chapter fifteen

Description of the movie: after helping dom escape his prison bus, britney and brian earn themselves a spot on the united states 'wanted' list. currently on the run, they make a stop in brazil where they meet up with dom and encounter an extremely rich, corrupt man by the name of hernan reyes. after being wronged by reyes, dom decided that he's going to take every penny that reyes has and disappear with his family forever.


Britney Olivia O'Conner never thought that she would know what it felt like to be a criminal. Up until now the worst thing she had done was a couple things but breaking someone out of prison was quite a big upgrade from that. Mia had felt the same way as she wasn't that one to do illegal things but when she found out that she too herself was on the 'wanted' list, even if she wasn't involved in the whole thing with Desiree getting murdered but she was in relation of Desiree by being her aunt. Along with Letty too, she was also behind the 'wanted' poster like Britney, Brian, Dom and Mia.

After everything Dom had done for Britney since she was little she felt it was only right to set him free. He didn't deserve to be stuck in jail for the rest of his life. In doing so, now Britney, Brian, Mia and Letty were criminals. Every government agency in the United States are searching for the group.

The only thing left for them to do was to flee the United States. The group split up, making it harder for them to be spotted while they traveled. Dom, Letty and Mia went solo and Brian and Britney stayed together. They were set to meet up in Brazil to see an old friend. Brian and Britney made it to Rio De Janeiro safely and undetected. It had been awhile since the entire group had heard from Dom, and it was making Letty and Mia antsy. Britney's mind was left to wander off to the worse case scenarios. Brian had sensed that Britney's anxiety was going off and he reached over and placed a hand atop of Britney's thigh, as he drove through the narrow streets, snapping his teenage daughter back to reality. She looked over at him and smiled a little as he leaned over and kissed her head.

"You okay, babygirl." Brian asked, taking his eyes off the road momentarily to look at the girl beside him. His eyes searched her face, looking for any indications on why she had been so quiet. Because typically Britney would be talking off a storm not giving her father a chance to even speak.

"Yeah." Britney replied with a small sigh, as her father grabbed her hand and interlaced it with his.

"He'll be here. He probably had to lay low for a while. I'm sure everything's fine, Princess." Brian reassured as she smiled at her father, as he called her princess he hadn't said that since she was five. "I think we're here." Brian said as Britney followed his blue-eyed gaze and nodded.

Brian parked the car on the side of the street. Britney noticed a red truck was parked a few feet in front of them. There was two teenagers sitting on top of the hood of the truck, eyeing the father and daughter. Britney and her Dad shared a look. She slipped her seatbelt off and then reached into the backseat and grabbed her bag. She slung it over her shoulder and opened the car door. When she exited the car, she felt a refreshing breeze. They had only been in Brazil for a few hours and Britney was already over the heat. She though has been to Miami a couple times, but not really in the summer like Brazil right now. She had thought that California was hot but Brazil is a whole new ball game.

Brian walked over to Britney and grabbed her hand. He intertwined their fingers. They started their journey by walking up a set of concrete stairs that was between several houses. As they walked up the stairs, people started exiting their houses to stare at the father and daughter. Most of them held guns in their hands. Britney swallowed hard, as she stopped walking and put her ringed hand on her father's forearm. He looked down at her, as she shot him a worrisome look.

"Let's get out of here, B." Brian says to her quietly. They were just about to walk away when Brian heard a language she doesn't know, that him and even Britney didn't understand. They turned their heads to face where they heard the voice.

Britney and her Dad looked at Vince, and he was looking at them back. Curious to know what was going to happen between the two, Britney pursed her lips. Vince had finally gotten over his hated for Brian.

"Buster." Vince greeted causing Brian to half smile. "C'mon." He told them nodding over to where he had just come from. Brian waited for Britney and they walked together, as Brian put a hand on his daughter's back, lightly pushing her.

"Is Dom here yet?" Britney asked Vince as they walked up some more stairs, as Vince glanced at her over his shoulder.

"Nah." Vince answered, shaking his head. Dom was supposed to be here already.

"When was the last time you heard from him?" Brian asked, as he moved his hand to his daughter's shoulder. Vince was silent for a moment while he was thinking.

"Uh a couple weeks ago. He was up in Ecuador somewhere." Vince replied. Britney gave her father an uneasy look, and he gave her hand a squeeze. "How's it feel?"

"What's that?" Brian and Britney ask in unison as Vince turned around and looked at them with a smirk on his face at seeing the two O'Conner's being in sync.

"To be on the other side of a wanted poster." Vince explained, his smirk widening.

A few moments, they had arrived at Vince's house. It was small, but cozy. To Britney's surprise, Vince had a daughter named Dominique or Mika for short. His fiancΓ© Rosa had given birth five years ago. After they greeted everyone, Rosa cooked dinner. It had almost been two full days since Brian and Britney had eaten a full meal so when Rosa set their plates in front of them, they scarfed it down.

Brian and Vince was in the kitchen talking catching up on old times. Or mainly talking about Britney growing up. But luckily Rosa spoke a little English by being Vince's fiancΓ©.

"If she is tired. Looks like it's time to sleep." Rosa says to Britney as she nods her head not knowing that her father is glancing at her. Risa walked towards Vince not wanting to shout to him. "It's bedtime for Mika, Vince, say goodnight."

Vince smiled and said goodnight to his daughter. Britney walked over so Vince could place a soft kiss atop of Mika's head. Britney looked at her Dad. Brian sorta imagined in his head at seeing Mia being a mother to his child. Even if Mia isn't here, he still imagine what it would be looking like to see Mia as a mom.

Britney followed Rosa to Mika's room. Rosa turned on the light, and Britney walked to her crib. Mika laid his head on her shoulder while she held him. Britney smiled and rubbed her back gently. She stayed like that for a moment, then she gently laid Mika down in her crib. Almost immediately, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Britney exited Mika's room and went into the kitchen. Brian looked at his daughter, as she took a seat next to him at the kitchen table. Vince looked at the father and daughter for a moment before speaking.

"So listen...there's a job coming up. I was hoping Dom was going to be here by now, but if this goes clean enough we can do it without him." Vince said as his voice was quiet so Rosa wouldn't hear him. "It's a good gig. A couple of high-end cars, easy targets. A guy I know is putting through a team to swipe 'em. We just need a few more willing bodies."

"I don't know." Brian said as he grabbed a beer and took a swig of it. They were supposed to be keeping it low-key and pulling a job right now was most definitely not low-key.

"Look, with the way the car scene is down here we could unload them quickly and get top dollar. It's easy money, from where I'm sitting." Vince paused looking at the father-daughter. "It looks like the both of you could use a pay day." Vince says as Brian and Britney shared a look.

One job wouldn't hurt....right?


Mia's eyes scanned through the travel magazine she held in her hands. Currently, Brian, Britney, Mia and Letty were in the process of helping Vince pull off the job he had been telling them about. They were seated across from one another on a train, waiting for their cute. From Mia's peripheral vision, she noticed Brian staring at her. She tore her eyes away from the magazine and looked at him.

"Whatcha reading?" Brian asked as he had a small smile on his lips. Brian leaned his torso against the table that separated them.

"Travel guide." Mia replied nonchalantly. Brian raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah, is that so?" Brian asked, as he lightly grabbed the top of magazine and pushed it down so he could see what exactly she was reading. Mia turned it around and handed it to him so he could read it. "Tokyo, Moscow, Goa." Brian read off the names of the destinations as he flipped through the pages.

"Yeah, and you wanna know what all of those wonderful places have in common" Mia asked leaning against the table so their faces were inches apart.

"What?" Brian asked, setting the magazine down on the table.

"No extradition." Mia whispered with a small smirk forming on her lips. Mia spotted a security guard entering their train car, and Mia looked at Brian. "It's showtime baby."

Mia stood up and made her way towards the guard, as Brian trails close behind. Brian spotted two Caucasian men in suits similar to what he used to wear in his law enforcement days, each of the men with a police badge hanging from their neck. He looked away quickly, hoping the two didn't notice him. Mia looked away from the guard, pretending to not pay attention to where she was walking. Her shoulder collided with the guard. Mia faked a gasp, as the man looked down at her with a frown.

"Oh eu sinto muito me desculpar!" Mia said apologizing for running into the man. He told her it was no problem but Mia continued to apologize. While Mia had him distracted, Brian snatched the keycard from the guard's belt and swiped it on his phone, transferring the cards information. He kept the keycard and placed it in his pocket.

"Excuse me buddy." Brian says to the guard patting him gently on the back. They exited their train car and paused at the door of the next train car. The door could only be opened from that keycard they had just stolen. Brian swiped the keycard on his phone again and then handed it to Mia. Mia slid the keycard through the slot, a small light turned green, signaling that it was unlocked. The door slowly slid open and the duo entered the train car.

There was an additional door at the end of the room. They walked through that one and found the cars they were searching for. Brian pulled out his phone and dialed Britney's number. Britney and the rest of the guys pulling this job were on their way to catch up to the train. "Hey, we found 'em. Second to the last freighter."

Brian spotted a glass case with three sets of keys inside. He used the side of his fist and broke the glass. He grabbed the keys out. Each set of keys had a white tag attached to them. Brian looked at them intently.

"What? What is it?" Mia asked noticing a change in Brian's facial expression.

"DEA tags. These cars have been seized." Brian replied showing her the tags. "I saw two guys in our seats. I think they were DEA."

"Now let's take the covers off these cars." Mia says as they walked from car to car, pulling off the white covers placed on top of them and tossing them to the ground.

As they did this, Vince and Britney along with the crew were side-by-side with the train on an Oshkosh, attempting to cut through the side of the train car to make a big enough opening to fit the cars through. Their plan was to get the cars on the Oshkosh, then reverse off the truck and drive to the designated drop-off spot with the stolen cars.

After pulling the covers off the cars, Brian and Mia grabbed their pocket knives out and began to cut the safety belts that were keeping the cars secure in the train. Once that was finished, they stood and waited for Vince and Britney along with the crew to complete their job. They attached a cable to the freshly cut portion of metal and with a quick turn of the Oshkosh, the former wall went flying. Each member of the crew ducked in just enough time to avoid being hit by it. When the dust cleared, Mia couldn't help but smile.

Dom was standing right next to Vince, and of course Britney ran to her Dad like she never seen him before. Brian almost fell back but he caught himself, his daughter started kissing his face not letting him do anything.

"Brit, it's only been a day." Dom says to her as Mia shakes her head with a s mile on her face, at seeing the father and daughter.

"Were you good for Dom?" Brian whispered in her ear that only she heard, as she nodded her head at what he said. "That's good." He said as he kissed her head, as he finally let her down.

"It was the longest day of my life. I didn't even see him smile, laugh for a whole day. It was the worst day of my life."

"Mini, I thought I told you to stay low." Dom said to the teenager who just shrugged a bit with her Dad doing the same.

"We were running low on fumes. Had to make a call." Brian answered casually as Britney nodded her head as Dom just gave him a look.

"Hey! Quit talking. We only got a two minute window." One of the men who went by the name Zizi said.

"You could say please too, it works wonders." Britney sassed back to the man who rolled his eyes at her.

"Let's go, Vince." Dom said before anything else could have been said. Vince nodded and entered the first car. The other men put cables underneath the car, securing it so it could safely be moved from the train to the Oshkosh.

"I'm taking the GT40." Zizi said in Portuguese to his friend thinking that the Toretto family wouldn't be able to understand him. Dom shot him a look, as Britney smirked before shaking her head. Zizi yelled to the man driving the Oshkosh M977 side-by-side with the train. The driver pressed a button and it jerked Vince's car to the side, stopping on the bed of the Oshkosh. The bed lowered, allowing Vince to reverse off of it and drive away. It was supposed to be Zizi's turn, but when he went to take a step forward, Dom put an arm out, stopping him from moving. Dom didn't trust Zizi, so he devised a plan to take this GT40 that Zizi is so interested in, then he would be able to use it as leverage to make sure they got their payday and that Zizi didn't alert the authorities about them being in Brazil.

"Ladies first." Dom told him simply. Zizi narrowed his eyes at the bald man but obeyed nonetheless. Mia looked at Dom who nodded towards the back of the train. Dom mouthed go that way. Mia gave him a slight nod before walking over to the beautiful blue GT40. One of Zizi's men took a step forward to prevent Mia from getting in the GT40 but Brian quickly walked over and pushed him back. In order to stop a fight from happening, Mia spoke up.

"Hey!" Mia shouted loudly, causing everyone to turn their attention towards her and freeze. She rested her arm on the door of the GT40. "As garotas bonitas querem dirigir o carro bonito, entao que tal calarmos a boca e deixa-las fazer isso antes que acbemos o tempo, ok? Ok." Mia says in Portuguese which shocks everyone else really as Britney smiles at Mia for saying that.

(Here is the translation in Portuguese: The pretty girls want to drive the pretty car so how we shut the fuck up and let them do it before we run out of time, okay? Okay.)

"I'm really glad I know her." Britney says which makes Mia to briefly turn back to Britney and smile at her before turning back to Zizi.

"So what's the deal? You gonna let us pretty girls have the cars or are we going to have to break your necks, and then get the car?" Letty says as she uses her charm on Zizi, who only raised an eyebrow at hearing what she had just said.

Zizi pursed his lips and nodded at his friend a nonverbal cue that it was okay for them to proceed. Mia and Letty both jumped in the car and quickly turned it on, revving the engine. They smirked as they fist-bumped each other at the sound. Mia gently pressed on the gas, pulling the car forward so she was in line with the giant hole in the train.

"See ya, girls." Brian says gently tapping his knuckles on the window two times. Mia and Letty smiled at him. Zizi began to get the car set up so Letty and Mia could depart. Dom walked over to the GT40 and looked through the window.

"Wait for my call, Mia." Dom instructed as Mia nods her head. Dom looked over at Zizi. "Let's go!" Mia gripped the steering wheel tightly as she antipacted what was going to happen next. Everyone cleared the way and the Oshkosh driver pressed a button, pulling the GT40 onto the bed of the Oshkosh. Mia let out a shaky breath as the bed of the Oshkosh slowly started to tilt backwards. Once it was finished, Mia put the car in reverse and quickly drove off the bed. Instead of following the original instructions, Mia yanked the steering wheel to the right and turned around, driving in the direction Dom had told her to. When Zizi saw her going the wrong way, his blood began to boil.

"Where is she going?!" Zizi yelled, turning around to face the two men and Britney. Who was the only three that was left. He started yelling frantically to his men in Portuguese.

"No need to yell, God. We're right here." Britney says poking her ear and wincing a little.

One of the men tried to attack Brian but he anticipated it, and he threw the first punch. Before he could retaliate, Dom held the man against the wall. His facial expression read 'I got this' so Brian and Britney ran over to the opening of the train. They took a deep breath before grabbing each other's hands and jumping, just barely landing on the Oshkosh, only holding on by the rope that was dangling on the truck's bed.

While Brian and Britney struggled to hold on, Dom was fighting not only the man that Brian had just punched, but also Zizi as well. Zizi tried to swing a crow bar at Dom but he easily dodged it and sent a hard right hook his way, knocking him to the floor. The second man threw a punch at Dom but it was weak so it didn't faze him. With a swift kick of his foot, Dom was able to knock the man off the train, just leaving him and Zizi. After a few moments of exchanging punches, the two were nearly knocked to the ground from something crashing into the train.

Since Zizi was still trying to balance himself, Dom took this opportunity and used a decent amount of strength and hit Zizi in the head, knocking him out. Or so he thought. While Dom had been fighting his own fight, Brian had been fighting with the driver of the Oshkosh and he was the one who had crashed it into the train car. Luckily both Britney and her Dad were okay but the driver of the Oshkosh? Not so much. The two O'Conner's eyes widened when they noticed a small fire had started on the back of the truck near a leaking gas can.

"Oh shit!" Britney said as she had tried to maneuver her way through the front of the truck that was now sideways, thanks to the crash. Britney managed to climb on the outside of the driver's seat as her Dad did the same in the passenger seat just enough time to miss the small explosion caused by the gas can. It made the two lose their balance and their hands almost slipped. When they finally got their grip back, they breathed a quick sigh of relief. That was close, they almost saw their lives flash before their eyes.

That relief was cut short when Brian looked up ahead. The train was approaching a bridge, and it was approaching fast. If Brian and Britney couldn't find a way to get off that Oshkosh in the next minute, he was never going to see Mia again, and Britney was never going to see Marilyn again. Britney looked bac at the hole in the train and she spotted Dom. "Dom! There's a bridge!" Britney yelled.

Dom was trying to think of a way to save both Britney and Brian, because of course her father was going to do this and Britney wanted to join him at the hip. He looked in the train car and an idea sparked when he spotted the last car, a silver 1963 Corvette. As Brian and Britney was struggling to hold on, they heard three gunshots and it made them more nervous. Was Dom okay? Their question was quickly answered when a silver car came flying out of the train, and of course Dom was behind the wheel.

"Brit, hold on!" Brian yelled as he pulled himself and his daughter on top of the Oshkosh as they're both standing in front of what used to the the windshield. They gripped the car tightly, waiting for Dom to bring the Corvette close enough so he could attempt to jump. The beginning of the train had entered the bridge, meaning their time was running out. The bridge was getting closer and closer. Dom finally got the car in just the right spot, giving Brian the perfect opportunity to jump. Britney jumped without no hesitation, as Brian hesitated for a minute, not feeling too secure about this plan but he knew it was his only option. Brian finally took a deep breath and jumped.

Brian landed on the back of the Corvette with a thud. The Oshkosh exploded behind them as it collided with the bridge. Dom continued to drive straight, only to realize they were about to drive off a giant cliff.

"Well fuck." Britney cursed as Dom slammed his foot on the gas peddle sending the car flying off the cliff and plummeting down towards the body of water. The three waited until the very last moment before jumping out of the Corvette in mid-air. Miraculously, they hit the water unharmed. Sure, they were going to be sore as fuck the next day, but at least no broken bones. When they emerged from the water, Dom glared at his friend. A large group of cop cars had gathered a few yards away from the shore, making their already eventful day even crazier. Brian just prayed that whatever happened next, that he would be able to see Mia.

"Shitty call, Dad. Shitty call." Britney says to her Dad, as the water felt good to her.


After just over 4k words this chapter is over, but the journey of Britney O'Conner is most definitely not. I've mentioned Marilyn and I think Tyler in here, so that is hopefully coming up in the next two chapters, the reunion of the girls.

Love you all!!

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