The Danger Begins

10 -and-a half years ago

Two young hopeless girls walks along the concrete path. One of them is carrying her baby sister who is the same age as her. Her name is Brianna, and the oldest is Arianna who is two and a half years old. Arianna had a pair of worn out winter boots that she stole for herself. Because she's been homeless for a couple of months when their mother died and their father left them when Arianna was born.

Her hair was in the messiest braid ever, her little sisters hair was so messy that Arianna basically gave up trying to brush it, because Brianna broke every single hairbrush that Arianna stole.

Hey when you are homeless you have to steal to live. They had no parental figure to help her and Brianna grow up teaching them right from wrong.

Arianna looks at her sister, who is in her arms. A small tear escapes one of her green eyes and she shivers as a cold breeze blows past them.

Arianna finds an abandoned house that is worn out but Arianna puts her little sister down on the ground, so she can open the door but when she felt a pair of hands around her neck.

Brianna squeals as she sees her older sister struggling to get out of the man's grip.

"Where do you think you're going brat?" One of them said as she other one punched her in the face.

Brianna has her chance of saving her sister she kicks him where the sun don't shine and kicked him in the gut, until he falls on top of the other guy and Arianna falls on the ground.

"Oof." Arianna said as she lands on top of her sister, she helps them up and they start running away from the guys.

They weren't looking where they were running then ended up running into a man and the girls went into defensive mode.

Then the men start running stopping in their tracks when they see a man in and red and blue suit.

"Excuse me, I don't think you should be touching these young girls." Captain Man said as the girls get behind them terrified.

"Captain Man!" The men gasps at the superhero.

Captain Man shoots the guys with lasers as they fell to the ground, and he picks up Brianna resulting her falling asleep in the hero's arms, he smiled slightly. Then he picks up Arianna and holds her in his other arm.

Arianna lets out a little cry. Captain Man notices their attire and his smile fades when he sees the bruise forming on Arianna's cheek, then he looks down and at Brianna.

"Its okay you're both safe now." He whispers to the girls and he finds a bench and he carefully sits down trying not wake up Brianna.

He looks at Arianna's eyes and sees the fear and torture they've been through. He felt a connection with the two-year-olds.

"What's your name, and hers?" Captain Man asks Arianna.

"Arianna and dissies name is Brianna." Arianna sqeaks as she can't say the word sissy right.

"Are you girls here by yourself?"

Arianna nodded her head and Captain Man thought in his head; their homeless.

"Ya our mommy died a couple months ago and our dadie left when I was born." Arianna said to Captain Man.

"Here come with me and I will get you girls cleaned up." He offered and walks with the girls sleeping his arms.

Captain Man found two daughters that he was going to love and cherish forever.

Charlotte's POV

I am at Henry's house. Henry and I are on our algebra homework. Jasper, on the other hand, was trying to invite people over for his birthday party. Sadly, that never worked for him in the years past.

"Hey did you are what Captain Man and Girl Danger did yesterday?" Jasper asks me and Henry.

"Can we focus on algebra?" I say with irritated that we are getting distracted by the mintue.

"There was a fire at the pet store, and Captain Man and Girl Danger ran inside right through the flames and saved all the animals and they didn't even get hurt." Jasper explained. I am going to be shocked when he finds a girl, then I will feel better that he isn't annoying us anymore.

"Captain Man and Girl Danger never gets hurt, he's a beast and Girl Danger is hot." Henry said proudly. Wondering what it would be like to date Girl Danger.ย 

"Ya know someday when you guys are cleaning my swimming pool cause you failed this algebra test then flunked out of school I hope you remember this moment, cause I will." I said annoyed already. I will be shocked if both of them find a girlfriend, especially Jasper. That will be hilarious, maybe that shy Brianna girl at school. Who says that she is homeless, but her clothes say otherwise.

I am friends with Brianna, she's just shy or something. Shes a nice kid, I know that she is a secret keeper, she knows that she can trust me, but she doesn't tell me the secrets. Maybe over time she will or so, I don't know. I'm not pushing her to tell me. That's not what friends do.

[Computer Notification]"Hey, here's a cool job I can do; foot model." Henry said, placing his foot on the table trying to tell us that he could actually model for feel.

"Maybe you shouldn't model for feet, just saying." I said, shoving Henry's foot off the table and continued to work on algebra.

I walked upstairs to go to the bathroom. I quickly went and did my business, then I quickly walked back downstairs.

"Yo guys, can we go over the list of people for my birthday party?" Jasper asked. I rolled my eyes as I made my way back to my spot.

"Sure." Henry said casually and I glared at him.

"No." I said, wanting to get back to the homework. I was thinking why I wanted to work on my homework here, when I could've done it at my house.

"But I invited 52 people and nobody texted me back. What does that mean?" Jasper asked the two of us confused.

"That people have been to your parties before." Henry says a little annoyed that Jasper is distracting himself.

"Oh c'mon, my parties aren't that bad." Jasper said defending his parties. To be honest, I'll be surprised if NO ONE gets sick from his parties.

"Three years ago. Fifteen kids ended up in the hospital." I said and Jasper rolled his eyes.

"Cause of your raw turkey." Henry said not wanting no part of the conversation like me. Next time we have a to study for a test I am going to my house and staying there alone.

Then, maybe inviting that Brianna kid she is pretty shy. She's also pretty cool, although she keeps secrets. We get along we have a couple things in common she just doesn't really talk about her family, she does sometimes it just takes a little longer to get it out of her she is like keeping a wall up.

"It was turkey sushi." Jasper remarked, with irration.

"A boy almost died." I remarked and I was try not to strangle him. But Henry held me back.

"It's okay, I got you, please try not to kill him." Henry said holding me back, there was a slight feeling between us. I just don't know what it was.

"Yeah almost." Jasper said, spitting in my face, then after he realized what he did to my face, he carefully walked away.

Because he knows that I don't like people spitting on me. Babies are the exception because they are babies, but not Jasper.

"What have I told you about spitting in my face." I said getting a tissue and wiping the spit off of me.

"To not do it." Jasper said with guilt in his voice.

"Ok! The first person to help me find an after school job gets....this bowl of pinecones." Henry said getting the bowl of pinecones.

Jasper gasped which made me look at him like he is crazy.

"You're gonna freak out over a bowl of pine cones, grow up Jasper." I said, spitting on him to see how he felt when he did it to me.

"Why do you even need a job?" I ask, because maybe Henry could get a job but what is he good at....yeah I didn't think so.

"You know, to earn responsibility, challenge myself." Henry said, let me guess he wants money.

Jasper grabbed a tissue to get the spit off of his face.

[Charlotte's phone beeped]

I looked at my phone and it was Brianna, she told me that she couldn't come over for a sleepover tonight, because her dad is hiring at the store. (Meaning Junk N Stuff).

"He wants money." Jasper said putting an arm around Henry's shoulder.

"I want money and I don't have an allowance so I need this job." Henry said shoving Jasper's arm from around his shoulder because it was making him feel uncomfortable.

"Can we please talk about my birthday?!" Jasper said, walking back to the counter grabbing his tablet.

"Ughhh, am I going have to slap a boy?" I said getting both of the attention and making them flinch.

Henry's mom comes downstairs, with a laundry basket....ha....must be Henry's. I'm so gonna laugh if I'm right.

"Henry? Can you please tell us how in the world-oh I didn't know that Jasper and Charlotte were here." His mom asked.

"Were studying!" Jasper remarked and I glared at him.

"Are we?" I said with sarcasm which made him jump.

"Mom, were right in the middle of an assign-" Henry said getting cut off by mother.

"I'm not interrupting." His mom said sheepishly.

"Thanks". Henry said going back to the couch.

"I just have a question about your underwear!" His mom said me and Jasper snickered.

"Ha that's hilarious." I said laughing then Henry poked my shoulder, making me glare heavily at him, making him flinch.

"MOM!" Henry exclaimed.

"Is like to hear the question?" I answered warning a flick on the head from Henry.

"What is the issue with Henry's underwear?" Jasper asked.


There were two teenage girls, whose names were Brianna and Arianna. The daughters of Captain Man or Ray Manchester the eight year old who became indestructible.

Arianna is the oldest she is turning 13 in a couple of weeks. Brianna is 12 years old.

Arianna is also a superhero that makes boys swoon over her with her long golden brown hair, thin eyebrows, brown eyes. Hair that goes down mid-waist.

Brianna has dark honey blonde hair with slight curls, brown eyes, turns red when angry, hair that goes mid-waist. Brianna looks like their mother which I will talk about in the next coming scenes when Henry finds out about Brianna being Rays daughter.

So, in order to protect her Ray told Bri to not tell anyone, that she is Captain Man's daughter.

Then Brianna wanted to find another person to help out being Captain Man's sidekick since her oldest sister Arianna got injured being on the job, fighting Dr. Minyak.

"You almost done baby." Ray pressured Brianna but she was used to it. When your dad is pressuring you to find the villains so he can get back to the Man Cave with his girls.

Ray put his arm around Bri while Ari has an ice pack on her leg. So Ari got blasted by Minyak and he took her powers for his plan but Ray got the vile that has the powers but it takes a couple of days to get back into Ari's system.

So to be on the safe side because Bri cares about her older sister she made an ad for a part-time worker for the shop when in all reality the person that gets the job is going to be Captain Mans sidekick at least until Ari is back to her feet.

This is Brianna outfit. Brianna doesn't really wear girly clothes often but when she does they aren't her colors. Everyone know that Captain Man has daughters they've met Arianna but not so much Brianna. But Brianna doesn't like the attention that's why she didn't want to become a sidekick. Because she is always the quiet one and Ray still loves her like that and because she doesn't like speaking in front of people so interviews would be out the door.

He loves his girls equally, he's the kind of parent that doesn't pick favorites he loves his girls equally.

"Yeah actually I am done, have fun stay safe." I told Dad.

"I am always okay." Dad said doing his stupid pose. Then he kissed Bri's forehead before walking towards the tubes.

"See you guys when you are done. I won't go anywhere like I never do and have zero fun." I sadly walk away to my room go get ready to go to school.

Brianna is the only one of the girls who actually goes to school. Because she isn't a superhero like her dad and sister.

I walk to school, I go to my locker. I grab my textbooks and I close my locker.

Then the schools bully Mitch Bilsky, comes towards me.

"What do you think you are doing Nerd." He says to me.

"Going to class." I say leaving the situation.

Then, as I walk into my first hour which is my history class with Ms. Shapen I accidentally bump into someone.

"Sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." I said, brushing off my elbow then I found out that I scraped it pretty good now it is bleeding.

"It's okay. My name is Jasper. What's yours?" Jasper asked, I gotta say that his curly hair is pretty cute. Not a lot of guys have short curly hair, and brown eyes and what's happening with me.

"Mine is Brianna." I answered I'm too busy staring into his cute little brown eyes.

"Hey Jasp. Who's......this....." One of his friends said that she had dark curly hair, the one beside her was a kid a little bit taller than me, he had blonde hair and brown eyes.

"You're Brianna right, the shy girl right?" The blonde one asked.

"Yea, you're right." I said, stuttering.

"Our names are Henry and Charlotte." Henry said introducing him and Charlotte. Hey this must be a new record two friends in one day, wait until dad finds out about this.

Wait, I already know who Charlotte is, she's my friend. I didn't have the chance to say anything.

*on the phone with Ray*

*after school*

I pick up my phone when someone tapped my shoulder. I jumped and I turned around and it was Henry, Charlotte and Jasper.

"Sorry but you left your textbook in Ms. Shapen's class, and Jasper wanted to return it for you." Henry said, handing me my textbook.

"Thanks see you tomorrow." I said almost walking away, then I felt someone following me.

"Do you know where Junk N Stuff is, because I applied for a job there." Henry said, I turned around shocked. That someone saw the ad.

"It's this way actually." I said redirecting him because he was going to wrong direction.

*at the store*

I walk into the store and Gooch and Omar the plant that moves. I know what you're think, 'but plants don't move or eat anything', well what've i told you that he is a plant that moves and eats things, because I don't know what kind of plant he actually is.

"I'll meet you downstairs." I said quickly walking away then going to the elevator, I click on the elevator.

"Wait I don't see any stairs, Bri come back." Henry protested but I left before he could say anything.

*Henry's POV*

"What you looking at." A creepy man said with a snake tattoo said.

"Um, I'm Henry Hart, here about thd job." I ask.

"The job....." The strange man said.

"Go back." He said.

"Where?" I ask, okay this is awkward.

"To the back." He said.

"Ohh go to the back." I said.

"Take the elevator down." He said.

"What floor?" I said.

"Down." He said.

*in the Man Cave*

Me and Ari hear screaming coming from the elevator must be Henry. Then the elevator opens to reveal that it is Henry. I wack my dad's tummy to get his attention.

He grabs his headphones and he tosses it and it hits Ari in the face.

"What the butt dad." Ari says in lain as she rubs her forehead, where the phone hit her.

"Hey how are you? I'm Ray and these are my daughters, Arianna and Brianna. I'm doing good nice to meet you. What's your name?" Dad ask Henry.

"Um, I'm Henry Hart. I'm hear about the job?" I say not really knowing what to say then Brianna told me that she has a twin sister named Arianna. She looks so familiar but I don't know why.

"Age?" He asked, looking over at Arianna. The obvious difference between Arianna and Brianna is their hair color.

"13 I'll be 14 on my next birthday." I said. I noticed Arianna was looking at me. I just smiled back is it me or is she cute.

"You ask a lot of questions." He said smiling at the girls, why does he have teenage girls in here.

"I don't think I've asked any questions." I answered him.

"Chocolate or Vanilla?" He asked and the obvious choice was Vanilla but the girls were shaking their heads.

"Vanilla." I answered and the girls were still shaking their heads.

"Helicopters or kangaroos?" Ray asked this is getting weird he is asking me very weird questions.

"Helicopters." I said please tell me this is getting somewhere.

"Love it. Scrambled eggs or dynamite?" Ray asked.

"Both." I say.

"Maybe. Complete this sentence, "I'm sorry, Mother, I didn't mean for my elephant to blank." Ray asked.

"Uh, lick Dad." I said stupidly. Well, that made the girls laugh.

"That's not funny." Arianna said, then we all stopped laughing.

"No. Um, is this the job interview?" I asked Ray because for like five minutes it doesn't feel like its the job interview.

"Do you want it to be the job interview?" Brianna asked me. I have like SO many questions going on right now.

"Um, what is the job?" I asked Brianna.

"What do you think the job is?" Arianna asked, me. Then she puts her arm around me and I felt this slight tingle in ny stomach and I don't know what it is.

"Uh, the ad said part time helper, so I'm thinking maybe you need someone to help you, you know, part time." I explain, then when I said the ad part Brianna perked up. Its funny I just noticed that Arianna is wearing a cast on her foot, just like Girl Danger just a couple days ago. Maybe Arianna hurt herself because she can't be Girl Danger, I have soo many questions to ask but I don't know which one to ask first.

"Do you ever dream about sleeping?" Brianna asked. Brianna is like the quirky, funny kind like Jasper. They would he a pretty cute couple. Wait why am I thinking about this.

"No." I said, and we are back at the weird questions, yay.

"Good. If you did, you'd be dead." Brianna said.

"I am so confused." I said, I said my name was Henry when I first walked in here.

"David." Ray asked.

"Henry." I corrected for him.

"Can we trust you?" Ray and Arianna said. Arianna was walking with her crutches over to Ray, for some reason.

"Sure." I said confusingly.

"Can you keep a secret?" Brianna asked, sneaking up behind me making be jump. I swear she loves making people jump.

"Totally." I agree, where is this going, is what I'd like to know.

"So I can trust you to keep a secret?" Arianna said sternly, giving me a glare. Okay she scares me.

"Yes ma'am." I say.

"We're going to blow a bubble." Arianna said, blowing a bubble with Ray.

"You're going to blow a bubble?" I say confusingly, I raised my eyebrow. Okay what's going on here. Is one of my questions that I need to ask but I don't know which one to ask first.

"And we're going to blow your mind." Ray said smiling at Arianna.

"You're Captain Man and Girl Danger!" I said. Woah no wonder why I recognized Arianna. Because she's Girl Danger.

"That's right Henry." I said with a smile on my face. I notice that dad is glanicng down on his suit wasn't zipped all the way. Brianna was texting her friend Charlotte, who is friends with Henry and a kid named Jasper. He is a weird kid he collects buckets, while I collect Beyonce's albums. What it isn't that weird of a collection.

"Oh hold on a second Bri help."

Bri rushes over there and help him zip up his suit but it was stuck. "The zipper always sticks!" Bri tugs on it and he yelps. "That's my skin!"

After like a good minute and every squirts of zipper lube, the zipper zipped all the way.

"There we go!" My dad says with success. "Woo! Always keep the zipper lube!"

"You're welcome daddy." I said and he kissed my forehead.

"Thank you Bri." He smiles and I put away the zipper lubed.

"I can't believe that I'm standing here talking to Captain Man and Girl Danger!" Henry exclaimed and me and my sister rolled our eyes at this.

"Why are you a fan? Do you like us? Most people like us but not everyone." Dad explained to Henry an

"Yeah, I'm a huge fan. Oh man, I've got to tell Jasper about this. He's gona freak when I him I'm standing next to Captain-" Henry said when Ari zapped my phone and it fell on to the floor.

"Sorry " Bri said picking up my zapped phone and handing it to me.

Bri's POV

"Do you know how to make sandwiches?" Dad asked Henry, who looked at dad luke he was stupid or something.

"I do." Henry said proudly like he accomplished something. Me and Ari looked at each other and rolled out eyes.

"Then you have all the qualities I'm looking for?" Dad said looking at Ari, who looked at the floor.

"Okay the reason why I put up the ad was that Ari got hurt after Mr. Minyak took her powers from her and put it in a vile which takes a couple of days to get into her system, and she wants someone to fill in for her at least until she gets better. At school when you stopped Mitch from doing something to me you stepped in and saved me, and I saw potential in you Henry." I explained to Henry and dad put his hands on my shoulders, and was playing with my hair while I was explained why I made an ad.

"That's why it said part time helper. Wait why aren't you wanting to become a super hero?" Henry asked me, and I looked down at the floor.

"She decided not to. Because someone has to watch the man cave while me and Ari are fighting crime. So Bri decided to stay and be like the behind the scenes of the job." Ray/Captain Man explained.

"More understandable." Henry agreed, and Bri went to her room to get some sleep.

"AnyRay, but everyone gets old someday even Captain Man and Girl Danger. I can't do this forever." Dad said walking off and leaning against the couch.

"Do what." Henry questions.

"Protect our town, Swellview, from bad guys, bad things and bad smells." My dad adds.

"Wanna be horrified?" Dad asks him and Ari walks over there.

"No!" Henry exclaims to dad.

"Watch this!" Dad pulls out the remotes for the tv screen and switches every screen to view the most horrible villain; The Toddler.

"Who's the freak in the diaper?" Henry asks.

Ari's POV

"The Toddler. Don't let the diaper fool ya, kid." Dad adds and rubs my back.

"Wow." Henry said.

"I'll show ya, 'Wow'!" My dad let's me go and sits down. "Watch this secret video that intercepted by my people who intercept secret videos."

"You were supposed to bring me my applesauce two minutes ago!" The Toddler bitterly tells a man who was tied up.

"I'm sorry Toddler!" The poor man apologize nervously.

"Sorry don't make baby happy!" Toddler spat at him and blew a few raspberries at his face. Suddenly a tall figure walks in.

"Toddler, good news! The radioactive signite was here!"

"Really?! Wahoo!" Toddler cheered. "That means we can begin Phase 2 of my plan.

The three of us shared a disgusted look as the video played.

"Will someone wipe my face?" The man asks.

"NO!" The Toddler screamed and sp as t in his face again. I crawled onto my dad's lap and he held me close protectively.

"Dang, that takes so much effort!" The Toddler sighs and pulls down the taller man that was there. "Have one of our scientists build me a device to do that."

"To do what sir?"

"This!" He spat in his face a bunch of times and I shut off the video. Wanting to ignore the Toddler.

"You see that?!" My dad tells Henry and runs my back reassuringly.

"He's a maniac!" Henry blurts out and I slide off my dad's lap as be gets up.

"There's more maniacs like him." My dad continues. "All dangers to the good citizens of Swellview."

My dad walked passed us and I sat down holding my arms close.

"Well, yeah, but we've got you and Ari to stop them." Henry reasons.

"True but I'm not as young as I used to be." My dad tells him. "I'm almost 34 and Ari's 13 and we need help. And, someday someone's gonna have to take over for me.

"Like..." Henry paused when he saw me and Dad staring at him. "Like me."

"What do you say, Henry? Do you wanna be my sidekick?"

"How much does it pay?" Henry asks.

"$9 an hour." My dad replies.

"-Bucket full of swords!"

We all turned to the monitors to find two teenagers on the screen. One male and one female. I knew right away that the girl was Charlotte.

"What are they doing here?" Henry sighs and I glanced between Henry and the two teens on the screen.

"This may sound weird but isn't the girls name Charlotte?" I ask and Henry turns around and looks at me.

"Yeah...why." Henry asks.

"Because Bri is friends with her, and also because she can't keep her mouth shut." I said and Henry and Dad nodded their heads.

"Jasper please don't embarrass me." Charlotte tells the boy.

"Excuse me, sir!" Jasper smiles at Gooch, who works above the Man Cave, Junk N Stuff.

"He's gonna do it." Charlotte says and Bri smiles a little at the scene, but when she sees Jasper she beams up.

"Yes." Gooch asks to Jasper.

"How much?" Jasper asks, gesturing to the bucket of swords.

"Each sword is $100." Gooch informs him.

"No, no, how much for the bucket?" Jasper repeats and me and Bri raise our eyebrows.

"The bucket?" Gooch asks Jasper confused.

"Its not a bucket." Charlotte tells him. "Its a barrel."

"Its close enough to a bucket." Jasper retorts. "I collect buckets."

"Don't say it." Charlotte warns him.

"I'm a bucketteer." Jasper smiles proudly.

"Is that a thing?" I ask Henry who shrugs.

"To Jasper it is." Bri said dreamy. You got to be kidding me, she's falling for Jasper. Oh. My. God. This will be good, to weirdos in a relationship.

'Well they seem like nice kids." Dad comments, and me and Bri nodded our heads.

"Yeah they're names are Jasper and Charlotte. I've known them ever since-"

"Get rid of them." Dad interrupts.

"I'll get rid of them." Henry sats and walks to the elevator. Dad sits down and I sat in his lsp to continue watching.

"Wow, what bucket!" Jasper exclaims.

"Hey!" We saw Henry appear on the screen and Charlotte and Jasper look at him.

"Henry!" Jasper beams.

"Did you get the job?" Charlotte asks him.

"Why are you guys here?" Henry asks him.

"You hung up on us." Jasper tells him.

"Did you get the job?" Charlotte repeats, emphasizing each word.

"Yeah!" Henry smiles.

"Cool!" Charlotte smiles.

"Does that mean I can get a discount on this bucket?" Jasper asks Henry eagerly.

"Dude its my first day here. You've gotta-" Henry began but Jasper interrupted him.

"Excuse me! Mysterious foreign man?" Gooch looks at Jasper annoyed. "Do Henry's friends get a discount here?"

Not only did Gooch shake his head but Omar (the plant), did too. This Jasper kid is annoying.

"That plant just shook his head." Charlotte points out and Jasper gasps.

"Wow!" Jasper runs up to the Omar and Henry turns to Charlotte.

"Will you get him out of here?" Henry asks Charlotte anxiously.

"How much for the plant?" Jasper asks and Omar makes a complaining noise.

"The plant is not for sale." Gooch denied.

"Bye guys!" Henry calls but Charlotte resists.

"Come on, I'll give you seven bucke, and one Canadian Loonie!" Jasper negotiates to Gooch who is shaking his head no as a response.

Suddenly Omar spits in Jasper's face, and me, dad and Bri chuckled at Jasper.

"Ah, it spit in my eye!" Jasper complains trying to wipe the spit out of his face.

"I told you Canadian money upsets people." Charlotte exclaims to Jasper who was still blinded by the spit being in his eye.

Henry began to pull both of them toward the door.

"Okay you guys gotta go!" Henry tells them and we couldn't make out anything besides Jasper wanting the bucket.

"Wait, what about my bucket?!" Jasper complains. "Just let me bring the bucket! I want my bucket!"

Henry successfully gets them out and we shake our heads at them.


Henry returned and we needed to find a costume for him. My dad had many options and me and Bri has seen the costumes, they are hilarious and we can't wait to laugh at Henry.

The first costume looked like Henry should be the President's sidekick mixed with the American Flag.

"I gotta wear this?" Henry asks and me and my sister snickered.

"All good sidekicks wear costumes." Dad says to Henry.

"Sorry but..." Henry looks un the mirror and cringes. "This is bad."

"We have more options." I said eating a piece of popcorn that I made.

The next costume looked like a minion from Despicable Me went to a disco party abd never returned.

"Wow." Me and Bri said.

"Too sparkly." Dad states.

The next one loiked like Robin and Batman had a kud that they didn't like.

"Its a little Broadway." I said eating another piece of popcorn.

The next was my favorite. He looked like C-3PO with some black padding on and me and my sister almost wetted ourselves when we saw him.

"I love it!" Bri says and Henry glared at her.

"Too tight." Dad says with a whole pineapple in his hand.

Me and my sister don't judge our dad's food choices. Mostly bwcause we do it too.

"Uh, way too tight." Henry groans at the very, very tight costume.

The last costume wasn't bad actually. Henry looks great in it, it wasn't tight or weird, it fits him perfectly. It also matches my dad's costume and Ari's costume too.

"Hey! I like it!" Dad says as we get up and ne and Bri smile.

"That's nice!" Ari said giggling and she took her phone out and she took a picture of Henry in the suit. Dear god, now she's taking pictures of him. Great.

"I like it, but..." Henry continues to readjust his clothes. "It takes a lot of time to put on."

"And that's-" Henry jumps at dad's loud comment. "Why you'll need this special bubble gum."

Ari tosses Henry a container of bubble gum. Who successfully catches it, then Ari looses her balance.

"Special?" Henry asks in confusion and Ari stumbles but dad catches her and carries her to the couch.

"Just read the instructions." I say and Henry looks at the container.

"Chew gum. Blow bubble. Fight crime." Henry reads.

"Now." Dad says and getd out s small wrist band with blue and red lights on it. The lights in the Man Cave turned off, so one spotlight was on them, and dad gets on one knee to put it on him.

"What's this for?" Henry asks dad in confusion.

"It means you two are engaged." I said and Bri punched me softly in the arm.

"What?" Henry was speechless as dad gets up.

"That's how I'll contact you Ari and Bri have one too." Dad says tells him and we show him ours too.

"Why can't you three call me?" Henry asks.

"He fried your phone." Ari says and Henry frowns remembering that dad fried his phone.

"Can I do this." I asked dad and he nodded his head. I already knew what he was gonna do.

"Listen closely." Ari says interrupting me and I glared at her and she goes back to her phone.

"A triple flashing light means emergency like major stuff going on, run as fast as you can." I informed him and dad goes and sits by Ari.


"A double flashing light means its just important." I said and he nodded his head.

"What does a single flash mean?" Henry asks me.

"Just call or text us whenever." Ari said and I rolled my eyes at her.

Just because you're older doesn't mean you can interrupt me while I'm talking.

"Got it." Henry says.

"Now raise your right hand." I instructed and Henry did as he was told.

"Put your left hand over your right lung...." Ari said and i glared at her.

Sometimes I wish I was the only child, so I won't have a sister interrupting me.

"I Henry Hart."

"I Henry Hart."

"Pledge to be an awesome sidekick to Captain Man and Girl Danger."

"Pledge to be ab awesome sidekick to Captain Man and Girl Danger."

"And to never ever ever tell anyone that I am Captain Man secret sidekick or reveal Brianna's identity."

"And to never ever tell anyone that I am Captain Man secret sidekick or reveal Brianna's identity."

"You left out one ever." I mentioned.

"Ever." Henry corrects himself.

"It is done." I said smiling.

"It feels goood!" Henry mentions.

Suddenly the alarm begins to blare. "Uh oh." Ari says. We rush over to the monitors to see whats up.

"What's wrong Gooch?" Dad asks getting Ari's gum and handing it to her and she transforms into Girl Danger.

"Someone sabotaged the bridge over the Jandy River." Gooch explains, then he says that Ari has slipped on the floor and dad catches her and holds her close to chest so that she's leaning on him.

Btw, Ari's supersuit is a blue crop top with a pair of shorts and knee high boots and her hair in a braid. Just figured that I'd get it out there.

"That was my dad's favorite bridge." Henry muttered and we turned facing him and Ari fixes her headband because it was tilted.

"Affirmative." Gooch says nodding.

"Situation." Me and Ari said in unison, we looked at each other and giggled. We do this a lot actually.

"Cars in the water, lives in danger." Gooch answeres.

"Understood." Dad says and ends the call. "Phase 2 of the Toddlers olan. Lets ride!"

"Bri! If something happens, beep me and I will have Henry or your sister to save you." Dad says and he kissed my head.

"Got it." I said.

Arianna's POV

"Ride where?!" Henry said confused at my father.

"Now get into your tube." Dad said rushed Henry and he helped me into my tube.

Btw there are gonna be three tubes one for Henry, Ray and Ari.

"Ready?" Me and dad asked Henry.

"For what?" Henry questions as me and dad press our belts causing the tube to encase us.

"Tap your belt buckle." I instuct him and walk towards my room because I have nothing else to do in my boring life.


That night I was in my room petting my cat Stella who's a Orange Tabby. I adopted her when I was 11 which was last year.

I was on my computer watching Once Upon A Time, because I wasn't tired, and I was also doing my homework.

I heard a noise and with me being afraid of everything. I cautiously kept my eyes on my window and reached for Stella collar which had a alarm on it. Because I take off my band when I go to bed.

I gasped when I felt hands on my neck and everything went black.

After that, I was taken away and was praying my father and Henry would save me.



Stella was a clever cat she went through a secret passage to Rays room, and clawed the door waking him up.

He knew that something was wrong, because Stella only claws the door when Bri is in trouble.

He picked up Stella and carried her to the tube to go and save Bri.

The reason why he is holding Stella is because she has a tracker on Stella's collar.


Bri's POV

The amount of times I've been in here is sad. I know this place like the back of my hand. It smells like pee and feet, literally.

Ari and dad tried to save me and guess what? They got captured, and now he's dangling inside a baby bouncer. Then Ari is in a baby bouncer with tape in her mouth.

Henry was suppised to come but he blew us up for Jasper's party, which I was gonna go but I had homework.

"Nye nye nye nye nye nye." The Toddler sang mockingly as he shook a baby rattle in dads face, and threw it at me.

"What the butt man." I complained i tried getting my hand out but it failed.

"Come on Toddler let me out of here before I puke." I said as he rubbed my chin, and I kicked him in the gut. Making him fall backwards on the floor.

The Toddler threw one of his toys at my sister and she made a noise.

"She felt it ya know." I retorted at him.

"Oh! I thought the famous Girl Danger couldn't be injured." The Toddler taunted at my sister and one of his goons bent down to his level.

"She can't, but she does feel pain."

"You're not allowed to talk unless you raise your hand and I call on yku, you stupidhead!" The Toddler spat with irritation and pulls him down to his face. He took out his Spit Pistol and sprayes spit all over his face. "That's what you get."

"Come on, Toddler your plan won't work." I mentioned to him.

"A lot you know " The Toddler retorts and smirks devilishly. 48 hours from now, every baby in Swellview will be a hideous monster."

"Come on man, put me down from this thing, its squeezing me in bad ways." Dad said and I nodded my head.

"So is the rope on my sister." I said to him and he rooled his eyesx and walked towards us.

"No!" The Toddler yelled. "Now Captain Man and Girl Danger, I have thousands of babies to monsterize and make sure that you too don't try and stop me, I will destroy you!"

"We can't be destroyed!" Me and Dad said in unison.

"I know that!" The Toddler said stomping his foot. "But you too can be dropped!"

The Toddler used the remote to move me and dad over to a ball pit.


"Into my bottomless ball pit!" The Toddler continued and I wiggle around.

"Now, Tod, Tod-"

"Toddler!" The Toddler exaims. "Play time is over, Captain man and Girl Danger!" He begins to laugh but stols when we hear ice cream truck music.

He gasps. "Oh wait, listen. Its the ice cream man!"

All of them cheered. "Yay!"

The Toddler turned to my father. "I will destroy you two in a minute!"

"Come on, fellasย  ice cream man!" The Toddler giggles and they all begin to run out. "I hope they have mint chocolate chip."

"That's not even my favorite but whatever. Its Ari's though, and she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"Captain Man! Ari! Bri!"

We looked up anf saw Henry/Kid Danger standing there.

"Henry!" Me, Dad, and Ari said. Well muffled for Ari.

"Now quick how do I gwt you down from there?" Hwnry asks us.

"Well for starters get Ari out, then get me and dad." I said and Henry nodded his head.

"Got it!" Hebry says abd dashed over to Ari. He rips off the tape and she yelps making her free and me exhale.

"Okay! Try the level!" I suggests and Henry and Ari rush over to the level on the wall.

"Right!" Henry says.

I heard the door open and I saw an angry Toddler. "There was no ice cream truck! Who tricked me?" He turned to Ari and Henry. "Who's that boy near my level and the brat!"

"That's my sidekick Kid Danger." Dad says.

"I didn't know you got another one." The Toddler states. "Why don't I have a sidekick? I wanr a sidekick!"

"You have us!" A goon chimes in.

"Shut up! You're dumb!" The Toddler yells.

"Uh Kid Danger and Girl Danger?" Dad questions.

"Yeah!" Ari and Henry said in unison and I think I saw their cheeks go bright red.

"Why don't you pull that lever? And you help." Dad asks, and Ari nodded her head and helped fighting the guys and The Toddler.

"Oh right!" Henry says then he pulled the lever and the Toddler yells.


Suddenly my father and I gets swung around in the baby bouncers knocking down four goons.

Ari used her super speed to run around the Toddler, to make him dizzy. Which worked and he fell to the ground.

"Squish the boy!" The Toddler orders as he tries to get up and Ari kicked him in the gut, making him groan as he tries to get back on his feet.

I laughed to myself at that.

Henry rushes up a box of diapers and leaps off dodging another goon.

Ari's POV

"Kid Danger look out!" I call to Henry as I hid behind a table. I saw the Spit Pistol and I used my telekinesis to give it to Henry, who immediately shot a goon with ut. The goon fell down and Dad kicked the other goon down.

"Oh my god, he's got my thing that goes Pfffft!" The Toddler gasps and tries to attack Henry who dodges him.

"Get him!" Toddler yells.

I leap over Henry and toss a ukelele at an incoming goon and he falls.

"Use the truc!" Dad calls and Henry tosses a toy truck at the sane goon.

"Hey! I hate you!" The Toddler yells at Henry and we see dad successfully kick a goon off the stack of diapers.

"Yeah! You've been kicked!"

"Dad! Watch out!" I call and Dad gets Bri out with his lasers and accidentally lasered her.

"What the butt man!" Bri exclaimed and Dad playfully rolled his eyes, he handed Bri Stella.

"Give me back my Spit Pistol!" The Toddler demands and Henry uses the pistol on the Toddler's face. The Toddler retracts and covers his face with disgust.

"You guys are the worst henchmen ever!" The Toddler exclaims to his henchmen.

I leaped off the pile of diapers and tackled a goon then I saw my crutches by the wall. I limp to the wall and grab them and head back.

"Toss us one!" Dad and Henry said, and I nodded my head and tossed them each a crutch.

They began hitting the goons with it and it was hilarious.

All the goons were lying on the floor, defeated.

"You four think you're so spiffy." The Toddler glares walking up to us with a bottle of green liquid. "But have you look at my Bang Bottle."

"Bang Bottle?" Dad and Bri says in unison with a smirk.

That's right and its filled with explody juice." The Toddler says and he turns to the nipple, causing it to turn red.

"No one leaves. Wahhhhh!" The Toddler calks and both the doors shut in command. "Now we're all gonna go boom together!"

I used my super sonic scream at the Toddler and he fell into the ball pit.

"Nooooo!" The Toddler calls and he lands in the pile of plastic balls.

"Help me! Get me out!" The Toddler pleads as he slowly sinks. "Oh, these balls smell like feet and pee! Oh, this is it for me! I've been hoisted by my own petard!"

The Toddler was fully submerged by the ball pit and I smile ith success. The four of sigh and I remembered something.

"The bang Bottle!"

"Oh, man!"

"What do we do with this?" Henry frantically asks.

"Hurry!" Me and Bri tell him.

"Right!" Henry tosses the bottle into the ball pit.


The explosions ended and we slowly let go of one another.

"Nice work, Kid Danger." Dad tell Henry. "You've got skills."

"Thanks Captain Man."

"Jasper!" Henry gasps.

"Oh yeah you better get to that party." Bri says looking at the ground, hoping that Henry would catch.

"Right!" Henry nods.

"Ray. Will you do me a favor." Henry asks dad.

~end of chapter~

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