
third person's POV

Ingrid woke up the next morning she definitely felt so much better and was definitely not tired as she was well rested which she hadn't been in such a long time, as it feels like forever since that happened. She got up and started to take a shower to freshen up. When she was done she grabbed a couple towels and dried herself off. She was done with her drying and then she got some comfy clothes and a pair of socks not wanting to wear shoes. She then walked downstairs to get something for breakfast.

"Ingrid." she heard someone say as it didn't sound familiar but she definitely heard that voice and she turned around and it was that Coulson dude. Whatever his name was, she couldn't remember. Ingrid turned around to give him her full attention and he gave her a small smile. "Director Fury says he wants you as it's urgent." He says as Ingrid frowns as she wanted breakfast first before he even socializes with anyone.

They got to Fury's office and Phil knocked on the door and opened it before closing it again. Ingrid sat in the nearest chair to her and fiddled with her fingers. "Sir, um what am i hear for." Ingrid asked in a timid voice to the director as he looked from one of the five computers that he has. Nick looks at the timid girl and motions for her to come closer to his desk which she obeyed. She sat in front of him and he gave her a file and she looked back up from the file. "The reason why i brought you here, don't worry your not into trouble or anything. It's because only you have a mission." He explains calmly for the sake of the girl. He never is this calmly to the other agents and Avengers but for the sake of Ingrid he is.

"Who's this mission, I have, sir?" Ingrid says quietly as nick heard her clearly, as she glanced back down to the file of her mission. 

"His name is James Barnes, he's what most people call a ghost story or a myth like you were." Nick says as she understands what he's talking about as she nods her head as a couple strains fall down her face. 

"I understand sir." ingrid says as he also doesn't let anyone call him sir but he doesn't mind it when ingrid calls him that for some reason. Is he growing soft on ingrid? Or in general. He thought before he continues to talk. 

"The reason why you are doing the mission is because if I recall you were at HYDRA?" Nick asks as she nods her head hesitantly at the mention of the very place she called hell. Well she might've not said it out loud to anyone but she definitely said it in her head. Her hand starts to become shaky and clammy as her breathing hitched as her eyes start watering at the very thought about going back to the place she definitely doesn't want to go back to. But apparently she has to for this mission.

Nick looks at her now reaction of her being all shaky, clammy and her breathing starts hitching he almost has guilt of sending her there. He didn't know how much HYDRA would actually affect the girl. "Do I have to go back there because if I do and I appreciate the mission but if I have to go back, I'm not going at all. I'm not risking being brainwashed, tortured, and beaten again like the old days. I'm sorry Nicholas I really am but I'm not going back there if my life depended on it. I am finally free and away from my superiors there." Ingrid says to the man as she now has both of her hands onto the table as she has tears streaming her cheeks but she clearly struggles to hold them in as she is holding back a sob.

Nick gives her a look like he's never done before as he doesn't believe he hasn't felt this much of emotion in a really long time as it feels foreign to him feeling like this. He can see right through Ingrid and knows that she is this tough girl that will take the chance of insulting you right in front of you. But, yet here she is clearly not wanting to go back to HYDRA. He thought it was a good idea because she was there and would know it inside and out. "Even if I did go back I bet he wouldn't be there, in the first place." Ingrid says as Nick looked at her confused but didn't want to question it further. "I'm sorry, but I have to go." Ingrid says before abruptly getting up and walking out of the office.

Ingrid left and Nick sighed to himself as he thought about what he was going to do now. Ingrid got to where the Avengers are and Steve immediately gets up as Clint pokes him and motions towards the girl. "What's wrong, didn't Fury tell you about your mission?" steve asks the girl but she didn't reply as she brushed past him as tony grins. 

"What's her problem?" The billionaire says as Natasha grabbed a book and harshly slapped the billionaire across his head for being an ass. 

"Now you know why you got kicked in the crotch by a girl. Because you don't keep your fat mouth shut." Clint retorts back to Tony and said billionaire has his mouth open at Hawkeye. 

"My mouth isn't fat." Tony says as the Avengers nodded their heads at him and he shakes his head before having enough of the Avengers and going down to his lab.

"Give her a while to cool down and then steve can go and talk to her." Bruce says as he grabbed his book that Natasha took away from him to smack Tony with. Ingrid was in her room crying as she wants to leave right now but she doesn't want to take the risk of getting caught and then getting back into her cell. In the meantime Steve went to talk to Fury.

Steve knocks on fury's door and then opens it the said Director is confused why Steve is here. "Can i help you captain?" Nick asks in almost a joking manner but his smile dropped at seeing the serious look on Steve's face. 

"Why did you think it was a novel idea about making a girl who clearly doesn't want to go back to HYDRA. She already went through enough torture and brainwashing there and she doesn't want to take the risk." Steve says as Fury has his mouth slightly gaped open as Steve stops talking to give the Director a chance to speak. 

"I didn't realize how she would feel about it, I thought it would've been a good idea because she was familiar with the place." Nick says explaining his side of the story as Steve crosses his arms tightly to each other.

Steve lets what Fury said soak into him before he sighs as he is at a lost for words to say. Both men are exactly. Since neither of them said anything Steve looked at Fury before nodding and then walking out of the office leaving once again Fury to himself. Steve sighs as he brushes his hand through his hair as he gets back to everyone else. Debating or not of going to check onto Ingrid but chooses against it.

Ingrid is in her room as she uses her shirt to wipe her tears before sniffing her nose and grabbing a tissue and blowing her nose to breathe. Just then a knock was heard as she was blowing her nose and she was hesitant of getting up to answer it. But, she did and walked towards the door before opening it and instantly wished she hadn't. It was the infamous Tony Stark with a little box. "I made this for you, can I come in?" He says as ingrid opened the door more just barely enough room to step in. "I want to say I'm sorry about everything I realized you treat others the way you want to be treated. I didn't realize how my actions were of being sarcastic." Tony says as it definitely shocked Ingrid but she looked him confusedly. "Don't worry it feels weird hearing myself saying that." He says with a light chuckle before handing her the small box. "Open it." Tony says as she opened it like it was going to jump out at her.

Inside it was a hearing aid as she is deaf in one ear. Tony thought that if he made her that, she'd halfass earn his trust or something like that. She looked at it confused as tony brought her desk chair over to her to show her how it works.

After he showed her how to use it and she understood a little well, he thought she did because she was nodding her head. He turned it on and had her put it in her ear and almost instantly she heard him in both ears and not just one. It felt like a kid opening up presents on Christmas morning that's how happy she was when she finally was able to hear clearly out of both ears. Without thinking she instantly hugged him and thanked him and he was shocked but hugged her back. He just went along with it and hugged her back knowing this would most likely be the only time he'd hug her.

After Tony left Ingrid started reading a Harry Potter book as she grabbed the first one and read where she left off at. She must've been reading for what felt like ever but was actually almost four hours as she is now onto the third book as she is halfway through the third one. What made her jump a little was a knock on the door and the door opened and it was Steve. She smiled when saw who it was before going back to her reading. "Whatcha readin'?" He asks as he sits beside her on her bed. "Tony told me how excited you were when you tried on the hearing aid. You shocked him when you hugged him." Steve says as Ingrid suddenly stops and looks at him like he offered her. He looked at her side-eyed before chuckling a little at her reaction. 

"I did what?" Ingrid says as steve nods his head again as she groaned before speaking something in russian.

"You know one of these days you need to speak english, it's very helpful." Steve says as ingrid rolls her eyes before going back to her book again. She sighed her head before she puckered her lips. 

"Doesn't your little girlfriend speak russian, she seems to know a lot of shit, including crawling up my ass and making me want to put my foot up her ass." Ingrid says in perfectly clear English and Steve shot his head into her direction at what she said and about who she was talking about. Natasha, his Natasha. 

"You need to cut it out ingrid, I mean it." Steve says in a warning tone as that meant nothing to Ingrid as said girl smirked like she did when she first insulted Natasha and said that well at least in that tone.

"Last I checked steven you aren't the boss of me and you can't tell me what to do, so nice try." Ingrid says as steve clenched his fists as his knuckles slowly started turning white at her attitude right now as he's not liking it. 

"Your a kid and I'm an adult that's how that works Ingrid Rose." Steve says as he harshly took away her book and moved it so she couldn't reach it.

"That's shit, old man." Ingrid says obviously challenging the man but he gets up. 

"Keep fucking talking like that and you'll get what we like to call getting grounded." Steve says as Ingrid continues to have her smirk on her face obviously not fazed by what he's saying. 

"Okay so, and then what?" Ingrid says to the man as he then walks out of the room clearly pissed as he walks to his room that he shares with Natasha.

"Let me guess she said something stuff and she pissed you off." Natasha says as she lays onto her stomach on her elbows as she is on a tablet looking at some file on SHIELD. Steve sighs clearly as a yes as Natasha smirked as she got all of that right. "Yay points for me." Natasha says with a small chuckle as Steve smiles faintly at her jokes. No matter what mood he's in and Natasha will think of and say the most random joke and he'll laugh at it even if he clearly doesn't want to.

"Good for you, Nattie." Steve says as he's the only person who can call her that, as she literally would murder anyone who isn't Steve. Why because she likes how he says it as it rolls off his tongue. He changes into a t-shirt and a pair of night pants before crawling into bed next to Natasha as she now moved to her side of the bed. Natasha put her tablet on the night stand and insert the charger inside of it so it could charge.

The next day

Ingrid woke up and started her newly morning routine and then got dressed and then started putting on some makeup as she is having more of an edgy look as she put on some eyeliner and eyeshadow both being dark colors. Then she went downstairs to get some breakfast silently without talking to anyone. As per usual Steve was down there and then didn't say anything as he knows how her temper is. Slowly but surely the rest of the Avengers emerged from their own bedrooms and made their way downstairs. Bruce and Tony went down to the lab to do their own thing. Natasha made some coffee as she went around Ingrid getting the coffee grounds and whatnot. Ingrid was making a bagel and grabbed a thing of cream cheese and then put the bagel in the toaster to get it nice and crunchy the way that she likes her bagels.

Once her bagel was done and got her cream cheese she started making her way to her bedroom before Steve stopped her. "You aren't going to eat in your room, now." He says in a warning tone definitely still pissed from last night as he glared at her and she returned it before muttering words under her breath as she sat away from him. Ingrid ate in silence as Clint sat beside her and she didn't even talk to him either.

After everyone finished their breakfast they went along their day as they normally would every day as Ingrid disappeared to her bedroom like she normally would after breakfast as she completely ignored Steve's words to come back. Ingrid got to her room and got her books and made her way to her balcony and opened her balcony door and found a comfy spot and opened a random book as it was one of her unfinished harry potter books.

Ingrid slowly grew more sleepy but wanted to stay outside it was more her safe place. Well her new safe place she suddenly heard something and instantly grabbed her gun and pointed it at the person. Not realizing that it was Clint Barton or Hawkeye as she has been hearing. He smiled at the girl and she smiled back before going back to her book. "Hey, ingrid how you doin'?" He asked her with a small smile before sitting down beside her. Since she has been here she'd sometimes talk to Clint but it was mainly small talk which he wouldn't force her to do if she doesn't want to.

"Reading a book." She says a little quietly and Clint smiled at that. He likes the girl when she isn't mad or wanting to kick Tony in the crotch for him being an ass. Clint nods his head at her with a smile. 

"That's good, what book." He says to her as she showed him the book and he smiled. "I like that it's my favorite." He says as she has a smile on her face as she likes talking to him even if it's small talk. There's very few people she'd talk to at SHIELD, she needs to edit her list now.

tony stark annoys me
steve roger's says he'll 'ground men's whatever that is
natasha romanoff oh hell fucking no

people she will talk to
nick fury
clint barton

Haven't talked with that glasses guy yet so he's not on the list. Though from what she has seen and heard he's a nice guy. Though doesn't know what the 'other guy's is when they are talking to glasses guy.

"So, um how do you like it here? You obviously don't like Tony which is fine as neither do I." Clint says with a little chuckle as he wants to learn more about the girl that keeps starting fights around here. Ingrid looks at him with a smile but then it turns bitter. "На самом деле это неплохо, хотя люди здесь надоедливые, а обслуживание номеров ужасное, так что, к сожалению, одна звезда из пяти." Ingrid says as Clint tried to hold in his laughter at what she said as he couldn't agree more with her. 'It's not bad here though the people are annoying and the room service is terrible so an unfortunately one star out of five.

Clint was shocked that she knew russian but maybe that's why Natasha says that she was at HYDRA and the red room. Clint fumbles over his own russian as he finds words to say. "Что ж, мне жаль, что обслуживание номеров не соответствует вашим стандартам. Кто те люди, которые раздражают?" He says as Ingrid giggles meaning that he must've said it funny. well, i'm sorry the room service isn't up to your standards. who are the people that are annoying?

Ingrid likes talking to clint as he is funny, like really funny. "Наталья, Тони, Стив и этот пират раздражает. Как он потерял глаз? Он настоящий пират?" Ingrid says as Clint stifles in his laughter when she called nick pirate guy. What she isn't wrong. He is a pirate. natalia, tony, steve and that pirate guy is annoying. how did he lose his eye? is he a real pirate?

Clint shakes his head with an amused grin. "No he isn't a pirate, that's honestly what I thought when I got here. If I remember how he lost his eye, I think it was from a cat, that was an alien disguised as a cat." When Clint said that Ingrid's laughter was the only thing ringing in his ear but he liked it. 

"Oh my God it was from a cat?......Wait what is a cat?" Ingrid says continuing their conversation as he grabbed out his phone and searched up a random picture of a cat and showed it to her as he explained. She eventually got the explanation but still tried not to laugh at nick.

Clint went to say something but then his phone rang and without excusing himself he just answered it as it was fury. but all ingrid heard was these words. "Ya. What is it? Really. Okay yeah on my way." Clint then hung up with a tiny frown he had to leave his new friend for a mission. "I'm sorry duty calls." He says implying that he has to go. 

Ingrid had the same frown on her face as she nods her head understanding the situation. "Have fun on whatever it is." She says as he nodded his head before leaving her room and heading towards the Quinjet. Ingrid decided that she could get out of her room probably knowing that the rest of the team is gone on the same mission as Clint she would never know. But when she heard a noise that sounded like a jet and the whole place quiet she knew she was right.

"Most mit fogok csinálni? Most nincs ember, akit sértegetni lehetne. bassza meg." She says in a language that almost felt weird to her which was hungarian. She pouted at seeing the quietness of the place as she doesn't know how long the gang will be gone. So, she decided she will leave and explore. what am i going to do now? there's no people to insult now. fuck.

"I wouldn't do that Miss." A voice said making Ingrid scream and she turned around to see who said that and she saw that Coulson dude. "Yes you, I am here to make sure you don't leave. Orders from Mr. stark and Director Fury." He says as she raised an eyebrow at him before squinting her eyes. "Well now what am I going to do?" Ingrid says to the dude as he got something out from his pocket and opened it before reading it off as she crossed her arms over her chest.

you can read a book.
draw something inappropriate in natasha's direction
eat some food
watch some television
go through your clothes and shoes
read more books
do not escape through your bedroom window
do not try to escape as coulson has eyes on the back of his head

Coulson guy stopped reading that list as it sounds like it was made from either Tony or Nick but she doesn't know which one. After he read her the list he put it back into his pocket because giving her a small smile and she rolled her eyes as she made her way to her bedroom. She was going to leave and see what was going to happen she ain't scared of the Coulson dude.

hurricane ingrid is about to make landfall.


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