isle of the doom
Third Person's POV
Alivia was still asleep when Carlos and Jay caught their breaths as they ran towards her room and Carlos unlocked the door, and he pressed his index finger to his lips and Jay nodded understanding. A faint snoring can be heard in the room, and when they saw that a body was moving they froze in their tracks, not knowing if Alivia had heard them coming in. But she just rolls onto her right side, and she goes back to snoring soundly.
After the coast was clear, the boyfriend of said sleeping girl made his way to Alivia's bed as he's tip-toeing carefully, like he's back on the isle and he's sneaking away from his mother. Jay sits on a chair watching the scene of Carlos waking up Alivia.
Carlos was debating if he should do this, and when they complete the mission that he'd come back to Alivia, but that's not what he's going to do. She's coming with them to the isle to get Mal back, where she belongs, as she might listen to her best friend. Might.
Carlos softly shakes her and a groan can be heard from Alivia, and he has a small smile at seeing her waking up. When she opens her eyes she jumps a little at seeing Carlos right in front of her and she jumps into his arms.
"Morning sleeping beauty." Jay says as Alivia wakes up, and she groans making Carlos chuckle, and she hits her head back onto the pillow.
"So this is what-" Carlos says as he was going to tell Alivia what the plan was now, before he got interrupted by Jay.
"We had to make a 3D copy of Fairy Godmother's wand because Mal went back to the isle, and you are coming with. We're not going to let anyone touch you. Lonnie is coming also." Jay says quickly explaining to Alivia what the plan was and she groans again as a response. "I hate to do this...but you left me with no choice."
Jay picks up Alivia and has her over his shoulder, and she tries to fight against it as the three now four of them plus Lonnie, are now walking out with Alivia still on his shoulder. She grabbed his arm and did a flip, with Jay still clutching her as Carlos and Lonnie took a couple of steps behind. Jay literally fell onto the ground with a thud and Alivia smirks at seeing Jay on the ground, and he looks back up at her with a scared look.
"Never knew you could do that." Jay says as Carlos and Lonnie help him back on his feet, as Alivia quickly changes out of her pajamas.
As she's now in a black and pink leather outfit, which consists of a pink ripped shirt, and a black leather jacket and her hair in a ponytail, and black ripped jeans with pink heeled boots.
"Whoa! How did you do that, so fast?" Jay asks her and she smirks at him, and Carlos gaped at seeing Alivia in her new outfit that Evie had worked on for Alivia knowing that she doesn't like dresses.
"You learn something in sixteen years of your life." Alivia says as they get to the limo that they are going to be driving to the island.
"Okay miss smarty pants." Jay says and Alivia smirks at him and Carlos chuckles at her.
Carlos and Alivia were sitting in the back as Lonnie and Jay were upfront together, Alivia was having her head on Carlos' lap and he was playing with her hair.
"So what did you do while we were gone?" Carlos asks Alivia and she smiles a little.
"Did what every princess does, sing their hearts out." Alivia says and Carlos laughed at hearing her response.
"Sounds like fun." Carlos says and she shrugs her shoulders. "It's going to be okay, trust me."
Alivia nods her head a little and he leans down a little and softly kisses her lips, a couple moments later the two of them break the kiss.
They arrived on the Isle of the Lost and quickly got to work on the plan. Alivia pushed aside her fears about the isle and helped the boys and Lonnie get ready for the battle.
"I'll get the swords." Jay offers before he and Carlos went over to the trunk, as Lonnie and Alivia jogged up to Mal and Evie.
"Liv, Lonnie." Mal gasps as Lonnie and Alivia hugged her.
"I made them bring us." Lonnie tells Mal as the three girls pulled away from the hug.
"I'm so glad." Mal says with relief and Alivia smiles at seeing Evie and the two of them hugged.
"Welcome to the Isle, it's good to see you both." Evie greets me and Lonnie.
"Thanks." We both replied.
Alivia looks behind her and sees the boys approaching us with Dude beside them and she grins.
"Isn't he supposed to be in Auradon?" Alivia says pointing to the dog.
"Never listen to me." Carlos says to Alivia.
"Oh!" Mal gasped when she saw the fake wand. "Here, let me see."
Carlos hands her the wand and she checks it out. "Wow, what a beauty." Mal remarks.
"Uma will never know it's the fake." Alivia smiles.
"It's noon." Jay informs us.
"Alright, are we ready?" Mal asks the gang and they nod their heads.
"Yeah." Evie says lifting the bag of smoke bombs.
"Let's do this." Mal declares as Carlos and Alivia share an uneasy look before all of them enter the tunnel. Carlos turns around and Alivia follows his actions to see Dude chasing us, but Carlos pointed at him.
"Stay!" Carlos orders Dude, but the dog pouted in response.
"I mean it." Carlos sternly added before he took Alivia's hand and they continued forward.
Alivia's POV
We exited the tunnel and walked across a wooden bridge, to find a giant pirate ship in front of us. On the pirate ship were a bunch of villains and I recognized a few of them, including Uma, Uriah, Harry, and Gil. I didn't know what to expect, but I know that getting Ben won't be an easy task.
"Hey, guys!" I hear Gil call as he sees us approaching the ship. "They're here!"
"Welcome!" Harry greeted us with a sly smile as he shoved Ben away and Uma appeared in front of him.
"Finally!" Uriah laughed and Mal stood at the other side of Uma and Uriah, while the rest of us were spread out behind Mal.
Huh! Let's get this party started
We swear we're cold hearted
There's no negotiation
We're not here for debatin'
You need some motivation?
Just look at Ben's face
Then ask yourself how long you think we'll remain patient
We'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks
You either hand over the wand, or he'll be ripped apart
Now let's all just be smart, although for you that must be hard
You'll get your wand - no one has to come to any harm!
Don't try to intimidate
Your dark is much worse than your bite
Who's the baddest of them all?
I guess we're finding out tonight!
Uma/Uriah and Pirate crew:
Let's go! Bring it on!
Better give us what we want
It's the wand for the crown
If you don't it's goin' down
Vks, Lonnie and Alivia:
Let's go! Make your move!
Peace or war, it's up to you
Give him up and do it now
If you don't it's goin' down
Uma/Uriah and Pirate crew:
We want the wand
Or else the king is gone
Your time is runnin' out!
You should really watch your mouth
Let's go! Pound for pound
We're prepared to stand our ground
Put your swords up, put 'em up!
It's goin' down!
Uma/Uriah and Pirate crew:
Yo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Make the trade
Yo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Or walk the plank
Yo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
(Uma, Uma, Uma - la - la - la)
Make the trade
Yo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
(Uma, Uma, Uma - la - la - la)
Or walk the plank
Okay, look this is not a conversation
It's a do-or-die conversation
If you don't give me back the king, I'll have no hesitation
I'll serve you right here, and I don't need a reservation
That easy your whole 'pirate crew' can have a demonstration
Release him now, and we can go our separate ways
Unless you wanna deal with me and the VKs
So that's your big speech, huh? An empty ultimatum?
Harry: All it takes is one swing, and I'll humiliate him
Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debiliate him
And if he starts to slip, I'll eliminate him!
All it takes is one wrong look and I'll-
Harry! We get it. Chill
Uma/Uriah and Pirate crew:
Let's go! Bring it on!
Better give us what we want
It's the wand for the crown
If you don't it's goin' down
Vks, Alivia and Lonnie:
Let's go! Make your move!
Peace or war, it's up to you
Give him up and do it now
If you don't it's goin' down
Uma/ Uriah and Pirate crew:
We want the wand
Or else the king is gone
Your time is runnin' out!
You should really watch your mouth
Vks, Alivia and Lonnie:
Let's go! Pound for pound
We're prepared to stand our ground
Put your swords up, put 'em up!
It's goin' down
Ben: Hey, we don't have to choose
We don't have to light the fuse
Mal, whatever you do, it's going to be a lose-lose
There's gotta be a better way
Uma and Uriah I promise I'll give you two a chance
You'll have your say
Uriah: Silly king? You? Give me?
You're gonna give me a chance?
Well not a chance!
Uma/Uriah and Pirate crew:
Yo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Make the trade
Yo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Or walk the plank
Yo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
(Uma, Uma, Uma - la - la - la)
Make the trade
Yo, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
(Uma, Uma, Uma - la - la - la)
Or walk the plank
"Hold on." Uriah stopped Mal and grinned. "Too easy. Why don't you give it a test drive? We wanna see it work."
"You always were quite the drama queen." Mal remarks.
"And nothing too big or else Ben is fish bait." Uriah threatened and I glanced over to see Harry and Uma holding Ben over the ocean.
"We're dead." Jay mumbles and I looked around until I noticed Dude sitting nearby. Mal looked back at us and Carlos and I gestured over to Dude without Uma and Uriah noticing.
"Okay...although it seems absurd, turn your bark into a word." Mal says as she waved the wand and pointed it at Dude who did not react and nothing happened. Mal smiles at Uriah awkwardly who has her arms crossed over her chest, before looking back at Dude with an annoyed look.
"Talk dog!"
"Does this vest make me look fat?" Dude asks and I chuckle under my breath as her pirate crew laughed at the talking dog. "Does anyone have some bacon? Cookies?"
Uma laughed before turning serious, "Give me the wand!"
"Give me Ben!" Mal shot back and there was a moment of silence before Uma gestured over to Harry.
"Harry, bring him over." Uma ordered and the pirate crew laughed as Harry brought Ben over to us. Harry shoved Ben to his knees in front of Mal and he looked up at her, as Uriah put out her hand, but Mal put hers out.
"Cut him loose, Harry." Uriah ordered Harry.
He groans before slicing the ropes off of Ben's wrist with his sword. "I never get to have any fun!"
Mal took Ben's hand as Uma grabbed the wand from Mal, which made the pirate crew cheer loudly. Mal pulled Ben onto his feet, and began to push him away, but he continued to look back at Uma and Uriah as the rest of us ran.
"Ben! Go!" Mal shouted as Uriah and the pirate crew formed together with Uma pointing the wand at the sky.
"By the power of the sea! Tear it down and set us free!" When nothing happened and Uriah lowered the wand with an angry look. "No!" She smashed the wand with her knee and this made us run faster towards the exit but we had no time to exit and needed to fight them. "You do not get to win every time!"
"Guys!" Jay called and Carlos, Lonnie and I turned to see he had a barrel of swords he brought. He tossed us each a sword and Carlos launched a smoke bomb at the pirate crew which exploded in their faces. Carlos launched a smoke bomb at them before Evie tosses Ben a sword and pirate crew flung themselves over to us.
I noticed Uriah making her way towards me and I leaped across the bridges, laning only a few feet in front of him.
"Hey, sleeping beauty." She greeted me before we began to fight with our swords. She drop kicked me and I slipped onto my butt which allowed her to push me off the edge. I grabbed the railing to stop me from falling and she laughed bending down.
"Have fun with the sharks princess." She laughed and was about to push me, when Evie suddenly appeared and kicked Uriah into the ocean below us.
"Evie!" I smiled as she immediately helped me onto my feet.
"You okay, Livie?" She asked me and I nodded before glazing down to see Uriah swimming below us.
"Could be better." I say and not even five seconds, we got interrupted by two pirates and began to fight them. Uma and Mal were fighting as well as Jay, Harry, Gil, Carlos and Ben, while Lonnie, and Mal were being queens and taking down the other pirates.
I noticed Ben struggling with Harry and I leaped over to help him.
"Harry!" I called and he turned to me, striking his sword and blocked it with mine.
"Hey princess." He says with a sly smirk and I glared at him with a smirk of my own on my face.
"Whoever said that bandanas look good on you lied." I said as me and him began fighting and I dropped kicked him and made him fall into the water just as Uriah got herself out of the water.
When he was in the ocean I grabbed a rope and I grabbed onto it as I went flying. When I was a good distance away from the ship, I jumped and started sliding, and I ducked under Carlos and Jay.
"Whoa it's Miss Slidy." Jay jokes at me and Carlos laughed at his joke.
We got into the limo, as Jay and Lonnie got into the front again, as Mal, Evie, Ben, me, Carlos and Dude sat in the back.
"I'm really sorry that things didn't go the way you wanted them to." Ben suddenly apologized and caused me to look at him.
"I long as you're safe, that's...." Mal says breathing in her reply.
"At least I got to see the isle," Ben remarked. "They're my people too. Uma and Uriah helped me see that."
"Ben, Uma and Uriah captured you, and you're going to say that it's not a big deal." I reasoned and he turned to me.
"They're angry girls with a bad plan." Ben tells me. "It's not so different from when you Mal came to Auradon."
"Awkward!" Dude chirped up and I turned to the dog.
"Dude, I know you can talk, but that doesn't mean you should." Carlos berated Dude as the awkwardness lingered in the air the entire ride back home. It's still weird hearing a talking dog, I'll never get used to that.
cotillion is next, bye.
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