𝟬𝟬𝟮 𝗇𝗈𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝖻𝗌 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇

if you don't like it imagine wtv you'd like!
( outfit after the first chunk of this chapter )

# TWO ❫ ⋆⑅˚₊

BEEPING BEGINS ringing on Sam's phone, she slowly walked over to it.

        "Who is it?" Tara asked, She hung up the phone seeing Gale's name appear on the screen.

        "Why did everyone just freak out when her phone rang?" Ethan asked looking at everyone.

        "Did I not just explain this to you." Ellie sighed.

        "You gotta keep up, my dude." Anika shook her head.

        "Sam? My dad wants to talk to you." Quinn handed her phone to Sam.

        "Mr. Bailey, Hi." Sam spoke into the phone.

        The conversation goes between the two and Sams face suddenly drops.

        Sam and Tara leave to go to the station leaving the others by themselves.

        "Well, that's fun." Ellie sarcastically states putting her head in her hands. "How very fun."

        Chad comes up behind her to comfort the girl but Ethan does so instead. "It'll be okay." Ethan whispers. "You're okay."

       "Ethan, thank you for trying to comfort me but you just don't get it." Ellie walks into her room wiping the tears the fell from her eyes off her face.

"I'm just gonna.." Chad trails off, pointing at the girls room. "check on her." He quickly walks into the girls room with his head faces down, not looking at anyone in the room.

Ethan watches as Chad follows Aubrielle and furrows his eyebrows. "Did something ever... uh," Ethan clears his throat before continuing "happen between them?" He asks, looking at Mindy.

"Ethan, dude, they've known each other since, like, birth." Mindy states with an eye roll.

"We'll you've known her since birth too." He points out.

"One, you sound really jealous right now, and two he was her friend first. Dibs or whatever" Mindy scoffed while rolling her eyes at how childish her twin was. "He knows her best." She tells him. "And maybe something happened with them in tenth grade but it's very much over."

"What happened?"

"Ethan," Anika starts "I haven't known her as long as Mindy, but what ever went on with them shouldn't matter."

"She right." Mindy says pointing at her girlfriend. "You're the first guy she's ever showed interest in since Wes. Don't worry about it."

Quinn the. speaks up, eyeing Ethan. "They're right, Ethan. It doesn't matter." She spoke eyeing him with seriousness laced in her voice.

        Quinn knew why Ethan cared so much. Ethan had been obsessing over the same person ever since he saw her on the news last year. He wanted her for himself. He just had to kill all her friends then he could comfort her. He's probably just need to kill his family too. But he believe it'd be worth it for Aubrielle Riley.


AFTER EVERYONE heard that Tara and Sam were attacked at the Bodega, Ellie rushed to the police station. She sat alone, waiting until her two friends came out from talking with Detective Bailey.

Walking out of the room, Ellie rushed over to her two friends.

        "Kirby?" Sam furrowed her brows.

        "Hey, Sam." She walked over, hugging her. "Tara, Ellie."

        "You're the FBI?" Sam raised her brows.


        "You guys know each other?" Detective Bailey looked at the two.

        "Yeah, we went to Woodsboro high together. She was a senior when I was a freshman." Sam told him.

        "We share a certain history." Kirby smiled, "Look,
I'm not trying to get into a jurisdictional pissing contest here, I just wanna help."

        "He left this mask at the bodega. DNA traces of two individuals, Charlie Walker, and Jill Roberts both deceased."
Detective Bailey handed Kirby another evidence bag.

        Kirby held the bag, looking at it with a look of sadness written on her face. "Ghost face killers of 2011." She pulled up her shirt, "Charlie Walker gave me this. Like I said I take a special interest. Is this the mask he was wearing when he attacked you?"

        The two girls that got attacked shook their heads, "No." Tara let out.

        "So he's leaving them on purpose." Detective Bailey let out.

        "Which means whoever's doing this is the student of the killers who came before."

        "Yeah, good luck with that. We're getting out of town." Sam told them, walking away with Tara and Ellie following behind.

        "I'm sorry that's not possible." He stopped them.

        Ellie turned around, "Why?" She questioned the man.

        He looked at her, "You two," He points to Tara and Sam,  "are persons of interest in a double homicide, so you're not allowed to leave town, sorry."

        "Are you serious?!" Tara turned around.

        "He's right, but if we work together " Kirby added on before she was cut off.

        "We're going." Sam walked away, Ellie and Tara following closely behind.

        The three girls walked outside, news reporters were waiting for the three girls to exit.

         "Gale Weathers Channel four."

         The three girls turned around, after hearing the familiar name. "Do you ladies think you're the reason that ghost face killer has come to the big apple?"

        Tara scoffed, "You just can't leave us alone, can you?"
Gale looked at Ellie, then at Sam who tried to punch her but missed.

"Nice try sweetie, but I've done this dance before
Before finishing her sentence, Ellie punched her. Everyone gasped, Gale looked at Ellie in shock.

        "Stay away from us." She told Gale, as her and Sam began to walk away.

         "Are you really still mad at me?"

        "You said you wouldn't write a book about what happened. And then you wrote a book about what happened." Sam explained to Gale, angry at the lady that stood before them.

        "Come on, somebody was gonna write about it. That's what I do! Ellie come on, you can't be mad at me forever."

        "Not only did you write a book about it, but you completely bashed me, Wes and Judy! Who are both dead might I add. I know Judy had a thing for Dewey and that's why you had it out for her, but why are you bashing her dead kid!" Ellie says and Gales face falls.

        "I heard you couldn't sell the movie rights." Tara let out.
"It's all about true crime a limited series these days."

        "After everything we went through together. What would Dewey think?" Sam asked Gale.

        "That's a low blow."

        "So is your book." Ellie said, pursing her lips together.

         You called me unstable and a born killer." Sam snapped back.

        "That's taken out of context." Gale sighed.

        "That's literally a quote."

        "You don't think what you wrote has something to do with what's happening to us?" Tara looked at Gale, who looked back at her.

        "Come on." Sam said to Ellie and Tara.

        "Hey, I talked to Sidney."

        "She's not coming here, is she?" Tara asked.

        "No." Gale shook her head. "She sends her love but she's taking Mark and the kids someplace safe. She deserves to have her happy ending.

        "And that much we agree."

"Elle!" Gale called out.

"Please don't call me that." Ellie mumbled walking into the taxi. Aubrielle looked out the window to see Gale watching the car drive away.


ELLIE SAT with her friends outside of Blackmore University. Mindy standing in front of the seven friends.

        "Okay, nerds." Mindy began. "Listen up! As terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not calling the killers last time." The group, minus the new people, looked down awkwardly remembering the haunting dreams they would have of last year. "It's fine. The way I see it someone is out to make a sequel to the requel" Mindy began

"Um, what's a requel?" Anika questioned while raising her hand.

"You're beautiful, sweetie. But let's hold questions till the end."

        "Stab one took place in woodsboro. Stab two took place in college." Sam stated.

        "Do we think that the killer is trying to copy the movies?" Ellie asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

        Mindy pointed at the girl, "That is one possibility. Heros now in college? Check. Suspicious new characters brought in to round out the suspect list and/or body count ." She says, looking at Anika, Quinn, and Ethan. "Check, check, and check!"

        "I don't like this." Ethan mumbled. Ellie pursued her lips together and patted his knee. Their eyes met and she smiled at him but he turned away.

        "But, it can't just be about Stab two." Mindy said.

        "Why not?" Tara questioned.

        "It would make sense if we were in a sequel, but we're not in a sequel, because nobody just makes sequels anymore. We're in a franchise!" Mindy exclaimed , putting her arms in the air with enthusiasm.

        "And there are certain rules to a continuing franchise—" Mindy said, cut off by sam.

        "I had a feeling." She sighed.

        "Rule one! Everything is bigger than last time. Bigger budget, bigger cast, bigger body count, longer chases, shootouts, beheadings! You gotta top what came before so people keep coming back." Mindy told her friends and girlfriend.

        "Beheadings?" Chad asked, giving his twin a weird look.

        "Beheadings." She said point at him. "Rule two! Whatever happened last time, expect the opposite. Franchises only survive by expectations. If the killers last time were whiny, film nerds, you can bet the opposite will be true here. And rule three, no one is safe." Mindy finished half of her rant. "Legacy characters? Usually brought back to be killed in some cheap way for nostalgia. It's not looking pretty good for Gale and Kirby. Sorry, Ellie." She winced. Ellie shrugged her shoulder. "Ohhh, and that's not even the worst part!" Mindy spoke with a smile on her face.

"This is the part where she tells us the worst part." Chad whispered.

"The worst part is franchises are just continuing episodic installments designed to boost an IP! Which means, main characters are completely expendable now, too. Laurie Strode, Nancy Thompson, Sally Hardesty, Jigsaw, Tony Stark, James Bond, I mean even Luke Skywalker all died so that their franchises could live on!" Mindy cried out. "That means it's not just the friend group, any of us could go, at any time, especially Sam, Tara, and... Ellie." Mindy sighed at the sight of the girls.

"What? Why me?" Ellie questioned, furrowed eyebrows as her heart dropped. Scared that Mindy mention her name.

"Well, when Richie unmasked himself, he said he really wanted you dead. I guess we'll never know why, but who knows this ghost face might carry out that wish." Mindy addressed.

"Okay, he just wanted me dead because I would sleep with him. He's a prevy piece of shit. Do we really think that gjostface is trying to kill us again just because of some dumb rumors started online?" Ellie question while rolling her eyes while wrapping Ethan's jacket around her body.

        Mindy shrugged, thinking about it. "Dewey is also your dad. Original character from the first movie."

"Wait a minute, any of us?" Ethan asked, then looked at the ground. "Am I in the friend group? Am I like one of the Am I a target? Am I—" then he looked up. "Am I going to die a virgin?"

Everyone looked at him.

Ellie let out a chuckle, from second hand embarrassment and covered her mouth when she saw Ethan look at her. "It's not funny."

"Not if Elle has anything to say about it." Chad joked. "You pick them out great, Ellie." He whispered in her ear.

She ignores Chad and looks at the curly haired boy next to her. "It's really not funny."

"Well... that was a weird overshare, but it brings us to our current suspects," Mindy said and turned to Ethan. "Ethan. The shy, dorky who no one expects because he's so shy and dorky." Mindy stated.

"Okay, wait, what? Why am I one of the suspects?" he asked. "Because I'm randomly Chad's roommate?"

"You could've fixed it to get next to us." Mindy accused's "And! you're, like, with Ellie now." Ethan rolled his eyes at her.

"We are not together!" Ellie defended. Ethan looked down at her with sad eyes and then looked down at the ground when she looked back at him. He knew they weren't together, she just made it sound like she didn't like him at all.

Mindy turned to Quinn, ignoring Ellie. "Quinn, the slutty roommate, horror movie classic."

"Sex positive. But... thank you?" Quinn seemed confused.

"Mhm. Um, how did you come to move with Sam and Tara?" Mindy asks.

"I answered their ad online—" Quinn started, Sam nodded probing her story right.

"Okay, say no more. you've already implicated yourself enough with that one!" Mindy interrupted.

"It was an anonymous ad, Mindy!" Tara told her friend. "And you know we bedded her!"

"Plus her dad is a cop—" Ellie said, but Mindy cuts her off.

"See, that makes her more likely to be the killer because having a cop dad is a great cover, shouldn't you know how these movies work, guys?" Mindy stated. Tara and Ellie looked at each other with wide eyes.

        "And finally," Mindy turned to her girlfriend. "Anika."
Anika blew her a kiss, Mindy returning it. "Never trust the love interest." said Mindy, Anika's face grew into a look of disappointment and sadness.

        "Okay, so we have our rules, and we have our suspects." Sam started "What's next?"

        "Okay, wait, what about you guys?" Ethan queried, referring to Ellie, Chad, Mindy, Sam, and Tara.

        "I mean... I think it's pretty safe to rule us out since we went through this last year." Mindy said.

        Chad pointed at her with a grin. "Agreed."

        "I agree too." Ellie says looking at Ethan than Quinn.

        "Um, not agreed? What if the trauma you all went through caused one or more of you to kill?" Quinn suggested,
Sam and Ellie flashing her a dirty and confused look.

        "Yeah, and I mean, to be honest here, some of the theories about Sam online are pretty—" Ethan started.

        "Don't you fucking dare." Tara snapped. Ethan widened his eyes for a moment then turned away from Tara.

        "Okay, um, but what about Ellie? I mean she lost her dad and boyfriend in the same day and everyone's calling her a slut. She gotta get the anger out somehow." Quinn questioned, shrugging her shoulders. Mindy, Chad, Tara, and Sam looked at the red head with anger in the eyes and raised eyebrows while Ellie looked at her with confusion.

        "That cut deep." Ellie mumbled.

        Mindy was about to start speaking before Anika cut her off. "Okay, she's right though. I mean, face the facts, if we're all suspects, you're all suspects." Anika sighed. everyone looked at each other.


ੈ✩‧₊˚ authors note:

— second chapter 😍😍 i hope you guys like it 🫶🏽 i wrote this otw to florida ME AND MY MOTHER DROVE FROM NEW YORK. but i had to pick up my sister from college or wtv 😒 AND GUYS MY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL IS ON WEDNESDAY i literally can't wait i'm sick of school 😭 but i ended this year on principals list 😝

— remember to vote and comment!


monday may 15 !

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