6 - creepy connie

[creepy connie]

Third Person's POV

Jessie, Mira, and Luke are in the park as Luke is dancing with his friends. Mira is sitting on a park bench, next to Jessie, as they're busy talking as it's been a week since Jana called which is fine because Mira doesn't want to talk to her anyway. So it works out.

It's been almost five days since Jordan Taylor left for his movie, and Mira honestly misses him. He was cool but she didn't see the whole hype about him being 'cute', he looked good but he isn't her type. If that makes sense.

Jessie was watching Luke dancing making sure he wasn't doing anything 'too dangerous' and or hurt himself. Mira sometimes comes to watch him as she'll do her homework as she's watching him so it works.

"Whoo!! Go Luke!!" Jessie cheers then the person that Mira doesn't expect to show up, does show up.

Connie Thompson. Or Creepy Connie, as Mira and Luke call her.

"Careful! If you break your neck, your parents will break mine." Jessie says after Luke did a flip.

"Jess, he's fine," Mira says as Jessie turns around and gives the girl a playful glare.

"Doesn't Luke have the most amazing moves!" Was the voice that made Mira look up from her phone as she was playing a racing game that Luke had gotten her into. She looked up and saw Creepy Connie.

"Yeah. You should see him wiggle out of doing chores." Jessie says with a small smile as she turns her head back to watch Luke.

Then Connie pulls out another camera and starts filming Luke. Which made Mira glare at the girl as Connie hadn't noticed her yet. Which is odd, because Connie can notice her immediately at school.

Jessie looks at the girl weirdly as she has two cameras. "Why two cameras?" Jessie asked her.

"I can't decide which is his best side, if I blink and miss something, I have two back-ups," Connie says which is good thinking but she does it creepily.

"Good thinking, here I am blinking, and missing everything." She sarcastically says. "Are you a friend of his?" She asks Connie.

"I wish, we were in the same math class." She says with a slight frown Mira shakes her head as she gets up and walks towards Jessie.

"Hmm, considering his grades, I'm stunned Luke even goes to math class," Jessie says as he and Mira don't have the same math class. Mira is an advanced class, Algebra.

"Oh, he does. I've got the video to prove it, see.." Connie says as she shows Jessie the video. "I've got him texting, throwing spitballs, and going sleepy-bye," Connie says which made Mira give her a look.

"Not creepy at all," Mira says under her breath as Jessie and Connie haven't heard what she said.

"I didn't know Luke could go sleepy-bye without Kenny the Koala," Jessie says as Connie looks at Jessie in confusion as Mira hits her arm.

"Seriously!" She whispered shouts to Jessie who had a sheepish look on her face.

"Which is certainly not a stuffed bear he sleeps with, 'cause that would be an inappropriate thing to reveal," Jessie says as Mira hits her arm again. "The point is, Luke should be paying attention in math class."

"Well, I am an A+ studenr. I can help Luke get his grades up, and do his chores." Connie says with a creepy smile on her face which made Mira have a chill going down her spine.

"Come over tomorrow to help Luke study?" Jessie offers as Mira shakes her head.

"Hmm. Let me check my schedule." She says momentarily before practically screaming. "Yes!"

Jessie smiles glad to have someone to help Luke, completely forgetting that Mira passed that class. "Hey, Luke, I got you a study buddy!"

Luke however is currently upside down, and he sees who Jessie is talking about, and his eyes widen. "Creepy Connie?!" He yells then he falls. "Whoa!"

Connie however is ecstatic as Mira makes a face but doesn't turn to Connie, as she helps Luke back to his feet.

"Thanks, M." He says as she nods her head.

"He knows my name!" Connie says happily before leaving.

Luke walks towards Jessie. "You had to ask Connie of all people, seriously Jessie."

"Well, you needed a tutor so I got you one. Also, why do you sleep in math class?" She asks him as they make their way back to the penthouse.

"Because math is boring," Luke says as Mira rolls her eyes at him.

"It's because you don't pay attention and you're lazy," Mira says under her breath as they get to the penthouse.


In the kitchen

"Bertram and Journey check out this new fortune-telling app I downloaded, it's called the Mystical iBall, it can see the future." Journey heard Ravi saying as she looked up from the book that she was reading. She had a raised eyebrow at the iBall before she shook her head as she went back to the book she was reading.

"Oh, I can do that. too. Am I done talking to stupid iBall app?" Bertram says sarcastically. "Yes!...Oh, spooky!" He says before he walks away as Journey has a smile on her face.

"Bertram please do not belittle digital soothsayer." He says as just then Zuri enters the kitchen.

"Hey, Ravi. Hi Journey. Do you wanna play princesses and ponies with me?" Zuri asks as Journey's eyes shift to Zuri before going back to her book.

"Mystical iBall, should I play princesses and ponies with Zuri?" He asks the iBall as he shakes the pad.

"Ask again later." The iBall replies.

"I am afraid I cannot commit at this time," Ravi says as Journey takes a bite from her bagel with cream cheese.

"I just need another princess in Ponylandial, I'm not asking you to cosign a loan!" Zuri says as she sits down as Bertram serves them cereal.

"Mystical iBall, should we consume this cereal?" Ravi asks the iBall as he shakes the pad.

"Signs point to no." The iBall says as Zuri goes to pour milk into her cereal.

"Ew, chunky milk!" Zuri exclaims as the milk is on the chunky side.

"The Mystical iBall was right! That proves it can see the future!" Ravi says as Journey shakes her head.

"No, it just proved Bertram is too lazy to go to the store and buy milk," Zuri says as Journey nods her head a little.

"I would, but it's so far away." He says as he does his famous move Journey gives him a blinking look.

"The grocery store delivers!" Zuri says to him.

"I meant from here to the door," Bertram says as the elevator opens and it is Jessie, Luke, and Mira.

"Luke, doesn't Kenny the Koala belong on your bed?" Jessie asks as Mira raises an eyebrow before nodding on her bed.

"No! What am I, five years old? I don't need that stupid bear anymore." Luke says.

"Well, then, maybe it's time for him to hibernate," Jessie says as she puts Kenny in the trash.

"Stop!" Luke exclaims as he pulls Kenny out of the trash. "Where's his little hat?" He asks as he throws what's in the trash on the table.

"There you go, mate. No worries." He says with an Australian accent.

"You might not want to let Connie see that," Mira says to Luke.

"I can't believe you invited Creepy Connie Thompson here to study with me. She's always checking me out." Luke says as Mira makes a face.

"So? You're always checking me out." Mira says to Luke as he shrugs his shoulders.

"Well, yeah, but when I do it, it's cute," Luke says as Mira shakes her head. "Besides, hanging out with Connie will drop my coolness factor by at least 80%. That's like, half."

"That's twenty, genius," Mira says to Luke as he shrugs his shoulders.

"See, this is why you need help with math. Now, Connie is gonna be here in about two hours, so..." Jessie says as just then the elevator opens and Connie comes out. "Uh...make that two seconds."

"Hi, Luke! Sorry, I'm early, but I just couldn't wait to see you!" Connie says before she pauses. "....get better at math."

Connie drags Luke somewhere, as Mira looks up at Jessie. "After she leaves, let me help him, with math."

"Aren't you in an advanced math class?" Jessie asks as Mira nods her head at the redhead.

"You mean Algebra with straight A's then yes." She says as Jessie nods her head.

"Why didn't you say that?" Jessie asks as Mira shrugs her shoulders.

"Nobody didn't ask me." She says before walking to the kitchen as he hears voices.

Zuri, Ravi, and Mr. Kipling are in the kitchen as Mira walks in.

"Mystical iBall, is it safe to take Mrs. Kipling for a walk?" Ravi asks the iBall.

"The answer is no." The iBall says.

"Don't listen to that stupid thing," Zuri says to Ravi as Mira smiles at the two as she has given Ravi the money for the iBall app the previous day.

"You dare mock the iBall?" Ravi asks Zuri.

"I double dog dare! Give me that." Zuri says as she grabs the iPad. "I don't think you know anything. That's right. I'm calling you out, iBall! You gonna do something about it?" Zuri asks the iBall.

"It is certain." It replies.

"Zuri, I wouldn't do that. Those can do bad things. You remember what I told you about karma?" Mira says finally speaking up during this whole thing as Zuri waves her off she shakes her head.

"Oh, I do not wish to be caught in the middle of your Mystical smackdown," Ravi says as he takes a chip that Mira is eating.

"Chip thief." She says taking the bag of chips away from him before walking out the stairs to her room, also wanting to escape from the Mystical smackdown.

"See? Nothing happened," Zuri says as the sounds of a pony are heard. "Nooo!" She yells as Mr. Kipling is eating the stuffed pony. "Let go!" She yells to Mr. Kipling.

"That is what happens when you poke the iBall and don't listen to Mira." Ravi says to Zuri.

"Why!" Zuri yells.

"Do not worry, Zuri, you can get the rest of your pony when it comes out the other end." Ravi says as Zuri hits him with the pony's tail.


Connie and Luke are studying in the living room.

"Okay, Luke. Here is one. Three X." She comes near him and he gets away. "Plus six." She comes near again and gets gets away from her. "Equals 15, solve for X." She comes near him and he goes far and falls off the couch.

"Whoa! Are you sure that's not a typo? Letters don't even belong in math." Luke says to Connie.

"Come on, Luke. You can do this. Think of it like a dance routine. Let's say you have a total of 15 moves in your routine, and you do six solo moves. How many moves do you have left?" Connie asks knowing that he'd know how to do that kind of math.

"Nine." He says as Jessie walks in. "Not counting the encore." He says as he does a move. "Many fans always demand."

Jessie goes to Luke. "You did math." She says as she opens his arms for a hug, as Luke opens his arms too, and so does Connie.

Luke runs to Jessie, and hugs her and ignores Jessie.

"I knew you had it in you." She says as Connie looks angry.

"Ehm ehm! We are trying to study." She says with attitude.

"Sorry! Oh, sorry. I'll let you two little mathletes keep up the good work. I'm gonna subtract myself from the equation." She says as she leaves the room.

"So, Luke, I've got another problem for you. There's a Harry Potter Costume Dance this Saturday, and one girl still needs a date." Connie says as Luke looks on the homework and is confused.

"Um I don't see that. What page are you on?" He asks as Connie shakes her head.

"I'm not talking about math. I'm talking about chemistry." Connie says as she creepily climbs her fingers up his shoulders.

"I don't take chemistry." He says as he pushes her fingers.

"Uh, Connie, do you mind if I borrow Luke for a minute?" Jessie asks as she comes back.

"Sure." Connie says as she glares at Jessie.

In the screening room

"Can't you see Connie wants you to ask her to that dance?" Jessie says to him.

"What? Ew." Luke says.

"Shhhh! It's just one night." Jessie says trying to reason with Luke.

"I'm not going to some stupid school dress-up dance with Creepy Connie." Luke says as Jessie gives him a look.

"You watched Harry Potter with Mira last night." Jessie says to Luke as he groans. "Plus you should focus on girls your own age. If you keep hitting on me, I'm gonna start pulling my hair out."

"Yikes. Bald is a deal-breaker." Luke says before he comes out of the screening room.


Journey was with Bertram, Zuri and Ravi as she was trying to read her harry potter book in peace but they are distracting her, so she ended up not reading the book. "So at 6:22 tonight, Bertram is going to be doomed." Zuri says clarifying whats going to happen to the butler.

"The iPad says that Bertram is going to get hurt, so you have to pack his bags." Ravi says as Journey rolled her eyes at hearing that.

"Okay, be right back." Zuri says leaving Journey and Ravi alone for the first time.

Journey took this as an opportunity to try to continue reading her book, Ravi was talking to the iBall. "So how is your day?" He asked as Journey sighs as she closed her book.

"Good." She says fluently in sarcastic as Ravi nods his head.

Moments later Zuri returned with a large suitcase of Bertram's stuff. "Bertram, Zuri and I will not stand by and watch you meet this terrible fate. You must flee!" Ravi says to Bertram.

"We packed all your stuff, including your Famous Butlers in History trading cards." Zuri says.

"For the last time, I'm not going anywhere! Nothing bad is going to happen to me." He says getting annoyed by all of this which makes sense as this is ridiculous as thats the way that Journey is putting this.

In a matter of seconds, he crossed the kitchen floor and slipped on some dropped whipped cream, before falling into what looked like a very painful partial split.

"Well that was nice." Journey says before grabbing her book and heading upstairs before she becomes a next victim of this iBall crap.

"The Mystical iBall said he was going to get hurt doing the splits!" Ravi gasped. "He's doing the splits."

"And he was eating a banana split!" Zuri adds now completely trapped in the idea of beliving the fortune telling app.

"A double split." Ravi finished shaken by the truth of the iBall's scarily accurate prediction.

A ripping sound made its way from Bertram's direction as he struggled to get up. "Meanwhile, I split my pants! Thanks for the concern." He says annoyed.


Ravi and Zuri were still persistent in their belief that the psychic app had predicted Bertram's 'death', deciding to continue to do whatever they could to stop his demise.

The Mystical iBa predicted that Bertram would choke on stuffing, so Ravi decided it would be the smart idea to throw away all ingredients that go into stuffing.

"Okay, guys I appreciate you monitoring my carb intake, but this is going too far." Bertram says interrupting their trash can plan.

"The next prediction is, you're going to choke on stuffing." Zuri reminds him. "Then a shadowy figure is gonna take you away for a permanent dirt nap."

"If you keep tossing, I won't have anything to cook you breakfast with." Bertram argued before suddenly smiling at the idea of not having to work. "On second thought, keep tossing."

He moved to leave the kitchen, while Ravi and Zuri quickly followed after him, feeling it was their duty to watch his every move for at least the rest of the day to make sure he didn't perish.

"I told you, I'm not about to choke on stuffing!" Bertram insisted.

The irony of that sentence was too sok revealed when Luke chucked a headless Kenny the Koala across the room, while the two of the
watch it land perfectly in Bertram's mouth....stuffing and all.

"Ew! Stuffing." Bertram groans before looking at Ravi and Zuri as they all gasp in shock. "Stuffing!"

"And next comes the dirt bath." Zuri squealed as Mira looked up from her ice cream cookie sandwich.

Everyone begins to freak out, majority of them were worried about Bertram's well-being, and then Luke who was worried about his headless toy.

"Everybody calm down!" Jessie snapped as Mira secretly had her own stuff animal but it was between her legs. "Let's no lose our heads."

Luke let out an almost silent squeal, looking at his headless childhood making Jessie cringe at her words. "That was a bad choice of words."

Jessie separated them into two groups to try and get them to calm down for a while, minus Mira and Simba. (Mira's cat). She sent Luke outside and made him cookies, while Ravi and Zuri sat around with Bertram and watched the clock.

"There's one minute left." Zuri notes as the time changed from 6:20 to 6:21.

"Don't worry, Bertram. Any shadowy figure coning after you will have to go through me first!" Ravi says.

"And I'll treasure those three extra seconds." Bertram replies rollimg his eyes. "There's no shadowy figure coming tontake me away at 6:22. One minute later, I'll be stuck with you two. Whoa, that's a lose-lose situation."

"Suddenly, I don't feel bad about looking for a new butler at 6:23." Zuri snapped.

The small clocks number changex there and dreaded time of 6:22, making the three of them glance all around the apartment in worry.

Bertram realized there was nothing there and glared at the three of us on the couch. "I can't believe I let you two get me worked up for nothing."

The elevator door chimed, opening to reveal a lady dressed in all black. Ravi and Zuri quickly and responsibly ducked behind the couch which made Mira look at them weirdly but ignored it.

"Bertram you have company." Ravi whispered poking his head up a bit.

"I got your back, Bertram." Zuri insisted. "You want a piece of this butler. Bring it."

The cloaked figure ran out from the elevatorΒ  making her quickly change her mind. "Don't take me. Take the children, they're behind the couch." Bertram says begging on his knees.

Jessie and Luke walked in from the balcony, quickly screaming when they caught the sight of Connie. "Connie is dressed like the grim teaper. That is not a good sign."

"No, I'm a Dementor." Connie corrects as Mira rolls her eyes.

"Demented." Mira mutters under her breath.

"So, Luke, are you ready to go to the dance?" She quickly pulled out a stick from behind the back with Kenny's head on it. "Kenny and I are. Aren't we, Kenny!"

"This is just wrong." Luke argued, holding his other half of Kenny closer to his chest which sparked an idea for Mira.

"Liste, Creepy-I mean, Connie. Luke is not the guy for you. Trust me." Jessie insisted.

"Yes, he is! Luke is perfect." Connie insisted making the rest of them burst out in laughter.

"Do you really want to go out with a guy who still sleeps with stuffed animals?" Jessie asked the blonde.

"And a night light." Mira adds making Luke stick his tongue at him.

"He also has the personal hygiene of a Wolverine." Ravi adds.

Connie shook her head at all of them. "Who cares? When you really love someine, you can overlook anything."

"Oh. Them I guess you don't care that Luke hasn't read one single word of Harry Potter." Jessie revealed.

"I haven't even seen the movies." Luke added disappointing Connie further.

"So this is what it feels like when love dies." Connis cries, throwing Kenny's head on the floor, stomping on it, and then heading back to the elevator.

"Kenny?!" Lukd cries picking up the detached head.

Mira gets up as Simba followed her as she made room on the coffee table before grabbing Kenny's remains. "I need a needle, thread, and loads of stuffing." Mira says as Jessie nods her head as she went to go get the stuff that Mira needs as Simba went to Luke as he picked up the cat.

"Can you fix him?" Luke asked Mira as he sat beside her on the couch as she nods her head at him.

"Of course, this isn't my first round of 'Stuffed Animal Surgery', trust me. I'm the greatesr surgeon out there." She says which made Luke smile at his friend.

"I appreciate it." He says to her as he opened up his arms and he hugged his friend.


After a long time of not publishing, here is a new chapter.

Hope you like it!

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