title: immortal
faceclaims: lola flanery
oc(s) name: annika lokisdottir
character's alias(s): annika strange (earth name), annika lokisdottir (asguardan name)
planet origin: asgard (home planet) & earth (adopted home planet)
love interest: peter parker
first appearance: spiderman: homecoming (or thor: ragnork)
last appearance: spiderman: no way home
description of book: annika was abandoned by her father and brought to earth where she met stephen strange, and while he wasn't of raising a child, let alone a baby. he made it work. even if annika grew up sarcastic, narsisstic, and a tad self-centered at times, she does have a good heart. so years later when two men show up at rhe santorm santrum, she couldn't help but not look at loki. why? he was her birth father. the one who abandoned her all those years ago. this is annika's story of making amends with her father before its too late.
if you don't like the description you can edit it to your liking but try to keep good majority of it. as there are important details of annika!
backstory of character(s): annika was born to be a leader, so when she got abandoned by her father, loki, and a couple years later, she crashed her little group of misfits because they were the only people (at that time who could tolerate annika). so when they tragically died in an explosion, annika is blamed (by the media and news that she way the one who caused the explosion, but she didn't). so, she quit being a hero and went to get vengence for her friends death. which resulted in her becoming a vigilante.Β so a while later, when two men come asking her dr. stranges' help annika recognized one of the men as her father who abandoned her. it took a while but loki and annika made amends but when they did loki for murdered by thanos
β she conqured her demons and wore her wings like scars - atticus β
about annika lokidottir
full name: annika lokisdottir
age: fifteen in human years
powers/abilities: superhuman stamina, superhuman strength, superhuman agility, precognotion (meaning she can see the future), elemental transmutation (meaning she can go from one element to another)
superhero/villain name: black angel
family: loki laufeyson/odinson (father) {alive turned deceased}
thor odinson (uncle)
frigga (grandmother) {alive turned deceased}
odin (grandfather {alive turned deceased}
dr. stephen strange (adopted father)
black angel: how annika became the black angel is from the media, after her friends tragic deaths. the name just stook as that was her alias
β i really should have stayed at school β - spiderman: no way home [annika to herself]
β you abandoned me when i was a baby, so sorry if i want nothing to do with you β - thor: ragnork [annika to loki]
β stephen may not have been the best dad out there but at least he loves me, unlike you. so if you die, i won't go to your funeral, that is how much i don't care about you β - thor: ragnork [annika to loki]
β is it too late to jump off, and slowly die in peace? β - thor: ragnork [annika to herself]
β don't mind him, he doesn't like kids or children very much. he is a pussy at times β - spiderman: no way home [annika to peter parker]
β never thought of the day that i would discover that i am a goddess, and the daughter of a god β - spider-man: homecoming [annika to mivhelle jones, ned leeds and peter parker]
β i found out i have powers when i was six years old β - spiderman: homecoming [annika to peter parker]
important notes for the book
β’ it will take a while for annika to warm up to her father because he had abandoned her and sent her to earth
β’ annika and peter will be friends slowly turned lovers. so a slowburn between the two
β’ annika and peter will admit their feelings in spiderman: far from home, and from that they will slowly date each other
β’ her little group of misfits could be your characters that you could come up with for the book
β’ her little group of misfits will tragically die in an explosion and annika will be the only survivor
β’ if you want to have annika having a boyfriend before peter go ahead, also try to make peter jealous of annika and her boyfriend
important information
β’ here is the timeline i have in mind: spiderman: homecoming, thor: ragnork, avengers: infinity war/avengers: endgame, spiderman: far from home, and ending in spiderman: no way home (i would highly request this book be in multiple parts because her story will start in spiderman: homecoming (or an AU, which means alrernate universe), and it will end in spiderman: no way home. it will be easier if it in multiple parts)
anything not in here is completely up to you to decide what happens to annika. there is room for your own creativity and ideas.
password: why would you want this plot? be honest.
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