chapter twelve

Third Person's POV

Because Britney was the one who won the race, she got to have a private meeting to go over the details of what Braga expected. Britney walked through the crowded club. The atmosphere made her very uncomfortable. There's too many sweaty people with no sense of personal space. She didn't know that her father was here as she had snuck out, as she thought that he was sleeping.

She was wearing a black tank top, with a pair of shorts of course converse on her feet to fit the mood and she grabbed a leather jacket to go along with tonight.Β 

What caught her eye was a blonde dude at one of the pool tables, as her eyes widened at seeing who it was. Her father.

She made her escape well not really escaping but went towards the bar in efforts to get away from her father. "A Dr. Pepper please." She asked the bartender as she turned around to see if her father was following her. Which he wasn't so that made it good. She sat down on one of the bar stools, which was a little difficult because she was short and these were taller than she was. Literally.

Once she got comfortable she felt someone brush against her skin as she instinctively grabbed her gun but didn't point it at the person. She looked over and saw it was her father, she was ready for whatever was going to happen but shockingly it didn't happen.

"I know why you're here." Brian said to his daughter as she took a nice long sip from her soda.

"Oh, really is it the same reason why you're here, or is it because you don't trust me." Britney said back to her father as she didn't mean that it came out snappy she just had a lot on her mind right now and she doesn't really want to be talking to her father about this. But apparently she doesn't have no choice but to. Yay.

"Sorry to hear about Dwight." Brian spoke. Dwight was one of the other drivers, but he got arrested, thanks to Brian and Dwight could no longer work for Braga. So, Brian filled his place. "The night you get your house raided by the feds, you make the team. So unfortunate." Brian added with a mischievous smirk on his face that often matches Britney's. It's not hard to know where she got that from.

"Oh, I wonder who's to blame for that."Β  Britney said with a sarcastic smile as she turned to her father. Brian looked at Britney for a moment, as her face took another long sip from her soda.

"What's wrong?" Brian asked his daughter as she rolled her matching blue eyes at him, making him sigh as he prepares himself for a sarcastic comment from his daughter.Β 

"So why are you here?" Britney snapped a little at her father as he gave her a side-eyed look.

"You could tell me why you're here and we can go from there." Brian said in the same tone as his daughter as she rolled her eyes as she finished her drink.

Across the room, Campos spotted the girl driver and practically ran to her. He was happy to see her.

"Aye, what up fella and lady?" Campos says slapping the father on the back in a friendly manner, almost making Brian choke on his Corona. Britney snickered at seeing her father as he gave her a look.

"You got some balls chica! I'm glad we were able to fit you in. I like having you around." He said to Britney as a smirk played at his lips. His eyes wandered up and down her tiny short body. Britney was totally uncomfortable and cleared her throat, as Brian noticed this discomfort from his daughter and stood up.

"Hey man, how you doing?" Brian asked taking the attention away from Britney. She silently thanked him, as Campos looked at the father and smiled. They gave each other a 'bro' hug.

"I'm doin' great! You having fun?" Campos asked, looking at the two people that stood there with him. Brian nodded as Britney awkwardly looked around.

"Yeah, we're having a ball of a great time." Brian replied even though half of it was a lie, mainly for his sake and also Britney's sake too. He could tell that she wasn't having fun.

Britney knew that he was doing it to help convince Campos he was being truthful but part of her smiled at buying the lie he just said through his teeth.

"Come on, let's have an even better time." Campos said slowly backing away with a plastered across his face. Britney left her now empty can of soda and followed the creepy dude in her opinion. Brian trailed right next to his daughter.

"Maybe I shoulda stayed home." Britney whispered to where her father could hear her and he just nodded his head.

"Or we could be having our own kind of fun." Brian said as he took another sip from his Corona.

Campos opened the bottle of vodka he held in his hands, Britney looked at her father who nodded his head giving her permission to drink the alcohol, and he mouthed 'go along with it'. She hesitantly grabbed her shot glass and closed her eyes as she poured the alcohol down her throat, as she mentally wanted to gag but decided on not doing it here.

Britney set the glass back on the table so that it could be filled again. She was going to need a lot more to get through tonight.

He knew that letting his daughter drink while she's eight years from being legal but he knew he had to other dipshit would question and it will blow tonight off.Β 

"Dad you want somethin' from the bar?" Britney asked as she felt the alcohol getting to her and she only had one shot, but she was brushing it off, as she wasn't that bad actually. Just couldn't think straight, but that's about it.

"Nah, baby." Brian said as Britney saluted her father as she walked off not actually going to the bar in the first place, she went to a random corner and vomited on some ladies expensive dress, which created a distraction.

When Campos excused himself from Brian, Britney had already trailed far behind him, wanting to see where he was going and if she could find any information about Braga. She was a little easier to blend in with the crowd due to her height, and also with her age. Her father would cause a scene and bad things would happen.

Britney followed into a long, dark and crowded hallway. There were several people making out. Britney scrunched her nose up in disgust. She didn't like public displays of affection, at all. This wasn't close but it wasn't good either.

Britney made sure to keep her distance between her and Campos. She didn't want to get caught. She didn't know it yet, but her father wasn't far behind her. He was following Campos too, trying to do his job. He spotted a short blonde/brunette girl he immediately knew it was his daughter, and he lowered his gun. Brian took a few steps forward and caught up with the girl.

"What are you doing?" Brian asked her quietly. Britney wasn't expecting him to be here either but it's fine. She glanced at her father before then looking away from him and keeping her eyes on Campos. Who was talking to a man at the end of the hallway.Β 

"Investigating. What are you doing?" Britney asked, as they tried their best to look discreet.

"Wow, I'm also doing hat too. How nice." Brian replied with a faint smirk on his face as Britney rolled her eyes again. He stopped walking and gently put a hand on her shoulder so she would do the same. She came to a halt and looked at the man in front of her. "You should go. It's not safe for you. I can handle this. Go home, Brit, and actually go to bed." Britney gave him a look.Β 

Is he serious? She's came so far, and he wants her to let this go? Is he out of his mind? Why, yes he is, out of his goddam mind! God you're talking to yourself, Britney. Get yourself together.

"What?" Britney whispered as she turned around to see what Campos was doing now and her blue eyes widened when he started to turn around. She thought of an idea, and she grabbed her father's hand into some shadows. She looked at her father as he was going to say something and she accidentally slapped her hand over his mouth preventing him from saying anything.

She peeked over the shadows and Campos was gone, she turned back to her father and motioned him to follow her. "What the hell was that for? Damn that hurt."

"Sorry." Britney said to her father as she started walking off to the supposed direction that Campos went, Brian shook his head and followed her, as he trusted her that she wouldn't get them killed.

"Brit, stop." Brian told his daughter as she stopped in her tracks, which she obeyed. "You leaving?"

"Well, what do you want me to do? It's obvious you don't want me being here? What do you want me to do? You don't want me getting information about Desiree, and getting her out of her shit that she got her into? Do you?" Britney said to her father as her real emotions started coming about tonight. Brian knew that she was right about all this. He didn't want her being here, this place isn't the place where thirteen year old's should be at. He didn't want her to get hurt in the first place, well even if she isn't. He doesn't want to loser her because outside of Joe, Britney is the only person that he has left.

"I-" Brian started saying, but Britney stopped him.

"You're going to say something stupid aren't you. Making up excuses." Britney sassed back to her father as he just looked down, trying to find the right words. "Maybe Mia was right? You changed, and it's shit. You're just protecting your ass, but here's a reality check. I'm not your little girl anymore, and I never will be." Britney said as she started walking off leaving her father standing there as all he could do was just watch her leave too.

Well, now Brit hates me. Great.


Britney decided on stopping at Mia's place, to get her mind out of everything that happened that night. She parked her car in the garage, as it was opened for her. She closed the garage so that her father wouldn't find her car, and she walked into the house through the back door, where Mia was sitting on the staircase by the basement.

"What happened?" Mia asked as Letty was making some coffee at this ungodly hour.

"A lot happened, but this time Brian didn't screw up his life, so that's new. But I don't want to talk about it." Britney said as Mia narrowed her eyes as she knew that Britney was lying but didn't want to say anything right now as it was late.

"At least your Dad didn't fuck anything up." Letty said with a slight laugh trying to lighten the mood between Mia and Britney, but it didn't work at all.

"I'm going to bed." Britney said making her way through the kitchen and to the stair case leading to the bedrooms.

Not even ten minutes of Britney being here, the sound of a car door slammed outside, which made both Mia and Letty jump, as they were talking about past memories. Mia furrowed her brows together, she set out to investigate with Letty holding a gun as she cocked it. It would be odd for the neighbors to be up at his hour, they were always in by midnight at the latest.Β  Mia was the one who peaked out of the living room window, being careful not to be seen. She was shocked when she saw Brian handing money to the taxi driver that was parked in front of her house.

She couldn't help but think about the first time he ever came to her house when they escaped from Johnny Tran and his goons. Her eyes grew slightly wide as the last time that she as seen Brian was at the cafΓ© that he took her too. What was he doing here? Her heart beat sped up when he began walking up to the house. Quickly she took a step back away from the window so that she wouldn't be seen. What possible reason could have that he needed to come here at two in the morning of all times.

Mia jumped again when there was a knock on the front door as she panicked as Letty smirked a little as she was the one to answer the door now. Mia chewed her lip nervously, she was having trouble making rational decisions lately. She gulped when Letty opened the door, and there stood...Brian.

"Sup, O'Conner what brings you here? Got a date with Mia you missed." Letty said with a smirk on her face as Mia just glared at the woman.

"I just wanted to see if Brit was here? She wasn't at the house." Brian says honestly which shocked Mia since the last time that she had seen the man.

"Fine, she's upstairs." Letty says opening the door and letting the man come fully inside but when he got inside she closed the door.

He made his way to staircase as Mia and Letty were both watching him as he made his way up the stairs debating if he wanted to do this. He was clearing up his thoughts before he braced himself at seeing his daughter since their little argument earlier.

He knew which room that she was in as it was the only one with a closed door. She knocked on the door, hoping that she would open it. When she did and she looked up and saw her father she went to close the door but he caught it before it had fully shut.

"What in the fucking gods are you doing here?" Britney asked as Mia and Letty were eavesdropping from the living room, listening to what the conversation is going to be about. Also because they have nothing else to do at the moment.

"Britney please. I'm here for a reason." Brian said to his daughter as he gulped a little as he knows what's happening.Β 

"Can we talk later, I have plans and it involves Desiree. So we can talk on the way there or wait until later." Britney said as she started packing random clothes that were Desi's, into a small backpack. Not knowing what this will entail, but she is determined to get her friend back from whatever shit she's in.

There was an ungodly beeping sound, she grabbed the GPS that Campos had given her, from the race a couple days ago. Each driver had one. Whatever it went off, the drivers needed to stop what they were doing and go where it tells them to, regardless of the time and unfortunately the place. She picked it up off the bed where she had tossed it, and on the small screen it said 'Downloading CorrectΒ Coordinates'.

Quickly, Britney grabbed her backpack and her keys for her Skyline and a jacket. She exited the Toretto home with her father right beside her. The GPS had finally downloading and the route was now on the screen. Putting the car in drive, Britney drove off following the directions. It let her to a large warehouse that almost looked abandoned. She felt nervous, also because the place creeped her out.

She had been parked outside of the warehouse for a minute now, too nervous to go inside. A man walked outside and pressed a button, a large garage door opened. He motioned for her to come this way, she nodded at him and slowly drove towards the garage door.

Once she was finally inside, he told her to park next to the other cars that were there and wait until Campos gave them instructions on what to do next. She did as she was told, as she and Brian got out of the car. Both Brian and Britney let out a sigh of relief when they spotted Dom's car. She also noticed a huge semi-truck that belonged to a local furniture company was also in the warehouse.

She wondered what that would be used for, if anything. One of Campos men began to inspect each car, making sure there wasn't anything that wasn't supposed to be there, like a tracker.

"All clear!" The man yelled after finishing up his inspections. Campos smiled and then pointed over to the semi-truck.

"You ever been to Mexico before?" Campos asked as the smile still was plastered on his face. Before each car was loaded into the semi-truck, duffel bags were placed in their trunks.


Many hours later the semi-truck had finally stopped. Britney was in desperate need to stretch her legs. She had been stuck in her car for god knows how long. After each of the cars were unloaded from the semi-truck each driver stood next to their car, waiting. There was a woman, as Britney remembered her name being Gisele as she walked up to them with a smile on her face.

"Welcome to Mexico, boys and girls." Gisele says as she looked at Britney. "There are helicopters and surveillance cameras that scan for heat signatures at the border but there are blind spots that I can get you through via satellite. There can be no margin of error so you must follow my every direction. Any questions?" She explained, as her eyes scanned each of the drivers.

"I thought Fenix was going to be here." Dom asked Gisele as she looked at him curious as to why that's what he was worried about.

"He'll meet you out there." Gisele responded and then looked down at the GPS device she held in her hands. She started typing the coordinates into it. Once she was finished, she looked back at everyone. "Alright everyone sync up. Good luck." Britney grabbed her GPS from her pocket of her leather jacket and pressed a button, syncing her GPS to everyone else's. She glanced at her father, and he looked down doing the same thing that she had done with his GPS.

The drivers had to maneuver their way through a series of underground tunnels to smuggle Braga's drugs back to the United States without being detected. The tunnels were tight, dark and completely unsafe. It looked like they wre just waiting to collapse at any given moment. Fenix ended up meeting the drivers about halfway through the tunnels. When they finally exited them, the drivers had to follow Fenix to a secluded field. They were instructed to park their cars. Britney knew that it was drugs and she felt guilty for participating in a drug smuggling but she knew that at the end of this, her father would have probably have all of these drug dealers and smugglers arrested.

"Sloppy, very sloppy." Fenix told the in a disappointed tone. He wasn't happy with the way that it had gone down, but at least they had gotten the job done. One of the many men armed who were surrounding the area instructed the drivers to exit their cars. The men immediately walked over to the cars and took out the bags from the trunks.

Britney felt uneasy. The driving part was fine but she didn't feel too safe having men with AK-47's just waltzing around her, not knowing their intentions. What they don't know is that she also has a gun, as it's in a safe pocket in her leather jacket where they couldn't see it unless they patted her.

One of the drivers made a snarky comment to Fenix which was a very bad idea on his part. Fenix, who was already irritated, didn't have the patience to deal with this. He whipped his hand gun from the back of his pants and aimed it at the driver's head. The driver put his hands up in defense, as he has a terrified look on his face.Β 

Slowly, the driver backed away and Fenix lowered his gun. Dom gently grabbed Britney's arm and moved her as far away from his car as he could. She was confused, but didn't fight it. What she didn't know is that Dom had unscrewed a nozzle on the NOS tanks he had inside his car. He also shoved something in a cigarette lighter socket so that way his car would explode and cause a scene and he would finally be able to get his revenge on Fenix. He hadn't told Britney about Fenix being responsible for Desiree's death. He didn't know how she would react and he didn't want to take any chances.

Dom had leaned down a little as Britney was still shorter than he was even with her being thirteen. "Stay here." Do whispered to her ear. He had made her stand near her father. She would have to yell at him later for this. Dom then too a few steps towards Fenix. Both Brian and Britney shared a glance. "Yo boss man. Only pussies run nitro meth." Dom said to Fenix as said Fenix was taken aback by his words.

"You looked under my hood?!" Fenix asked, practically fuming at this point. Everyone stopped what they were doing as Fenix slowly approached Dom, waiting for what was going to happen next. Britney and her father started putting the pieces together. The only way that Dom would do something this risky is if he had a good reason to. Fenix had to be the one who killed Desi. She clenched her jaw tightly, sadness and rage flowing through her veins, as she stared at the man who killed her friend. She balled her hands into fists as Brian had a protective arm around his daughter's back. "I'm talkin' to you. You got something on your mind?" Fenix asked Dom as he had a stone cold expression on his face.

"Seventies Plymouth. Her name was Desiree...and somebody wrecked her car." Dom spoke calmly, even though he felt the complete opposite way.Β 

"I wrecked her car." Fenix admitted, as Britney's eyes went wide. "Remember her face? Huh? Cause I don't even remember her face. Last time I saw it, it was burning." Britney went to lunge forward to beat the shit out of Fenix, but Brian's hand shot out and he held her back. She could hear the sound of the safety being taken off a gun and she froze again.

Before any of the drivers had time to process what was happening, Dom's car exploded, causing each of the other cars that were lined up next to it to do the same. The drivers were all knocked to the ground from the explosion. Dom and Fenix had been far enough from the blast to remain standing but everyone else wasn't so lucky. Dom threw a hard punch at Fenix while he was distracted from the fire, then he quickly smacked the gun out of his hands, disarming him.

Britney winced in pain, as she tried to get up but suddenly a body covering her own. She knew it was her father. She started having tears rolling down her face as fear swept her mind. Britney knew that she had to do something to cope herself as she checked her pockets for her gun, and her knife.

Without turning around she began shouting. "Dad trust me, and grab the knife." Britney said to her father as he did what she said, and they got up back-to-back with Britney's gun in her hand as Brian had the knife.

Britney started firing off rounds at the people who were trying to shoot Dom. She wasn't gonna go down without a fight.

"What the fuck is happening?!"


Whelp that happened.Β 

What are your thoughts, leave them in the comments.

Have a nice day, my peeps.

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