chapter sixteen

Third Person's POV

Getting captured by the men they had just ripped off was certainly not apart of Dom's plan. They thought they were done for, that they would be brought back to the Embassy and deported back to the United States. What they didn't know, was that the man they just robbed had the police in the palm of his hand. Brian and Dom are currently suspended from chains that were attached to a bar just below the ceiling. Their feet are dangling only inches away from the ground. The bar was plastic but was still strong enough to withstand their weight. Irritation and worry filled them both. They weren't sure what was going to happen, as Brian couldn't help but think about Britney.

A man named Hernan Reyes entered the dark room where Brian and Dom were being held. Hernan Reyes was infamous for being a ruthless drug-lord that always got what he wanted. Right now, he wanted to retrieve his stolen cars.

"You two and that dumb blonde stirred up quite a bit of trouble today. Three of my men dead. Two DEA agents along with them. Of course, this is business and sometimes things go astray. All I care about is the car. Tell me where it is and I'll let you three go." Reyes offered as Brian was listening to every word. But what caught his attention was when Reyes said 'three' only him and Dom are tied up.


"This roofing plastic says you're full of shit." Brian replied casually. Reyes laughed and then sighed.

"I don't know how you guys do business in your part of the world, but here in Rio, I like it when all parties know what they're up against." Reyes told him.

"That's funny 'cause it goes both ways." Dom said tightening his grip on the chains he was hanging from. It was beginning to hurt, and Reyes smiled at him.

"I had a feeling that you two would give me a hard time. Hopefully this provides some motivation." Reyes said as he turned around and mumbled something in Portuguese to one of his men. The man exited the room.

Seconds later, he returned with a female, practically dragging her into the room. Brian's eyes widened. There was a bandana wrapped around her face, covering it so she couldn't see where she was at. Her hands were tied together with a rope. She tripped over her own feet, barely catching herself.

One of the men roughly removed the bandana as Brian felt his stomach drop. It was Britney. She squinted her eyes adjusting to the light. Brian's mind was filled with questions.

"We got lucky. One of my men spotted her leaving your friends house. Vince, I believe his name was. She refused to tell me where she stashed the car so I figured I could use her to get to you." Reyes explained.

"We're not going to tell you fucking shit." Britney exclaimed angrily. Reyes turned around and slapped her face, as she felt a stinging feeling where he had slapped her.

"Oh, but I think you will." Reyes taunted her as Brian felt his blood boil watching this happen and not being able to do anything about it. His knuckles were turning white from how hard he was gripping the chains. Reyes turned around and looked at Zizi. "Do whatever it takes to find out where that car is." Reyes instructed Zizi. " I'd get to talking if I were you, my men aren't known for keeping their hands to themselves. Especially you, O'Conner if you want your daughter back to you in once piece." Reyes says as he looked at both Brian and Britney with a devilish grin on his face as he then exited the room.

She looked at Dom, terrified. All her mind could think about was how the hell are they going to get out of here. Zizi grabbed Britney and held her a few feet away from Dom and Brian. One of the other two other man in the room stood next to Zizi and the second man on the other side of Zizi.

"We don't want to hurt her. Or you two. But we will if you don't cooperate so I suggest you start talking like the boss said." Zizi spoke as Britney's eyes darted from her Dad to Dom, wondering how the hell they were going to get out of this one. Yeah, she could fight, but she wasn't sure she could take on multiple men who were twice her size, also at the same time while her Dad and Dom were being held hostage.

Britney noticed her Dad's eyes on her, looking her up and down to inspect her for any wounds. He felt his heart drop at seeing a newly formed scar on her neck right underneath her left ear. They locked eyes as he desperately wanted to hold his daughter in his arms and tell her that everything is going to be okay. But that won't happen, though he will make it happen, soon.

He was going to make Reyes regret hurting his daughter, like Fenix. Dom knew that Brian would follow his lead. That woman meant the world to those two men. There was an unspoken rule between the two men that they were going to do whatever they had to do to keep her safe. "Silence? Okay, that's fine."

Zizi cocked his head to look at Britney. He roughly pushed her to the ground. She handed on her palms and knees, both of them becoming scraped from the concrete floor. He raised his foot and dropped it down on her back, causing her to fall flat on her stomach.

"Hey, asshole!" Brian yelled at the man standing in front of him. Before he had the chance to even look at Brian, Brian swung his legs and kicked the man as hard as he could which caused him to stumble. Dom managed to break the chains that were holding him and he dropped to the ground, landing gracefully on his feet like a cat. He grabbed the man Brian had kicked and headbutted him, which knocked him out cold. Another man approached him with a gun but Dom quickly disarmed him.

Hearing the commotion, Britney went to get off her stomach but was kicked in the cheek by Zizi, knocking her head down. She immediately knew that she had a concussion from the impact. She blurrily watched as Zizi drew his foot back to deliver another swift kick, but before he could make contact Brian rushed over and punched Zizi in the face. Britney's head landed on the ground as she slowly felt her eyes getting heavy, but her Dad helped her off the ground. "Come on baby, we gotta get out of here, before they come back.

After successfully escaping from Hernan Reyes' henchmen, the trio were happy to finally have a moment to relax once they returned to their temporary home. Where Mia and Letty rushed to Brian who had a semi-conscious daughter in his arms. Brian immediately laid his daughter on the small couch in the living room. They were shocked to find that Vince wasn't there, even though he was supposed to meet them once the job was finished. Brian crouched down in front of his daughter who avoided his gaze that he had.

"Hey, baby." Brian says to her as he used the padding of her thumb to wipe her tears that was still on her face. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead as it lingered for a moment. Britney didn't even smile at her dad, as she was tired, in pain, and all she wanted to do was just cry.

"Brian she's tired, she needs sleep." Mia says as Britney didn't have the motivation to roll her eyes at what Mia said, that's how Brian knew that she was that tired. Her eyes were barely open, and she was in pain.

Brian looked at Britney one last time before he backed away from the kiss and grabbed the blanket and pulled it to her neck, the way that she liked and he then stood up back to his feet.

"Do you know where Vince is?" Brian asked Dom who just shook his head as a response. "Did Rosa say anything about him?"

"No. He wasn't there when I stopped by his place, and Rosa hadn't seen him either. Why would he not come back here." Dom says, as his brows furrowed.

"That's a good question." Brian says pursing his lips, as his gut was telling him that something was wrong.

"He'll be here." Letty replied, as Dom didn't doubt his friend.

Mia got up and walked towards a small laptop that was set atop of a desk in the middle of the room. She opened it up and immediately looked for recent news, hoping not to find anything about the failed job they just pulled. Much to her dismay, several media outlets were already reporting stories about the incident on the train.

"Guys." Mia announced loudly, as panic was evident in her voice. The two men and Letty made their way towards her. her wide eyes scanned the computer screen, as her anxiety was racing through her veins. "They're blaming us for the deaths of those DEA agents on the train....Fuck this is bad."

"This means we just jumped to the top of the wanted list. The feds have got to show everyone that their agents are off limits and they're going to send their best guys here for sure. We've got to get out of here." Brian told the two siblings and Letty as he walked over to them.

"One thing we know for sure....they wanted that car." Dom told them, as he pointed to the blue GT40 that Mia and Letty had dropped off earlier.

"Yeah, cause something's in it." Brian says standing up.

"So, what are we waiting for then? Let's find out what the hell is so special about this car.:


A few hours later, Brian and a merely just awoken Britney had been taking a part of the car, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Mia helped with what she could, but her knowledge was limited when it came to the body of a GT40. They still hadn't heard from Vince and Brian was not happy about it.

Mia was seated on the couch, watching Brian and Britney as he worked on the car. She couldn't help but admire how handsome he looked when he was focused. Britney was talking about her very weird dream that she had while she was sleeping.

"Damn what a mess." Vince said as he entered the main area where the little group was located. Mia stood up and looked at Vince.

"Where have you been?" Britney asked standing up as did Brian. It wasn't a secret that Brian and Britney still disliked Vince, so the two O'Conner's didn't trust Vince or his intentions. Vince's disappearing today just made their suspicions worse.

Mia's eyes wandered over to Vince, looking for any injuries. There were none. She wondered what his response would be. Vince stopped in his tracks and laughed a sarcastic laugh.

"You better check that tone, brat." Vince threatened the teenager. Mia sighed, knowing that Vince just pissed Britney off.

"And you better answer the god damn question!" Britney snapped beginning to angrily walk towards Vince. Brian grabbed his daughter's arm making her stop in her tracks, as Vince just smirked.

"Where were you, Vince?" Dom asked walking over to the small group, as Brian told Britney to sit as she hesitated as she didn't know that he didn't mean to snap at her. She obeyed and sat and crossed her arms over her chest.

"There were guys everywhere, couldn't get outta there without landing them straight to ya. Had to wait 'em out." Vince explained nonchalantly with a shrug. This angered Britney even more. She had been an agent long enough to know when someone was lying, and her gut was telling her that Vince was doing just that.

She didn't listen to her Dad as Mia blinked and she wasn't sitting like Brian told her. "That is so fucking horseshit, that was your fucking job!" Britney says as her voice got louder with each word that she spoke, walking towards Vince angrily again. It took both Dom and Brian to hold Britney back as this time she was fighting against the two.

"Enough, Britney!" Brian shouted as he pointed at Britney, but she didn't listen. As per usual, she didn't listen.

"Mini, if he said he didn't do it, he didn't do it. Please go walk it off." Dom says calmly to Britney knowing that her Dad yelling at her, she ain't gonna do anything.

Britney yanked her arm out of her father's grip, as she walked away. She got to her and her Dad's 'room'. It was a small room with only a pull-out bed and a desk, as well as the bags they had brought with them. Britney was pacing back and forth. Brian turned around and went after his daughter, and opened the door.

"You okay, baby?" Brian asked as he closed the door behind him. Britney stopped pacing and froze as she was clenching something, it made Brian curious.

"I don't trust him." Britney says shaking her head. "He's lying Dad, I know he is." Brian looked at his daughter as she didn't even turn around and face him.

"So you really think he's lying?" Brian asked as Britney was silent for a moment.

"Somethin' is not right. My guy never lies when it comes to things like that." Britney says trying to prove her point even though she knows that it's not working, but she is going to continue to try. At least her Dad will half-ass listen to her when she's going through this.

"That's what made you such a good agent." Brian tells his daughter as she finally turned around to face him as her hands went to her sides.

"Yeah, I know." Britney says sniffing her nose as Brian handed her a tissue and she wiped her nose.

"Okay, I believe you but that doesn't mean that anyone else will, okay." Brian says as Britney nods her head.

When the two exited the room, she saw Vince standing over by the table where they had scatted parts from the GT40. His hands were up at his sides as Dom walking over to him.

"Mia was on that train." Dom says quietly, continuing to advance towards Vince, as he was slowly backing up. Dom lunged forward and shoved Vince against the wall. "MY SISTER WAS ON THAT TRAIN!" Dom yelled as Mia quickly got up from the living room table and went towards the two men.

"What the hell is going on?" Letty asked loudly as Dom and Vince ignored her completely.

"Dom! I don't know! I wouldn't do anything to hurt her!" Vince said as Dom took a step forward and angrily pointed at him.

"YOU SET UP THE DEAL!" Dom shouted causing Vince to clench his jaw tightly. Mia, Brian, and Britney stood there confused, and watched the scene unfold in front of them.

"I thought the job was for the cars. I. Didn't. Know. All they want is the chips!" Vince explained as Dom hit the wall behind Vince.

"You should've come clean!" Dom told him. Brian shook his head along with Britney. They knew he was lying all along. Vince was lying.

"Okay, I'll ask again. What is going on?" Letty asked raising her voice. Dom finally looked at her, as she didn't like the expression on his face.

"Nothin'." Dom said blankly turning away from Vince. As Vince followed after him.

"Please Dom. Just let me have the chip. I can take it to them. I can give it to Reyes and set thing straight." Vince pleaded as he had desperation clear in his voice.

"Get out." Dom said calmly, shaking his head in disappointment. Vince froze, shocked by those two words.

"What?" Vince asked with a sad look on his face.

Britney walked towards Vince as he looked at her. "GET THE FUCK OUT!" Britney shouted making Mia jump. Her yell echoed throughout the room. Vince stared at the girl for a moment before turning around to walk away. He only got so far before he turned around again to look at Brian as Vince turned to Dom.

"You never listen to me. Not when I told you he was a cop, and not now. You never trust me, and look where it's gotten us. Look at our family now! I can't go home! Your sister is stuck in this life!" Vince said as his voice was getting louder and louder with each sentence. He pointed to Brian. "Where's Desiree? Where's Desiree?" Dom's expression turned stone cold the second that Desiree's name was mentioned.

"Vince, I think you should just go." Mia said quietly. Vince shook his head and stormed off, as Brian and Britney shared a look.

This had been one eventful hell of a day.


The next day

"So what do you think?" Britney asked as she sat next to her Dad at a table with a small computer in front of them. Dom was standing behind them with Mia and Letty. They had found a chip inside of the car they had stolen yesterday, and it was time they found out what was so special about this chip.

"It's definitely a customized chip. Look at all these side menu's here for data entry. Let's check this one." Britney said, as she clicked on one of the tabs on the sidebar. Her eyes widened a bit as she watched the screen. "Look at that, same building, same order every week.

"It's a delivery schedule." Letty says, as Dom clenched his jaw. He had a feeling that this was going to make things more complicated. Reyes was much more powerful than they had anticipated.

"What is this?" Brian asked as he looked through the different tabs. "What are they selling drugs?"

"No, see, that's a dealer pack, most players, they weigh their money so it doesn't cost them when they count it. Right there, that's forty-nine kilo's. Forty-nine kilo's is a million. Twice." Britney explained as everyone looked at her stunned.

"I'm sorry, B. I just wanna make sure I'm hearing this right. Are you saying that each one of those shipments is worth ten million dollars?" Dom asked as Britney nodded as Brian took a deep breath. That was a ridiculous amount of money.

"So what is that, a hundred million plus in cash houses?" Britney asked turning around to look at Dom.

"That's how he keeps it off the grid." Dom said. His mind was beginning to race as he took in this information.

Then Britney heard a bang in the distance. She looked at everyone else to see if they had heard it to. Brian opened his mouth and Britney once again slapped her father's mouth by accident to shush him. She heard the same noise again, but it was louder. Meaning whatever it was, it was moving closer. Britney swallowed hard, they had been found.

The group quickly exited the building through the back entrance. Dom broke away from the father and daughter to distract whoever it was that was after them. There was a short brick wall a few feet in front of Britney and Brian. Britney climbed over it, and as soon as her Dad had made it over the wall, they heard gunshots from behind them. They instantly started to run as fast as they could. It had to be Reyes' men.

Up ahead, there was a small fence. Brian pointed towards it, as it seemed like a better route than the one that they were currently on. They ran down the concrete stairs towards the fence. However, right as they approached it, a armed man in a black ski mask met them on the other side. Brian quickly kicked the fence, causing it to slam into the masked man.

Just as the father and daughter was going to continue their way down the stairs, another armed man ran over to them from below. Brian jumped off of the step, his arm drawn back. His fist collided with the armed man, almost instantly knocked him out. While he was stunned from the impact, Brian threw another punch and then slammed him into the wall behind them.

"C'mon, go, go, go!" Brian instructed nervously, turning around to grab Britney's hand. They began running down the stairs once more. Everything seemed to be going smoothly for a few moments, besides the fast that Britney's lungs felt like they were going to explode.

"Did we lose them?" Britney asked breathlessly. At this point, the stairs had led two O'Conner's to an alleyway. They were cornered. The only way they could go was up. Brian helped Britney climb up, and then pulled him up. They were on the roofs of houses, and before Brian could answer, the sound of gunshots rang out from behind them. They were dangerously close.

It seemed like the armed men were coming from every direction and it felt like they were going through an obstacle course trying to escape them. The two were having to jump from roof to roof. It was endless and Britney's endurance was running extremely low. She wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to do this.

As they approached the end of another rooftop, Britney immediately came to a halt centimeters from the edge. Her eyes went wide as she looked at how far the drop was. The other roofs only had drops of maybe a few feet however this one was at least ten to fifteen feet.

"Oh shit." Britney exclaimed loudly. To make things worse than they already were, the roof had either been poorly constructed or was in desperate need of an upgrade. It seemed like it would blow away with one strong gust of wind.

Britney looked behind her. The armed men clad in ski masks were gaining on them. "Are we really doing this?" She asked as she looked at her Dad. He glanced over his shoulder and nodded. This was their only option to get out of this alive.

"Let's go." Brian said, as Britney let out a shaky breath and squeezed her Dad's hand. They took a few steps back and then ran forward, jumping off o the roof and tumbling through another.


Sneaking around through the sewers after being chased out of their hideout by Reyes' henchmen was one-hundred percent not how Britney saw her day going. She and her Dad had made it out of that mess with cuts and bruises. Britney ended up with a pretty gnarly gash on her right thigh and her stomach from when they fell through the roof as her Dad had one on his right bicep.

Overall, they were surprisingly okay, a little sore but the whole situation could've ended a lot worse. It was also quite possible that the adrenaline hadn't fully left their bodies yet. Miraculously, the father and daughter had found Dom, along with Mia and Letty. It looked like they hadn't had a scratch on the,

On the bright side, the sewage level didn't pass their ankles so it wasn't like they were swimming in it. However, the smell was absolutely horrendous. Britney almost puked four times. Britney sighed a sigh of relief when she would see the end of the sewer.

"They're going to be looking for the five of us together. We need to split up." Dom says as he continued walking forward. Britney and Mia immediately stopped in their tracks. Brian looked at his daughter to see why she had stopped. "You three, head south, me and Letty will lead them away." When Dom no longer heard footsteps, he turned around to face the father and daughter.

"No." Mia and Britney say flatly. Dom raised an eyebrow at his sister and Britney. Mia knew that Dom wouldn't hesitate to protest so she needed to say something to make him stay.

"Dom's right. Look how lucky we just got. What happens next time? There might not be a next time. We have no choice to split up---" Brian says as Letty nods her head agreeing with Brian.

"The last time my family had to split up to stay safe, I didn't see them for five years. I'm not going through that again. Whether you like or not, we're sticking together." Mia says as Brian had Britney in his arms as he kissed her head.

"Dom. Please promise me that we're gonna stick together this time, no matter what." Letty told him as she knows that he'll somewhat listen to her. Also, the fact that she knows that Dom wouldn't break his promises.

"I promise." Dom replied quietly. This caused a smile to form on Britney, Brian, Mia and Letty's lips. Dom walked over to Mia and hugged her. Everyone else decided to join the hug too, but Britney managed to get in between Dom and Mia.

"Okay, teenage girl can't breathe. She wants to live." Britney says as she is playfully punching Dom in efforts to let her breathe. Dom smiled for the first time in a while as it felt good but it also felt weird.

"Dom your suffocating my child." Brian says as Dom ruffled Britney's hair as he backed away as Britney dramatically fell down, causing the adults to laugh.

"Okay drama pants." Mia says as Letty laughs the first time in a while too. Britney got herself up as she did a bow.

"What was that?" Dom asked confused as he tried not to smile again.


The next day


Britney's POV


The next day, Dad, Dom and I walked onto a balcony of a building, discussing our new plan. We're going to take every single dine of Reyes' money and disappear. Forever.

"Alright, boys let's run through the basics real quick. Who do we got?" I asked, looking over at Dom for an answer. Of course he was leaning against a railing of the balcony.

"We need the chameleon.. someone who can blend in. Anywhere." Dom explained looking down at the scenery below us.

"What else?" I asked him looking at him for an answer.

"We need a fast talker, people who can bullshit their way out of anything." Dom says as Dad smiled glancing at me and we fist-bumped, then looked back at Dom.

"Oh, we got that." I say as Dad kissed my head as I leaned onto his shoulder. Considering that's how tall I go, compared to him.

"This guy's going to have surveillance camera's everywhere, we're going to need someone who's good with circuits." Dad explained. "And with those circuits, Reyes is going to have walls, we need guys to punch through those walls." Dad added.

"Yeah we got those too." I add in as I felt Dad poking my side.

"What else." Dom asked.

"Utilities and weapons. Someone who ain't afraid to throw down. Someone who can knock you up from any position." Dom said.

"Yeah, what else we need?" Dad asked.

"Most importantly." Dom paused standing straight up. "We're going to need two precision drivers, guys that don't crack under pressure. Guys who never lose." I smile at myself, as I looked at Dad who smiled too.

"You know we got that." Dad said looking over at Dom. Dom smiled, as he still looked down at the scenery, time to go get our team.


Dom found a large abandon warehouse that we would be able to hide out at for the time being. That's also where the team will be meeting us, I anxiously waited for the arrival.

I heard some R&B music and an engine roar signaling that the team were here. Dom, Dad and I walked into the large area where the team was standing. I saw Gisele and she smiled at me and I returned the smile.

"I see you've all met, if so that's on you. Because some of you are good." I say as I glanced at Roman as Tej and Tyler grinned at my comment.

"BRITNEY!!" I heard Marilyn say as me, her and Tyler ran to each other and hugged each other.

"Teenagers." Roman says as I flipped him off.

"Rome, give them a break okay. They haven't seen each other since they were eight." Dad says.

"Yeah, Roman." Tyler said back.

"You know when you called me to come to Rio, I assumed it'd be for something more exciting than this." Gisele says to Dom as she walked up to him. I on the other hand walked over to Tej and hugged him and he returned it.

"So what's all this about to happen?" A guy named Han said as he is eating a small bag of chips.

"Yeah, why'd you drag our asses half way around the world?" Roman said.

"So we can save the world, that's why." Marilyn says as I smiled at her comment, and Rome rolled his eyes at his daughter.

"Cause we've got a job." Dom answered.

"So what is the job 'O wise on." Tyler says bowing at Dom as he laughed a little knowing that he would like her.

"Alright, so our target's name is Hernan Reyes. And he runs the drug scene down here." Dad explained as me and Tyler are on both sides of Tej who is playing some game. "He's never been busted, 'cause he never leaves a paper trail."

"No paper trails means no bags, and no bags means cash houses." Gisele added glancing at a few of the guys as Dad looked down at the map on the table.

"That's right. They're spread throughout the city." Dad says, as Dom walked over to the table.

"And we're gonna hit 'em all." Dom says as Tej gave Dom a weird look as me and Tyler were sharing an of course a Dr. Pepper that she had brought which I was happy about it.

"All of them?" Tej asked, as his eyebrows were raised as Dom nodded.

"All of them my boy." Marilyn says as I grinned as did Dad. God I missed her.

"This sounds crazy." Mr. Rome muttered as he rubs his hands together. "Bring us to a whole 'nother country, so we can rob the dude who runs it? I thought this was business. Sounds personal to me. Is that what this is? Personal ain't good business. I can't do this homie." Rome ranted as always as he begins to walk away, as me and Dad were unfazed by his words.

"So what we're talking about is a hundred-ninety million dollars." I say loudly making sure Rome would hear me as I have a smirk on my face. Rome turned around quickly and looked at me without me knowing it.

"You said what, Brit?" Rome asked as I refrained from laughing at him. "Hundred-hundred-ninety-- See sometimes I be over thinkin' man, and I know...." He says trailing off as he walked back over to the concrete table.

"We've got a hundred million ninety dollars we take and split evenly." Dom explained as he looked at everyone in the room as I glanced at Dad.

"So, seventeen million a piece. I am down." Tej says nodding as us girls smile.

"We're in." Us girls say in unison, as Mari says something to Tyler in some language.

"Seventeen million....That sounds like a whole lotta vaginal activity to me." Roman says more to himself than to anyone in specific, as I laughed while Gisele rolled her eyes.

"You can't pull off that heist on the cash houses. You just can't." Gisele stated shaking her head. Han, who stood next to her with his arms folded across his chest nodded in agreement.

You, know I could see these two dating in some point in life, as in my opinion, because this is my head, it'd be a little funny seeing these two dating. Maybe that's me, or what.

"Yeah, as soon as we hit the first one, they're going to do everything they can to protect the rest." Han says as us girls nodded our heads.

"Exactly." Dom says smirking.

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