chapter eighteen
(I also just realized as I was editing the previous chapter that I completely forgot about Mia and Letty, but Mia will be in this chapter, so hehe. Letty is here but towards the end of the chapter).
Britney's POV
Today's the day. We either make it or break it. Everyone's getting what they need ready. Mia is making sure that the computer is ready for giving the boys directions and making sure that the tracking device that Tej placed on one of Hobbs' car the night of the race is working right.
"Hobbs is on the other side of the city!" I announced loudly turning my chair to face everyone.
"We're not going to get a better window." Mia added as I look worriedly at the computer.
"Okay guys, it's showtime! First team in position, let's go!" Dom instructed loudly, rolling the map he had in his hands. Han, Gisele, Tej, Rome, Mari and Tyler all rushed over to their cars and Gisele's motorcycle leaving Dad, Dom, Vince, Mia and I here. Dom and Dad are leaving in a moment, which will leave Vince, Mia and I here.
At least, I'll be with Mia, as I'll go probably insane being here with Vince.
"Moscow, Bali Goa." Dad's voice says as it came from behind me and Mia, as I turned back to the computer. "And what do they all have in common?" Dad asked as I rolled my eyes.
"No extradition." Mia told him, smiling at him as I'm assuming.
"We're less than an hour away from the rest of our lives." Dad says as I'm guessing he's looking into Mia's soul, as I turned around.
"Yeah." Mia muttered quietly, as I had a look of disgust on my face at seeing Dad kissing Mia's neck.
"Get a room, people." I whispered in Mia's ear as she is right next to me, but she just shook her head.
"COPS!" Vince yelled loudly, as my eyes widened as I looked at Dad and Mia who shared the same expression.
"C'mon, let's go." Dad says as me and Mia quickly jumped out of our seats and began running as Dad is following in suit. The three of us didn't get very far when we came to a stop when we saw three men with AK47's cornering the three of us, aiming their guns at us.
"Fuck/shit." Me and Mia mumbled, grabbing both of Dad's hands, as the men lead us to the main area of the building along with Vince and a few other men. My heart raced, as Mia's was probably racing wondering where Dom is. I looked around for Dom, as my eyes widened again when I saw Hobbs' has Dom in a choke-hold in one of the rooms on the second level.
"Don't look, at your 3 o'clock." I say to Dad's ear, as he turned around and looked where I was talking about, as I shook my head. "I did say, don't look, and you looked. You talk about my listening ears, you should be ashamed of yourself."
I swallowed hard as they backed away from the window, I squeezed Dad's hand when Hobbs and Dom came crashing through the window, slamming to the ground. I'm guessing Mia let go of Dad's hand as she ran over to her brother and stood right behind Hobbs men, who had guns pointed at Hobbs and Dom.
"Dom!" Mia shouted, taking a step closer to the guys who continued fighting, he needs to stop before someone gets seriously injured.
"Get back, I got this!" Hobbs says loudly before throwing a right hook, hitting Dom in the face as I winced.
"Dom!" Mia and Vince yelled at the same time as their voices are filled with worry.
"Please stop!" Mia yelled again, but they ignored me again. "Dom!" Mia yelled as he picked up the wrench that Hobbs just had in his hand. Mia yelled his name again as he raised his hand, ready to hit Hobbs with the wrench.
Instead of hitting Hobbs in the face, he hit the ground right next to Hobbs' head, signaling that he was done with this fight. He angrily stood up and looked at Mia. His head was bleeding and one of Hobbs men cocked the gun and aimed it at Dom. Dom slowly raised his hand, putting them behind his head, showing that he had surrendered.
Well this is done for, we have been fucking arrested. At least the team isn't with us, I wouldn't want it to go down like this. I didn't have that much of anxiety as I am currently in a police station as me and Dad used to be agents and we worked at a police station, so I was used to it. I sat closely to Dad, wanting to feel his comfort of his body as I didn't know what was going to happen.
"AMBUSH!" A girl yelled as I looked at her and it was the same girl that was at the race with Hobbs. I got a better view at her and she looked thirteen or somewhere around that. I was confused at first, but I understood what she meant when I saw a car in front of us get shot my a grenade launcher. Several bullets hit the bulletproof car, as Hobbs ordered his men and the girl.
Hobbs got out of the car while I ducked my head away from the window around me. Dad tried to wrap his arms around me protectively, but it was really difficult to do considering we're both in handcuffs.
"Let us loose!" Dad shouted as I winced as I was right next to him when he did so. He shouted at the remaining officers in the car with us. She looked at us for a moment debating whether or not she should let us go.
"Come on!" Vince yelled at her obviously growing impatient. "Cut us loose!" He repeated, as she looked at Dom for a brief moment before cutting us loose including me and Mia since we both have weapons on us.
I am always armed some how, with some type of weapon, whether it's a knife or some hand gun. But I had to ride with some woman as her name was Elena. It was fine as she's a girl, and not a guy, so that's a little bonus.
Gunshots was all, Elena and I heard, which wasn't a good thing because you don't know who's doing the firing and who's getting shot. Though she comforted me a little which felt weird but I needed it as she could tell I was getting scared.
What broke me out of my thoughts was when she said this: "Veo a tu papa." I looked at her confused for a brief moment as I don't know what she meant but I understood the word 'papa', as it means 'dad'.
"ΒΏQuΓ© dices? ΒΏEstΓ‘ bien mi papΓ‘?" I asked her in Spanish as she just pointed to what she was talking about, and then I understood. I got out of the truck as I jumped in Dad's arms worried as I just let out a sob.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm fine." Dad says as I sobbed a little bit as Hobbs got where I was, as Dom was over by us and Dad and Mia are on both sides of me, as Dom is by Vince.
"GO!" Mia yelled as soon as we all attempted to get buckled up as she did as Mia told her, trying to get out of here as quick as possible. Bullets continued to hit the car as we sped away.
"Hey, Dom." Vince says quietly. I looked at him and his hand was covered in blood and clutching onto his side over a wound. I glanced at Dom who looked shocked and now upset. "You gotta meet my daughter Mika."
"I will." Dom told him softly, as Vince smiled.
"She's a good kid." Vince paused then his smile faded. "You know...we named her after you....Dominique." Vince added with a sad small smile, as Dom's eyes got watery as he clenched his jaw briefly.
"You got my word Vince." Dom said quietly, staring at Vince. I looked at Mia as a tear slid down her cheek, knowing that Vince may not make it out alive. She's not ready to lose anymore of her family. As Jesse is gone, Desiree was murdered and now Vince, along with the almost times she almost lost Dom. This woman couldn't handle another death as she is pregnant with the baby. Stress isn't good for her, as it will mean that she will have a miscarriage.
Mia's POV
Britney moved to where I was sitting as I cried into Brian's chest as he held me tightly like he would when he's comforting Britney. " I can't believe he's dead.... I can't believe that Vince is dead." I managed to choke out as my voice was quiet.
"I know baby, I can't either." Brian said quietly, kissing the top of my head. I know that him, Britney and Vince didn't exactly get along, but he was still effected by it, along with Brit too. Dom and I have known Vince since we were kids. As annoying he was, he was like an older brother to me, as when Dom wasn't there for me, Vince was.
I can't even begin to imagine how Dom is feeling right now. Vince was a little brother to Dom, as they've been friends since third grade, and they've been super close with each other.
About ten minutes later when I was calmed down, as both Brian and Brit were rubbing my back, my brother walked into the main area with the rest of us. "We gotta move, we don't have much time." He announced walking over to the small set of stairs.
"I've got a flight out for us." Han told Dom. "We can leave Rio in the rear view within the next five hours." Han added as Dom stopped walking.
"Man even in the short amount of time, we where in this fucking hell hole. I liked it. Now we have to leave." Brit says as she whined a little as it made me smile a little as the other two girls' nodded at Brit. Brian told me who their names are Marilyn and Tyler who are both the daughters of Roman and Tej respectively.
"Not tor un away." Dom paused turning around to look at all of us. "To finish the job." He finished, as I stayed silent.
"Are you crazy, Dom we can't." Brit told Dom as her voice was very serious. "It's a freaking suicide mission." She added.
"That's your man over there on the table." Roman said to Dom as he stands up. "The plan is busted. This is bullshit man, Reyes knows we're coming!"
"He's right. They tripled the detail at the police station, it's going to be a wall of fire." Tyler agreed as I looked over at her.
"Reyes doesn't get away with this." Dom says sternly.
"It's a trap man, you know that." Han says to Dom.
"Dom listen to them. Run before it's too late. Leave Rio. You can be free." A woman told Dom as her name was Elena, as she was the driver of the truck, as she's Hobbs female agent. Part of me wished we could just do as she said and leave Rio, but the other part of me wanted to stay here and finish the job. But Dom is right, Reyes doesn't get away with this.
"Running ain't freedom. You should know that." Dom said to Elena and then turned to face all of us again. "You know you're all free to make your own choices." Dom said before beginning to walk up the small set of stairs as I glanced up at Brian.
"We're in." Was two loud voices belonging to Hobbs and another person, that came from behind us. Yet again, Dom stopped walking and turned around this time facing Hobbs, who sat leaned against on of the desks. "We'll ride with you Toretto. At least until we kill that son of a bitch." I half smiled as Dom nodded slightly.
"So, what's the plan, Dom?" Britney asked Dom. "We can't just go sneaking around anymore." Brian added as he was right.
"We don't sneak." Dom corrected her as I smiled. "The only thing he cares about is his money. We pull that...we pull him." Dom says as my smile grew into a smirk.
We're gonna take down this son of a bitch and I'm going to enjoy every moment of this. Also considering what he did to Brit a while ago, which made my blood boil as Brian told me, as Brit had a scar that was halfway formed around her neck.
I care a lot about that girl, as I love her so much. I'll do anything to protect Brit at whatever cost. Even if something happens later and she is the villain of our crazy fucking lives, I'll still love her and would do anything for her.
I got stuck with Brit while the guys are out doing the mission, as I'm making sure she doesn't get into trouble. The team has trackers on their cars so I could see where they were at and give them directions if needed. Though I could tell that Brit would want to be in the action instead of staying behind watching a computer, but we both know the job is important.
"Call it girls!" I heard Dom's voice through the walkie-talkie. Brit picked it up, looking at the map in front of us.
"You've got a straight shot for two blocks." She told them, pressing the button on the walkie and spoke into it. "Go right." She added quickly looking at the map on the screen in front of us.
"Got it baby." Brian's voice came through the walkie.
"Well the plan's working. You guys have every cop in Rio on your tails. You guys have to move fast." I told the two, as Brit accidently shoved the walkie in my face.
"What's the best route?" Brian asked into his walkie. I looked around at the screen, looking for a better route.
"Okay, keep going straight another half mile, and then go left." I instructed, as me and Brit could feel the adrenaline rushing through our veins, as it wasn't helping since I'm pregnant, but it's fine.
"That's not going to work." Dom said as Brit cursed under her breath as we both looked for another route on the screen.
"Spikes ahead Dom, we got spikes!" Brian told Dom, as me and Brit could hear their conversation with each other through the walkie and they can hear mine.
"Dad, go right, now!" Brit said as we both heard tires screeching at the sound as we both winced as it screeched in our ears.
"Nah, Brit, it's too tight, we're not going to fit!" Brian quickly responded to Brit.
"There's no other way!" Brit frantically said to Dom and Brian. "You two have no choice, now!" Brit added, as we watched as the yellow dots on the screen, as it was Dom and Brian's cars respectively, turning right, like Brit told them to do. I looked at Brit and saw her jaw dropped when she heard what the radio next to me was saying.
"Did you guys just take out a bank?!" Brit asked them, as a small laugh escaped her lips as she smiled.
"Two inbound." Dom's voice came through the walkie, ignoring Brit's question. I quickly typed something and looked at their current location and seeing where they can go.
"Alright, there's an alley coming up on your left." Brit instructed into the walkie, as she looked at the different routes the alley would allow them to take as she was pointing as my fingers followed where she was pointing, as I nodded.
"Yeah, we got it." Brian said as a few seconds later I noticed their cars stop. I let a sigh of relief when the two yellow dots began moving again on the screen. "Alright, good job, Dom. Right handler, right here, right handler." Brian instructed Dom, as I saw a bunch of red dots on the screen signaling that they were cops, making their way towards the boys.
"Guys' there's a big group coming from the South, you have to do something, now!" I told the two, looking at red dots then looking at the two yellow ones.
"Hey go wide." Brian told Dom, as I know the rest of the team is somewhere around where the two are, but not sure where yet.
I went to look at Brit as my eyes widened as she was gone as she was nowhere to be found. I shook my head as she probably went after her Dad, and helped out with the guys.
I grabbed my phone and started texting Brit, saying 'just to be careful' and she quickly replied with 'i will, duh'. I smiled at her sarcasm as I know that she will, but how Brian could be a little overprotective of her, as he has a right to as he's her father.
They haven't pressed the button allowing me to see their location yet. They're waiting for the right time. I smiled to myself when I saw four other yellow dots appear on the screen in around the same area as the boys, signaling that the team and Brit was where they were supposed to be.
"We're all clear on the left." Han's voice came in through the walkie.
"So far so good." I muttered to myself letting out a sigh of relief. I somewhat listened to the police radio next to me, but I kept my main focus on the screen and made sure I could hear if anyone spoke into the walkie.
"We're clear on the right!" Roman's voice came in through the walkie as he sounded excited.
"Thanks guys." Dom said to Rome and Han as half-smiled.
"Anytime." Han replied.
"See you on the other side of this." I heard Brit says as I grabbed the walkie again after not seeing a lot of cop cars around the guys.
"You guys just opened up a ten second window, make it count!" I told them seriously, knowing this could help us pull this whole thing off. I instantly froze when I heard something fall to the floor behind me. I gulped as my eyes darted around in front of me in search of something I could use as a weapon if needed.
I found Brit's gun, as I quickly turned around with the gun raised, as I cocked it as it was probably one of Reyes' men.
"Put the gun down and put your hands where I can see them." He said sternly pointing his gun at me, his accent thick. I slowly lowered the gun to a table and raised my hands to my head. "Come with me." He told me, and when I refused to move he cocked an eyebrow at me. "Don't make me to do this the hard way." I slowly walked towards him as he gripped my arm, and dragging me outside and into a black SUV.
"Fuck." I mumbled when he closed the backseat door of the SUV, and getting into the rivers side. Reyes himself turned around in the passenger seat as we sped off along with another SUV trailing behind us.
"Nice to formerly meet you, Mia." He said smirking at me, his accent thick as well. I clenched my jaw, not making eye contact with him. From a distance I could see the vault. I again gulped seeing that we were on a bridge now.
"What the hell is he doing?!" I asked not really meaning to say that out loud. Brian's wire retracted and he kept driving while Dom turned his Charger around, still intact with the vault. His car then came to a complete stop.
My jaw dropped when I saw Dom beginning to drive towards all of the cop cars and the other SUV's, taking out whatever got in his way with the vault. If he hits this SUV, he's not going to know I'm in it.
The SUV next to us began shooting at Dom's car in hopes of trying to stop him. Or worse. We came to a stop. Dom was racing towards us with the vault. Somehow, the vault flew over the SUV I was in, and swung around, hitting the SUV next to us.
I saw Dom quickly jump out of the Charger before he was injured in some type of accident with the vault, falling onto the concrete. His Charger was flying through the air, in what looked like almost slow motion. I quickly opened the door, diving out of the car and falling onto the concrete as well. I heard a scream right after I hit the ground, as I made sure not to land on my stomach because of the baby, and I knew that the scream wasn't mine.
"Dom!" I cried out once I looked up. Dom was still laying on the ground but he was getting up. When he heard me yell for him, his head immediately shot up, looking around for me.
"Mia?!" He asked, his eyebrows knitted as he spotted me. "What the hell are you doing here?!" He asked angrily as he stood up quickly, beginning to walk over to me. I slowly started to stand up so I could meet him halfway.
I heard movement from behind me and saw Dom's facial expression change completely. Someone from behind me and grabbed my shirt pulling me upwards as I yelped in pain.
"Let her go." Dom demanded in a low tone, clenching his jaw tightly. I quickly glanced to the side to see that it was the man driving the SUV and the same man who took me away from the home base, as Dom took another step towards me.
The guy held onto my shirt by griping my injured shoulder, I could try to get away, but he would shoot Dom. I stayed put as it's the smartest thing at the moment as I don't want to lose my brother too, especially on the same day I lost Vince.
"Take another step closer and I'll put a hole in her pretty little head!" The man warned, as he pressed the gun to the side of my head. Dom looked like how he did when Vince was talking to him in the truck, upset, worried and almost scared.
I took a deep breath, as my heart dropped when I heard a gunshot as I waited to feel some pain but I didn't feel anything other than the pain already in my shoulder, and the throbbing of my head.
The grip on my shoulder was released as my eyes shot open, I sighed in relief seeing Britney standing next to Dom with Brian on the opposite side of Dom. Brit was holding a gun in her hand, and I quickly looked to my left to see the guy who held me hostage dead on the ground with several bullets wounds. I walked quickly over to the guys and Brit engulfing them all in individual hugs.
"You okay?" Dom asked as we hugged, I nodded hugging him tightly. He kissed my forehead after we pulled away and I smiled at him. Brit looked at her Dad with a small smile.
"Told you she was in that truck, and you didn't listen to me." Brit said to Brian as he shook his head with a smile. I turned to Brian who wrapped his arms tightly around me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him just as tight as he was careful not to hurt the baby.
"You alright?" He questioned me pulling away to look down at me. I leaned up pressing my lips against his.
"What did I say earlier get a room." Brit said as me and Brian kissed just to annoy her. "Ugh, couples."
I pulled away smiling up at him. I grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers. "I am now." I said quietly, as my smile increased.
"Are you guys done, because that was utterly PDA." Brit said as the three of us laughed at her. I heard a car pulling up, I pulled away from Brian standing in between Dom and Brian. Elena, Hobbs and another girl got out of the truck, walking towards us. As they started walking the doors of Reyes' SUV opened and he fell out of the car.
The girl looked down at the man with no sympathy and before she could shoot at Reyes, Brit shot him five times, killing him instantly, as I winced.
"I think he's dead." The girl said to Brit, as she just shrugged her shoulders.
"That's for giving me a scar, bitch." Brit said as she lowered her gun as Hobbs and the girl was looking at her. "What it's true, geez." She said as the girl and Hobbs smiled a little at Brit.
"You know I can't let you four go. I ain't made that way." Hobbs said to the four of us. Brian glanced down at me, and turned to Brit then at Dom. "The way I see it, you guys have twenty-four hours. Money stays though. I'd say use the time wisely. Make peace with whatever demons you got left....'cause this time tomorrow, I will find you." Hobbs finished, as Brian, myself and Brit turned around walking towards the Charger behind us. I opened one of the backseat door, but I stopped when Hobbs talked again.
"Toretto!" Hobbs called out and on instinct, Dom, and Brit looked up. "I'll see you soon." Hobbs said to Dom.
"No you won't." Dom replied as I looked at Brit and she smirked widely getting in the car. I knew we would be able to get away in the time that Hobbs has given us.
You see what Hobbs didn't know, is that we have the real vault with the money in it. Brian and Dom had been dragging around fake one. Tyler, Marilyn, Han, Tej, Roman and Gisele are the ones to thank for that. They switched it when Dom and Brian were racing from the cops. Everyone watched Tej as he did his thing, trying to get the vault open.
"Come on, baby, don't be mean." He muttered to himself, placing a scan of Reyes' hand print on the palm scanner. I sighed in relief when everyone heard a click, signaling that the vault door was opened. Tej looked back at everyone else before opening the vault door slowly. Once he got it opened, money spilled from it.
"Holy shit, we're rich!" I heard Brit exclaim as Marilyn and Tyler both agreed with her.
I smiled widely turning to hug Brian, who held me tightly. We actually did this. The plan worked, and everyone was safe in the end. I leaned up and kissed him passionately.
"How many times are you going to do that in one day, for the love of God." Brit says as me and Brian continued to kiss each other as Brian reached over and put his hand on Brit's mouth to keep her quiet. I pulled away, then went back to hugging him tightly.
I could hear Roman's excited cheers echo throughout the whole warehouse. A small chuckle fell from my lips as I finally pulled away from Brian. Everyone in the room shared the same excited expression.
"We did it. We actually did it." I exclaimed, walking over to my brother and hugging him tightly. "Vince would be proud that we pulled this off." I said honestly as I hugged him as he pulled himself away as he leaned down and smiled as he nodded.
"Yeah, he would actually." Dom said smiling.
Third Person's POV
It's been a couple months since everything happened in Rio, and everyone has sorta drifted away in their own directions as Britney is with her Dad and Mia. Also because Joe has been busy with his work, but he promised that he'd call every two weeks to see how Brit's been.
Brian and Mia came back from their walk along the beach, as she's still pregnant. Not even a minute later, since Brian and Mia came back from their walk. Dom pulled up in his black Charger with Letty in the passenger seat. Britney looked up at her dad and Mia who smiled as well.
Dom and Elena got out of the car, and walking towards Mia, Brian and Britney, hand in hand like Brian and Mia. Mia walked over to Dom and engulfed him in a bear hug.
"I missed you." Dom said as he hugged Mia back, as she smiled again.
"I missed you too, Dom." Mia told him, and after a brief moment they pulled away. Mia walked over to Letty who met Mia halfway with open arms, as she hugged Mia.
"How are you?" Mia asked her, returning the hug, as they then pulled away as she was smiling.
"I'm good." She said, as her hair was up half-up and half-down as it's summer and it's hot here. She glanced at Dom with an affectionate smile on her face, and then turned back to Mia. "How are you?" She asked.
"I'm good." Mia says grabbing Brian's hand and intertwining their fingers as she gave his hand a quick squeeze as her other hand rubbed her stomach a little. "I'm happy as I ever could be." Mia told her honestly.
Britney was in the house grabbing her Dad and Dom, their drink as of course it was Corona. She was about to walk away but Brian grabbed her arm a little. She turned and looked at her Dad confused on why he grabbed her arm. "Hey, can we talk?" Brian asked her as she raised her eyebrow at his question.
"Uh, yeah." Britney said confusedly as Dom got up and gave the two space for their conversation, knowing that he can talk to Brian when he's done talking to Britney. "I didn't do anything, I swear." Britney said raising her arms in defense as her and her Dad walked to the beach where Mia and him walked earlier.
"You think you're in trouble?" Brian asked her as he laughed a little as Britney nodded her head.
"Yeah, in my defense when you say you 'want to talk', it's a beautiful translation of saying, I'm in trouble." Britney said as she proved her point when Brian nodded his head agreeing with her.
"Okay, sorry, you're not in trouble." Brian said as he held Britney's hand as she turned her head and looked at the ocean.
"Are you going to tell me why you want to talk or have me decide why you want to talk. Which one is it going to be?" Britney asked without looking at her Dad as she was mesmerized by looking at the ocean as her ADHD is back.
"I want your honest opinion, and no joking. How do you feel about me and Mia dating and with her being pregnant with the baby?" Brian asked her as she stopped walking which made Brian do the same as she looked at her father like he said something crazy.
It took Britney a couple seconds to say something serious as that's not her forte, at all. Even she knows that, as she's known saying something sarcastic, and her being serious is something foreign to her. Brian looked at his daughter waiting for her answer to his question about Mia.
"I know you're not replacing Mom by all costs, but I like you and Mia dating. If anything it was because of me that you two are dating. Did you see how cute I was at five." Britney says with a smile on her face as she smiled at her comment, as Brian nodded his head at his daughter, as he took a swig of his Corona that was in his hand.
"Anything else?" Brian asked her as she looked back at the ocean thinking what to say right now, as it's a struggle as the beach is distracting her trying to focus. Brian knows that as that's why he's waiting patiently for her answer.
"I like that Mia is pregnant with the baby, because our boring family is growing for once." Britney said as Brian laughed at her answer, as his smile turned into a small fake frown.
"Hey, we're not boring missy." Brian says to Britney as she poked his stomach as he knew that she was talking about him and her.
"Are you sure about that?" Britney asked him as Brian smiled as he brought his daughter into a hug, as he couldn't believe that she isn't five years old anymore, she isn't growing up and he doesn't like it. He wishes that she could fit in his arms, as he kissed her head. Not knowing that Mia, Letty and Dom are watching them, with smiles on their faces.
The father and daughter break apart from their shared hug, as Brian has his arm wrapped around Britney's back as they make their way towards everyone else.
Dom looked at Brian as Britney rested her head on her father's shoulder.
"You sure you can handle the disappointment?" Dom asked Brian as Britney shook her head as she knew what was doing to happen between the two.
"Could you." Brian said as Britney looked away with a grin on her face at what her father said to Dom.
"Alright O'Conner...." Dom started off with a huge smirk on his face. "Let's see what you got?" After Dom said that Britney couldn't help but laugh.
"Oh this will be fun. Can I join?" Britney asked as Brian smiled at his daughter, as Dom frowned a little playfully as he wanted to do this with Brian. "Oh don't look at me like that, I'm not beating you again. I am riding shotgun with buster over here." Britney said in a sing-song voice which made Brian bust out in laugher at hearing that.
"Okay, Princess." Brian said that as Britney made a mad dash towards her dad's car.
"Get in before I drive, and Dom looses to a fifteen year old." Britney says as the two men get into their cars and the race begins.
As per usual this chapter is over but the book isn't.
Hope you all loved this movie so far!
Next up Fast and Furious 6!
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