somethings stays the same

[This was a random thing I thought of. So hope you enjoy]


Third Person's POV

It was one of those days when the daughters of Aurora and Phillip were having their birthdays over with Ben son of Belle and Beast, Lonnie daughter of Mulan and Li Shang, Petra Pan daughter of Periwinkle (sister of Tinkerbell), Bethany Bell daughter of Tinkerbell, Annalise Kingsleigh daughter of Alice, Avery son of Ariel and Eric and Hannah daughter of Hercules and Megara. Those were the only friends that Alivia had, but the ones that she was close to were Ben, Jane, Lonnie, and Annalise. She loved the friends that she did have she was grateful. Her sister, of course, had more friends for her, which Liv didn't care for in the slightest. Alivia and Audrey have two different personalities.

Liv is more laid back and nice while Audrey is a brat and spoiled. It doesn't help that her grandmother gave her everything that she wanted while Liv only got the scraps. Audrey would always try to steal her sister's joy and happiness, but that didn't stop Liv from using that to get her sister into trouble. It sorta worked.

Their parents' lavish ballroom was covered in birthday decorations, and that may have come from their rooms. Well, at least Liv's.

Including her block tower, which is her favorite thing because she made her castles. She loved doing it, as it was somewhat relaxing, just building what was on her mind. She was humming a song in her head as she was minding her own business as she was making a block tower with her friend Jane, the daughter of Fairy Godmother. Jane is about a year younger than Liv, and they are close. Jane always wants to come over to see Liv and avoid Audrey.

Jane was giggling when Liv was making a bridge for their two castles so they could be connected. "I love that, Livie," Jane says as she brings Liv into a big hug. They were enjoying their building in a quiet corner where Ben was building a pirate ship made out of the same blocks.

"Alivia, mom said she wants you." Was the voice that broke Liv out of her playtime.

"What does she want?" Liv asked, and the next thing that she knew was that Audrey had kicked her block tower as she was laughing, thinking it was funny.

This sparked something in Liv, but she didn't show it. She expected nothing less from her sister as she rolled her eyes annoyed at her sister.

"Audrey, that wasn't nice," Ben says, being on Liv's side like he always is. He doesn't like Audrey that much because of how mean she is to her sister and everyone else.

"I thought it was funny," Audrey says as she does the does thing to Jane, and she gets up and went to her mother crying.

"Audrey, stop it." Ben says slightly, raising his voice at the girl who could honestly care less.

"But Bennyboo. It was funny. Wasn't it?" Audrey asks Ben as he shakes his head at her.

"I'm done playing with you. You mean and not nice to your sister and Jane." He says proudly with a proud look on his face as he walked off before going back to grab his pirate ship before Audrey could ruin that.

After Ben got his pirate ship before Audrey could ruin it. He walked over to Liv as she was playing with her dolls. He sat down beside his friend, who had a slight pout on her face, which broke Ben's heart just by looking at her. He had an idea.

"You good, Liv?" Ben asked his friend as she nodded her head with a small sad smile.

"Yeah, just sometimes wish I was an only child, or didn't have Audrey as a sister." Liv says as Ben put down his pirate ship and gave his friend a tight embrace.

"It's sad how she's mean and a brat, and you're the nicest girls I've ever met." Ben says to Liv, which she smiles at him.

"She was shaken too many times." Liv says quieter so no one can hear what she just said about her sister.

"She really has, and yet you're the normal one." Ben says which made Liv giggle at him.

"Shocker, right." She remarked which made him smile at her.



After the party had died down and people started leaving which was a good thing as Liv's social battery was draining, as she mainly stayed by Ben's side, not leaving.

Which is fine as she entertained herself, as Audrey was throwing a tantrum because she got a present that she didn't want. Which was automatically gonna go to Liv, as a hand-me-down, type of thing. If not sometimes she'd give it to Ben or one of her friends.

"I wanna be with Ben but Liv keeps hogging him." Audrey says throwing a tantrum as Liv was just staring at her sister.

"Sure, okay." He says not really enthusiastic about it, as him and Audrey don't exactly see eye-to-eye on a lot of stuff. Then again how Audrey treats her friends like they're her personal slaves even at the age of six.

There is a personality change between Alivia and Audrey. Liv is more laid back and chill and Audrey is a spoiled princess who wants people there for her every whim and call. It's annoying, to say the least, but it's a nightmare when you have to live with Audrey and deal with her every day of your life.

After Ben played with Audrey, more like listening to her talking about nonsense, he got bored and excused himself making her huff as he immediately went towards Liv.

Liv was reading a book in the corner as she sometimes likes reading in the corner. Ben smiled at his best friend. When she saw him in front of her, she looked up and smiled. "Is it bad I want this day to be over with?"

Benย smiled at her with a shake of his head. "No, I don't blame you, actually." He says as he held out his hand, as he helped her up.

"Thanks." She says to him before thet made their way to the former King and Queen of Auradon.

"Happy birthday, Liv." Belle says when she first saw Liv.

"Thank you, Belle." Liv says as Belle brought ber into a hug as she was also Liv's godmother.

"Of course, sweetie." Belle says as she also kissed Liv's head, which made the little girl grin even more, before ber smile faultered.

"What's wrong?" Beast as the girl, as he followed her gaze, and it lead to her parents Aurora and Phillip. They were both hugging Audrey, and probably wishing her a happy birthday, and they hadn't done the same for Liv at all.

The poor girl is feeling betrayed by her own parents as she looks like she wants to cry. Beast picked up the girl in his arms as she nuzzled her head on the nape of his neck.

"Its okay. Come lets go get ice cream." Beast says as Liv nods her head not saying anything. Before she knows it, they're in the royal carriage heading to the town.

When they got to the ice cream parlor, and everyone got their desired flavors. They picked a spot in the shade to sit.

After their ice cream distraction and Liv telling Belle and Beast what she saw between her parents and Audrey. The four of them head back to the carriage back to town, Liv couldn't help but wonder what was in the barrier.

She knows that she probably shouldn't be curious of the forbidden isle of the lost, but she can't help but look at the beauty that lies in it.

on the isle of the lost

Carlos sits by the pier with his cousin Diego who is the son of Cruella's brother, Cecil B. De Vil. He would sometimes come by the pier and just look at what's on the other side of the barrier, particularly in Auradon; the forbidden city where the good people live. Along with the prissy pink princesses. There are a lot of nicknames for Auradon.

"What are you looking at?" Diego asked his cousin, as Carlos had been staring at Auradon for like a good solid minute.

Carlos got out of his gaze, and turned to his cousin, as he shook his head. "Nothing." He lied to his cousin as Diego raised an eyebrow at his cousin's lie.

It was obvious that he was lying, as he could see through Carlos, as Carlos could do the same to his cousin. Diego is Carlos' only friend on the isle of the lost.

"You ever wonder what's in Auradon? Ever thought aboht living there?" Carlos randomly asked which caught Diego off guard.

"Why would you want to live there?" He questioned as Carlos looked back to Auradon.

"It's away from everything here, you probably don't have to look over your shoulder, watch out for pirates, that sort of thing. Sort of like a second chance at life." Carlos explained as Diego understood what he was talking about, it just felt weird talking about Auradon.

"Guess, it does make sense. I personally wouldn't change it " Hs says which Carlos nods his head as no words come to mind.

"I just want want to see what's over there." Carlos says, not realizing that in nine years that wish would come true when him and Mal, Evie and Jay go to Auradon.

"CARLOS!!" Was a voice that broke the two boys out of their conversation. Carlos tyrned over to find his little sister Ceci.

"What's wrong?" He asked his sister as her hair is in pig tail braids. Its half white, half black.

"The devil wants you." She says as the two boys knows exactly who she was talking about.

"What does she want now?" He asked as Ceci shrugs her shoulders.

"Why don't you go ask her, yourself?" She questioned as he gave his sister a look.

"Fine, come on Diego." Carlos says as his cousin got up and the three of them headed back home.

โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ: *โœง๏ฝฅ๏พŸ:*

Am I going to re read this chapter for errors? No.

Excuse the spelling errors.

Here is the surprise chapter for this book!

Love you all, and I am thankful for the support of this book over the years! Thank you!


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