Delilah sat with the Slytherin's and it wasn't the worst thing ever, but it was definitely not the Weasley twins. Her only true friends, well so far. She hasn't talked to anyone yet. Her social battery is drained after not using it for almost a month. That's how long she's been here. Delilah was eating the dinner feast that is every night and she was picking at food. Really feeling the odd one out. Hearing the other students being in conversations with their friends talking about what they did over summer break.

"Hey." A voice says as Delilah slowly turned her head and she sees a brunette girl standing next to her. She had brunette hair and brown eyes, and a soft smile, she looked like someone Delilah could hang around with. "I'm Hayley." The girl says as Delilah just gives her a blank look. After a couple awkward seconds of them looking at each other. Then again Delilah doesn't know what to do and or say, as she never really had any encounters with other kids, let alone, other kids her age.

"I'm Delilah." She says as the brunette girl nods her head as she sat beside Delilah. "Delilah Dursley."

"I'm Hayley Greengrass." The girl says. "Is this spot taken?" Hayley asked, as she sat down and grabbed an empty plate as she started fixing up a plate of food.

"No. I don't have any friends. Well I do, but they're in Gryffindor." Delilah says as she pointed to the Weasley twins.

"My older sister is in Slytherin, and the rest of my family." Hayley says as Delilah nods her head. She's still getting used to everything. Which is going to take her a while.

Delilah went back to picking at her foods. She already knows that if Harry saw her right now, he'd be begging her to eat.

"I have a brother but he looks more like a pig. Fat." Delilah comments as Hayley snorted, which made Delilah look at the girl weirdly. "It's true, he looks like a pig."

"I can see that. I'm a pure-blood. Dad is a wizard and Mom is a witch. Dad was friends with Sirius Black before he got sent to Azkaban." Hayley says as Delilah looked at her.

"Who?" Delilah asked as Hayley shook her head, not really surprised that Delilah doesn't know how he is.

"You're a Muggle aren't you?" Hayley asked as Delilah took a sip of water from her goblet that she's been drinking out of.

"Yeah. I'm still new to this whole magic thing and who's who, know what I mean." Delilah says as Hayley nods her head understanding, what Delilah is talking about.

"Yeah, no. I get it. Luckily there will be some Slytherin's that aren't evil and bad. There are some pretty decent pure-blood kids here, that aren't spoiled brats." Hayley says making Delilah take a sigh of relief.

"If I can handle my brother, being spoiled. Pretty sure I can handle the other Slytherin's." Delilah says as Hayley ate some fried potatoes. "Being told that you are a witch a month ago isn't long enough for my brain to comprehend it." She adds as Hayley nods her head, as she already likes the Dursley girl, even if they have been talking for not that long.

"Some of them can get pretty rowdy especially during Quidditch." Hayley says as Delilah nods her head.

"I'm not even going to ask. You know the answer."

"It's a game that people play, because they got nothing to do with their lives." Hayley says to Delilah, as the Dursley girl smiles as she chuckled a little at what she said. "It's true."

"I feel called out. I have no life, and nothing to do." Delilah joked as before they knew it was that dinner was over and the Prefects were leading the students to the Common Room's.

From what Severus Snape had told Delilah is that the Slytherin Common Room is in the basement. Which is new for the girl. Not much was said between the Slytherin prefect and the rest of the students. It was more like an awkward silence, which makes it more uncomfortable.

the next morning

To say that Delilah was waiting for her cousin to wake her up, was an understatement. She was waiting for Harry to shake her to wake her up. But he never came. She knows that it will take time for her to get used to everything, and also fully comprehend that she is a witch. Which is going to take a while.

After she got dressed and did a french braid for her hair style, she looked around to see if Hayley was still here, and indeed she was. Still sleeping. Of course.

"Hayley, time to wake up." Delilah says to her new friend, as her said friend started stirring in her sleep. So she's awake, but she doesn't want to get up. Her new best friend stirred again in her sleep. "We got class."

After Delilah said that, that's when Hayley woke up. "Crap." Hayley says as she hurriedly picked her school clothes, and got a pair of converse on.

The two actually had about ten minutes to kill before class, as Delilah tricked Hayley thinking that they were late, when in which they indeed were not. Hayley stopped to catch her breath as she isn't a runner and this isn't what she wanted to do after she woke up. She looked around as she was catching their breaths and there wasn't a soul in sight. She looked at Delilah.

"Did you trick me? Because if we were late for class there would be a couple other people running too." Hayley says as she gave her friend a playful glare.

"I wanted you to get up, so we can swing to the great hall together and get something quick for breakfast. That and I found passage way, that I wanted to show you." Delilah says as that sparked Hayley's attention. Well the passage way part did, everything else, no.

"What is the passage?" Hayley asked her friend.

"I will show you after our first class, in between our second class." Delilah says as Hayley had a small frown.

Delilah got her hopes up, as she thought that she was going to go see this secret passage that her friend was talking about, but of course she wasn't.

"Can we see the passage now??" Hayley asked in a whiney tone which made Delilah have a teasing brow.

"Shh, the whole school will know." Delilah says as she put a hand over her friend's mouth which made the ladder look at her best friend.

"There is no one here." Hayley said, though it sounded muffled with her best friend's hand over her mouth. Which was slightly tickling Delilah's hand.

"Let's go get breakfast and eat it on the way to class." Delilah says as Hayley nods her head before the two girls sprinted off again, though this time in the direction of the Great Hall.

After the two girls got something quick to eat for breakfast, they once again sprinted, though this time to Potion's class. They still had a couple minutes before class started. When they got to the class, they found spots vacant and they sat in that, as they caught their breaths as it is a long sprint from the Great hall to the Potion's classroom.

It is enough for their exercise for the day, but then again they will be doing that everyday, at least when they are in school. They will definitely have to get used to doing that everyday.

Their Potions class went better than the two girls thought it would be. The Weasley twins got Gryffindor into a lot of trouble with Severus. They kept joking off, as Delilah tried not to smile and or laugh so she wouldn't get into trouble. She did really good, as Severus taught her what she would need to know. He took a liking in the girl, which was fine. It was now lunch time and the school is in the Great Hall.

After lunch they have a free period so they are gonna hang out for a bit, as they are too young to try out for Quidditch. Just after lunch ended the girls decided on going to the library as it is quieter. Just as they left the Great Hall Professor McGonagall walked towards them, she had a small smile at seeing the girls. "Delilah, how are you liking the school so far?" Minerva asked as Delilah nodded her head.

"I like it so far. Me and Hayley have free period so we are gonna go to the library." Delilah says to the Professor, who nodded her head.

"How was Potions?" Minerva asked as Hayley nodded her head.

"It went better than we expected. The Weasley twins got Gryffindor into a lot of trouble, they kept joking off." Hayley explains to Minerva who nods her head at the middle Greengrass girl.

"I'm guessing they are gonna get us into trouble a lot, I presume." Minerva says as Delilah nodded her head.

"I can see that happening." Delilah joked a little which made the other two laugh a little, as the Dursley girl wasn't wrong on that aspect of it.

"Well have a good day girls." Minerva says as the two girls waved at the older woman before heading in the direction of the library.

The two girls finished at the library where they had to drift apart for their next class, Delilah had Charm and Hayley had Defense Against the Dark Arts or DADA. Delilah did exceptionally well as her partner was a Slytherin boy, whom the girl had already forgot what his name was. He didn't do any of the work and had Delilah do everything. Professor Flitwick was proud of the Dursley girl, as for a Muggle girl with zero magic ability except for her eyes changing color, she was the best that he had seen out of a first year.

Before Delilah knew it, and a couple hours after Charms class, it was now the end of school, which was fine. The two girls met up, in the Slytherin Common Room, where they would hang out. Just when they got to the Common Room a girl who is in their year her name is Delphina Malfoy, which is Draco's older sister by a year.

Delphina is an acquaintance of the Dursley girl, mainly because Delphina is the popular Slytherin girl out of the first years for Slytherin. So she has her own cliche, so hence the reason why Delilah hadn't talked to the girl. Delphina had what looks like a small piece of paper, which had Delilah's name on the front of it. "It is from a Gryffindor." Delphina says as she handed the Dursley girl the piece of paper before she gave her a small smile before she decided on heading in the direction of the girls dorms.

It didn't take Delilah that long to figure out who had sent her the piece of paper. It was Fred. She opened it, to where she could see the words, but one problem there was nothing there. "What if it is invisible ink?" Hayley whispered in her friend's ear, before said Hayley grabbed her wand and Aparecium (that is a spell that reveals invisible ink). It revealed and said: meet me by the willow tree in ten minutes, we have something to show you.

Delilah knew that George was going to be there too, as him and Fred do everything together. Sorta like her and her cousin Harry. The two girls quickly changed into some casual clothes before they sprinted towards the direction of the Whomping Willow tree. When the two girls saw the Weasley twins, the said boys had wide grins on their faces.

"What's up?" Hayley asked as she wanted to come with too, mainly to see what the surprise was that the twins wanted to show the two girls.

"It might look like a piece of parchment paper, but you wouldn't guess what it is." George says as he grabbed out his want, and pointed it at the piece of paper, and recited a series of words, 'i solemnly swear that i am up to no good"." George then put his wand back into his robe pocket.

"Where did you guys get this?" Delilah asked the twins as she read what said on the parchment paper. "Messrs, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the Marauder's Map."

"Who are those people?" Hayley questioned as she stands beside Delilah.

"The four greatest people in history, that is." Fred says as George nods his head at his brother.

When Delilah saw that she saw dots of where people where, sorta scared her. "Bloody hell." Delilah cursed under her breath, as she was amazed and also scared of watching the dots move. "Why are the dots moving?" Delilah asked, as she pointed to the dots. What caught her attention was four dots which were close to each other.

"The four dots are us, see?" George says, as when George moved, so did the dot that had George's name.

"Bloody hell." Hayley cursed, but this time she didn't bother hiding it.

After the two Weasley twins got done explaining what the map does and what they knew already of what it was about. "When you are done, say, 'mischief managed'."

After the map slowly disappeared, and it was back being a piece of parchment paper, Fred put it into his robe pocket and the four of them walked back into the school, as they wanted to hang out.


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