12 - toy con

[season 2; 12]

Third Person's POV

Mira joined Luke and Emma for lunch in the kitchen with of course Nala, Mira's cat which is a Maine Coon cat who is getting bigger and fluffier. Bertram looked like he was looking for something. "Has anyone seen my keys?" He asked.

Then Luke barfed up Bertram's keys. "Found them."

"Oh thanks. By any chance, has anyone seen my nose-hair trimmers?" Bertram added and before Emma could take a bite out of her sandwich, she put it down and moved her plate toward Bertram and said. "Feel free to take a look."

"Sorry, guys, I just can't seem to focus these days. And I feel all woozy inside." Bertram sat down on a chair between Mira and Luke.

"Maybe you're sick?" Mira suggested as Bertram shook his head.

"It's Salma Espinosa." Bertram answered.

"Is that contagious?" Emma asked leaning towards Luke scared.

Mira rolled her eye and said. "Em, it's not a disease."

"It's the name of the most beautiful woman on Earth! She's the neighbor's personal Chef, and let's just say that she is one hot tamale." Bertram says as Mira and Emma were in awe, that Bertram is falling in love.

"Bertram, we're going to help you get Salma." Emma says standing up as Mira shook her head.

"Oh, absolutely not." Bertram, standing up to walk away from Emma and Luke.

"But aren't you tired of spending your nights polishing your nesting dolls with your tears?" Emma asked.

"Yes." Bertram says tearing up a bit. "But there's no way I'm letting you and Luke meddle in my personal life." Bertram finished and walked away from the kitchen.

"Okay, just so we're clear we are going to meddle right?" Emma asked facing Luke.

"Like Michael Phelps at the Olympics." Luke says as he high-fived Emma.

"I'm out, before either of you get me involved." Mira says as her and Nala walked out of the kitchen.

"She's no fun." Emma says to Luke.

"Yeah, she is." Luke muttered to Emma.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*

time skipΒ 

Later on Emma was in the lobby setting up a plan for Bertram and Salma. Then Emma's phone ringed and she answered it and put her phone in between her shoulder and her ear. "Luke, are you almost here? Great. Initiating Operation: Beauty and the Butler."Β  Emma says and she hung up and she dialed Salma's number as she was gonna be impersonating Tony's voice.

"Salma Espinosa? Yo, this is Tony from the lobby. I need you to come down here real quick." Emma says doing her best Tony voice and hung up the phone.

When the elevator door opened Luke and Bertram entered the lobby and Salma said to Bertram. "Hola, Bertram." She says in her sultry voice.

But Bertram stumbled on his words and nothing audible came out.Β 

"You know you two have a lot in common. Like cooking, ....and breathing." Emma says, not really knowing what to say about Salma and Bertram having in common.

"So have fun with that. Bye!" Luke says grabbing the bags and him and Emma ran to the elevator.

When Bertram came back, he said he has a date with Salma, but it was something that he didn't expect. "She meant the salsa dancing contest!" Bertram screeched panicking as it made Mira jump as while Emma was downstairs she managed to give Nala a bath, which was better than she expected it to go.

"What did you think she meant?" Luke asked.

"A salsa making contest! You know, diced tomatoes, onions, cilantro! Who dances in the park? That's crazy!" Bertram exclaims, over exaggerating.

"I know this doesn't help, but Luke dances in the park." Mira says as Bertram gave her a look for not helping. "Sorry, continue."Β 

"You two got me into this, and you are gonna get me out. You've got three days to teach me how to salsa dance." Bertram says walking away to the kitchen with his bags.

"Luke, is three days going to be enough?" Emma asked.

"Only if we can cut down his nap time to less than six hours a day." Luke says.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*

The nex5 day was Bertram's salsa dancing lesson with Emma and Luke as Mira was gonna watch from the sidelines, not wanting to get involved. The three of them were just doing like a two step so far with salsa music playing in the background. "One, two, three, five, six, seven." Luke says.

Bertram turned to the side but did it in a really lazy movement. "I've seen better rotation from the washing machine." Emma says.

"Do you even know what a washing machine even is?" Mira asked her as Emma gave her a look as Mira raised a brow.

"Okay, so let's just try some basic steps. Ready?" Luke stepped up and showed some amazing salsa moves which Mira had to admit was cool. Luke went back to Bertram and said. "Now you."

"Have you met me?" Bertram asked in disbelief and sarcastically.

Later on Luke and Emma were sitting standing beside each other watching Bertram and Mira dancing. The salsa dancing way with the music playing in the background, and with Luke criticizing Bertram's dancing. "Bertram, clean up that footwork, and don't try to step on Sammy's feet...straighten your frame...and tuck in your butt."Β 

"If I could, I would!" Bertram grumbled and stopped the music. "I keep hearing this voice in my head saying I can't do this."Β 

"That's your conscious." Mira says.

"What's that?" Luke asked as Mira shook her head.

"Never mind." Mira says.

"Just ignore it, that what we do when we hear your voice." Luke says looking at Emma who nods.

"Ah! I give up." Bertram grumbled and Emma wasn't having it.

"Bertram, do you ever want to get a girlfriend?" Emma asked.

"You've already been alone for 70 years."

"Alright, I'll do it for Salma." He says.

"The only thing missing is the perfect outfit." Emma says.

"And while I'm at it, I'll try to find something for you, too, Bertram!" Emma says as she played the music again.

"Keep dancing." Emma tells Luke and Bertram as Mira is staying out of this as she's choosing her battles.

Then again, Mira doesn't dance, let alone dance like Luke does.

"I hate this more than you do." Luke complains as they dance.

"I think that hard to believe." Bertram says and he twirled around and made a dip.

"Believe it." Luke says looking up at Bertram.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*

The Salsa competition has arrived and Emma has chosen Salma and Bertram's outfit and it was color-coordinated which was red.

Salma and Bertram were dancing and Mira, Emma and Luke were watching on the side beside the judges. "I'm so proud of Bertram." Emma says, smiling.

"Me too, I still can't believe he's actually doing it." Mira says, smiling.

"The way you dressed him, I can't believe he actually left the house." Luke says.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*

As the three of them kept watching the twirl was coming. "Ooh, here comes the twirl!" Emma squeals excitedly.

"Twirl her like spaghetti, Bertram!" Luke shouts.

Bertram twirled Salma 3 times and she was smiling and exclaimed really happy. After that, Salma did a small solo but out of nowhere Bertram ran off. "Bertram, where are you going? We are doing the salsa, not the running man!" Salma says, now alone without a partner.

"What happened? He was doing so great." Mira asked.

"Oh, I knew I shouldn't have mentioned spaghetti. He's probably hip deep in meatballs by now." Luke says.

"We can fix this. Two of us should go wrangle Bertram while the other one dances with his beautiful partner." Emma says, but without Emma and Mira looking, Luke ran to go dance with Salma.

Emma and Mira left anyway and they found Bertram at the kids playground, sitting on a swing. "Bertram, what's going on?" Mira asked.

"I can't believe I thought this would work." Bertram says.

"You usually need someone to push you." Emma says who thought Bertram was talking about the swing and not the dance.

"I'm not talking about the swing, I'm talking about the dance contest. I really thought I could pull this off. But all those people were staring, and the judges were so Judge-y." Bertram says.

"But you were doing great out there."Β  Mira replies as Bertram looked at her.

"Really? I was?" Bertram asked, uncertain.

"Yes! You should've seen how excited Salma was dancing with you." Emma says.

"She looked like you the day you got your new pressure cooker." Mira adds.

"That excited?" Bertram asked.

"Yes, that excited. Bertram, you've worked so hard. You're a great dancer now." Emma says.

"Salma thinks you can do it, Luke, Emma and I think you can do it. The only person saying you can't do it is you." Mira says as that did motive Bertram a bit.

"Well, there were actually four of me saying it." Bertram says.

"Huh?" Both girls said a bit confused.

"Long story." He says.

"Which there is no time for. Because the girl of your dreams is waiting for you on that dance floor." Mira says standing up as Emma did too.

"And she needs you to win the contest!" Emma adds.

"You two really think I can do this?" Bertram asked.

"Yes! Now, why aren't you moving?" Emma asked.

"Because I'm stuck in this swing!" Bertram grunts and Emma and Mira helps him off the swing and they ran back to the competition.

Bertram, Emma and Mira got back to the competition and Bertram and Mira joined back in. Bertram and Mira were doing the two-step as they approached Luke and Salma. "Sorry, I cut out. Can I cut back in?" Bertram asked.

"Sure,Β  we have to make it look smooth. Let's doo the reverse copa. Five, six, seven, eight..." Luke says as they did move but then they twirled it ended up with Salma dancing with Mira and Luke dancing with Bertram. "Maybe we should try that again." Luke says.

"You think." Mira says.

"Five, six, seven, eight." Now they were back to their original partners.

With Mira and Luke they were doing great moves like a shimmy of the wrist, then a twirl, and a double twirl into Luke's hip and Luke's arm around Mira's torso. The audience was clapping for the two teenagers.

"Luke we're dancing so well, that all that's left is us and Bertram." Mira says.

"That's like asking me to stop breathing." Luke saysΒ  and with a twirl and slide a bit on the floor.

"Is that an option?" Mira asked as she grabbed his wrist and they tried to do a two step.

"Hey, M can I tell you something?" Luke asked, as Mira does a neat move with her feet.

"Sure, what?" She asked.

"Well, we never did this kind of stuff before and let me just say-" Luke tells Mira to slid down aΒ  bit with her right food out and came back up into a twirl and right close to Luke's face and leg. "-I quite enjoy it."

Mira was shocked that Luke liked dancing with her in a competition. "Really?" Mira asked and Luke nods in a response. Then the next one she did absolutely stunned Luke for a bit and that was when she hooked her left leg into Luke's leg that was pointing out and she raised her right leg above Luke's head. "I do too."

"Wait a minute, are we doing tango moves?" Luke asked.

"Why, yes we are. Let's move behind them." Mira replied and she moved cheer dance behind Bertram and Salma.

The song was almost finishing up and their finishing move was Luke twirling Mira five times and to finish with a dip with Luke and Mira's faces close together, and Luke was holding Mira's leg in place, the crowd applauded for the contestants, but Luke and Mira were still in the dip but panting very heavily then Luke pulled her back up by his side.

"We have to do that again, sometime." Mira muttered to him.

"I think so too." Luke muttered back to her.

One of the judges was holding the trophy and walked past Bertram and Salma, and gave the trophy to Luke so unfortunately Luke and Mira won.

Luke passed the trophy to Mira and Emma came up beside Luke and approached the adults. "Sorry, Bertram. We weren't trying to win, but when you combine me with a dance floor and a crowd....There's only so many ways it can end." Luke says and Mira hit his side.

"But we're totally proud of you, and we really want you to have this." Mira says, mentioning the trophy.

"Thanks, but Salma and I already have everything we need." Bertram says.

"Si, guapo." Salma smiles at Bertram as they started to dance again.

"Let's get out of here, before she starts running her fingers through his scalp." Luke exclaims and Luke. Mira and Emma walked away.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:*

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