chapter six
Third Person's POV
The next morning Brian goes to meet with Tanner to take down Tran. Desireè goes to the garage to help with the car. She and Letty put the decal on the car while Leon and Dom work on setting up to NOS. After they finish that Leon was the only one to leave as Desi stayed.
That night Brian is called to check in. "Yes sir. Yeah. I know, but. Yeah. Yes, sir. Yeah. I got it." Bilkins says as he is on the phone before he walks over to them. "The DVD players were purchased legally. All we've got are a couple of low-rent weapons charge and some outstanding speeding tickets."
"So, they're out." Tanner says with a sigh. "Yeah. Father bailed them out." Bilkins says with a nod. "Is this the kind of intelligence I can expect from you, O'Conner?"
"You're gonna put this on me?" Brian asks him.
"I can put it on whoever I want to. Perks of the job." Bilkins says. "No, you can't put this on me..." Brian tries to argue.
"No, wait a fucking minute. Let me tell you. I don't care if you have to aim at someone and blow your over to smithereens. You've got 36 hours to crack this bastard or you might want to think about another career." Bilkins explains. Brian walks outside with Tanner.
"It's Toretto, Brian. It always has been Toretto. Tran and Hector are...They're just fumes." Tanner tells him. "I know you've bene lying to me. My question is this: Have you been lying to yourself because you can't see past Mia?"
"I can see straight past Mia. Dom won't go back to prison." Brian explains to him. "Well, that's a choice, he's going to have to make." Tanner says causing Brian to sigh. "There's all kinds of family, Brian. And that's a choice you're gonna have to make."
The next day the team besides Vince and Kiana is at the garage because the car is done.
"You ready for this?" Desireè asks as Brian, Dom and Desireè get into the car. They are driving around testing everything out before they come to a red light and pull up beside a Ferrari.
"Nice car. What's the retail on one of those?" Brian asks the guy driving.
"More than you can afford, pal." The guy says as he revs his engine. "Ferrari."
"Smoke him." Desireè tells Brian causing Dom to smile. As soon as the light turns green they take off. The cars stay side by side until there is two cars in front of them. Brian has to weave through traffic in the other lane before they are beside the Ferrari again in front of the two cars. Brian then takes the lead and leaves them in the dust causing Desireè to giggle, just as they pull up to a restaurant and get out before the Ferrari finally passes by.
In the restaurant
"So, what's wrong, Brian?" Dom says as Brian plays with his shrimp. Just as Joe comes with of course Britney.
"Nothing, man, I'm fine." Brian answers him as Britney climbed onto her father's lap as he takes a deep breath as he runs his hands through her hair.
"Come on. Obviously something's off." Dom says before glancing at Britney. "Right, Brit." Britney looks at her father as she successfully stole a piece of shrimp as she was staring at her father as it made her smile, before she looked back at Dom. "Yeah, he has issues. Lots of them." Brian looked at his daughter as even though he wasn't in the mood right now, he still managed to smile. "Looks painful, Brian. Trying to smile." Desireè says as she is sharing her shrimp with Dom as he happily took a piece as he has his arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"Look, I have my good days and bad days just like anybody else." Brian tells him. "Brian, don't lose that cool of yours. That's your meal ticket." Dom says with a smirk.
"My meal ticket? I can't pay for my own shrimp?" Brian questions him.
"I got the shrimp." Desireè says as she pulls the tray towards her.
"No, that's one thing about me, you don't understand. I don't take handouts. I earn my way, every step. I gotta earn something extra on the side, like you." Brian rants before he eats some of his shrimp that Britney keeps taking.
"That sounds awfully wise, Daddy." Britney says as Desireè smiles.
"What do you mean, like me. What's that supposed to mean?" Dom asks him while sharing a confused look with Desireè.
"Don't try..." Brian starts as he gets riled up.
"I'm not stupid, all right? I know that there's no way you paid for all that shit you got under the hood.." Dom motions for him to quiet down. "There's no way you paid for what's under the hood of these cars by doing tune-ups and selling groceries. Whatever it is you're in on, I want on it, too." Dom says as him and Brian star at each other before Dom nods at Desireè, who smirks as she stands up. Desireè then reaches into her ripped jeans pocket and pulls out a piece of paper before handing it to Brian. "Well, what is this?"
"Read it." Dom tells Brian as Desi sits back down beside her Uncle. "What is this for?" Brian asks as he looks at the paper.
"It's directions. To Race Wars. We'll see how you do. Then we'll talk." Dom answers as Desi smiles because is excited for race wars. "The best thing we every help start." Desireè says with her famous smirk.
Two days later Desireè pulls up at the gate to race wars, having finished her homework for the semester as she is really smart in classes too, and not just of cars and racing. Also, because Dom promised Desireè if she does her homework for the semester that she can be in Race Wars. Dom always keeps his promises.
"How's it going, bro?" Desireè asks the guy at the gate. "Welcome to Race Wars, Toretto. You may be our youngest one to Race but you have some fucking good skills." The guy compliments her as she smiles with a salute. "Nice doing service with ya." Desireè says as the guy salutes to her back.
Desireè drives before getting in line to race. Someone writes 202 on her back mirror as she is waiting in line. She is the next up to race so she starts checking on everything that Dom had customized because she is a child. As she has adjustments on her car, that has a signature blue and purple hue with Toretto on the license plate. Because she is a Toretto after all.
"Aren't you a little too young to race?" The guy asks as Desireè slides her sunglasses down to look at him. "So, I'm a Toretto so fuck off, bitch." Desireè says using bad language but she doesn't give a shit. Letty says it's 'race talk' so yeah.
"You should watch from the sidelines watching Dora. I wouldn't want to get exhaust on that little baby face of yours." The guy continues to ramble as Desireè had enough of his shit so she rolled up her window, as she revved her engine as she flipped him off with a grin as she pushed her sunglasses up.
The two of them pull up to the race line. Desireè looks at the guy with a look of disgust on her face, as she rolls her eyes as she quickly checks everything as she gets ready to go. They are side to side as they take off. About half way through Desireè hits her NOS. She collects her money before going over tow here the rest of the team is, with her money in her hands.
"Nice job, squirt." Letty says as she bring the little girl in a hug. "You too, Aunt Letty." Desireè says as Letty had won her money too.
"Yo! Heads up, bros. We got problems." Leon says as he runs over. "What now?" Desireè says as she quickly counts her money that she had won.
"What?" Dom asks confused as Desireè. "Jesse." Leon answers as he points to the Jetta. "Where's he going?" Desireè asks as she watches the Jetta worriedly. "He just raced Tran for slips." Leon answers her causing her to frown.
"Oh, fucking shit." Dom says before Tran drives over to them. "Where's he going?" Trans asks as he gets out of the car. "He went to the car wash." Dom lies as Desireè crosses her arms. "Whatever. Go fetch my car." Tran orders Dom causing Desireè to glare daggers at him.
"Go fetch your car? We're not on your fucking block anymore. You better watch who you talk to like that, buddy." Dom tells him before walking back over to the others.
"Toretto! SWAT came into my house disrespected my whole family, because somebody narked me out." Tran yells as his guys start walking over.
"And you know what? It was you!" Dom punches Tran in the face sending him to the ground and then keeps punching him. Leon pushes some of Tran's guys back while Desireè punches Lance in the crotch sending him to the ground holding his groin. Vince goes to help the security guard to get Dom off of Tran.
"Get off him, man. Dom, chill out man. Come on!" Vince yells as he pulls Dom off of Tran. "I never narked on nobody! I never narked on nobody!" Dom yells as Vince pulls him away before Letty and Desireè follow them to the trailer while Brian gets stuck in the crowd.
That night, Letty, Leon, Vince, Desireè, and Dom are getting ready to leave to take a truck when Mia comes over and starts arguing with Dom. Desireè is leaning against the car as they argue, having a bad feeling about this truck. "I have respected you and I haven't said shit. Now I am asking you not to go." Mia says as she looks at Dom.
"I'm doing this for all of us." Dom tells her as he looks at his sister and niece.
"Don't give me that shit. You're doing this for you. Why are you insisting on doing this? Dom, please, just don't." Mia says before they get into the cars and leave.
"Miss Mia what's going on?" Britney says as Brian and her caught up to her having seen the argument from inside the trailer. "What?" Mia asks her confused.
"You know what she's talking about?" Brian tells her as he worries about Mia. "No, I don't." Mia argues with him, staying loyal to her family.
"You have tears in your eyes when Dommie drives away." Britney asks her causing her Mia to glance at the little girl once again.
"What's he racing off in the middle of the night for? You know about trucks?" Brian asks her as Britney agrees with her father.
"No, Brian! What trucks? Jesus Christ. What?" Mia says before Brian pulls her to a stop. "Listen to me, Mia. I'm a cop." Brian says as he decides to blow his cover for the sake of the Toretto family.
"What are you talking about, Brian? What is this?" Mia questions him confused and hurt as Britney frowns at Mia.
"It's true, ever since Daddy met you, he's been undercover. He's a cop. But let me tell you, he's a good one too. No one knows that, because they're stupid." Britney says as Brian faintly smiles at Britney saying that about her father. As he's been a cop for a couple years now, by that it's been since Britney was born.
"Oh, you bastard. You bastard." Mia says before walking away as Britney puts her fingers in her ears to cover up the words that she knows are going to be said. It's a thing that Brian has taught her into doing.
"Mia." Brian says as he tries to get her to stop. "Get off me, Brian!" Mia says as she lifts his arms. "Mia! Listen to me! Everything I ever said I felt about you was a lie and for that I am truly sorry. But this isn't about you, your brother and Desireè are out there about to pull a job. We're running out of time. Those truckers aren't laying down anymore. Maybe they'll make it through tonight, but every law enforcement agency is coming down on them. If you don't want anything to happen to your brother, to Letty, to Desireè, to Vince, to Leon, you have to get in that car with me and Brit right now and we can help you. Mia you are the only person that can help me right now. Please, Mia. Please help me." Brian explains to her as his worry comes out, like it does with Britney. Mia agrees for the sake of her family.
"Civics are stashed somewhere outside of Thermal." Mia says a she looks at the map. "They wouldn't double back, and Highway 10 is too well patrolled. So, what does that leave us with?" Mia says as he looks at the man Brian then gets his phone and calls Nextel.
"This is Officer Brian O'Conner. Serial number 34762. I need a cell phone trace." Brian says causing Mia to glace at him in shock at his name reveal.
"He's a good cop." Britney whispers to Mia as the said woman smiles a little. "Well, sometimes." Britney comments as Brian looks at her through the rear mirror with a glare as Britney waves mischievously at her father.
"Okay, what's the cell number?" The lady asks. "Mia, what's either Dom or Desireè's number?" Brian asks as he looks at Mia. "Come on, Mia. She needs a cell phone number, now." Brian hands her the phone.
"323-555-6439." Mia says as she gives Desireè's number. "Thank you. Yeah, you got that?" Brian asks before they say they will call him back.
"All right, we're one man short." Dom says as he takes off the covers of the Civics. "Letty and Des. I need you on the left side." Dom tells the two as Desireè salutes to her Uncle with a tight nod.
"Your sister's right about this one. This don't feel good." Leon says as he brings the harpoon gun to Dom. "Don't to that." Dom tells him.
"Somethings wrong." Letty tells him as she brings over the other gun. "Stop." Dom says as he looks at them. "We shouldn't be doing this without Jesse." Desireè says in hopes that he will change his mind.
"Look. This is the mother load. We've been on this for three months. After this, it's a long vacation for everyone. Let's go." Dom says as he looks at all of them. "Can we get ice cream afterwards?" Desireè says as Letty kisses her head as Dom nods his head. "Yeah, fine." Dom says as Desireè grins.
"I hope so, because now I want ice cream too." Leon says before going to get in his car as Vince walks over to Desireè while Letty looks at all of them.
"Listen, the other night I had a dream that we were all in Mexico." Vince tells everyone but no one cares as they are all in their respective cars as Desireè is in her car. "Leon keep those scanners." Dom says as he walks over to his car before looking at Desireè and giving her a nod.
"Copy that Dog." Leon says. "All right, let's go." Dom says before everyone else besides Desi gets in their cars as she was already in hers.
I am so proud of myself. I love you guys so much. This book as gotten so far, in like two weeks. I love you all so much.
I changed things a little for Desi and Letty racing. So yeah.
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