cotillion was.....something
Third Person's POV
It was time for Cotillion and Alivia, Annalise, Petra, and Bethany couldn't be more excited about it. So while Alivia and the vks were on the isle Avery asked Annalise if she'd like to his date to the Cotillion. She was beyond ecstatic that she got asked to the dance.
Alivia's outfit was a dress as this is the only time that she will ever wear a dress, as she wrote a dress, when she met Carlos and the rest of the Vks, and the coronation and now the Cotillion. Alivia's dress was like a replica of her mother's dress, the pink one. But except for the long sleeves it's short sleeves, and the dress isn't as tight, but Evie had it tightened so that Alivia would feel comfortable. But to her it felt too tight, but she didn't want to say anything.
"Hey cutie." I heard Carlos say as I turned around and smiled at seeing him. He was dressed in a black and white suit with red pants and his hair was done nicely. He kissed my cheek and I giggled.
"You look amazing." Carlos says and I smile. "Anna did a great job on the dress."
"Yeah, she did." I say smiling. "It's basically a replica of mom's pink dress."
"Ready?" He asked and I nodded my head and we walked into the Cotillion together. We walked onto the boat together and onto the main deck to find many people dancing together as the music was playing. Cotillion was always a huge big deal and this year it was no different, except that Ben was king.
Not too long, later Lumiere stood at the top of the stairs and everyone turned their attention to him. All of us clapped for him before he spoke.
"The future lady, Mal!" He announced and me and Carlos smiled.
Lumiere stepped to the side and walked out Mal in a beautiful yellow and blue dress with her hair braided over her shoulder and a small crown on her head.
Petra began to clap and cheer which led to everyone cheering and clapping for Mal. She descended from the stairs and was greeted by Beast and Belle and they talked to her for a bit before Petra quietly approached the three. Mal and Petra took their hands and walked toward the center of the room.
"How are you?" I heard Petra ask her.
"Sort of feel like I'm gonna throw up." Mal says nervously as Petra turns to her.
"Look, we're right here with you, okay?" Petra softly reassured Mal, who nodded her head.
"Okay." She says before the horns blew again, indicating that Ben was here.
"King Benjamin!" Lumiere announced and everyone cheered and clapped for our beloved King that stood up at the top of the stairs. We stopped our applause and cheers and bowed for Ben as he got closer to us.
"Go get him." Petra smiles and motions Mal forward. Ben descended from the steps and stood in front of Mal before bowing and she bowed back.
"Mal..." Ben began. "I wish I had time to explain." Ben says and before anyone could say anything from the top of the stairs walked out another girl dressed in a light turquoise dress and my eyes grew in absolute shock.
It was Uriah.
All of us were in disbelief, and I turned to Carlos, who was just in shock as I was. People started muttering with disbelief as she descended from the stairs and met Ben halfway, leading her down.
The two stood at the bottom and all of us gasped as Ben bent down and kissed Uriah's hand. My eyes found Mal and she looked absolutely heartbroken.
"I'm sorry." Ben apologized to Mal. "It happened all so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the isle with Uma and Uriah. It felt like a connection."
Uriah and Ben smiled at each other, as Mal shook her head. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying-" Ben says before he gets interrupted by Uriah.
"It was love!" She gushes happily. "It was. I just...I realized how alike Ben and I are, you know?"
"We are." Ben agrees with Uriah.
Uriah giggles. "I know."
"You're so beautiful." Ben mutters to Uriah.
"Ben." Mal began but they ignored her like she wasn't even there. "Ben!"
The two looked at her and Mal continued what she was saying.
"Did you go back for her?" Mal asks him.
"He didn't have to." Uriah spoke for Ben. "I dove through the barrier before it closed and I'm an excellent swimmer."
"You are." Ben says as he smiles softly.
"Thank you!" Uriah giggles at him while Mal was still devastated and in disbelief, and also heartbroken.
Uriah and Ben shared a look before Uriah moved closer to Mal and took her hand. Mal gasped slightly at the actions and flinched at her touch.
"Listen, Mal." Uriah began. "I just really want to thank you I do. For everything." Uriah hugged Mal, who didn't react to her and almost froze at her action. "Thank you so much."
"Don't you see Mal, you were right." Ben added, leaning in. "You knew we weren't meant to be together....that's why you never told me that you loved me." Mal lets out a sad sigh at that, as she couldn't find the right words to speak, which allowed Ben to continue. "Thank you."
Moments later, soft music began to play in the background, as Ben and Uriah began to slow dance to it. The rest of us awkwardly stood around the two as they danced and felt uncomfortable in their presence.
Petra went up to Mal and pulled her away from the two and I took Mal's hand gently.
"I'm here for you if you need anything." Petra says softly to her and she gives her a sad nod in return.
"Not too thrilled, I risked my life for him." Carlos commented and I couldn't help but nod in agreement.
"We're with you Mal." Bethany told Mal and Annalise and Avery joined us.
"Always." Annalise added, as Avery nodded his head at her.
"Let's get out of here." Jay says as he swiftly slid in.
Jane jogged ahead of us, and we all ignored Uriah and Ben walking by them to the stairs to leave.
"Mal" Beast says stopping Mal and she looks up at him.
"Honey, we're so sorry." Belle says, apologizing. "We had no idea that he was going to do this and that she was going to be here."
"I'm gonna talk to him." Beast added.
"Lumiere!" I heard Petra exclaim to Lumiere. "Unveil the gift! They need to see it!"
"And now for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece! Designed especially for his lady!" Lumiere announced as the two stopped dancing before the horns blew and everyone turned their attention to the back of the boat where a tarp was covering the gift.
The tarp fell down to reveal a beautiful glass portrait of Mal in a purple dress and glowing green eyes with Ben kneeling next to her holding her hand. I smiled at the sight of it and glanced at Carlos who was smiling also. Everyone gasped at the beauty in front of us and applauded the masterpiece.
"Ben did that?" Mal says with shock.
"Yeah, he did." Evie and Petra say in unison.
"Evie and Petra." Mal says sighing as the three girls descended from the stairs together. "Ben's known who I was all along."
The rest of us slowly trailed behind the girls as Evie and Petra looked at Mal, "He loves the real you, Mal."
"A true love." Mal says as Evie and Petra nodded their heads.
"Told you." Carlos adds as Mal chuckles.
Uriah marches over to us with anger rising from her. "Cover that backup!"
"I will not!" Lumiere protested as Uriah looked around awkwardly before chuckling.
"Why don't you tell everyone the present you have for me, Ben?" Uriah asks Ben.
"I have an announcement!" Ben announced as he took Uriah's hand. "Uriah will be joining the court tonight as my lady."
Beast decided to interfere with his son's speech. "Son-"
"Not now Dad!" Ben snapped at his father and everyone gasped at his outburst.
My eyes grew with shock as I knew that wasn't the real Ben. Uriah must've done something to him.
Ben clears his throat, lowering his voice. "So, uh, as my gift to her...I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all!"
Everyone gasped with shock and was speechless at Ben's announcement.
"Fairy Godmother." Ben continued turning to her. "Bring down the barrier."
"I most certainly will not." She protested.
"I am your King!" Ben says arguing with the headmistress.
"Obey him!" Uma ordered and everyone gasped at her.
"Ben's been spelled." Mal says to us.
"Uriah found your spellbook." Bethany remarks as Uriah was trying to get Ben to stay in his trance.
"Ben." Mal begins and the two look at her. "Ben...look at me."
"No, look at me. You love me, remember?" Uriah reminded him.
"No he doesn't." I muttered and Carlos snickered at my comment, before nodding his head at me.
"No, you don't!" Mal objected.
"Yes you do!"
"Ben, look at me." Mal softly says to Ben.
"Bring down the barrier now!" Uriah yells at Godmother.
"I do not take orders from you!" Godmother protested.
Uriah turns back to Ben with an angry look on her face. "Ben..."
"Ben, I never told you that I loved you because I thought I wasn't good enough!" Mal admitted, "and I thought it was only a matter of time before you realized that you but Ben!" Ben turned and looked at the portrait of them, "I'm part Isle and part Auradon!"
"Ben!" Uriah interrupted. "Eyes over here!"
"Ben, you always know who we were and who we can be." Mal continues.
"Don't listen to her." Uriah interfered.
"And I know what love feels like right now." Mal says ignoring Uriah. "Ben...of course I've loved you...Ben, I've always loved you."
Mal leans in and kisses Ben, which made everyone gasp with delight and I smiled happily at the two.
"Mal..." I hear Ben mumble as he regains his memory, which made us look at Ben who was smiling.
"True loves kiss, works every time." Petra says as Evie smiles and nods her head.
Uriah lunged at Godmother and shouted. "GIVE IT TO ME!"
"Guards, seize her!" Godmother cried out as everyone gasped with horror at Uriah.
Suddenly Uriah rushes toward the edge of the boat as we surrounded her as Mal stopped us from doing anything.
"No, stop, wait, stop!" Mal yells at us, as everyone froze, including Uriah.
"Uriah, I know you." Mal begins calmly. "You are so much more than just a villain and you have to believe me because I've been there. Don't let your pride get in the way of something you really want!"
"I don't need your pity. There's nothing that you can do that will change me. You left all of us all behind when you four got chosen and you abandoned us on the island, and never looked back on us. As we were rotting away on that island." Uriah says to Mal as it was silent for a moment before Uriah's shell necklace began to glow. There was hope for a moment before Uriah climbed the railing and jumped into the water below us.
We saw something at first until the water started circled up getting bigger and bigger, almost as big as the ship. The water pushed onto the ship. Everyone got soaked. We all screamed as Uriah laughed evilly. She had turned into a giant octopus.
"True loves kiss, won't defeat this, THE WORLD WILL KNOW MY NAME!" As Uriah swung a tentacle at us. We all screamed dodging it, she swung another one, we all dodged it blocking the giant tentacle.
Third Person's POV
Mal was angry, not angry she was furious. She's been messing with her for so long since the vks were kids. There was purple smoke that began to cloud around her. Everyone was confused about what was going on the other hand gave her a challenging laugh. Growls could be heard inside of the smoke until it cleared and everyone saw that Mal transformed into a huge purple dragon.
"Come on Mal! Let's finish this once and for all!" Mal roared loud before flying off into the air, as Uriah laughed at her.
Everyone looked at Mal who was now a purple dragon, she flew at Uriah. She dodged it and swung her tentacle at Mal. She swung her tentacle at Mal again, knocking her over into some water. She roared again, and she flew up and blew a giant fireball at her.
Her eyes widened and ducked underwater only to come up creating a giant wave. "Watch out!" Ben yells, as the boat rocked and shook, we were thrown left to right.
Ben came to the top as he suddenly loud out a proud loud beast roar. It shocked everyone, he then took off his jacket along with his crown handing it to me and Carlos. He then jumped overboard. Everyone yelled his name but he didn't listen to them. Ben poked his head from underneath as he said in the cold freezing water. "Uriah! Mal! Stand down."
"That's enough! This has to stop! The fighting has got to stop! Nobody wins this way! We have to listen and respect each other. It won't be easy but we'll be brave enough to try. Uriah, I know you want what's best for the isle. Help me make a difference." Ben says offering to Uriah.
"Mal, you know this isn't you and you know I know this isn't you. Fighting is not what you resort to. This doesn't make you better than your mother." Her eyes dropped knowing that he was right. "So please stop." He says begging her.
She stared at Ben stopping but standing on guard if Uriah tried something. Uriah stared at him, Mal growled at her, but gave her a look. "Uriah you know he's right. Let's end this. The peaceful way." Uriah held up her tentacle and gave Ben his ring before smiling sadly and diving underwater.
Alivia and Carlos helped Ben out of the water and gave him a towel. They congratulated him for making that heroic action. Mal roared as everyone looked over at him. She flew onto the ship and roared. She changed back to herself as everyone gasped as the dress changed.
Mal and Bethany the fire from her dress before looking at Alivia smiling. Mal almost slipped on some water but Bethany caught her before he could fall.
"I didn't see that coming." Mal says to Evie and Petra. "Neither did we." Petra says as Evie says. "That makes the rest of us." Evie and Petra helped Mal pat out the remaining spots.
"I owe you guys so much." Ben said to them, and they nodded saying, "Yeah."
"Uma actually." Evie says, speaking up. "There's two little girls back on the isle. I know that these girls would love to come to Auradon. Drizella's daughter, Dizzy and Cecilia who is Carlos' younger sister. They're like sisters to me."
Ben smiles as he says. "Then they should come." As Evie also says. "Um, actually. There's a lot of kids who would love to come to Auradon. Can I give you a list?"
Carlos smiles at the thought of his younger sister being in Auradon with him, and he can teach her a ton of stuff that he learned since he's been here. He misses his sister a ton, and wants to bring her into his arms and hug her as tight as he can.
"Yes. Yes. absolutely." Ben says as Evie smiles brightly. " Lady Mal." One of the men says as Mal turned to him, he held up her spellbook.
"Uriah, found your spellbook below deck." The man says handing her the spell book.
Mal calls for Fairy Godmother, as she was walking towards Mal. "That's me. Thank you." She says as she takes the book.
"It belongs in the museum." Mal says to her as the headmistress says. "Yes. I'm going to take it there."
"I won't be needing anything from there anymore." Mal says, holding Ben's hand and looking deep in his eyes. Bn kicked water on her as she laughed and kicked some back, everyone laughed and cheered.
Mal stood at the top of the stairs with Ben. Everyone stood there with their partner. Alivia holds Carlos' hand as he smiles at her and kisses her lips. The two smile as they break the kiss.
Ben: Looking back at yesterday
I thought I gave it everything
But still there's so much road ahead of me
Mal: When I looked into your eyes
I guess I didn't recognize
Who we are and all that we can be
Mal and Ben: Sometimes it's hard to find yourself
But it's worth it in the end
'Cause in your heart is where it all begins
Everyone: We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe (whoa)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me
Alivia and Carlos: There's something special that I've learned
It's together we can change the world
Everybody's got something that they can bring
Jay, Mal and Evie: When you take a look inside yourself
Do you wish that you can were something else?
But who you are is who you need to be
Annalise, Petra, Bethany, and Avery: Sometimes it's hard to find yourself
But it's worth it in the end
'Cause in your heart is where it all begins
Everyone: We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe (whoa)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me
Alivia and Carlos: We all can do a part
We know that it can be the start
To bring about the difference that we need (yeah)
Annalise, Petra and Bethany: I promise we can work this out
I promise we can see it through
Don't you know it's up to me
It's up to me and you
Everyone: We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe (whoa)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me
Alivia's POV
I smiled as I was soaked with water, but I didn't care. I was having too much fun. Mal was now Lady of the Court, and with Ben. I never thought that a girl like me would go and fall in love with a villain kid. I kind of wondered what would have happened if the vks would've stolen the wand and ran off to the isle. But I'm glad that they didn't because if they did I wouldn't have gotten my happy ending.
"Ready, for what life has in store for us?" Carlos asks as he's still holding me as I smile back.
"Yeah I am actually." I say as he kissed me as I kissed him back.
You didn't think that was the end of the story...did you?
just to make things clear uriah is the same age as uma.
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