chapter eleven

Third Person's POV

Dom didn't arrive at this race alone though. Little did Dom know, thanks to the interrogation that he had done with David Park, both Brian and Britney have a spot in the race too. They were going undercover yet again. The last time that Brian had went undercover around the Toretto's, it didn't work out so well. Only reason why Britney is in the race is because of her racing skills that Brian has seen over the years, with the whole thing with Verone, years ago, along with the little races that they've done since then. She has potential in racing.

Britney is driving her purple Skyline. She parked her car right next to her father's car. As Dom got out of his car, he spotted a group of people walking past him. Two of those people in the group was no other than Brian and the girl that shot his leg, Britney. Dom watched as both Britney and Brian walked by. Brian and Dom made eye contact.

"You one of Park's guys?" The woman whose name is Gisele, asked. Dom nodded his head as a yes. "Follow me." Dom followed the woman.

They were led inside a building next to the parking garage where most of the people were gathered. They were on the top floor. There was a man standing near the edge of the room, playing golf. There was a net spread out over the parking garage below so that the balls wouldn't injure anyone once they went flying. The man, Ramon Campos, turned around to face the group of potential drivers. He noticed Britney standing next to her father. He hadn't heard anything about a female driver. Or anything about a child driver. To him Britney was a child, and a little too young to be in the race.

"Who's this?" Campos asked Gisele, nodding over to Britney, who just looked at him.

"I want to race." Britney said answering for Gisele. The pre-teenager folded her arms over her chest. All eyes besides Brian was on the youngest O'Conner. "I know the slots are filled and I'm the youngest here. But if you give me a chance I can assure you that you won't be disappointed." Britney says as Campos shockingly smirked at the girl. She had some balls showing up knowing there wasn't a place for her. He liked her already.

"You know with a pretty face like that, I think we can make an exception." Campos says, as this earned a few laughs from the other men in the room.

Brian immediately felt protective over Britney almost like cop like. He brought his child closer to him. He doesn't want to hear this man talk to his daughter like that, just like Verone talked to her years ago. It was creepy. Really creepy.

"You all know why you're here? Good drivers are a dime a dozen, man." Campos spoke, concentrating on hitting the golf ball in front of him. He swung, sending the small white ball flying. He then continued. "Every corner has a turner racing for pinks. That's not what Braga's got me looking for. Braga wants someone who would send their abuelita to be behind the wheel. Someone who's not only going to race their cars in a straight line, but to push it and take it to all the places that no one would take it. Real drivers."

"So, what are we haulin'?" Dom asks, a slight smirk spread across his face. Britney looked at Dom and rolled her eyes at him as she plays with her car keys in her pocket as they are making a faint jiggling sound of them rattling in her pocket, as she is just itching to get into that race and win. Especially that she knows that Dom is going to be racing, she just at least wants one chance of winning a race against Dom, and obviously the other people too, but mainly Dom.

"For the money Braga's paying, you don't need to know." Campos replied in an amused tone.

"Yo, buster, you just said you wanted real drivers. A real driver knows exactly what's in his driver. So either you tell us what the hell we're doing or so be it." Britney said as Dom just looked at her unamused at her attitude as Brian just grinned at hearing his daughter's attitude, as she did have a point so he'll give her that.

Before anything else could be said, a dark skinned man sitting on a chair in the corner stood up, staring at Britney. He liked to be called Fenix. Dom, Brian nor Britney knew that was the man that was responsible for Desiree's murder.

"Aye, 'real driver' nobody is forcing you to race, girl." Fenix spoke with a hint of Hispanic accent in his tone.

"I'm sorry, are you the boss? Or am I talking to the boss?" Britney asks sassily with attitude thick in her voice. Fenix took a step closer, towering over Britney.

"Do I look like the boss, little girl." Fenix asked. Dom studied Britney's expression. She wasn't even phased by this guys attempt to be threatening she's seen worse creepy guys. Campos looked over at the two wanting whatever that is to be over with.

"My job, is to find the best drivers, period. Whoever wins the race gets the info. We cool?" Campos asked. He didn't have time for drama. When Fenix and Britney continued to have a stare down, Campos spoke again. "Are we cool?" He repeated. Gisele handed each racer a small gadget. It looked like a GPS.

"Yeah, we're cool." Britney replied taking the GPS that Gisele had handed to her as said Gisele smiled at the pre-teen, and Britney returned the smile.

"Uh, no. We ain't cool man. Who's closing those streets?" A short dark skinned man in a beanie asked. Campos smirked again.

"No one. That's the point." Campos said to the beanie man.

"You afraid to ride in a little traffic." Britney asked the beanie man and he nodded his head at the girl. "Chicken."

"I ain't no chicken." Beanie man said with a frown on his face.

"Then man the fuck up and race like a grown man." Britney snarled at the man making him jump. How can a pre-teen be so scary.

"Yes, ma'am." Beanie man said as Britney just flipped him off. Beanie didn't want to make Britney more madder than she already was, as she was pissed, but decided to brush it off for the time being. Then be pissed about it later. At least after the race.


Only a few moments later, every racer was lined up at the starting point in the middle of the street. The device they had been given was indeed a GPS and would direct them where to go. Britney knew this was going to be interesting. She had yet to race against Dom, as her father would be on the sidelines watching her. She was going to race against Dom, along with the chicken beanie dude, and some man named Silvia.

"Proceed to the highlighted route." A female voice from the GPS spoke. Britney looked at the small screen that she had mounted on her dashboard, watching as a yellow arrow began making it's way through a map of the city, showing her where she would be going.

"You sure you wanna do this, Brit?" Dom asked Britney as said Britney was cracking her knuckles.

"A lot has changed, Toretto." Britney replied which made Dom be taken back. Not once has she ever said Toretto, and not Dom, or when she was five Dommy. But Toretto.

The other races began to rev their engines. Britney looked at her father who nodded his head at her and smiled back.

"You're right, Mini O'Conner." Dom said. The GPS continued to count down. They turned their head and looked straight forward. As soon as the GPS said 'go' every racer slammed on their gas peddles and took off flying. Britney gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"Right turn ahead." The voice from the GPS said. Everyone obeyed, whipping around the corner onto the busy main road. "You are now five miles from your destination." As he usually did in every race he was in, Dom held in first place. Britney was the second one trailing very close behind Dom's car.

The cars continued to speed their way through traffic, dodging cars left and right. Britney passed Dom, but for only a second. He quickly sped past her and regained his spot as first. Britney pursed her lips. She knew she didn't have a chance of beating Dom, but if she played her cards right, she just might.

"Right turn ahead." The voice from the GPS repeated. Britney quickly shifted gears and turned right. Silvia took too wide of a turn and got nailed by an oncoming car.

"Too wide dude." Britney said as then her eyes widened as she watched a white pick-up truck slam into the back of the car that had hit Silvia, the white truck going flying into the air. Britney gasped. She quickly whipped the wheel to the left to dodge the wreck, maneuvering her way through a few oncoming cars.

"Holy fucking shit." Britney mumbled. It felt like time was going in slow motion as she saw the truck falling. By shifting at the right time, Britney's car sped up and he dodged the truck barely getting away with her life. She had learned something from her father over the years. He also said that she doesn't listen to what he's saying, well she does listen. Sometimes.

But then again she is becoming a teenager and teenagers do not listen to their parents. They think that they can just be spoiled brats to their parents, well Britney might be spoiled but she isn't a brat. Unlike what people might say otherwise, but then again there is a finger gesture called the middle finger, or as Britney always said, 'fuck you'. That works wonders it does amazing things, and also gets said Britney in trouble by Brian, but it's fine because she still does it.

"Rerouting. Rerouting." The voice from the GPS continued to repeat. Britney drove through a tight alleyway, barely making it through. "You are two point six miles from your destination." Britney made a hard turn, taking her back into the busy street. Britney quickly looked at the man and saw a way to get back on the route.

The other racer, the one who was wearing the beanie or as Britney calls him 'chicken', was in BMW trailing behind Britney. He smirked and sped up just enough to bump the back of Britney's car, jerking her forward. Britney huffed in annoyance that 'chicken' would do such thing to her car as she thought it was rude as she glanced back at him through her rear view mirror. She sped up, trying to get away from him. He did it again. This time he had something to say.

"I'm sorry Princess! I'm gonna be the first one to the castle!" He yelled after rolling down his window, laughing hysterically. Quickly, he switched lanes so he was riding side-by-side with Britney. Britney clenched her jaw. She watched his car cautiously, awaiting his next move. The second she saw his car start to turn towards her, she slammed on the gas peddle causing her car to shoot forward. His car swerved into her lane but because her car wasn't there, he turned too far to the right and hit a curb, causing him to crash into a light pole.

"Dumbass." Britney said even though he couldn't hear her. Britney glanced up at her rear view mirror and saw a dark colored car speeding towards her. With the beanie guy gone, it was just her and Dom. She knew that Brian would be laughing his ass off if he heard what happened between the two. Guess that she can tell him that after the race is over.

"You are now one quarter mile from your destination." The GPS informed. Britney took a deep breath, her thumb hovering over the NOS button. She knew she needed to wait until the right moment to press it. Dom shifted gears then hit the NOS button, sending his car flying forward, Britney only smirked.

"Too late, Dommy." Britney said she pressed her NOS button and sped forward. Dom looked in his rear view mirror and noticed Britney gaining on him. Just as Dom was to pass Britney, she rapidly turned her wheel to the right, to the side of his car hitting the back of Dom's. This caused Dom to spin out. Britney sped past Dom as he tried to regain control of his car.

"Still a buster, Toretto." Britney said with a smirk forming on her lips. Britney won the race, Britney became first and Dom was second.

"You have reached your destination. Goodbye." The GPS said then shut itself off as Britney pulled into a parking lot filled with a small crowed including Gisele, Campos, Fenix, Brian and a few of Campos's henchmen.

Britney climbed out of her car and got out, a cocky smirk plastered on her face. This was the first time that she had won for racing against Dom. To think of it, it's the first time that she has won a race against Dom.

Britney walked over to her father, and he gave her a quick hug, congratulating her. "That's my girl." Brian says to Britney.

(Yes I know that's a quote from Descendants 3, leave me alone <3)

Campos, Fenix and Gisele watched from afar. Just then, Dom pulled into the parking lot and angrily got out of his car. He made his way towards Britney. The said teenager just had her smirk on her face.

"Can I help you Dommy? You seem a little mad. What's up? Did you loose finally. Well that's a shame." Britney said cockily to Dom just to piss him off anymore.

"I've never lost a race before, but I didn't expect to lose it to a teenager." Dom spat his voice full of fury. Clearly he was pissed. Britney rolled her eyes at Dom.

"There we go let your anger out. Good job. Oh and also BTW I didn't know there were any rules." Britney replied nonchalantly, smirking again. She had to admit she felt some form of joy seeing Dom angry.

Fenix came over and joined them. "Now, that's what I call a real racer!" Fenix exclaimed smiling a proud smile at Britney. They might not have started off on good terms but Fenix knew he could be beneficial to this team. She was a good racer. Then again, her father is Brian O'Conner.

"Nah man, that's fucking bullshit!" Dom told them angrily. He could feel his blood pressure rise. Britney looked at Dom and just grinned.

"Now I know how you feel a real pain in my ass everytime you win a race. This feels goooood." Britney said in a sing-song voice making Dom madder than he possibly as ever been. He's been plenty mad before but this is probably the max. "You gonna go cry to your mama, Toretto?" Britney teased Dom, shooting Fenix a wink which he laughed. Britney knew that talking about Dom's mom was a touchy subject, and she swiftly whipped out her gun making him stop from saying anything else.

Brian stepped in front of the two making Britney pout. She didn't care what her father said to Dom, but it ruined her fun. Course it's making her sound like a sore fucking winner or some shit but she didn't care.

When her father was done, he grabbed her hand and the two of them began leaving. Britney didn't know if she wanted to even speak by the way her father had a look on his face. She didn't want to breathe wrong and he snap. He looked either pissed or something. His look looked almost unreadable, and it scared her because she could typically read her father's facial expressions.

"Before you ask, Brit. I'm not mad at you." Brian says making Britney look at her father flat out confused but nodded her head. She leaned her head onto her father's shoulder to see if he would cover up something, but luckily her wishes came true, and he had his arm wrapped around her shoulder. Letting her bring herself into her father's comfort, and safeness. "You were just testing me, weren't you?" Brian said as Britney looked up for a brief second as her father looked down with a smirk on his face.

"I don't know what you mean?" Britney said to her father as he just kissed her head and continued driving.

After twenty minutes they were still driving and Britney was starting to get bored being in the car with no actual point of being in here anymore. Even if it's her car, she's getting bored being in it, also because she's starting to get tired. So that doesn't help much at all. She's tired, wants to go home, and wants to go to bed.

"That Fenix dude said something about Desireè and things don't sound right. That's all, babygirl." Brian says which now makes Britney the one who is confused like shit, but she just nods her head, in a failed attempt to see in her brain what the fuck her father is saying, but it wasn't working. She was still confused like shit.

"What did that bastard say?" Britney asks as Brian was confused again but at her. She hasn't said bastard recently or at all unless someone deserved it. She looked at her Dad like he grew two heads, even if he was driving. "What, I just said bastard. It's not that glamorous, trust me." She said with a long yawn at the end of her sentence.

"I don't know I didnt catch on what he said he just mentioned something about Desireè. I don't know what it meant but it was probably nothing good. So something is up with him." Brian said as Britney nodded her head at what he said. She was slowly understanding what he is saying. Slowly. But it still counts.

"Wow, your definitely am agent, because you just used words I had no clue what you said. Good job, boss." Britney said patting her father's head as she just shook his head at what she said. God she's hilarious. He thought in his head.

He has ways loves Britney's jokes even if they don't make any sense. He wouldn't know where he'd be without his daughter. Whenever he's around her he feels like he's on Cloud 9. Is that the way he feels about Mia? Does he feel like that when he was around Mia? He now had questions about Mia popling in his head. Brian interlaced his hand with Britney's and then he kissed it tenderly before breaking it.

"I love you, Brit." Brian says with a huge smile on his face despite everything. As long as he has his daughter by his side he'll be smiling like he never smiled before. He truly loves her with all of his heart. Well, he should because he's her father. That's his job. He doesn't get paid for it but it's fine.

"I love you, daddy." Britney says as she continues having her head resting on his arm getting nice and comfy in the car as she feels her eyes growing heavy, as she did end up falling asleep.

Brian looked over at the sudden quietness in the car and that's when he found out that Britney had fallen asleep. He smiled more at seeing her asleep. She looked so peaceful and like she could do no wrong.

"I'll protect you, baby, always." Brian whispered to her even if she was asleep. He then made the back way to the house.

He knows he won't have moments like this, a lot more because Britney is growing up into an amazing sarcastic and witty young woman. He hates it admit it, but hell go along with her crazy and emotional life.


Because he is in it. That's how.


Well here is this chapter. I wanted to put in some cute Brian and Britney stuff to make my dad who left me jealous. Is it working? I don't think so.

Well there will be a shit ton of my emotional trauma later so yeah. I have plenty of it to go around and share with you all.

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