chapter nine
Third Person's POV
For the past four years of attempting to rekindle her and her father's relationship, Britney has been under training to become an FBI agent. Shockingly the agency said yes, that she could. Why because her father was one, and she wanted to be like her father. He made it look cool by wearing a suit all day and doing FBI stuff.
She even had her own suit customized, to her standards, it's a burgundy colored suit with black heeled boots, with her own little spin on the suit.
She doesn't want anything to be better than this right now, but it's fine. She loves being her father's shadow again, as he doesn't mind it also, because he is used to his daughter being a shadow. Joe works for the police department of Los Angeles, like Brian did while he was undercover.
Britney works on her purple Skyline when she and her father aren't 'working' and as she continues to make her own spin on the car. She added some purple lights at the bottom, and she is absolutely in love with the car. She has been in contact with Marilyn and Tyler over the four years since they've seen each other, but that's about it. Desi hasn't been talking to her for five years now, Leon is god knows where, Jesse is dead. Mia is traveling with a group of doctors who travel around the world to provide medical assistance to those in need. Britney talks to Mia every often as much as she can.
Vince was somewhere in Brazil, which Britney doesn't care at all. She doesn't really like the man but it's fine. So Britney wasn't really lonely in the five years since she's basically seen everyone else. At least she has her father back into her life. Brian has tried to be more involved in his daughter's life, as that's what he promised her when she was eight.
He keeps telling himself not to break his daughter's promises, and keeping his own, because he most definitely doesn't want to go back to where Britney didn't stand her father being around. That's not what he wanted at all in the first place. He admitted that he was in the wrong for leaving his daughter and they made up since then. They both try not to bring it up as much as they can, but sometimes it will slip out between them and also Joe.
Joe also kept his promise to Brian that if he ever leaves Britney that he will personally kill the man. He doesn't want his niece to be like she was when she was eight. Which sorta scares Brian to say the least. Britney and Brian are doing what they do best, as today they don't have anything to do, to so they're racing each other, as she loser has to pay dinner. They have these little bets during their races.
It makes it more fun because it's what they love doing. They are racing down the country roads of Miami seeing all the cattle and different farm animals, Britney is in the lead as her father is right on her tail. She turns the corner as Brian does the same with a smile on his face. What startles Britney was a text message obviously meaning that someone texted her. She grabbed her phone and looked to see who it is, it's Mia.
In the past five years Mia wouldn't text her unless something is wrong as they made a deal. Britney called Mia as she is a little busy, with her father right now.
Mia immediately answered Britney's call. "What's up, Mia?" Britney asks Mia, as Mia sighs as Britney gears herself up to see what's going wrong.
"Brit, it's Mia, obviously. There's something that I need to telling you. Where are you?" Mia asks which confuses Britney as she turns yet on another road, as Brian does the same as he speeds up and is now next to his daughter as he sees her confused look.
"Uh, with Dad, why?" Britney says as Britney is even more confused.
"Mia, just tell me what's wrong?" Britney says to Mia as she is starting to get annoyed with Mia not telling her what's wrong. Britney wasn't prepared to hear what would come out of Mia's mouth.
"It's Desi...She was in an accident....She's gone." Mia says as Britney slammed on her brakes, causing an unreeling screeching sound of her tires.
"What happened?" Britney asks as Mia then hung up, causing Britney to scowl in annoyance, as Brian looked through his mirror and saw that Britney was no longer behind him. So he slammed on his brakes causing his own Skyline to swerve on the road, and he turned around and drove towards his daughter.
"What's wrong? What happened? Is everything okay?" Brian asks her in rapid fire questions, as Britney just looked straight ahead like someone was mind-controlling her brain.
"Desi is dead." Britney says flatly as Brian is confused until he comprehended what she just said, as his eyes widened at hearing what his daughter just said.
The lost of a loved one is a terrible thing to experience. With no warning, someone you've known for years just suddenly isn't there anymore. Mia had flown back to LA for the funeral. Mia, Britney and Brian knew that they needed to inform Dom of what happened, but all three of them were scared to do it for some reason. They weren't sure how he would take it. It didn't help that he was half way across the world somewhere.
Mia mustered up the courage and called Dom, using the number he had given them. They were only supposed to use that number for emergencies. He was devastated to say the least, because Desiree was his niece. He has seen her since she was a baby.
It was now the day of the funeral, both Mia and Britney were emotional wrecks. There were three black cars parked about fifty feet from where the funeral was being held. Three cops stood waiting for Dom to appear. Two of those cops was Britney and Brian.
Shortly after being in the run, both Britney and Brian were recruited by some cops in Miami. If he helped them out with a job, then his record would be cleared and he could rejoin the force with his daughter. He either had to agree or would be placed in jail and Britney be permentaly living with Joe. So they helped them out and has been back in the force ever since. When Britney became the youngest FBI agent, Brian trained Britney because she wouldn't accept anyone else training her.
Britney was heartbroken over the loss of her friend, as she was close to her father's side, not even wanting to talk to Mia right now. Brian had his arm wrapped around his daughter's shoulder, as she had grew since she was eight. She is halfway to his shoulder. He doesn't like that she grew. But she'll always be his little girl.
The priest said a few kind words followed by a prayer and the buried Desireè's casket, which during the burial, Britney turned around away from it as she couldn't bare seeing it. Britney was glad when the service was over, but there was still the people there.
Mia noticed that both Brian and Britney was still present. She felt a wave of anger wash over her. Letting her emotions get the best of her, she walked over to Brian who was rubbing Britney's back. They were standing near his cop car, she crossed her arms once she reached them.
"You know, you've got some balls showing up here, Brian." Mia spoke in an irritated tone, that Britney knew wasn't at her. This was the first time that they had spoke to each other in years. At least to Brian. Mia tries to call Britney when she can but she'll get too busy and couldn't, yet Britney understands.
"We're sorry for your loss, Mia." Brian said honestly. He had sunglasses on along with Britney so she couldn't see those ocean blue eyes that she had always loved of the two.
"You two are wasting your time. He's not going to show, you can scurry along, O'Conner." Mia says with hatred as Britney tries not to say something and intervene with the two adults.
"When was the last time you talked to him?" Brian asks in a hushed tone, Mia laughed sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and turned around, she then walked away from the two without saying another word.
Britney looked at her father who did the same to his daughter as he saw it from the corner of his eye.
"Well, she's not happy." Britney says as Brian chuckled a little at his daughter's response, as he leaned down and kissed her head.
"Nope, she isn't babygirl. Come on, let's go get food." Brian says as Britney nods her head as she heads in her father's cop car. Which has tinted windows, and Britney changed out of her suit, into some casual clothes.
Her clothes now was one of her father's old shirts that she may have took when she was little and turned it into a tank top as she cut it to her liking.
"So where we going?" Britney asks as she fixes her pony tail and takes it off as she had her hair cut a little as it was getting too long for her to handle. Her hair now is slightly past her shoulders, but it still has the 'O'Conner curls', as she calls it.
"I know a place, baby." Brian says with a grin on his face, as he pulls over to the side of the road so that him and Britney could switch places, so that he could change out of his suit.
"Good because I'm hungry." Britney says as Brian shakes his head at his daughter with a grin on his face.
"Because you always are." Brian says as Britney turns to her father like he had just offended her, which he had but she also agrees with him because he isn't wrong. She always is hungry. But Brian says that she is a growing girl and growing girls are always hungry.
Toretto household
Shortly after the funeral Letty made some dinner for her and Mia. They both needed each other right now, as Letty was unavailable to go to the funeral because she was on a plane from Hawaii, taking a long overdue vacation. When Letty got the news she spent the rest of the day crying as Mia was helping her unpack.
Mia had laid down to rest after an emotional eventful day. Letty knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep so she decided to go through some of the tools as she is fixing one of the cars that was left here. Letty put her hair up in a ponytail as she is going to be getting to work on the car. She froze when she heard the sound of heavy footsteps behind her. She definitely could tell that it wasn't Mia because she's asleep. She grabbed a nearby throwing knife and held it tightly. Her eyes widened at who stood before her.
"Dom!" Letty gasped, dropping the knife on the floor. She ran into his arms, tears instantly spilling down her cheeks. She was so happy to see him, yet so sad about the real reason he was here. It has been so long since they had saw each other. Dom hugged Letty tighter as he felt her body shake from her crying. "It's been so hard, Dom." Letty says quietly into Dom's shirt. He rubbed her back soothingly. It had been hard on her since she found out the news about Desi. She was always used to being surrounded by her family and friends, and suddenly they were all just gone in the blink of an eye.
"I know. I know." Dom repeated in her ear, as it made her have goosebumps all over her body. He knew the pain that she felt. They were both hurting. He rested his chin on top of her head, as Letty's makeup was smudged like she got brutally rejected on a date. The two stayed like that for a moment, Letty pulled away, looked up at Dom. She didn't wipe the tears from her face knowing that it would make her makeup even worse than it already was in the first place.
"I saw them today." Letty told Dom, referring to the blondes that broke her heart and tore her family apart. Dom knew that she wasn't talking about Britney but unfortunately her father Brian. She looked down at her feet her chest beginning to ache due to the sadness she felt. She knew that Dom was going through something much worse than she was, so she tried to change the subject. But before she did they both heard footsteps, and a sleepy Mia came into view.
When she saw her brother she immediately ran into his arms and he hugged her like he did with Letty. When Dom and Mia were hugging each other Letty grabbed the throwing knife that she was going to use on Dom and she put it away so that no one gets hurt from it.
Mia pulled away and said the words that Letty was going to say. "We're glad to see you, but you shouldn't be here. They probably know you're here, they'll come after you--" Mia says as Dom cuts her off.
"They won't find me." Dom replies nonchalantly to his sister. The two girls sighed at hearing that. "C'mon look at you too." Dom spoke for a moment of observing the two girls. He smiled at them as Letty was now standing beside Mia.
It still stressed Mia and Letty out, but they tried their best to push their worries away and focus on the fact that this was the first time that they have seen Dom in person in five years. He lifted his hand up to Letty's face and used his thumb to wipe her tear stained face. Letty smiled back at Dom as said Dom's eyes wandered to the 1970 Dodge Charger that sat in the corner of the garage. It was still somewhat messed up when Dom had crashed it in that race with Brian.
"I wouldn't let them junk it...even though it's a goddamn curse. When I came back here, I was constantly out here, all day and all night, working on this thing. It was so weird, but it felt good." Letty says, trailing off as Dom walked towards the car. It pained him that his niece was gone, but he knew he had to be brave for the rest of the team.
"I wanna see the crash sight." Dom says staring at the cross necklace that hung around the rear view mirror. His chest tightened at the sight. The look on his face broke both Mia and Letty's heart even more. After running inside to grab a jacket and Mia going to bed, Letty and Dom drove to where Desi's accident had happened.
The pulled over to the side of the road. Dom parked the car as Letty nodded over to where it went down. The Toretto and Ortiz got out of the car as Dom got closer to the accident site.
Letty leaned against the car, watching Dom. It made her feel uneasy know that this was where Desireè had passed away. She had known Desi since she was born and was basically a mother to the girl. She couldn't even begin to imagine what Dom was feeling right now, since him and Desi are blood. Everyone knew how much Dom loved Desi, he stood there, inspecting the scene. His eyes followed the burn marks on the ground and he replayed what he assumed the accident looked like in his head.
Dom clenched his jaw he turned around and got back inside the car. Letty followed in suit. Dom drove, the car was filled with silence. He parked the car a few blocks away from the house to avoid any cops.
"You found something back there. I can tell by the look on your face." Letty says quietly. She turned her head to face Dom.
"There were burn marks on the ground." Dom tells her. He looked straight ahead, avoiding Letty's gaze. "The kind that only be caused by Nitro Meth. There's only one guy in all of LA that sells that." Dom says as Letty shakes her head at Dom.
"Dom, nothing that you can do will bring her back. You have to know that doing what I think you're going to do will solve nothing. It will only cause trouble for you. If I were Desi, I would ask you....Fuck it I'll beg you to please let this go, Dom. Let it go before it's too late." Letty says to Dom. She knew that he would try to do something to avenge Desi. Dom turns towards Letty. his expression was unreadable, as usual.
"It's already too late." Dom says quietly as Letty just looked at him for a moment before sighing. If one thing that she knew about both Dom and Desi is that they are both stubborn, and once they get onto something, nothing can change their mind. The police must know that Dom's back in the states by now, it wouldn't surprise her if they had the whole block surrounded by cops.
"I love you." Letty says, as she leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek as she had her hand touching his other cheek. She then gave him one last look before opening the car door and climbing out. She closed the door behind her, then began to walk home as Dom sped off.
Though it was a short walk, Letty was thankful for it. The silence of the night helped clear her mind, at least a little. As Letty approached the house, she noticed a short man in a suit exit the car that was parked outside of the house. He reached into his jacket and pulled out his badge, showing it to her. Letty sighed and stopped walking.
"Can I help you?" Letty asked as she puts her hands in the pockets of her jacket. She had an annoyed expression plastered on her face. Ever since Dom had been on the run, cops were constantly bugging her to find out if she had heard anything from Dom. She never told them anything, you would think that by now they'd get the hint.
"Leticia Ortiz, I'm Michael Stasiak, FBI. How about you and I have a little talk."
Well here is the first chapter of Fast and Furious 4, I am really excited for this movie. I love it so much.
A couple things have changed in the book, like Letty not 'supposely dying' in that car accident, but instead Desi. So yeah. So far that's the only thing that has changed. But more will change throughout the entire series.
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