chapter thirty one
This chapter will have me talking about Britney's sentencing for her working with Owen and Brett Shaw. I'm here to remind you all that I have no experience and or what the hell I'm doing, so please don't be rude and criticize me. But constructive criticism is always welcome, just don't be rude about it. Thanks.
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The next morning Dom called Brian saying that Britney had fallen asleep at his place and that she was coming back home tomorrow. Brian didn't mind as he knew that Britney would be in good hands. He trusts Dom with Britney with his life. Then again, Dom and Brian swore with each other that they'd keep the girl as safe as possible.
Britney woke up a little later than the previous day, but luckily she didn't have her little brother waking her up. Which she thought was rude as it was only ten-thirty in the morning. She hadn't been waking up until at least noon or one. So ten thirty seemed a little outrageous.
When Britney woke up, she immediately went on her phone as she had a news app. She unlocked her phone and let the notifications come swarming in. What caught her eye is this: Britney O'Conner has a mandatory court date for her crimes for working with Owen Shaw. She knew that her eyes widened nearly out of their sockets at seeing that. She clicked on the article and read it she had panic setting in as she continued to read it. "For her crimes of being Owen and Brett Shaw's main henchmen of his crimes, the minimum sentence that she could receive is two years." She sent the article to her Dad as she didn't know if it was true or not. Then again, he blabs on him being a 'cop' and 'agent' in the past. Whatever that means.
Britney groaned when she was told that it was true as her father called the LAPD which is where the article came from, he confirmed the article, and now everyone was getting ready for the court appearance. Britney glanced out the window as she couldn't bare herself to listen to what the judge was saying as it sounded like bullshit. Matter of fact it was indeed bullshit. But she wouldn't say that, she's not that rude.
"Jury, please stand." The judge says as the jury stands Britney finally looks at the judge as Brian is standing next to Britney with Mia on the other side. He was her 'attorney' since they didn't have one.
"Attorney," Judge says to Brian as he stands up having enough knowledge of what happens in court, as he's been in here a time or two. "How do you plead?"
Britney looked at her father as he gave her a side-eyed look before turning to the judge, to say his plea. "My verdict, guilty," Brian says as Britney felt herself sigh as this was nerve-wracking for her as even Luke and Lindsey Hobbs were at court too. All of the girls were and their respective parents.
Brian knew why he said 'not guilty' because the maximum sentence is forty years, and he wanted to cut his daughter slack. Britney couldn't help but grin at hearing that but of course, the people took it the wrong way. They thought that she was smiling because she was proud of what she did. No, that's not the truth. The reason why she was grinning from ear to ear was because of her father giving her some slack.
"Before the verdict gets too happy..." The judge says getting everyone's attention as they turn their heads towards the judge, as Britney stops grinning and looks at the judge. "The verdict will serve her sentence on two years probation and house arrest and cannot be near any sort of weapons within a 50-mile radius." The judge says as Britney's mouth gaped open when she heard that, as in her personal opinion that's the most outrageous thing that she's ever heard.
Britney knew that the two years of house arrest were going to be torture, meaning that she could not leave the house, and if she did her anklet would go off. Everyone felt bad for the girl as she didn't deserve any of this. But she's also lucky that she didn't get the maximum sentence. Brian knew that his daughter wouldn't survive in prison. As she has a big mouth, she'd most likely be dead within a short amount of time. He tried to avoid that sentence for as long as possible or until he heard the minimum sentence.
"So house arrest means that you can't leave the house. I already gave Mari and Rome the guns since they live over fifty miles away." Brian says as he gets the ankle bracelet on her ankle as it's easier since she's wearing shorts. "You can't get it wet, if it gets wet the cops will come here."
"Got it, so I'll be pale forever, works for me," Britney says as Brian smiles at her answer, as he knows that Rome is going to be a smart-ass.
"She has it easy, I just couldn't leave the track," Rome says as everyone turns their heads towards him. "What? It's the truth."
Britney looked back at her Dad with a raised eyebrow which made him look at her. "Does he ever stop talking?"
"Sadly, he doesn't," Tej says which made Britney smile at what he said, as no one couldn't deny it. They all wished that Roman would stop talking for five minutes. At the beach, after five minutes he started talking again, which was torture for Tyler and Mari. But then again Mari is used to it, but she just ignores what he's saying.
"What you ganging up on me, Brit?" Rome asked as Britney nodded her head she patted his head a little too hard, and she turned over her shoulder with a smile.
She heads to the kitchen before she turns around and looks at her Dad. "Does that mean no garage too? Because if so, might as well kill me now." Britney says as Brian nods his head at her as she groans loudly/annoyed. "Damn it." Britney curses forgetting about her cousin and brother being in the living room.
Marcus looked up upon hearing what she said. "Uh-oh, Brit said a naughty word." He says as she slams the fridge as she is muttering cuss words under her breath.
Dom bends down towards his son. "If you hear Brit say naughty words, please don't repeat them, okay," Dom says as Marcus nods his head at his Dad.
"I promised." Marcus says as Dom kisses his head.
"You to Jack," Brian says as Jack looks up he isn't paying attention to what is said, as Brian can see a lot of Britney in Jack. Neither of them pays attention and they have selective hearing. But thank the Gods that Jack hasn't copied Britney's attitude. Though for the next two years, he and Marcus just might. He has prepared himself a little for when it comes time for that.
"So what in the hell am I going to do for two fricken years? Garages are my life, if only I were banned from the garage, then I'd be happy. But no, I can't even go there." Britney says out loud as no one knows if she is talking to herself and or to them. "This is going to be the longest sentence of my life."
"When I was cuffed, I didn't leave the track," Roman says as Britney gives him a cold hard glare before heading up towards her room.
Letty looked at Mia as if having her conversation which Mia responded a 'yes' by nodding. This caught Roman's attention as Mari rolled her eyes at him before heading upstairs with Tyler in tow, as they were going to keep Britney company.
"What are you two talking about?" Roman asked as Letty turned to him as she had 'that' look which meant 'shut the hell up'.
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later that night
Britney is itching the temptation of going to the garage but she doesn't want to go to jail. Maybe if she's good on her probation or house arrest thing, she can get let out early. Or have less time on her sentence. She hopes so as she's itching to be in a car right now. It's like she's lost her energy. Is that a thing?
She is currently shoving cereal down her throat as she's playing a game on her computer, it's a racing game but it doesn't feel the same as playing a game versus being in a car. But it's worked for now.
"What are you doing?" Roman asked her as he shoved chicken down his throat Britney groaned.
"What do you possibly want from me? Go annoy someone else." Britney says, getting irritated with Roman at the moment.
When she said that he gave her an offended look. "I was just asking a question, geez."
"Well, I answered your stupid question," Britney says to Roman as he walks away pleasing Britney that he's gone.
He might have liked him when she was younger during the whole Carter Verone thing.
a couple of hours later
Britney hasn't killed Roman yet, so that's a good thing. At least for Brian.
Britney is lying on her bed while a movie is playing in the background. Letty and Mia took the opportunity to try to cheer up Britney.
Britney heard a knocking which made her wake up from her daze, that she was going in. The knocking continued for a couple more seconds before she heard soft voices from the other side of the door.
"Brit, you in there?" Was the voice of Letty as the door opened and she peaked her head through the door. She nodded her head at Mia and the two women walked into the teenager's bedroom.
Mia walked into the room with Letty behind her as a movie was playing. She took in the girl's appearance as she looked like she was crying. It broke her heart to see Britney like this.
"What's wrong?" Mia asked her as Britney looked like she wasn't blinking, as she was in a daze.
"What happened, sweetie?" Letty asked as she sat beside Britney on the bed. The girl opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She had a lump in her throat preventing her from speaking, but she did manage to say two words.
"He's dead," Britney said in barely above a whisper as barely. Both Mia and Letty looked at each other confused about who she was talking about.
"Who's dead?" Mia asked as she stood beside Letty.
"Joe." When Britney said that it took Letty and Mia a couple of seconds to realize what she said. Mia's eyes widened when she realized.
"Oh my. What happened?" Mia asked as she had tears welling up in her eyes. She may not have gotten close to Joe over the years but he was a good friend.
They were friends, nothing more, nothing less.
"He got murdered, as some dude wrongfully accused him of stealing. He was framed for it as someone set him up and then bam. He's gone." Britney says reading some of the article about what happened, as Mia and Letty shake their heads, then moments later the door opens and it is Dom.
"So everyone is congregating in Mini's room." Dom says making Britney weakily smile at him, as his face softens at seeing her. He knew that something was wrong because of her facial expression.
"What happened?" Dom asked it was silent as no one wanted to say anything like they were keeping a secret from him. Now, he knew that it was something seriously wrong. "Letty, what's wrong?" He asked his wife.
"Joe is dead. He was murdered." Letty says as Dom just shook his head at hearing that. It didn't take him long to figure out who Letty was talking about.
"He was framed for stealing, which he doesn't steal in the first place. Some bastard set him up, and then bam. He's dead." Britney explains to Dom as he listened and watched her. "He's the only person that wad left on my mom's side. Now, he's gone." Britney says as her voice cracked as this is hard for her.
Joe is, or was the last person that she knows from her mother's side of the family. Besides her father of course.
"Do you have any other family members? Beside your Dad?" Dom asked as Britney shakes her head.
"No, Dad and Joe were the only people I had left. Now that Joe is dead, I only have Dad left." Britney says, as she avoids looking at Dom.
"It's going to be okay." Dom says to her as he grabs her hands, as she nods her head.
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