chapter twenty eight
Hi, I'm back, I'm like almost done with this movie, which is Furious 7, I don't know if I'll continue with the series and or continue my other fast and furious books. If anything I'll have this one on hold so I can get my other books up and ready. Though be ready if and when I do F9, because Jakob will have a daughter, well not biological but adopted daughter, if that makes sense. I really don't know what I'll do, but I'll think of something, well here is 7.4 <3.
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It only took Ramsey minutes to find Shaw after she had gotten Gods Eye up and running.
"That's him, that's him!" Britney said as the group all watched the screens together, looking for Shaw. She had found him, as Shaw and Brett had just gotten into a luxury car and sped off. The Gods Eye followed him. "That's it, that's him!" Britney added, pointing to the screen, as the group gathered around Ramsey.
"Wait, wait, what are these numbers right here for?" Tej asked, pointing to the computer screen. The group watched the Gods Eye in awe, it was incredible to have such an amazing device in their presence.
"It gets video from every camera, and audio from every device on this hemisphere." Britney said to Tej. "Bingo! It looks like he's held up here." The screen showed an abandoned factory.
"That's perfect." Brian says. "Automated factory, no one would know there was people and there's lots of places to hide." He took a step closer to the computer to get a better view.
"You just changed the face of manhunts forever." Mr. Nobody said to Ramsey and Inessa (well Britney but he doesn't know that part yet), smiling proud at them. Ramsey turned around in the chair and returned the smile.
"Hey, can I, uh, check real quick..?" Roman trailed off, leaning towards the computer Nearly everyone rolled their eyes. Only Roman would ask such a question.
"Dawns up in two hours. That's when we'll get Shaw. Go get changed." Dom announced to everyone as they all obeyed and went to go change.
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The team stood together on a hill that looked over at the beautiful city in front of them. The nine of them a had the same thing on their mind; it's good to be back in LA. It was weird for Dom not to have a home go to back to.
"I'm all for winging it, but this shit is crazy man! We got mercenaries with some real heat on us." Roman exclaimed like always right before a big mission. "I ain't scared or nothin'.." He added on to his little rant.
"Sure sounds like it." Britney remarked over her shoulder as she was typing something on the computer and doing some hacking to make sure that they're safe, for now.
"Smart ass." Roman muttered under his as then a smack was heard, by Marilyn.
"Will you shut it for five seconds, geez." Mari says to her father as Brian chuckled a little.
"Ow, that hurt." Roman says as he rubs his head where his daughter had slapped him.
"...and yet your still talking." Tyler said as Tej grinned.
"I don't even own a gun!" Roman said in a rather panicked tone, as Dom looked at him.
"A gun?" Dom asked, confused. "We have a whole city." He said as he looked back at the city below them.
"We may have more than that. If they use the Gods Eye, they can tap into the city's cameras, and figure out our location. We can plant a virus." Britney says using her 'hacking' voice, as Brian calls it. She looked over at Dom, awaiting approval for his plan. "Then deactivate it when Ramsey access it." She adds.
"So you're talking about re-hacking my hacking device? That's brilliante." Ramsey says smiling at Britney.
"Yeah but there's one problem." Britney said, pausing for a moment. "The signal strength. We can't start a hack unless they're in a two mile range." Brian's draw dropped at at her words.
"Two miles?" Brian asked, raising his eyebrows, as he didn't like the sound of that.
"That's really close." Mari spoke up as Brian nods agreeing with her.
"Two miles? These guys are military! If they're within two miles of us, we're already dead. I don't know about y'all, but I didn't really plan on dying today." Roman ranted as per usual as Britney ignored him like the other girls did.
"Only one way to stay alive." Brian says before he dramatically paused. "We play keep-away with Ramsey and Brit." Ramsey and Britney raised their eyebrows at him.
"What?!" Ramsey and Britney asked frantically, giving him a crazed look.
"They won't hit us if we keep moving." Brian replied trying to make it seem safer than it sounded.
"I'll take Shaw." Dom announced taking a step away from the group with his hands behind his back.
"This is 'bout to be like a big game of hot potato." Tej said, shaking his head as Ramsey shot the hacker a look.
"And which car is the potato?" Ramsey asked as Letty noticed that Dom had strayed away from the group and walked over to where he was.
"You and B are the potato." Tej answers her, as she slowly nodded her head knowing that she can't get out of this now.
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The team had just been briefed on what they were going to be doing when Shaw comes to LA with Brett ready to attack. Britney was sitting shotgun with her Dad in the passenger seat while Ramsey was sitting in the back seat.
"I don't know why we gotta keep drivin' around like this, why can't we just pull over somewhere, park, gather our thoughts in, like, a bunker somewhere." Roman complained to Tej, who was sitting in the backseat of his car.
"Because it doesn't work like that." Tej sassed, looking over at his friend. "We have to stay close enough to the bad guys in order to get enough range for Ramsey and Brit to hack hem, but we gotta be mobile enough not to get shot like a fish in a barrel. So, do me a favor, focus on the mission, keep us from gettin' killed."
Roman huffed in annoyance, but obeyed. He just as much as anyone else wanted to walk away from this alive. He wanted to see that everyone else from the team did the same. Tej heard the faint sound of a helicopter and looked around to find it. When he looked out of the rear window of the car, he spotted it. He quickly grabbed the walkie-talkie that had been sitting right next to him.
"Guys, they're here!" Tej said into the walkie-talkie, panic beginning to arise within him as he watched the helicopter fly closer. Letty heard this and she too grabbed her walkie-talkie.
"How many cars?" Letty asked, keeping her eyes on the road in front of her, as Tej let out a breath.
"Uh, none. That's kind of the problem." Tej told her, staring at the helicopter behind him. He tried to keep positive thoughts in his mind, knowing that this was going to be difficult to pull off. Although, he was thankful they had a helicopter instead of a tank this time.
"Kay, let's give 'em the tour, break on my mark." Brian spoke up, as Britney glanced at her father. "Three, two one. Go!" Right after the words left Brian's mouth, the team split up three different ways. This job had Brian on edge, he knew he had to focus in order for this to succeed.
"They're in range. Britney, start the hack!" Tej instructed after typing a few things into his computer, Ramsey went right at it.
"Initiating." Britney said, immediately typing away on the small computer she had in her lap. "Now." She added once she had finished. Brian raced through traffic once he got on the freeway. Britney looked up and around for the helicopter and felt relieved when she didn't see it.
"I think we lost the helicopter." Britney said to her Dad as they drove with a stead speed right next to a semi-truck that had a flatbed attached to the back. The semi-trucks that were in front of the two began to swerve out of their lane as if they were trying to get away from something.
"I think we got bigger problems than that." Brian told her as he saw the scene unfold in front of him. What looked like a large drone mixed with a missile was hovering only about forty feet ahead of them.
"Oh my shit." Britney muttered in disbelief as she turned to see what he was talking about. He pressed a button that made his GTR go lower, the body of the car inches away from touching the cement as they drove. "What are you doing?" She asked him worried.
"We're goin' old school." Brian replied then quickly shifted gears as the drone began to shoot at them. He turned the wheel and the car was underneath the semi-trucks flatbed. The GTR was only under for a brief moment before Brian continued to turn the wheel to the eft, going into another lane to get away from the drone. Unfortunately, they were now driving in the same lane as oncoming traffic. Britney's eyes widened as she gripped the door handle tightly.
"Watch out!" Britney exclaimed. Brian quickly swerved back underneath the semi-truck's flatbed in just enough time for the oncoming traffic to pass safely. However, the drone fired more shots and some went through the windshield of the semi-truck, making the driver slam on the brakes. That resulted in the trailer of the truck (including the flatbed) to begin to turn quickly to the left, taking up the entire freeway.
Britney yelled as the drone fired more shots, almost all of the bullets hitting the semi-truck above them. The large, metal cones that the semi was hauling all fell from the flatbed, scattering over the freeway. Brian shifted gears and slammed on the gas peddle. he turned and got off the freeway on the closest exit, just barely missing a bunch of the fallen cones. The drone had flown away, but both Britney and Brian knew that wouldn't be the last time they saw it.
"It's coming back around." Britney told Brian as she spotted the drone once more. Her heart was pounding in her chest. To say that she was scared would be an understatement. Once they got off the freeway, Brian continued to speed down the road which earned the attention of a cop.
"Great." Brian muttered to himself, looking at the flashing lights in the side view mirror. The last thing they need right now is cops on their asses. The drone had caught up with Brian and Britney again, and this time, the missiles were out and ready to be shot. As soon as the first one was fired, Brian's eyes widened in shock. "Oh shit!"
Brian quickly swerved into another lane to dodge the missile. The missile hit the cop behind them, causing it to explode. Britney yelped in surprise at the explosion, Brian picked up the walkie-talkie and held it in one hand, then continued to drive with his other hand.
"Rome, where you at?" Brian asked his friend, knowing they were going to need back up. He would only be able to keep this up for so long.
"Running back, charging in." Roman replied, then quickly turned the corner to go help his friend.
"Meet me on Third and Spring." Brian instructed, then putting the walkie-talkie down so he could focus on driving and keeping Ramsey, Britney and himself safe. He keeps telling himself to keep Britney safe, he doesn't want to lose her again. He won't lose her again.
"You go it." Roman replied. By this time, Dom had found Deckard and Brett. They had their cars parked opposite of each other, them waiting for the other to make the first move.
Britney typed quickly trying to continue the hack. Brian glanced over at the computer screen before turning his gaze back on the road. It was forty-nine percent complete.
"I'm half way there." Britney told him.
"Grab your computer, get in the window, both of you!" Brian instructed, as Ramsey and Britney looked at him, wide eyed.
"What? Dad?" Britney and Ramsey questioned they didn't remember this being part of the plan. Brian looked at Britney and nodded her head.
"Do it now!" Brian told her in a serious tone. When Brian spotted Roman's car headed towards them in the distance, he looked at the two. He knew they didn't have much time before another missile was shot at them.
Britney took a deep breath, then grabbed her laptop. At this time, both Brian and Roman drifted cars, making them perfectly aligned. Britney quickly climbed through the window of the GTR. Mari who was reaching out of the window of her Dad's car, grabbed Britney's hand and helped pull her through the window. Her and Ramsey barely made it through.
As soon as Brian finished drifting the car, he grabbed his gun from the backseat. He opened the door, while the car was still moving and jumped out, tumbling onto the hard cement. Just then, the drone launched a missile and it collided with the GTR. Brian who was recovering from the fall, watched the car he was in only seconds ago exploded. He made it out just in time. When he heard the sound of a car beeping their horn, he realized he was still laying in the middle of the street. Quickly he got up, and grabbed his gun and ran off.
"He made it!" Tej said to Roman, Britney and Ramsey, who sat in the car with him. He had watched Brian run away. "I can't believe he pulled that off!" The computer screen said they were at eighty-seven percent, as Ramsey and Britney felt so anxious. Suddenly, the screen went red and the signal was lost.
"What happened?! We were almost there!" Britney said in distress. "They've cut the signal, I can't finish the hack!"
"What do you mean?" Roman asked worried. He continued to drive around just like they planned. Tej shook his head, knowing this wasn't good. He grabbed the walkie-talkie that was sitting on his lap.
"Brian, they took out the tower!" Tej said into the walkie talkie.
"There has to be another way." Britney said, trying to figure something out. Ramsey thought for a moment as he looked at the screen in front of her.
"Wait, I'm seeing half a dozen cell towers between sixth and state. Brian, if you can get into any one of the top of those buildings over there, we can reroute, the signal manually and finish the job." Tej spoke into the walkie talkie.
"I'm on it!" Brian replied into the walkie talkie of his own. "Where we headed Tej?" Brian asked, as he had his gun out and ready to fire in case they encountered someone.
"There's a service elevator passed the maintenance sector. It will take you directly up the repeater. Brian, you gotta hurry." Ramsey explained.
Three armed men broke through the windows in front of Brian. One of those men, Kiet, was the guy that Brian had fought on the bus when they had first found Ramsey and Britney. Bullets continued to fly towards them, Brian peaked from the corner, firing at the two men and what looks like a female. Brian noticed a flat dolly only a few feet away from him. An idea struck him. He waited for the bullets to stop, then he laid down on the dolly. He managed to get it rolling as it gave him the perfect view of the three men. As he rolled on by, he opened fire. He hit one of them, making the two men fall to the ground, except for the girl.
Brian got up when it was ready and grabbed the Glock 23 that was in his old LAPD vest. He made it to the stairs, he stopped for a brief moment when he realized how many stairs they were going to have to climb. He started climbing the stairs, knowing the armed men and girl wouldn't be far behind.
As soon as Brian opened the door at the top of the stairs, Kiet popped up from his side and threw a punch, knocking the gun out of Brian's hand. The girl shot Brian's leg in efforts to get him to herself, but he had moved just slightly which made the bullet to miss him.
"Fuck." The girl muttered to herself as Brian and Kiet continued to fight, after dodging each other's punches, Kiet tackled Brian into the door that he had entered from only minutes ago. The door broke off it's hinges, both Brian and Kiet had fallen with it, it was almost as if they were sledding down the stairs. they continued to fight as they fell. Eventually, they both flew off of the door, they both tumbled down the stairs.
Brian grabbed something off a nearby table and threw it at Kiet. It hit him in the stomach, the girl made it to the room that the two men were fighting in. Brian spotted the girl, which distracted him for a moment. Kiet did a roundhouse kick to Brian's face, knocking him over. The girl aimed her gun and shot it at Kiet as he dropped to the floor as blood began to pool out from his wound. Fighting through the aches and pains he felt, Brian stood up.
The girl removed her hood and her mask that helped to conceal her identity, and it revealed that it was Desireè Toretto.
"Hi, Brian." Desireè said to Brian with a hard straight face much like Dom. It felt weird seeing her again, after all these years. He'd only hear about her, but not physically seeing her.
"We gotta go, if you don't wanna die." Desiree says to Brian as they began to back up the stairs again. This time they were able to reach the roof of the building. Brian looked up and saw all the satellites. He looked over and noticed the grey box, which he assumed was the repeater. "I'm at the repeater." He said into his walkie talkie.
"The access cable is in the base." Tej instructed. "Just plug it in into your phone and Britney will be back online." Brian did as he was told as Desiree just stood there and watched him do his magic.
"So this, is what you've been doing, huh? Did he just say Britney? As in your daughter." Desireè asked once she was sure that this guy that talked was done, and that it was her and Brian.
"Yeah, pretty much. Britney went through some things so, she isn't in the brightest mindset right now." Brian told her as he was multi-tasking, he can do it better than Britney can.
"Brit, go!" Brian told her, as she started the hack again. She was able to get the Gods Eye back. After receiving the news, Brian and Desireè made their way outside. Once they reached the street, they noticed a black SUV parked in the alley next to the building.
"I got my own transportation, I'll follow you." Desireè says as she hopped onto her motorcycle, as Brian nods his head.
"Tej, Roman, I'm on my way." Brian said as Desireè revved the bike as she was stalling.
"Alright homie. I'll see you there." Roman's voice came through the walkie talkie. Brian hot wired the car and then him and Desireè sped off to go pick up Roman, Tej, and the girls.
"Brian who is following you?" Ramsey asked as she noticed that someone was on a motorcycle following him.
"A friend, came to help." Brian lied through the walkie talkie even though Desireè couldn't hear what was happening.
Brian drove to the place where the group had deemed the 'meeting' area. That's where they were all going to meet up when this is over. Desireè parked her motorcycle, next to Brian's car as she had her hood back on her face to half-ass conceal her identity.
As they arrived, they noticed that the parking agarge that was yards away was beginning to come crumbling down. There was a helicopter hovering near it. That was most likely the cause of it.
Desireè watched as the Charger flew through the air, hitting the helicopter. Everyone held their breath to see what was going to happen next.
"DOM!" A voice screamed as the group watched as Dom crashed into the rubble, the car flipping again and again until landing on the ground. Everyone including Desireè ran over to where the car had landed. Hobbs was the first to reach the car. He started moving the ruble out of the way so that way he could get to Dom. When Brian and Desiree arrived, they helped Hobbs. They managed to get the door off, as Desiree felt her heart sank when she spotted her Uncle.
"Oh my shit." Desireè gasped, her hand covering her mouth as she watched them pull her Uncle's lifeless body from the crushed up car. She started shaking the team gathered around Dom's body.
"Is he breathing?" Britney asked as her voice quivered, as Brian squatted down next to his friend.
"Keep his head tilted up." Brian instructed, showing Letty what she was supposed to do. "Alright, keep it back like this. Pinch his nose, keep his head tilted. Breathe into him now, go!" Brian began to do chest compressions.
"C'mon Dom, you gotta wake up." Brian said as he and Letty continued to do CPR. "C'MON, GOD DAMMIT! YOU BREATHE! YOU GOTTA BREATHE! C'MON, I NEED YOU TO BREATHE! I NEED YOU TO COME BACK BUDDY!" As if she wasn't already sad enough the pain in Brian's voice sent a pang in Desireè's chest. Everyone was hurting. Letty had stopped tryig, she tried to push Brian away from Dom but Brian swatted her hand away.
"GET OFF OF HIM!" Letty yelled, by now she was sobbing.
"No, breathe into him!" Brian told her, they began arguing with each other.
"Back off! Please." Letty begged, pushing Brian again. This time, she made him stumble. He stood up and gave Letty the space she wanted. She laid Dom's head in her arms. Brian looked down at Desireè whose eyes were glued onto her Uncle. "Dom, baby. I know you're hurting right now but I want you to listen, stay awake and focus on me. I remember that night in the Dominican Republic, the night we got married. If you die I die..and I'm not ready to leave this place yet. This moment is still ours. I know everything, and I know it all." Letty began to kiss Dom's cheek, as more tears spilled from her eyes.
"I love you." Dom said quietly, a small smile forming on his lips as his eyes began to open. Everyone else smiled too. They didn't think that Dom was going to make it. Brian moved his gaze back to Dom.
"I love you too, Dominic." Letty says to her husband, as Letty leaned down and kissed him.
"Dom, there's someone here to see you." Brian said as he turned around and nodded for Desireè. Dom looked in the direction of what Brian was talking about and in the light, he saw Desireè. She had a slow smile spreading across her face.
"Who is she?" Roman asked as he was ignored by everyone, as they all looked at Desireè, the walking corpse, at least that's what Dom said in his head.
"Desi." Dom says as she walked to where he was and the two hugged each other as tight as they could. They broke the hug as Letty hugged the girl just as tight as Dom.
"Where have you been hanging out at?" Letty asked Desireè, as she too pulled the hug.
"Keeping myself out of trouble, but hard to do that, when trouble finds you." Desireè says to Letty as she nods her head as she kissed her head. Desireè looked at the corner of her eye and saw Britney, she didn't know what to do, as it's been years since she's seen Britney. She doesn't know what to say.
"Who are you?" Roman asked the girl as she held her hand out for him to shake.
"Desireè Antoinette Toretto, at your service." Desireè said to Roman as he was now so fucking confused at the girl.
"Toretto?" Roman said confused as Desireè flashed her mischievous smile that confirmed, her name. "Yup, with that smile, she's a Toretto."
"Come on, let's go get some grub."
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So um Desireè, is back, it's been a while and I miss her so much. I thought I'd bring her back for good, she wasn't dead in the first place, just supposedly dead like Han was but came back in F9. The next couple chapters will be 'bonding' time with Desireè and her getting to know everyone else, keep in mind she only knows, Dom, Brian, Letty, Mia and Britney, not everyone else.
The next couple chapters will be 'extras' for the book, as I'm not ready to end this ride yet. <3.
Love you all.
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