority of them slept during the flight, wanting to make sure they were well rested and ready for whatever Dubai would bring them.
Once they arrived in Dubai, the team decided to take some time to relax and formulate a plan. Currently, they're at a beach in the beautiful city that is Abu Dubai. Roman, Tej, Britney and Brian are sitting in long, tanning chairs under a small pavilion. Britney, is dressed in a tank top and black skinny jeans, as she wasn't never really one to wear a bikini and or a swimming suit.
"It was hotter than I thought it would be." Roman spoke up sitting forward in his chair. He stared at Ramsey who was swimming down at the beach.
"Yeah, well, we are in the desert, idiot, so it would be hot." Tyler sarcastically said, as Roman shook his head at Tyler, as Tej nodded his head at what she said.
"Oh no, I ain't talkin' about the weather." Roman replied, as Britney and Tyler followed Roman's gaze. Ramsey was getting out of the water and was walking towards the group. Her black bikini hugged her hourglass figure, highlighting her curves. "My my my..." Roman muttered licking his lips as Britney and Brian looked at each other and rolled their eyes.
"Now that is a woman worth fallin' out a plane for." Tej stated raising his eyebrows slightly at the sight.
"Get out of there man, I got dibs on her." Roman warned his friend, as Tyler cocked an eyebrow at him. "You see me lookin' at that.
"Did you seriously just call dibs on Ramsey? What are you twelve?" Tyler teased, a small smirk forming on her lips. Tej agreed with his daughter, Roman began to bicker with Tej and Tyler.
"I'll play you rock-paper-scissors for it." Tej said to Roman. Letty walked up behind the two, resting her arms on the back of their chairs. She nearly rolled her eyes.
"Are you guys for real right now?" Letty asked as a small smile on her face as she looked down at both Tej and Roman. "Look at you! You're both whipped already! You got stalker eyes."
"I tried calling dibs on Ramsey once. Did not work so well for me." A man with a thick Arabic accent as he walked up the few stairs that led to the pavilion. Everyone went quiet and their attention was on the stranger, as Britney watched him much like a cop would, as like her father did when he had to go undercover as a cop to catch Dom. He was dressed in an expensive-looking white suit. "Hey, Ramsey!" The mans aid when he saw Ramsey approaching, as she smiled at the man.
"Hello, Safar!" Ramsey said, as she greeted him by pulling him into a hug, one which he gladly returned.
"I see you've made some new friends." Safar told the girl as they pulled away from their hug.
"Yes, they're short-tempered friends. I need the USB drive I sent you, where is it?" Ramsey asked, cutting straight to the point.
"Oh, look, you will be pleased to know; I sold it." Safar told her, taking off his sunglasses. He smiled down at the dark skinned girl, as Britney sighed.
"You sold it?!" Ramsey asked, with a hint of anger in her voice. "I asked you to keep it safe and you sell it!" Ramsey exclaimed angrily, as Dom walked over to the two.
"We're going to need it back." Dom told Safar. From the look on Safar's face, everyone knew it wouldn't be easy getting it back, except for Britney. This was going to be a piece of cake for her.
"Impossible..." Safar told them, with a look of guilt washing over them. He regretted selling the USB drive.
"Safar, I stashed something inside it, something important." Ramsey told him, as Safar nodded down at her.
"Okay, okay...uh good news. It is safe." Safar said in a nervous tone.
"...and the bad news?" Ramsey asked, tilting her head to the side as she gave her friend a look.
"I sold it to a Jordanian prince up there, trust-fund billionaire." Safar told they group as they walked over to the sidewalk that looked over the water and three large buildings known as the Etihad towers. "He said he wanted to use it for his...super car."
"You see, this? This I like. Billionaire super-car." Roman said, smiling widely as he looked at the rest of the team.
"What makes it super?" Ramsey asked Safar. Britney leaned against the railing on the fence next to her.
"A $3.4 million price tag and a top speed of 239 miles per hour." Safar answered with a small smile. Holy shit, Britney thought. Roman gave Safar a look of pure joy.
"Am I the only one aroused by this?" Roman asked unable to hide the smile off his face. He pretended to drive, making sound effects while doing so. "No?" Roman's smile slowly started to fade as everyone kept quiet.
"Where does he keep it?" Britney spoke up to Safar wanting to get down to business. This mission was going to be important to Dom especially.
"In his penthouse." Safar answered, pointing up at one of the three large buildings.
"Penthouse? Why not in a garage, where it can actually be used?" Tyler asked Safar, knitting her eyebrows together in confusion. Tej nodded in agreement.
"Right, why the hell is he keepin' that thing up there?" Marilyn asked.
"He's a billionaire, my friends, he can do whatever he wants." Safar replied. "Now tomorrow happens to be the longest day of the year, we're supposed to celebrate it, party." Safar says as he trailed off.
"So you can get us up there, right?" Brian asked as Safar offered him a small, brief smile.
"Yes, but uh..." Safar paused, making a face. "Not dressed like that." At his words Britney smirked, she had a feeling this was going to be fun.
Britney got dressed up in the only time that she will ever wear a dress. So Brian is living it up now. The two arrived right on time. She wore a bright red dress, and a pair of converse because she always wears them. She wore them without a care in the world of what other people thought what she was doing. As soon as the elevator doors opened, the father/daughter duo stayed together because Dom had assigned them of taking the car. They walked to where Roman was and of course he was blabbing about something.
"No, no, no, they tellin' me that they party like this everyday! They party on this level every day!" Roman said, sipping on his champagne as he walked through the party with a grin plastered on his face as per usual. The team had all been instructed to wear ear pieces so they could hear what was going on and make it easier for everyone to communicate. "This is crazy, I might have to start a new culture; it's called Blarab. You know, Black-Arab?" Roman says as the girls roll their eyes at Roman's words and looked over the balcony and down at the people facing below.
"How we lookin' Tej?" Dom asked as he looked around the crowd of people.
"We're almost there." Tej said. "So this is how this works, let's go over this one more time to make sure that everyone clearly understands what their role is. Roman this means you." Tej says as Tyler and Marilyn smiled at his words, knowing that Roman was one to forget what he was doing a majority of the time or get carried away.
"You know, you've bein' real unprofessional right now, Tej." Roman said to Tej with a scoff escaping his lips.
"The God's Eye should be hidden in the Prince's car, which he keeps in a safe room." Tej explained.
"We've got eight to ten playing close security." Britney told the team as she noticed men in suits standing around, with ear pieces in their ears as they watched the partiers in front of them. Brian looked around, counting the eight men Britney was referring to.
"Excluding the Prince, and his personal body guards." Dom said. There was a blonde woman named Kara who stood next to a group of guards. Though she was dressed in an elegant, gold dress, it was obvious that she too was a guard for the prince.
"Security cameras are clustered by the north wall, I'm assuming that's where the vault is." Tyler pointed out, keeping her voice quiet so no one passing by would hear her.
"To get to the vault, you have to tap into the security system which can be accessed in the Prince's break room." Tej explained as Mari and Tyler shared a look.
"Alright, dudes, me and Ty are going in." Mari spoke up, she walked away first, leaving Tyler to follow behind her. Tyler waited a moment, not wanting to make it too obvious that they were both going in the same place. As she rounded a corner, Tyler saw a man guarding a set of large, gold double doors.
"Excuse me." Marilyn said in a polite tone, trying to get on this man's good side. He said some things in Arabic that neither of the girls understood.
"Oh, we were just looking for--" Tyler said but the man cut her off.
"The party is that way." The man cut Tyler off pointing towards the direction of the party.
"What?" Marilyn asked, pretending to play dumb, as she kept walking closer to the man.
"This room is off limits--" He was cut off when Mari hit him in a pressure point, then punched him square in the face. He passed out almost immediately and slid down the wall. Mari grabbed the access card out of his pocket. Tyler walked closer to the door, making sure to look behind them in case someone was coming their way. She looked back at Mari.
"Well done." Tyler said, with a small smile on her face. Marilyn smiled then swiped the access card to open the doors. Once the doors were open, the girls grabbed a hold of the guards unconscious body and dragged him into the room, closing the door behind him.
"Okay Dad, me and Mari are in." Tyler said after pressing a button to turn her microphone back on as Mari did the same.
"Find the phone jack, it always runs behind there. There's probably going to be a lot of wires, but this one will be behind the pen with a plenum coat." Tej explained as Mari took the wall plug adapter off. A confused look spread across her face at his words, as she heard him too, then Tyler sighed as she carefully cut the orange cord.
"Easy, Mari it was the orange one. Speak technical." Tyler says as she understood every word that he was saying as she is a hacker like her Dad and Ramsey. So she understands these sort of things.
"Well, sorry, I'm not smart." Mari grumbled under her breath and Tyler has a smirk on her face as she is amused by this. Tyler quickly put the wall adapter back on and the two girls practically ran towards the door. They knew they needed to get out of the room before more guards showed up. Tyler opened the door, and the first thing that she saw was the blonde guard that she saw mere minutes ago. Kara stood on the other side of the door with a scowl on her face. She ad several female guards behind her. Kara looked at the unconscious mans body, then up at the two teenage girls in front of her. She tilted her head to the side in a threatening way.
"Would you believe that we knocked him out with our charm?"
After Britney and Brian stole the car from the penthouse where the party was. Especially now that Deckard Shaw is now currently shooting them with some type of a machine gun. Britney is taking the reigns of driving as she was the first one to get into the car, so her father got stuck being in the passenger seat. Brian is currently trying to hold onto something for dear life, as Britney is driving.
She shifted the gear as she cracked her neck like she would always do when she's driving especially when she's trying to get away from something. Deckard continues to try shooting at them as they drive away. Then Britney turned around the corner as they were heading towards the window.
"Brit, cars don't fly." Brian says as Britney ignores her father hearing that, she knows what she is doing. She isn't stupid. Britney continues to step on the brakes, as Deckard cocked his gun, and as Brian continues to panic, as he isn't wearing a seat belt for this. "Cars, don't fly!" He says, as he tries to hold onto something. Britney stepped on the brakes again as they were getting closer and closer to the window. "Shit!" Right when Brian said that, they crashed through the glass, it felt like they were flying.
Britney knew they would get to the other side, but her father wasn't making this easier on her. He was starting to stress her out. Deckard shot one more time, as this time it caused some sort of explosion, as now the blinding sun is shining through the car. They were slowly making their way to the second building as Britney was holding onto the steering wheel as tight as she can. She wouldn't admit it but this is very nerve-wracking, as she's never done anything to this extent. Like driving a car, through buildings she hasn't done before, and she probably won't do it again, if she had a choice. Then she closed her eyes for some reason to let it sink in, and when she opened them again they were already in the second building.
Then she felt the ground when her lights adjusted to the new building as she was searching of a way to get out of this one. Britney tries to step on the brakes but it's not working, she continues to step on them harder as it feels like the car is getting faster by each second. She whipped her braided head to her father, with sheer panic on her face. "NO BRAKES!" She yelled to him, as that's when Brian O'Conner knew that he was going to die. This got Brian's attention as he looked at his daughter making sure that he heard her correctly. "What?" He asked her as he turned to her. "No brakes, Dad." She said, as Brian didn't hear her say the Dad part.
"Shit." Brian cursed as he banged his hand on the control panel, hoping to break it. After a few tries it broke, and he got what he needed. Britney changed gears and stepped on the gas, as the car went faster. She continued to press the gas to make it go faster as they nearly get to the window, then the last and final jump between the buildings continue. This time it felt more surreal, to Britney, she never thought that she'd survive doing this, let alone with her father. She also knew it felt like slow motion as they were slowly coming towards the third building. Her blue eyes widened nearly out of their sockets as they were approaching their third building, but that's not what caught her eye. What did was that there was a museum, with people. "Oh, shit, people." Britney cursed/yelled as even though she knew that the brakes weren't working she tried to press on the brakes.
Just as a guy saw them coming and having to do a double take, he finally moved out of the way which got people's attention as they saw something coming at them. They scattered out of the way as just then the car flown through the window like it had the other times before. The car spun in circles a couple times which was making both Brian and Britney nauseous. The car spun in circles which hit some of the statues, that was there, as in her defense they were in her way. As they were hitting the statues the doors of the car opened which acted like a little bit of a shield from getting hit. Then the doors got blown off as Brian got what he was looking for. "Got it." He said as he shown Britney before the two made their way of jumping for their lives, so they don't end up dead. Britney got out of the car at the last second before the car crashed through the glass and started falling down to the ground. Britney slid just before she got to the edge as she grabbed ono so she can hold on for her life.
She watched as the car slowly started to fall, as her heart was beating so loud that she could almost feel it wanting to escape from her chest. Then moments later it crashed onto the ground into a million pieces (at least that's what it looks like). They got the device, but they also destroyed the car. When the team headed back to Safar's base, he was beyond angry with them.
"Ah, there they are! It is a disaster!" Safar said as the group approached him. Everyone came out okay, with a few bruises here and there, but nothing they couldn't handle.
"I'm sorry." Ramsey apologized to her friend sighing. Safar simply shook his head and walked closer to her.
"I get you into the most expensive party in Abu Dhabi-" Safar starts but Ramsey cut him off.
"No, no, no." Safar said before she could continue. "You steal the hosts car, and you jump it between two buildings.." Safar trailed off which made Britney start smirking.
"Actually it was three, buildings." Britney snarkily remarked to the man having enough of his attitude as she doesn't like it.
"Oh! Two? Insult. Three? Honored, my bad." Safar sarcastically remarked back which made Britney laugh.
"Well, well, well. I have to say, you've got an interesting interpretation there of low-key, Mr. Toretto." Mr. Nobody said as he entered Safar's garage. The soldier accompanying him, named Sheppard, followed him in suit, with a large gun in his hand. "You know, Dom, I thought we had an understanding."
"Sometimes, you have to play the hand you dealt." Dom said shrugging slightly, as he walked towards Mr. Nobody.
Oh, that's why I prefer to be the dealer." Mr. Nobody said, winking. He then turned his attention towards Safar. He nodded at him. "Goodnight." He told Safar, hinting that it was his time to leave.
"Ah, I'm getting kicked out of my own garage. This is great!" Safar complained as he start to walk out of his garage, shaking his head. As he left Brian turned to Britney.
Brian nodded towards Mr. Nobody as Britney got the hint, and hesitantly walked over to Mr. Nobody and handed it to him as told.
"All, that trouble for this little..uh, thing." Mr. Nobody said as he held up the chip, inspecting it. He then looked at Britney. "With all do respect, Britney, you really did do great work back there. All of you did, and all of my men are now standing by and are now fully at your disposal. It took Britney a moment to grab the chip, trying to wrap his head around what Mr. Nobody had just said to her.
"Ramsey." Britney paused looking over at the girl, Ramsey walked over to her friend, as she handed her the chip. "Fire it up, and find Shaw for Dom."
After what feels like eternity I finally wrote a chapter. I know it feels like forever, which the only part written was the first part where everyone is talking and asking questions of how Britney got into the picture. So remember that part, that's all important. So I'll try to continue having a half-ass writing schedule, but don't guarantee anything.
Love you all.
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