a lot of things happening at once

Alivia has been growing closer to the VK's since they first came to Auradon, and she's really happy that she's in a relationship with probably the best person in the world, well at least to her. Her amazing boyfriend Carlos de Vil. She never thought that her entire life that she'd fall in love with anyone, as growing up her sister has manipulated her saying that, 'no one would want to date a rebel princess', and for a while she believed what her sister had told her.

Same for Carlos he never thought that in a single day in his life that he'd ever fall in love, because on the island love was 'weakness', and 'vulnerable', hence why the villain parents' relationships never lasted.

Also, why the VK's on the island only had one parental figure either a mother or a father, then you have the kids that were abandoned and were at the orphanage on the island, yeah the core 4 told Alivia that.

Outside of being in a relationship with Carlos she considers Evie to be the mother of the group, and Mal, and Jay being the siblings of the group. Alivia actually never had that many 'friends' besides Ben, Jane, Lonnie, Anna, Bethany, and Petra growing up, but she didn't care at all. Audrey had also said that no one would want to be friends with her because of the way that she dresses, as she literally hates wearing dresses.

Alivia says that she hates wearing dresses because they're always squeezing her in places where they shouldn't, and they're too princessey for her liking. She'll wear them if she absolutely has to, like for school dances but that's pretty much it. Imagine this corset being super super tight and you can't breathe. Yeah, it's painful.

Evie designs pretty much all of Alivia's wardrobe as she knows what she likes and doesn't, and she loves to hang out with Mal, when she's not busy with being Lady of the Court.

Pretty much what Liv's request is as long as it's not a dress as she'll be happy as long as she's not being suffocated. It's not a fun feeling of being suffocated, it feels like you're choking in the wrong places, even if it's not even possible.

Alivia's life has been less drama since her sister isn't here, so that's a good thing for her as she doesn't have to listen to her sister's drama that she causes. Everyone can say the same for Alivia, as no one really liked Audrey in the first place, and it's not that hard to see why.

Chad is still a pain in Alivia's butt which is annoying for the girl, but she tries to ignore him even though it can be difficult to do so. Outside of that, Alivia has been more happy in her life and doesn't want that to change.

What she doesn't know is that her life will change drastically when Mal and Ben have a fight about Mal using magic to fit in, and she goes to the island. Alivia doesn't want to go but she sorta does as she thinks that everyone on the island is just being mistreated, and misjudged, especially the children of the villains.

But like every story there's a beginning, and so here is Alivia's, but first this happens....


"Let's give Auradon a taste of evil."

"Wicked ways beneath the skin. Let all who taste it now join in."

Mal laughs wickedly with the three other villain kids.


We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
C'mon hey hey hey hey hey
Hey hey hey hey (haha)
Hey hey hey hey hey


Crashin' the party, guess they lost my invitation
Friendly reminder got my own kinda persuasion


Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior
Happily ever after with a little flavor


Bad to the bone, with even worse intentions
We're gonna steal the show, and leave 'em all defenseless


A fairy tale life can be oh-so overrated
So raise your voices and let's get it activated


Long live havin' some fun
We take what we want
There's so many ways to be wicked
With us evil lives on the right side of wrong
There"s so many ways to be wicked
Apple, apple dip, dip
Wanna try it?
Tick, tick
Take a bite, c'mon, be bold
Change the way the story's told


This time the dark is finally getting your attention


We"re wicked by the book, and class is back in session


You like it, steal it
Gotta beat 'em to the treasure


A right of passage- bad just doesn"t get much better


Long live havin' some fun
We take what we want
There's so many ways to be wicked
With us evil lives on the right side of wrong
There's so many ways to be wicked


Mother always knows best


Show her, pass every test


Hear her voice in my head


Evil is the only


Real way to live
We got all the ways to be
Hey hey hey hey
Let's go
We got all the ways to be
Hey hey hey hey
Long live havin' some fun (havin" some fun)
We take what we want
There's so many ways to be wicked
With us evil lives on (evil lives on)
The right side of wrong
There's so many ways to be wicked

(Instrumental Break)

Hey, hey, hey
We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
So many ways to be wicked

Mal please, over here! Mal!"

Mal was doing paparazzi and they were surrounding her. She was basically drowning with the many questions that she was being asked. Mal had dyed her hair blonde so she could blend in but she never told anyone about it. She had purple roots at the roots of her hair.

"Only three days to the Royal Cotillion. Ever think a girl like you would be Lady of the Court?" A reporter asked Mal.

"How does it feel to be the most envied girl in Auradon?"

"Do you like being blonde?"

"Is your mother still a lizard?"

Ben thankfully came to Mal's rescue of being pestered with a bunch of questions.

"Okay. All right. Excuse me. Uh, we will let you know if and when that particular situation changes." Ben tells the reporters and they go to him bombarding him with questions.

"Did you ever think you'd be with a villain kid?" One reporter asked him.

"We're done here." Ben said as Fairy Godmother walked up towards the stressed girl.

"Okay. Shush, shush. Shoosh, shoosh. Shoosh, shoosh. This is still a school, so if you're here, you're either skipping or trespassing." Fairy Godmother told them.

"Don't pay any attention to them." Ben tells Mal.

"Well, that's a lot easier said than done, right?" Mal says.

"I know. I know. You know, maybe we should do something. We should go somewhere. Get away." Ben tells Mal.

"Yeah." Mal says sto Ben.

"You know, what do--" Ben says as he looks down at his watch and his eyes widen. "I have a council meeting. I'm so late!" Ben says as Mal's eyes go low.

"That's okay." Mal says, trying to reassure him.

"We'll-- We'll do it sometime. Uh..." Ben says as he was about to finish until Evie came up to them.

"If we don't get a fitting for your gown right this minute, you'll be dancing in your bathrobe, okay? Hi. Let's go. Let's go." Evie says pulling on Mal's arm.

Mal was getting her dress done by Evie and Annalise, and Annalise was tightening Mal's dress, as Evie told her to do that as she's working on Alivia.

"Oh! Okay, Anna, I cannot breathe." Mal tells Annalise who was zipping up her dress.

"Well Ev told me you can breathe after Cotillion." Annalise says and Mal groans a little, as Annalise did one last pull on the dress.

"Well, I sincerely doubt that. I have at least 20 more events directly behind it, and I can't even remember what a single one of them is." Mal says, and Alivia frowns at Mal, as she feels bad that she's this stressful. Alivia is so glad that she isn't becoming Queen, she'd feel the same way as Mal is right now.

"Impeccable." Evie says to Alivia's dress making her smile.

"Evie." Mal says to the blue haired girl.

"Hmm?" Evie says turning to Mal, as does Annalise and Alivia.

"Do you ever think about what we'd be doing if we were back on the Isle right now?" Mal asks Evie and simultaneously, Alivia and Annalise raise an eyebrow at Mal.

"That's funny." Evie says with a fake laugh, and Annalise helped Alivia out of her dress.

"Evie told me that M had a dream about causing trouble." Annalise says to Alivia and the blonde beauty adverts her eyes to Anna.

"When was the dream?" Alivia asks Annalise, as she unzips Alivia's dress, before leading her to the changing room, so she could change out of the dress.

"Last night." Anna says as she hands Alivia her outfit which was once again made by Evie. Literally like ยพ of Alivia's wardrobe was made and designed by Evie and Annalise.

Evie got Anna into the fashion business, and inspired Anna to do her own designs, as like a sister company to Evie's 4 Hearts. Anna started her own fashion business like three months ago, but she's had such help from Evie. That's kind of what brought the two of them more together, and now they're practically sisters.

Alivia smiles at seeing Mal and Ben as they were dining with Aladdin and Jasmine and she grabbed her phone and checked to see what time it was and she gasped a little.

"I gotta go to practice love you guys." Alivia says as she grabs her cheer bag and runs out of the room.

Alivia sees Jane with the cheer team, as since Audrey left and Jane is the co-captain. Which was a position that Alivia was when Audrey was here. She is kind of glad that her sister is not here at school.

"Jane. I'm so sorry. I was getting fitted by Evie and Anna." Alivia says as she caught up to Jane, and the brunette turned to her blonde friend, and gave her a small smile.

"It's totally fine actually. I was thinking that I could cheer today?" Jane asks Alivia and the blonde nods her head at Jane who has a smile on her face.

"Yeah sure thing. If you need anything, come find me." Alivia says to Jane as she smiles, and Jane returns the smile as she goes off to the girls.

Alivia smiles as she walks back into the school and makes her way to see the boys, who are practicing. Alivia sees Anna on the balcony watching Jay as she sighs happily.

"Okay you two are definitely in love." Alivia teases Anna and she turns around to see the other blonde, and she has a red blush on her cheeks.

"You should talk, Ally." Anna teases back in her thick British accent, and Alivia smiles at her.

"Have you asked Avery out yet?" Alivia asks Annalise and she turns to her shocked, and then she shakes her head no at her.

"Everytime I would, I would chicken out. So no." Annalise says to Alivia and she nods her head taking in what Annalsie was saying about asking out Avery to the Cotillion.

"Has he asked you out yet?" Alivia asks Annalise, and she shakes her head no, and she pouts. Alivia puts a hand on Annalise's shoulder.

"No, he hasn't." Annalise says frowning at the thought that maybe Avery doesn't want to go to the Cotillion with her.

"It's going to be okay, trust me." Alivia says to Annalise and the blonde looks at Alivia having small hope that she'll have a date to the Cotillion.

"All right, boys. Let's line it up. Carlos, you're with me. Let's go." Jay says.

Alivia and Annalise smile as they watch the boys assemble their positions. Alivia watches Carlos take on Jay and she smiles at the sight.

The fight went on for a bit until it was just Jay and a mystery fencer. The mystery fencer was good, like really good. Jay was trying to keep up with the fencer, and the fighter took Jay's sword and lunged at him but he dodged the fencer's moves. The fighter returns the sword to Jay and removes their mask.

"It's Lonnie." A girl gasps with surprise as a couple other girls cheer at Lonnie.

"Go, Lonnie! Whoo!" Annalise cheers for her.

"Not bad." Jay says smirking at Lonnie.

"You should put me on the team." Lonnie advises, and Chad comes towards her with a look on his face, making Alivia and Annalise roll their eyes at him.

"Hey, w-what?" Chad says with disbelief. "No, no, no. We'll be the laughing stock of the league. A-and what's gonna happen next? We'll have girls playing tourney? Come on guys."

"I don't see a problem with her being on the team." Annalise says and the cheerleaders nod at her.

"Girls can do any sport." Alivia says and Annalise smiles at her.

"So?" Jay says as he doesn't see a problem about this.

"So? Uh, have you not read the rule book?" Chad asks him and Alivia and Annalsie roll their eyes at him, as he pulls out the rule book. "Section 2, paragraph, 3, 11-4. A team will be composed of a captain and eight men." Chad shows us all the rulebook and Annalise groans growing annoyed with Chad.

"Do you always carry that book with you, McBlondie?" Annalise yells at Chad, and the boys look up at us, and Chad looks at her with a look.

"Matter of fact I do." Chad yells back to Annalise, and Alivia and Carlos locked eyes with each other and she shrugs her shoulders as does he.

"Well that's stupid." Annalise yells at him and he turns his attention back to Jay.

"Anyway...where were we?" Chad asks the boys and another player on the team. Avery smirks at the blonde prince.

"I believe you left off being an idiot. It's on page 25, which is section 9, 11-8. At least the last time I checked." Avery remarks to Chad and everyone but Chad laughs. Chad was glaring heavily at Avery, and he only smirked more, making Annalise sigh happily.

"It's not in there." Chad scoffs back at the black haired prince, and Avery couldn't help but fake laugh at the blonde spoiled prince.

"But you're down a man." Lonnie tries to reason with him. "I mean since Ben had to leave to do all that King stuff."

"Exactly, we're down a man." Chad emphasizes, and Alivia and Annalise glare at him.

"Jay..." Lonnie says looking at Jay for help.

"I'm sorry. Coach trusts me, I'm not gonna stay captain if I just throw out the rule book." Jay apologizes and Alivia and Annalise sigh, shaking their heads at him.

"If my mother thought of it that way, she would have lost the war." Lonnie retorts and Chad scoffs.

"Okay." Chad scoffs as Lonnie walks away as Avery clenched his fists in his pocket, but didn't say anything.

"All right, guys. Practice is over, let's go." Jay tells the guys and they start to leave.

Alivia turns to Annalise. "You better ask Avery or I will. You won't like what I do." Alivia says and Annalise has her mouth open.

"If your mouth is open you're gonna catch flies." Avery says and she stops dead in her tracks unable to mutter a word.

"Hi Avery. Practice was good." Annalise says and Avery smiles at her, and she returns the smile.

"Eh. Same as always. Dealing with Chad." Avery tells her and she giggles.

"Sounds like a ball." Annalise says and the two of them start walking, laughing and chuckling about who knows what.

Alivia was getting her bag with a smile on her face, knowing that maybe, and hopefully Avery will ask Annalise to the Cotillion.

Alivia's POV

I meet up with Carlos and we both head to his room, with Dude walking behind us.

"Do you think Lonnie should be on the team?" I asked Carlos, and draped his arm around my shoulder.

"Yeah she should, she's a good fighter." He agrees with me and I smile.

"I'm glad someone agrees with me." I said and I felt him kissing my head. "Unlike Blondie." I heard him snicker at my comment about Chad.

"True that." He says as we get to his room, and he gets dressed out of his fencing clothes and into his regular clothes. I lay my head on the pillow sighing, and Dude lays on my stomach and I pet his head.

Suddenly, the door opens and me and Carlos see Mal has entered. I heard the cameras flashing and people talking on the other end and I could see the stress and panic in Mal's face.

Carlos and I watched Mal walk forward and pace around the room, almost having an anxiety attack. She sees the tv is on and sees that she is on the tv which she doesn't enjoy. She snatches the remote and rapidly shuts it off, tired of seeing herself on the screen. Carlos tightened his grip on me as Mal continued to panic and freak out. Her eyes turn a bright green color and she slowly calms down after that.

"Easy girl." Carlos tells her and I shake my head a little.

"Shouldn't have said that Car." I say as I pick up Dude and hold him in my arms.

"What? You think this is so easy?!" Mal exclaims, clearly upset and overwhelmed. I mean I would too if I was going to be queen. "You don't have people taking a photo of you every single time you open your mouth to say boo! I mean it's not that I could even say, boo, but you know what I---"

Mal continues to pace up to us, and he looks away understanding the situation.

"I'm sorry." He says in a low voice.

Mal lets out a sigh before continuing. "Carlos don't you ever miss screaming at people and just making them run away from you?"

"You're thinking of my mother, and I was usually on the other end of that. So not really." He said and I gave him a small smile.

"You two are lucky you can just be a couple and not have cameras in your faces." Mal complains and I gave her a sad look.

"Oh!" I hop off the bed and look at Mal. "Did you bring it?"

"What are you talking about Ally?" Carlos says and I shush him, and he gives me a look.

Mal remains quiet as she pulls out a small green gummy, from her pocket. Carlos stood up walking towards us curious of what the gummy was for. All three of us shifted our heads to the door when we heard it open and saw Chad had snuck in.

Chad carefully closed the door and turned around only to see us staring at him. He chuckles nervously, and waves awkwardly.

"Hi. Just came to use your 3D printer. Won't be a sec." He says and I tilt my head as to how he got into here in the first place.

"How'd you get a key to my room?" Carlos asks him, seeing the key in his hand.

"Oh, I printed it off last time I was in here. Uh...you two were sleeping." Chad replies pointing to me and Carlos and we just stare at him. "Look, I just --- your printer's so much better than mine, and you installed these hacks and everything runs so much smoother than mine, and---"

"Touching story actually. I'm going to say this once...get your little booty out of this room!" I ordered him to point towards the door, and I grabbed the key out of his grasp and he didn't even notice.

"Have a nice day! Don't come back!" I yelled after him and heard a chuckle from Carlos, and I smirked at him.

I looked back over at Mal and she was staring off in space. She was lost in thought. "Mal?" I ask her and she looks at me.


"The potion?" I reminded her.

"Hmm? Yeah. Um..." She repealed the gummy to me and Carlos and he leaned in curiously as to what it is for.

"What's it for?" He asks and I shush him again, turning back to Mal.

"So this thing will make Avery say what he really feels to Annalise?" I ask her. I already know that Annalise chickened out again, to tell Avery how she feels.

"Yeah. I mean, this is a truth gummy, so take it or leave it." She tells me and I smile softly and nod understandably.

"Perfect." I say.

"Hold on though. Are you sure you want Anna to be taking this?" She asks curiously, retracting her hand. "Because this is gonna make her say the truth all the time, no matter what, and the only reason that I'm asking is because I know that if I took this right now, I would get myself sent back to the Isle. Which it's not sounding super unappealing, but, you know..."

"Anna will take her chances." I say. "She's desperate."

Third Person's POV

After Dude was truthfully gummy and started talking which shocked Mal, Carlos and Alivia.

"Man that thing was nasty!" Alivia's eyes widened as much as they could, when Dude spoke and she, and Mal and Carlos were speechless.

"And Alivia?" She stares at the dog as he speaks to her. "Tell Avery to man up! And Carlos scratch my butt!"

"You heard him. Scratch his butt." Mal says, making her way towards the door.

"Mal. You're just gonna leave me and Liv with him." Carlos calls but she ignores him and leaves the room.

"I'd scratch his butt." Alivia says as Carlos just gives her a look and she grins at him.

"You are not helping." Carlos says to her as she plays with a strain of her blonde hair that has light purple/blue streaks.

"Yeah, I know. I'm never helping." Alivia says as she's twirling her hair as Dude plops himself on her stomach.

"How about this, you scratch his butt." Carlos says as Alivia makes a face at hearing this.

"Have you seen him?" Alivia

Little later

Alivia was sleeping soundly on Carlos' chest and he was drawing circles on her back, and he smiled at her.

He felt her rolling over a little and he kissed her head making the blonde smile. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, till the last breath that he has. He never thought that he would find love in Auradon when Mal, Evie and Jay came to Auradon, but when he locked eyes with Alivia he knew that she was the one for him.


this is the first actual chapter of my little thing i'm doing. so yeah.

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