chapter four
A few days later, Dom, Kiana, Mia, Letty, Desireè, Jesse, Brian and Leon are at the garage. Of course Britney was here but she wasn't paying attention at all as she was playing with her dolls and a couple other toys that Brian brought. Which, yes are toy racing cars, because she loves them.
"What about parts and service?" Desireè asks Dom as she looks at some paperwork. "Hold off on it." Dom tells her causing Kiana to roll her eyes.
"Dom, I don't know what to do with it." Mia says as a tow truck backs up in front of the garage with a totaled car on it. "I'll handle it later." Kiana tells Mia as she walks over to stand beside Dom and Jesse.
"What do you got there?" Desireè asks as Brian walks over to them. "This is your car." Brian answers him, as Britney walks with her toy car in her hand as she is pretending to drive the air with it.
"My car?" Dom asks as Jesse hits the car and Kiana runs her fingers across it before looking at all the dirt on her finger. "I said a 10-second car, not a 10-minute car."
"You could push this across the finish line, or tow it." Jesse says causing Letty to laugh. "You couldn't even tow that across the finish line." Britney says taking a glance at the car and causing all of the adults to look at her confused. "How does she know that?" Dom asks as Mia smiles at the girl.
"No faith." Brian defends Britney causing both Kiana and Mia to smile. "I have faith in you, but this isn't a junkyard. This is a garage." Dom tells him as Britney is holding Brian's right hand.
"Pop the hood." Brian tells Jesse. "Pop the hood?" Dom asks to see if he's serious. "Course daddy's serious now pop that dang hood." Britney sasses as the girls laugh at the little girl as Brian thumps Brit's head. "Just pop the hood, Dominic." Mia tells her older brother as he finally gave into his sister and popped the hood.
"Isn't that 2JZ engine." Britney says standing on her tippy toes as she has her nose in this 'adult' conversation as Dom looks at her unimpressed at her.
"What did I tell you earlier. She's smart." Brian says with a smirk on his face as he picked up Britney.
"We retract our previous statements." Dom says as Kiana nods in shocking agreement as she has nothing else to do so that's why she's here. That and she's friends with Mia.
"You know what? This will decimate all after you put about $15,000 in it." Jesse says as Desiree nods her head in agreement.
"Or more, if we have to overnight parts from Japan." Desireè says as she's eating an apple that her Uncle Dom gave her to keep her mouth shut. Well, that obviously didn't work because she's still talking. "I gave you that apple, to keep your yapper shut, and yet, it's still yapping."
"What, I'm done with it, and I had an opinion so I said it." Desireè says as Britney smiles as she 'drives' the toy car on her father's shoulder. "Having fun there, Brit." Brian whispers in her ear as she nods her head as a response. "Mhm." Britney replies as Brian kissed her head.
"We'll put it on my tab at Harry's." Dom says as he turns to Brian and Britney, mainly Brian. "Yes!" Jesse says as he and Kiana high five.
"I gotta get you racing again so I can make some money off your ass." Dom tells Brian. "There's a show down in the desert called Race Wars. That's where you'll do it. When you're not working at Harry's, you're working here. If you can't find the right tool in this garage, Mr. Arizona, you don't belong near a car."
"He owns you now." Kiana says with a smirk as she walks past Brian before following Mia and Desireè into the office.
The next day after taking the car apart they went to Harry's to get the parts they need. "Tell me what you think about this." Jesse says as Kiana puts a disc into the computer. "Koni adjustables. Gonna save us about 2 pounds. And they're gonna give us better traction for the hole shot."
"All right, this is your basic layout of the car. And that's pretty much what it could look like when it's finished. Red and green." Kiana says explaining as Jesse nods in agreement.
"You both should be going to MIT or something." Brian tells them as he looks at what they had accomplished impressed. Kiana was in college just like Mia, she just didn't have to study as much as Mia because it came natural to her.
"No, I got that...What's it called? That attention disorder..." Jesse says trailing off as Britney is eating some snack that Brian had given her. "I think it's ADD." Britney says with a mouth full of food.
"Yes, that. Yeah. You know, I was good in algebra and like math and shit. Everything else I failed. Dropped out of school I don't know. It's just something about engines that calms me down, you know." Jesse explains causing Kiana to smile at him as she nods in agreement.
"Alright, let's head home. We got our Sunday barbecue." Kiana says as she claps her hands together before the gang leaves the Toretto household.
Kiana is talking to Jesse before Letty, Leon and Vince pull up. "I'm outta here." Jesse says as he hands his bags to Leon, having seen Brian and Britney, and newcomer Joseph. Among his other interests, he's also a sucker for barbecues. If you were to invite him to one or he hears word about one, he'll show up. Which is what Brian did, also because Joe has been behind computers for a while now.
"Come on, dog." Leon tries to reason. "Yo, Dom." Letty says getting his and Desireè's attention.
"V!" Kiana tries. "Vince, get over here and gives us a hand." Dom and Desireè call in unison as Vince starts waling back to his car.
"Looks like you got all the help you need, brotha." Vince says before getting into his car and driving off. Kiana goes inside to get changed and help Mia.
"Can you give my sister's a hand?" Dom asks Brian as he nods before heading inside with Britney on his tail. Brian is shocked when he sees Kiana in a dress. She looks absolutely beautiful with her hair in a messy braid that she had done earlier. Britney rolls her eyes at seeing her father watch Kiana like she's the last cookie. She goes into the kitchen to see what she can help Dom with. Anything to get away from her father at the moment.
"Mia! Kiana!" Dom calls as he helps Britney putting the barbecue sauce on the chicken. "The chicken's dry!"
"All right. We're coming out already." Mia says as brings out a bowl of rolls. She is followed by Kiana who is carrying a salad, who is followed by Jesse and Brian who are carrying the beers. Also Desireè who has juice boxes that Dom always makes sure that he has, for Desireè, and now Britney.
"Beautiful." Dom says Kiana hugs him as Desireè puts the juices down and goes to help Britney to carry the now barbecued chicken to the table. Everyone gets situated at the table, as of course Brian is sitting next to Britney with Mia beside the seven year old. Desireè sits on the other side of Mia.
Jesse grabs a piece of chicken and puts it on his plate causing Kiana to smile as she knew what was going to happen next.
"Hey, hold up." Desireè tells him. "Since you were impatient. to get the chicken, you say grace, hotshot." Desireè says to Jesse as Mia, and Britney share a smile before Mia crosses her hands as she taps Britney and the seven year old does what Mia does. As she did that she leaned her head onto her father's arm.
"Dear heavenly..." Jesse says starting but doesn't know how to continue. "Spirit." Britney and Desireè say in unison helping Jesse out.
"Spirit, thank you girls." Jesse says causing Desireè and Britney to smile like idiots, as Brian and Mia try not to laugh at the two girls being in unison already. They haven't met fully and there already speaking in unison. "Thank you for providing us with a direct port nitrous injection, four core intercoolers and ball-bearing turbos and titanium valve springs. Thank you." Jesse says.
"Amen." Letty says as she and Leon clap.
"Not bad." Dom tells him as Britney looks at her father weirdly. "He was talking about cars right, because that was the weirdest 'grace' I've ever done." Britney says as Mia brushes her hand through Britney's hair, as Brian takes a swig out of his beer, before nodding his head at his daughter. "Tell me about it, Princess." Brian says.
"He was praying to the car gods, man." Letty says before they start fixing their plates.
"Look who it is. 'Old Coyotes 'R' Us'." Leon says causing them to look and see Vince walking up.
"Miya, pochemu on zdes?" Britney says in shockingly good Russian, as Mia shots her head at Brian who wasn't paying attention to Britney. Well listening to Britney talk in Russian. All Mia does is shrug her shoulders at the little girl. Desiree grins from ear to ear at hearing Britney say something in Russian. As she also speaks the language fairly well, as she got bored one day and read a book of how to speak Russian. (Mia, why is he here?)
"I thought you weren't hungry, Pumpkin." Letty says with a smirk as Desireè's smile dropped instantly as Brian noticed it, and was confused but brushed it aside.
"He's always hungry." Desireè says coldly as Kiana nods her head in agreement.
"All right, sit down." Dom says before Vince walks over and then squeezes Kiana's shoulders.
"How you doing, Mia?" Vince asks as he walks to his seat across from Brian.
"Let's eat some grub, man." Letty says as he pat's Vince's back.
Later everyone is watching a movies, besides Brian, Britney and Mia who are cleaning up as Britney is using an empty space to drive her toy car around.
"Need a hand with anything else?" Kiana asks as she sets the last of the dishes in the sink.
"No, I'm good, Kia. Go join the boys and watch the movie." Mia says as she washes the dishes, as Kia salutes with her fingers and goes to join the boys.
"What's her deal?" Britney says out of the blue as Brian turns to her and gives her a look while Mia shakes her head. "She asked, imma give it to her." Mia says as Brian hesitantly nods his head.
"She is my brother's ex-wife, they dad for like a year before my brother chose to be an idiot and marry her, while still in high school for that matter, it was their senior year so it didn't really matter anyway. Then like I wanna say two years ago-ish, they broke off the marriage as Kiana started dating one of Dom's friends. Which he didn't like it, but she always comes back getting in everybody's attention, and the little bug she is." Mia explains as she cleans a cup as Britney could tell that just talking about Kiana made her upset, as she vowed to never speak of Kiana.
"That's deep." Britney says as he eats a piece of fruit that Brian got her after dinner. Mia turned back to the sink as Britney sunk her head down thinking that she was the one who had done something wrong.
"The cook doesn't clean where I come from." Brian says as he starts helping by drying the dishes.
"I'd like to go there." Mia says with a smile.
"I think we should go out sometime." Brian says trying to get his way into the Toretto family.
"No, I don't date Dom's friends." Mia says with a shake of her head.
"That sucks. Daddy's a great guy, just don't make him sad, and then you'll be just fine, in my book." Britney says causing Mia to smile as she didn't turn to Britney.
"I'll have to kick his butt then." Brian says causing Mia to look at him with a smile.
"I'd love to see that one. I would pay to see that one, actually." Mia says with a little giggle.
"Wash my car when you get done." Vince says as he walks into the kitchen to make popcorn. Britney gives the man a sour look before playing with her toy car again.
"What was that?" Mia asks turning to look at him.
"No, Mia. I'm talking to the buster." Vince says as Britney rolls her eyes as Brian saw that and he can't blame her for not liking him.
"His name is Brian, use it." Britney says as she slammed her toy car down onto the counter as the three adults and Dom turn to her as Dom heard something coming from the kitchen.
"Like I'm afraid of a brat child." Vince says as Britney gave Vince the finger, as Brian tried not to laugh as he wasn't going to scold his daughter for giving that gesture to Vince. "Anyway, where was I. Oh yeah, wear your favorite dress, cause when you're done. I'm putting you on the street where you belong, cutie." Vince explains as Britney clenches her little fists at the man as Dom notices the girl growing mad, as he motions her towards him, and she nods her head. Before grabbing her toy car and walking specifically towards Vince, as she punches him in the crotch, before making her way towards Dom.
"I mean you deserved it." Mia says as she grabbed Vince's bag of popcorn and take it to the microwave and heats it up. "My popcorn, your loss." Mia says as Brian grins.
"Nice job, kid." Dom says praising the little girl as he turns his head to Vince who is holding his crotch where the little girl punched him, as Brian grabbed his beer and make his way towards the two on the couch, as Britney is sitting on Dom's lap as he has an arm wrapped around her for safety. He doesn't want her to fall and hurt herself, as he used to do this a lot with Desi.
"Thanks." Brit says as her father just smiles at seeing the two having their conversation. "Who taught you how to do that?" Dom asks as she handed him her toy truck which is a blue one. "Daddy. He does it with his feet but mine don't go up that high." Brit says as Dom just smiles and nods his head as he finds the girl cute. Though he probably won't admit it though to anyone for while, but he considers her family. So he starts to trust her, also because she's a child what could she do.
Vince struggles to get up as Brian, Britney and Dom turn to him as Britney snarkly waved at the man and he gave her the finger which she happily did right back at him with her famous smirk on her face.
"Nice job, Brit." Brian says as Britney turns her head back to her toy truck that's in Dom's hand, as she has a grin on her face. "You're great with kids, Dom." Brian comments as he honestly thought that Britney would want nothing to do with Dom, because she typically doesn't like new people. It shocked him to see this.
"Yeah because he dealt with me when I was little." Desi says cutting in the conversation as she got up and walked to the kitchen to refill her glass of soda.
"How long have you been uh...?" Brian says to Dom as he pointed to Desi, as Dom knew what he was talking about.
"Since she was two, as her parents were killed in a car crash, and I was just getting out of prison, and I didn't think that when I would get that phone call that my sister Marinda and her fiance were killed, and in that car crash there was only one survivor. Desi. It was by God's grace that she had survived the crash because she shoulda been dead, but she fought through all of the recovery." Dom says explaining Desi's story to Brian and Brit as said Brian nods his head. "After I got that call, I had a buddy of mine drop me off at the hospital where Desi was, and I got to her room on the first floor, and I was about to cry at the sight of my niece, basically burnt to where you could possibly see the bones in her body." Dom continues to explain to Brian and Britney.
"Oh wow, sorry man. That's awful. Yeah I'm glad that she survived the crash." Brian says as he sniffed his nose as he was trying not to cry at hearing what Dom told him.
Desi comes back to the living room and sees the two men and Brit looking at her like she was a ghost. "What, is there something on my face?" Desi asks with an awkward laugh, as she takes a sip from her soda. The two men shake their heads no, as Desi walks to where Letty was laying.
"She's my miracle, and my pride and joy." Dom says with a bright smile on his face as he watched Letty and Desi laughing about something in the movie, that everyone was sorta watching. They were either watching the movie and or asleep because of how drunk they are.
"Yeah, so is my munchkin. I found her mother in her room with Brit in her arms. She musta been uh, gone for an hour or so. Then I had to explain to Brit that her mama was gone. That was the toughest thing I had to say to her." Brian says as Dom ruffles Brit's hair, which makes the seven year old poke his hand away from her hair.
"Daddy." Brit says as Brian chuckles at his daughter, as Dom continued to ruffle her hair, with a joking smile on his face.
"Okay, Brit." Brian says as he picked up his daughter as she went back to nuzzling her head onto her father's neck, as she wrapped her legs around his waist.
"She's cute, and adorable." Dom says as Brian nods his head at the man who complimented on his daughter.
"Thank you." Brian says avoiding that he was crushing on Mia especially in front of her older brother Dominic. He'd most likely be dead if Dom found out that he has feelings for his little sister.
"I would get Britney home before she turns into a pumpkin." Dom say as Brian nods his head before saying his goodbyes to Dom as he walks out into the truck and puts Brit in her booster seat in the passenger seat. He buckles her in the seat, and kisses her head.
"Love you sweetheart." Brian says as he closes the door and then walks to his side and drives to his house, for the night to at least attempt to make sure that Brit gets some sleep for later on.
I just love writing Brian and Britney, they are my new favorite father-daughter duo. It will only get a better later on.
So we have a little intel of how Dom got Desi, and a little backstory of Spencer, played by my favorite Scarlett Johansson.
We love Brit punching guys in the crotch, that was hilarious for me to write, so there you go. I will continue to add some light-hearted moments for this amazing series.
Hope you enjoy this book/series, as much as I do.
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