2 - mommy troubles & essays

{Mommy Troubles & Essays}

Third Person's POV

It was nice having a nanny, that Samira liked. Even if Jessie was older than Samira she was like an older sister to the girl. Samira warmed up to Jessie, which was good. Jessie found out Samira's favorite things that she likes to do, and that's how Jessie got Samira to warm up to her. Bertram told her because she wanted to learn more about Samira.

It's been almost three days since Jessie was their Nanny. Everyone is still adjusting to having a nanny, Luke is still trying to get Jessie to be his girlfriend. Which doesn't work because she continues to turn him down. Then he goes to annoy Samira for the same reason even if she still does the same reason. But it's worth the try though.

Samira also found out that Jessie has a sister, so that was interesting. Her name is Journey Gianna Prescott. Jessie said that Journey is the same age as Samira, and that was interesting. She also said that Journey has red hair like Jessie. Samira was now excited to meet Journey now.

"She would've come but she decided not to come with me," Jessie says as Samira nods her head with a smile, as Jessie showed her a picture of her and Journey.

"She looks exactly like you, it's easy to see the resemblance between you two," Samira says as Jessie nods her head, with a bright smile at the very thought of her sister.

"Yeah and when's your birthday? Crazy question." Jessie asked Samira.

"May sixth," Samira says as Jessie chuckles at hearing that.

"Journey's birthday is the seventh. What a coincidence." Jessie says as Samira laughed too at that.

"Wow, that's cool," Samira says to Jessie as she hears someone screaming.

"Duty calls," Jessie says as Samira salutes Jessie as she walked up towards her room.

Just as Samira got to the top of the stairs she heard a voice calling her as if it was not either Luke or Ravi, well not Luke at least.

"Hey, Mira since neither of us has a life want me to do your makeup tomorrow?" Emma asked as Samira turned around to face the blonde.

"Sure, just as long as I don't cry because I'm emotional, and like last time," Samira replied as Emma grins as she claps her hands with a laugh.

"Yeah, that wouldn't be good. That was even a look that a clown couldn't pull off." Emma says with a nod as Samira nodded back to her.

"True that. Hey, wanna watch a show with me in my room? You pick." Samira says as Emma nods her head before making a mad dash towards her room where Samira smiled at seeing that before she walked to her room.

For the rest of the night, the two girls ended up watching some trashy reality show, which was fine until Luke decided on wanting to join. Which would've been fine but he was mostly staring at Samira. That made her uncomfortable so Emma kicked him out.

The next morning

Samira was the first one up as everyone else was sleeping soundly in their rooms. If she heard it right, she could hear Luke snoring with Ravi sneezing. But that was just a regular morning for her. She doesn't always wake up unless she woke up before and couldn't fall back asleep.

She went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and a random box of cereal. Without milk because she thinks it's weird to have milk in cereal as it only makes the cereal soggy.

Her biggest food pet peeve is soggy food. She can't stand soggy food. She grabbed her bowl of cereal and went to the movie room. To see what's on at five in the morning. The sun isn't up yet. That's how early it is.

She didn't even finish her cereal before she fell back asleep to some show. She didn't know what time it was when the next thing that she heard was an airhorn.

"AHHH!" Samira screamed as she opened one eye open and saw a person standing two feet in front of her. "Go away." She says sleepily laying back down in the chair to go back to bed.

"I tried saying your name for five minutes, and you didn't answer so I had this in my hand, and yeah." The person said as it was obvious that it was Luke, as Samira groaned as she grabbed her blanket.

Then they heard footsteps coming into the movie room as it was Jessie. "Okay, who screamed? Is anyone hurt?" Jessie asked the two as Samira covered her head with her blanket.

"Stop with the questions. It's too early. Go away." Samira says as Luke and Jessie looked at each other before shaking their head.

"Yeah, she's Bertram's child," Jessie says as Luke nods his head at what Jessie said.

"Now you know where she got it from," Bertram said making Luke and Jessie yell as they didn't expect to see the Butler right there.

"Now that's too early," Jessie remarked back to him for scaring her.

"Mira time to get up. Your lucky it's the weekend." Bertram said patting her what he thinks its her shoulder to wake her up.

"Mhhmm." Samira mumbled as she didn't want to get up as she was comfortable right where she was.

"I made chocolate chip pancakes." Bertram says as Samira immediately stood up and ran out of the movie room.

"Nice." Jessie says impressed that worked.



"Luke come and do your homework, before it's due." Jessie says as she knocked on his bedroom door as she heard a noise coming from inside the room. She opened the bedroom door and saw Luke playing a game on his TV. "Come on, homework, now." Jessie says grabbing the TV remote and shutting off the TV.

Luke was confused as he thought that he pressed a button wrong and then he went to grab the TV remote but it wasn't where he had left it earlier. He looked up and saw Jessie standing there with the remote in her hand. "Can I have that back, my game just got to the good part." He says as he went to reach for the remote to turn his TV back on.

"No you do homework, then I'll give you back the remote." Jessie says as Luke made a face at what she had said.

"Why it's no fun. Just a bunch of useless information." Luke says as Jessie went to his backpack to grab the 'useless information'. She opened up the notebook that had said 'useless information' and saw that he had to do an essay about Krypton.

"Don't you like Krypton?" Jessie asked as Luke grabbed the notebook and gave her a little glare.

"Phft. No." Luke says as Jessie raised an eyebrow at what he said. He rolled his eyes a little before sighing. "Fine."

"What is the homework assignment about anyway?" Jessie asked him as she sat on the edge if his bed with the remote still in her hand.

"Okay, so you have to write an essay about a fantasy land that you can think of and write a two page essay about it. So the only fantasy land that I knew was Krypton." Luke explains as Jessie nods her head with a faint smile on her face at what he said.

"Do the essay about that. Samira told me how much you love Superman and Krypton." Jessie says as Luke nods his head agreeing with her.

"Fine, I'll do it." Luke says getting a pencil from his bag as he started writing it. Jessie smiled at seeing how passionate he was about Superman and Krypton. She put the remote down where she had sat moments ago as she walked out the door before closing it.

She went to her room as she was going to take a shower before she ever heard Samira on the phone with her mother. Clearly it was another thing that bothered her just by the tone in the girls voice. Whatever it was it was angering her as her tone got higher by each word. She out her ear against the door to eavesdrop on the conversation between Jana and Samira.

"Mom, I told you, you weren't there for me. It was always Brenna this, Brenna that. So why do you think I will accept you again in my life. Well, what makes you think that. I hate to say it, but I want nothing to do with you, with you being in my life. So just leave." Samira tells her mother as Jessie is taken aback a little at hearing the words. Then she heard something on the other end of the phone as she's guessing that it's Jana. (Which Bertram told her what her name is).

Bertram gave Jessie a quick run down of what happened so whenever she sees Samira on the phone she must eavesdrop no matter what. She wants to be informed about these things. But luckily Samira didn't catch on to it. So that's a good thing.

Then after who she confirmed was Jana, she heard quietness meaning Samira had hung up on her. Then again, she deserved it. As she favors Brenna just because she's the oldest, that listens to her. Which is not true on a lot levels. Granted, yes, Brenna is the oldest, but Samira listens to her mother. Well more like 50% of the time because the other 50% is all lies. So basically yeah, Samira doesn't listen to her mother. That was basically what Bertram had told her among other things.

Jessie shook her head before making her way towards her room where she was originally going to go to, before she got sidetracked of eavesdropping of Samira'a conversation with her mother.

Samira's POV

After about ten minutes after I somewhat calmed myself down so I don't lash out on someone and then regret it for later. I heard someone knock on the door as I sorta knew that it was Emma, because she asked if she could do my makeup.

Which is fine because I have no life and don't intend on getting one anytime soon. I tried going to the 'Get A Life Store' to ya know get a life and then said they were out of lives to spare so now I'm suffering in this stupid life of mine.

Oh crap--I just realized how depressing that sounded. Whoops.

I get up and walk to my bedroom door before opening it and seeing Emma. She walked in with her makeup bag in her hands. I smile a little as I have a lot on my mind but its fine.

"I know this cheers you up so let's get started." Emma says walking to my vanity and putting my makeup in the drawers.

I don't have that much but a mascara collection along with an eyeshadow collection too, also with eyeliner and foundation. Both of those are collections too. Then four chapsticks.

Yeah I have a problem but buying makeup it's coping mechanism I have. It's a weird mechanical but Bertram says as 'long as I don't get arrested' I should be good.

"So what's first?" She says laying out her variety of makeup that I use which is an entire bag. Then a little mini bag of makeup wipes. But she didn't take the wipes out as I said that she can use mine. So yeah.

"You do it, just don't make me look like a clown." I say to her as she nods her head before turning my spinning seat around so I could face her.

(This scene is going to remind me of Evie from descendants, for some reason).

Third Person's POV

Emma did a nude makeup on Samira as she asked her a couple questions about what colors she wanted but Samira let Emma do her magic. Then when she was done she put on a setting spray to make sure that the makeup stays in place. Then when she was done she turned Samira's chair around she grabbed her brush and lightly brushed through Samira's little waves in her hair.

"You look like amazing. If you were in a magazine, I'd so totes buy it." Emma says as Samira smiles before hugging Emma as she helped her pack up her makeup.

"Much appreciated Em." Samira says as Emma saw Samira's secret gummy bear stash.

"Can I have one?" Emma asked as it was her secret stash that she was reorganizing so Luke wouldn't keep stealing her candy stashes. Samira nods her head at her as Emma grabbed a gummy bear as it was a lemon flavor one.

After Emma left Samira got back to work reorganizing her candy stash. She didn't hear her door being knocked on as she was listening to Rihanna. The door opens up to reveal it was Bertram. The smell of cookies suddenly filled the air as she knew that they were freshly made, by the smell. Also the faint smell of Oreos.

It meant one thing. Bertram made her chocolate chip Oreo cookies. She turned around and smiled at the smell as there was a full plate of them in front of her.

"Figured you'd be hungry so I made you a snack." Bertran says as Samira smiles as Bertram gave her a kiss on her forehead before walking out and closing her door. Knowing she'd want privacy. Just after he left her phone rang as she saw it was her mother and she declined her call.

As Samira was dealing with what had just happened with her mom, she was shoving the cookies in her mouth without a care in the world. She was very satisfied with the cookies as there her favorite.

After she was done eating the dozen cookies that Bertram made her she figured that she'd go downstairs to out the plate away in the sink. She grabbed her headphones and turned up her music and walked downstairs. She made it to the kitchen without anyone talking to her but that didn't last long. She felt someone grab her hand and she flipped thr person over before grabbing a pillow in attempts to hit the person with it. But she saw it was just Luke.

"Oh crap sorry." Samira says helping Luke back to his feet as she took off her headphones. Luke waved his hand like it didn't bother him.

"Nah, your fine. Nothings broken." Hs says with a little laugh. Samira smiled knowing that she didn't hurt him.

"Well that's good." Samira says as Luke followed her it not he kitchen.

"Did you make something?" Luke asked her as she shook her head.

"Nope. Bertram made my snack." Samira says as she licked the plate clean. Luke laughed a little before grabbing a water bottle and sitting on the high chair.

"What was it?" He asked as he turned the chair around as she started doing the little dishes in the sink.

"Um, chocolate chip Oreo cookies." She says casually knowing that Luke would frown as he loves those cookies too. She looked up at him and raised an eyebrow at seeing him frowning. "I was nice enough to save you one." She says as she handed it to him as he happily took it, before making noises as it was still a little soft but still chewy.

"These are bomb." Luke says as Samira nods her head as just then Bertram walks into the kitchen not realizing that Samira was there and when he did he jumped a little.

"Oh hey, Mira." He says to her as he handed her the plate which had his extensive cheese platter, as Samira was nice enough to order him it.

"What about me?" Luke asked slightly taken aback but also kidding as Bertram turned to him and rolled his eyes a little as Samira just chucked at seeing the two.

"What he means is 'hello'." Samira says to Bertram while looking at Luke for a second and looking into his brown eyes, before looking down.

*why you doing this Samira. You don't have feelings for him, he's just a friend*

Samira finished doing the dishes that she did as there wasn't that many just like four plates, silverware and two cups and also including the plate that had the cookies on it.

Samira would never say this but she has a very tiny crush on Luke. But she won't admit it because it feels weird to have a crush on your bestfriend.

Would it be wrong to like your bestfriend like that?


Hope you liked this chapter and make sure to comment and engage with the book.

Love you loves.

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